Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Best guide ever written for Mann vs Machine!
By (A.S.S) Agoura_Steve
Best guide that was ever written about MVM (Mann versus Machine) in Team Fortress 2 was already written by someone else!
I can't top it, so I will merely link you to it!
It is called "Dr. Sarcasm's Field Guide to MVM Noobs" and was authored by ZeroKelvin

Mad props to the actual author of this guide. It's the most true summary of the game I have ever read.
I hope to add some additional visibility for your guide. I hope more people read it!
Right now it's only at 22,705 times read. This guide deserves a million hits!
This guide points to another guide
Read "Dr. Sarcasm's Field Guide to MVM Noobs" by ZeroKelvin
Dr. Sarcasm's Field Guide to MVM Noobs
Rowdy Hunt Buckman 1 Feb, 2019 @ 9:09pm 
Agreed. Was written years ago and still hold up!