84 ratings
Minor Tips for people just beginning the game, or thinking of buying it!
By Arbiter
This guide will explain some stuff that i know/have experienced throughout playing this game. I'm by no means an expert of this game, but i'm glad to help others get into it or decide on buying it or not!
Important things to take note for New Players.
1. Not all characters are available throughout the game.This is important if you bought it for a certain character or not Astolfo. It takes quite a while before you unlock half the cast. There is an option after you get one of the endings that lets you use any servant you have on any mission, but it's a bit weird and again, late game.

2. The game (if you've played the first one) is a literal upgrade in most ways to the original. It has the same cast with newcomers (yes, everyone wanted Astolfo who you get in the MIDDLE of the story by the way ;]) and the same mechanics.

3. The game might seem extremely complicated at first, but you quickly start grasping the concept of the missions. I do warn that after about level 50 or so, the game does start rapidly increasing in difficulty though.
Basic Tips
1. I think the most important thing early game is to not worry about much. Moves, Skill Orbs, and Bonds don't matter too much until you get to around level 50. Play who you like and use what moves you find fun. Around Level 50, (after getting all the endings, you'll get the last ending around level 40), you'll have to start being more strategic with who has what.

2. When it comes to button mashing you don't have to obliterate your button. Simple mashing works fine for the most part of the game. The defense button also isn't super important at first. Maybe learn how to use it and get used to timings, but don't worry if you don't grasp it at first.

3. Pausing the game pausing the entire mission and can let you collect yourself amongst the craziness of levels. Take a breather and collect your thoughts, to plan out your movement and next action!

4. Code Calls are pretty useful! Don't be afraid to use them! Put whatever one suits your play style best, and use it! I highly recommend using one with Healing though.

4a. "For each battle you get 3 command seals. There is no penatly in using any of the option. If you are using a controller you bring up the command seal menu by pressing "select". Main use is either to teleport your servant across the map, or fully charge NP and Drive right away." Thank you Infernus!

5. Moon Drive can be used pretty sparingly compared to your Noble Phantasm. I usually find myself using my NP 1-4 times a mission, although 3-4 times is pretty rare. Picking up Golden containers usually fills your NP meter quite a bit. Moon drive can be filled from Blue containers, although you can fill it up much easier.

6. Don't worry about making all servants equal level and strength, once you start unlocking more and more, it becomes a hassle to go through all of them. Until post game stuff, i'd suggest just sticking to 3-5 ones that you like to level, switch between and bond with.

7. Bonding goes up to level 30, and you get max skill sphere slots at level 9. The bond level affects your supports in battle and what they can do during it. They do not affect the ai that helps you during missions. Bond can unlock new conversations, outfits, unique Mystic Codes, and skill spheres!

8. QP seems to be quite common. Crafting Mystic Codes and leveling up lower servants seemed to not put even a small dent into my hoard. This might be because i make sure to capture every area in every mission. I cannot confirm much about QP, sadly.

9. Mission's rankings can change based on the missions. Most missions rank you on kills and Damage taken, but some rank you on areas captures, time taken, and etc.

10. This one is for Jeanne only but basically never use her NP. It does a buuuuuuunch of damage but kills her so...it's not necessarily the best when you first get her.
Edit: I have been told by Infernus that equipping a certain skill sphere (Invicus Spiritus) makes it so she is revived when she dies. I didn't even know that skill sphere existed, so i assume that actually makes her NP useful!

11. "Plants" will start appearing in later missions are can be annoying to hit. It should be noted that if they take damage for anything at all while flying, they'll crash to the ground and be stunned. Save your skills for that moment, to take it out.

12. Locking on isn't too important (made it to level 70 before realizing it was even a thing! but there are some skills that really benefit from it. Two i can think of are Lancelot's Alondite(?) and Artoria's EXCALIBUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (Excalibur move). Both have trouble during freeaim since the animation that plays can still let you change the direction after being cast leading to some weird angles and attacks.

