The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

590 ratings
All Treasure Map Locations!
This Guide shows you the locations of all the treasure Maps in Skyrim!

I personally really enjoyed trying to figure out the variety of diagrams and sketches. I hope you do too!

Locations of Maps Guide
This video shows you where to find all 11 Tresure maps in the land of Skyrim.

I will soon post a video showing where to find all the treasure chests, but I recommend you find (or at least have a go at finding) them yourself first. I personally really enjoyed trying to figure out the variety of diagrams and sketches.

Good Luck!

ps -If this guide helped you please Like it. Thanks i appreciate your support!

- Notes READ THIS -
- The treasure chest will only appear after the treasure map has been obtained and read, but the map does not need to be on your person for you to find the chest. (so it does not matter if you lost the map, so long as you found it and read it once).
- It's a good idea to hold onto maps. Some of the treasure chests found through the ten treasure maps may refill themselves over time, like other chests
- If the Chest has not spawned just save and reload.

This is a collection of the Treasure Maps; i have also listed hints of what each map is referring too at the bottom of this section.

----------------------------------Map 1---------------------------------------------Map 2----------------------------

----------------------------------Map 3---------------------------------------------Map 4----------------------------

----------------------------------Map 5---------------------------------------------Map 6----------------------------

----------------------------------Map 7---------------------------------------------Map 8----------------------------

----------------------------------Map 9---------------------------------------------Map 10--------------------------


Map Location Refrence - Click if you want a hint.

Map 1 - Riverwood
Map 2 - Valtheim Towers
Map 3 - Solitude Lighthouse
Map 4 - