Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2

40 ratings
How to Escape Mr X (The Tyrant)
By H A P P Y L U X
The Tyrant, also called Mr. X by fans, will chase you at certain points in Resident Evil 2 remake. Mr. X can show up with little warning, and your first instinct will likely be to run and hide as quickly as possible. After a few minutes of cat and mouse, though, you’re probably wondering when the Tyrant will stop chasing you or if you can even hide from him in Resident Evil 2.

There are ways to keep your distance from Mr. X while he’s chasing you in RE2, though the game doesn’t really give you any clues on how to do this. We’ll show you how to hide from the Tyrant and at what point he stops chasing you each time. 😜

At certain points in each character’s story, the Tyrant will begin chasing you. The first thing you need to keep in mind is that he can’t be killed. You can knock him down with enough gunfire, but after a short time he’ll stand back up and resume following you.

There is a way to slow his pursuit, however. If you run far enough outside of his visual range, he’ll lose track of you and start searching for you. When he’s in this mode, he’ll gradually home in on your position, but you can slow his ability to do so.

When he’s trying to track you down outside of visual range, Mr. X relies on his hearing. He’ll eventually catch up to you if you stay in one spot regardless of what you do, but the more noise you make, the faster he’ll be drawn to you. Things like gunshots, slamming open doors, running, and noise from other enemies all make noise that will help him home in on you.

When you’re running from Mr. X, it can seem like it takes forever for him to stop chasing you finally. However, if you know where you’re going, you can keep the chases to a minimum.

There are some major spoilers below, so don’t read on unless you want to know the exact triggers for the beginning and end of each Tyrant chase sequence.

Starts: (2nd Run Only) When you grab the Battery from the radio in the STARS Room.
Ends: When you take the elevator down to the Underground Facility.
Starts: When you approach the helicopter after dousing the flames.
Ends: When you return to the basement after collecting the Electric Part from the Clock Tower.
Starts: (Leon Only) When you pick up the Parking Pass from Ben’s cell.
Ends: When you return to the Parking Garage.
Starts: (Leon Only) Right after you catch up to Annette the first time as Ada.
Ends: As soon as you disable the fan in the room where Annette was and jump through.
Starts: (Leon Only) When you collect the Level 3 pass after spraying the Herbicide in the lab.
Ends: When you return to the Main Shaft.
Starts: (Leon Only) As you’re heading to the escape train.
Ends: Following a cutscene after you run from him for about two rooms.
How To Avoid Mr X (The Tyrant)
H A P P Y G E R 26 Dec, 2022 @ 12:10pm 
Casualpotato98 24 Jul, 2022 @ 12:28pm 
Your guide: "Run, he's has ears"
That's it. I already know how to do all this, his timing for hits etc. but this wouldn't help a newbie at all. Just a way to farm steam points I guess.
f.ultron 9 Feb, 2020 @ 7:07am 
This guide doesn't say anything in particular on how to escape mr X. And the video is just a recording with fancy (and annoying music) and again, no evident clues on how to exape MrX, unless we care to listen to annoying music while watching someone else play a game we know. Waste of time.
AetherDrive 15 Feb, 2019 @ 1:45pm 
2nd run Claire btw
AetherDrive 15 Feb, 2019 @ 1:45pm 
For me, The Tyrant triggered after walking past the stars room. I didn't even go in the stars room, let alone grab the battery.
Leon Skennedy 2 Feb, 2019 @ 12:21pm 
did you copy and paste this from some website? I swear I already read this guide somewhere else