13. Mentioned in another guide by hibernape, a good mission to grind bonds, one is "Duel!". It's a mission where you only fight Scathach and the mission ends. Very quick, very easy.

14. Most of the DLC for the game is alternate costumes for characters. Mainly beach outfits and "Lil' " chibi versions of characters. There's (as of 4/2/2019) only been 1 DLC "character" and it's been the young version of Altera. She's pretty similiar with a few minor differences. Worth picking up if you like Altera.

15. Extra Battles is a mode located on the main menu above Multiplayer. It contains more fun missions with fun lore/prompts in them. These missions give extra EXP, QP, and better Skill Spheres then the story missions. If you're having trouble, or wanna prepare for a big fight, go visit and beat a few of them. Some of them make some achievements easy!

16. Early game doesn't see usage of your normal X and Y light and heavy attacks much as your Skills are spammable and do heaps more damage. Later in the game it'll be more important to get rush attacks off, as well as combo/interrupt the enemie's attacks. Don't slack off on them too much!

17. I never used item disassembly. I had plenty of QP, and never saw reason to. It takes ages and frankly doesn't even give much QP. Maybe i'm dumb, but if i got far without it, you can too.

18. Talking to people around the hub with certain characters following you can lead to unique dialogue. Try some characters out and see what interactions you get!

19. When it comes to the purple logos on the map that have containers with white circles, making it only opening if you kill enough enemies, don't prioritize them! It's fine if you don't capture a region with them. They're extremely common, almost appearing in every mission!
Individual Servant Tips

Saber Class Servants:
Nero Claudius
Young Altera (DLC)
Artoria Pendragon

Caster Class Servants:
Tamamo no Mae
Gilles de Rais

Rider Class Servants:
Francis Drake

Lancer Class Servants:
Elizabeth Bathory
Cu Chulainn

Archer Class Servants:
Robin Hood

Ruler Class Servants:
Jeanne d'Arc
Karl der Grosse

Berserker Class Servants:
Lu Bu
Darius III

Assassin Class Servants:
Li Shuwen
Author's Notes
Thanks for checking out my guide! I don't really have any other guides or social media to plug, but thanks for blundering down here to read this little tidbit!!

I'm happily open to edit suggestions in the comments below, although please make sure if you want something added that it's somewhat logical and not something that the tutorial tips goes over well.
Mathias Locket 10 Nov, 2024 @ 4:56am 
Me who tries to find which buttons are what after getting used to Fate/EXTELLA's buttons: Unable to find shit.

Though thanks for those tips
DogenGaming 6 Jul, 2022 @ 8:54pm 
lukethefluke 9 Jan, 2022 @ 2:18pm 
hey i just made my name but how do i lock on when i click enter it just makes me change it
Yeon_Pok 22 Nov, 2021 @ 3:43am 
King Of Lolis 15 Jul, 2021 @ 4:48pm 
Im so confused as to how do you unlock 3rd route?
Says i need to clear stages 18 and 19 then listen to Archimedes after stage 1
What, how do you listen to him there?
And damn story is only like 4 hours long while 1st game took about 30 hours
BLMTuan 14 May, 2021 @ 7:29am 
Oh my
Sorry I didn't mean to dig it up
Ur guide is really helpful
Thank you 😊
Arbiter  [author] 13 May, 2021 @ 10:48pm 
No clue man, i haven't touched it in about 2 years, sorry. Guide is dead sadly. Most of the stuff in it still applies
BLMTuan 13 May, 2021 @ 10:36pm 
Can you guide me how to interrupt enemy attack please? 😳
King Of Lolis 31 Jan, 2021 @ 3:04pm 
i see
Arbiter  [author] 31 Jan, 2021 @ 1:16pm 
The game works plenty fine as of 2021. I didn't really try the keyboard controls out. I used a wired xbox 360 controller with no issues when i played. Hope this helps!