

428 ratings
Achievement Walkthrough - Left Key
By d2r
A step-by-step walkthrough to obtaining Evoland's Left Key achievement.
Step-by-Step Walkthrough
Hey, everyone. I love this game, but I often hear complaints from friends I've recommended it to that getting the "Left Key" achievement is kind of tricky. Since it seems likely that a lot of other people are having a similar problem, and there are no similar walkthroughs, I figured I might offer some advice.

So, here goes. Follow each step in order. Be sure to do everything correctly, or you will be unable to get the achievement. Here goes.

1. Boot your Steam Client.

2. Select "Evoland" from the "Library" tab to boot the game. (Some people like to use shortcuts instead, but for the purposes of this walkthrough, I'll go with the library method)

3. Wait for the Main Menu to load. (Tip: You can skip most of the ads by pressing the spacebar. I haven't tried other keys, but I am told they will also work.)

4. OK, this is where it gets tricky for some people. In the main menu, you have four options: "New Game", "Continue Game" (which should be grayed out if you're having difficulty with the achievement), "Options", and "Quit". In order to proceed, you must select "New Game". Whatever you do, do NOT press "Quit", or you'll have to start again from Step 2. This is one of the trickiest parts, so keep at it!

5. Once you've successfully pressed "New Game", you should see your character on the screen in a little black bar of terrain. You're almost there! There are two possible ways to get the achievement at this point: either you can press the right arrow key (which is located on the right side of the keyboard adjacent to the up and down keys), or the "D" letter key (which on a QWERTY keyboard is the third letter of the "home row" of keys). If you have a Dvorak Keyboard, I recommend the right arrow key.

6. Once you've picked a key, press it and hold it down. Remember to HOLD IT DOWN, or you will stop moving and not get the achievement. Once you reach the chest, you should unlock the achievement.

And there you have it! I hope this guide was able to help. If you have any problems I haven't covered, let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to help you out.
d2r  [author] 27 Apr, 2024 @ 9:57am 
Hi, ace. Yes, this walkthrough will still work for the achievement in 2024. Good luck!
ACE 27 Apr, 2024 @ 6:30am 
does this still work in 2024??????
asking for a fwiend
maxsteel92 3 Jul, 2021 @ 10:43am 
i got a new keyboard from my family business trash company which i found in one of the dumpsters, this time it has both the A and D keys. I can finally complete the achievement now. Thank you for this info. I greatly appreciate it. Now to figure out how to boot up the steam client and get the achievement.
d2r  [author] 2 Jul, 2021 @ 1:23pm 
In that case, I'm afraid that your hardware isn't able to meet the game's minimum system requirements. You'll need to invest in a new keyboard in order to progress further in the game. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
maxsteel92 2 Jul, 2021 @ 9:49am 
Thank you for the advice, but the only keys I have on my keyboard are W and D
d2r  [author] 1 Jul, 2021 @ 7:15pm 
Hi, maxsteel92. If you lack an "A" key, you can instead use the left arrow key, which is adjacent to the up and down arrow keys. Hope it helps!
maxsteel92 1 Jul, 2021 @ 11:58am 
I dont have an A key so I am struggling alot with this achievement
Chelanix 13 Feb, 2021 @ 2:45am 
Stil works in 2021. Thanks a lot!
kazi-g 13 Nov, 2020 @ 11:33am 
Thanks so much! Will let you know if i have an oter problams
d2r  [author] 12 Nov, 2020 @ 5:45pm 
Hi, kazi-g. I assume you own the game - if you don't, then it will not show up in your library until you buy a copy. Otherwise, the issue is most likely that your filter is set incorrectly. Ensure that all games are visible by clicking Library > Games. If it's still not showing, I suggest opening a ticket with Steam Support.