Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition

Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition

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Re-establishing terminated *ATC service.
By U.C.Y.I.M.D. BEST!™
A How to Guide: Re-establish a terminated IFR service.

*Guide applies for default Air Traffic Control only.
Does this happened to your flight?
for whatever the reason is (e.g. doing IRL chores), fret not as re-establishing IFR service is a cinch.
Re-establishing the service...
Steps to re-establish IFR service:

After the service has been terminated, the menu will be like this or similar to this:

But, before anything else...


- Press '~' to hide ATC Menu

[This step can be skipped, as the next step will automatically turn-off NAV]
- Turn-off the Navigation (NAV, LOC, or whatever it is called on your aircraft)

- Press 'CTRL-H' to activate HDG mode in current direction (check if it is indeed in HDG mode and in current direction -- mostly it will be, this depends on the aircraft being used)

- Press '~' to open ATC Menu again

** this is in preparation for following the ATC instruction/s and avoiding your craft from turning direction to head to the first waypoint in the flight plan.

to continue...

From the options available choose 2 - press '2' on the KBD or left click it using the mouse:
2 - [ Create or Open an IFR Flight Plan ]
as pointed by the yellow arrow below:
or from the menu:
now choose 'Load'...
from your Flight Plan list choose the IFR FP for your current flight...
click 'OPEN' then click 'OK', you'll be presented with this message:
and be sure to choose 'NO'

Next you have to Request IFR Clearance... choice #3 here
You now have re-establish ATC IFR service... just follow the ATC instructions and don't fail, you don't want to be terminated again! :)
Continuing with the plan...
Now that you are being instructed by the ATC and waiting for him/her to give the go signal for your own navigation, it is time to adjust the GPS:

- Check and remember your current waypoint before the service termination. If you are way past that waypoint check and remember the next waypoint also giving consideration to where the ATC is vectoring you.

- click 0 - 'FPL' = go to the Flight Plan in itemized list
- click 1 - 'PUSH CRSR' = this will enable cursor mode of the GPS
- click 2 - '->' = click this repeatedly until you find the 'waypoint' you intend to be active
- click 3 - 'MENU' = this will show menu for the 'LEG' to activate
- click 4 - 'ENT' = this will confirm and activate the 'LEG'

That's it!, what remains is for the ATC to handover to you your own navigation...

... ATC: proceed with you own navigation...

... checking everything is in order press 'NAV'

Ending Remarks
Hope you still enjoyed your slightly interrupted flight!

Will be refining this guide if needed.

And please don't forget to comment, constructive or otherwise + a ThumbsUp Rating & Favorite, will be greatly appreciated!!! Tnx.
^ btw, don't use these button image, use the one located near the top.
ARUNUX 5 Nov, 2019 @ 11:45am 
worst guide i ever seen so far
U.C.Y.I.M.D. BEST!™  [author] 10 Mar, 2019 @ 11:49am 
mach Tnx!
mach 10 Mar, 2019 @ 10:09am 
nice. very usefull