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What to do if you are a "actual" CHRISTIAN GAMER
By (A.S.S) Agoura_Steve
For all the legit Christians, followers of Christ that love to game, seekers of truth, and non haters should immediately join this group called Christian Gaming Community - CGC

Why? Well you would get to meet some of the most chill, coolest guys (and girls) that I've met online so far.
They know the gospel and can explain what it is, but they are just fun to hang out with and talk to about anything really.
They don't mind non-christians coming in to the discord, and asking questions because it helps sharpen them as well to answer questions on the bible etc. If you need some questions answered this is a good place to go.

So some of the benefits are:

* They do steam game giveaways totally free. Just handing out keys to all in discord, so you get to build your game library as a bonus for being there.

* They do awesome live stream "Movie nights". These should not be missed. They have a chat box on the side so its okay to talk during the flicks. This is AMAZINGLY COOL. You get to watch a good movie, with good company and have a nice couple of relaxing hours.

* They do online bible study classes on discord! (I went to one and thought it was solid gold! In fact taught by Zeogold).
You can ask questions, hang out and discuss the topic, and even discuss other passages where I have seen it turn into a second study to just feed everyone with understanding of the material in the bible (I learned a lot, met some super cool people there).

* Not saying this is the place to meet girls, but you can meet girls lol! They may be all over the world but it's nice to chat and make friends!

* People to GAME with. These people like to play online games!!! You can play with good players instantly!
(and game reviews. People will tell you all about any game if you ask)

* A testimony section. Read about how people discovered Jesus *(How Jesus found them). This section is very interesting reading!

* They patiently and EFFECTIVELY weed out the trolls. Answering questions for anyone (!), but eliminate obvious trolls after warning them.

* Best of all; Iron sharpens Iron. It is wise to talk with other Christians to glean from their wisdom, and to get a Christ honoring perspective on a variety of topics.

I am just a guy that stumbled onto this group. It has over 11,000 members so I figured I wouldn't get to know anyone, but that is far from the truth. I met all the regulars in a few visits to the discord and feel like they are friends now. I found guys to team up with on games. My steam games library has grown significantly. *(Thanks Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1!) and I always get the latest information on Steam game giveaways and good info. I've benefited immensely from joining this group in so many ways. I'm sharing this in my excitement because I feel like I found gold and want to shout about it.

Check it out if this sounds interesting.
It's mostly all on discord. LINK:

Here is the Group page:

There are some links and stuff to check out on that group page as well. I hope you find this guide helpful!

Christian Gaming Community - CGC info.
The Groups motto:

Gamers Encouraging One Another, Spreading the Gospel! =======================✞=======================
Stand For What is Right Even if it Means Standing Alone!
(1 Thessalonians 5:11, Galatians 6:10, Matthew 24:14)

Conduct expectations copied from the Group's page:

We are gamers of all ages and nations who are drawn together by our love and worship of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Our community consists of Christian believers of all levels of spiritual maturity and across all denominations, and our forum is also open to those who are not Christian but that may have questions about God, the Gospel, the Holy Bible, etc.

We ask of all our members and visitors:
Observe the Golden Rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," is a biblical principle (c.f., Matthew 7:12; Matthew 22:37-40; Luke 6:31) which we insist believers and unbelievers alike observe. Common courtesy and basic civility should guide your participation in this community: the use of blasphemy, profanity, vulgarity, and hate speech and ideology, including passively through the use of usernames and profile pictures, is prohibited by Steam's Rules and Guidelines found here:

No advertising or self-promotion of any kind without express permission of the CGC Administration. If you have a promotion you feel we may want to endorse, contact us. Please be aware that spam is against the Steam Online Conduct terms of service found here:

This groups activities are mostly all on discord. You can download DISCORD for the
PC and / or Cell phone.

I use discord on both devices. Here is an invitation to the groups discord channel.

Here is the Group page:

For those that need the link to download Discord, you can google it or here is the windows download link
This can also be used in a webbrowser without installing.
There is one thing to be aware of. Be polite to everyone. If you don't agree with something, you can speak your mind, but do it politely.
It's not what you say, but rather how you say it that can make a huge difference to people.

This is really key because it's not 100% Christians in the discord - it's a mix. There are many SOLID Christian brothers and sisters there.
There are also many seekers that want questions answered that aren't yet believers. Some believers that are baby Christians early in their walk (all stages of learning about what Christianity actually means). And it is rather ecumenical (This means people of all faiths and denominations may be present).
This could be bad or good depending on your perspective, but this is how it is. So just like in the real world, you will run into a mixture of people. Catholics, Pentecostal, mormons (?) Jehovahs witness (?) the occasional Satanist could drop in to stir up the mire. Don't be shocked if a gay person pipes into a conversation.
Who knows... People whom you may clearly recognize aren't actually Christian. All types of people visit this thing!
This is a mixed group of people, and it is something to keep in mind.
If you see the tag "Christian" that means that they were vetted, and provided a Christ honoring testimony to a CGC Administrator, or Moderator.

I've met solid, wonderful dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus there. And I am being repetitive to drive home a point: There are many true followers of Christ Jesus there. All I am saying is there are "also others" of all types joining.
And they are welcome, as long as they are polite.

Actually, they are VERY welcome, because that's part of the point of this group, to teach people about Jesus, to present the good news *(gospel) to a world that needs it. It's not just, or entirely about gaming video games.

Again; It’s okay to politely tell someone that it’s a different Jesus that they follow if you feel that compelled to do so, but you better do it a nice cordial way!!
Don’t start a flame war.
The rules are basically just to be polite.
It’s a gaming community

You get the idea.

Since I am not an Administrator, moderator or even attended the discord very frequently, if there are any errors here, I apologize. I am sharing what I "think" I know about this group, as just another random member.
Obviously this will be my own personal biases, and may, or MAY NOT not reflect the views of the CGC Administrators, Moderators, Group/Channel Ownership, or membership.
This is an unofficial, unsanctioned guide :)

This guide merely reflects my own impressions as of today.

What to do you once you've joined the CGC Discord.
What to do you once you've joined the CGC Discord.

The steps and rules that you must accept to participate will be posted there in the discord.
This extra section is just to break it down a little for clarity.

There are instructions there. You won't be able to view, or join most channels until you have been verified. Many of the rights and privileges have to be granted by and Administrator or Moderator, and need to be requested to get a role or a tag.
So for example to a role would be to be granted a tag that says "Popcorn thrower" which allows you to attend the movie nights. Or Bible Study Participant, which allows you to attend the discord "Bible Studys" . If you want to be tagged for a certain game to play with a group you request a game tag like "CSGO" etc.

So to start you need to message an admin or Mod you can see which one is online by looking to the far right in discord at the top of the list in the far right column.
If you get stuck you can tag the channel with @administrator or @moderator and someone will respond to assist.

ShuItachi 27 Apr, 2023 @ 10:05pm 
Dick Spanner 8 Mar, 2022 @ 3:01pm 
Great stuff:crossed: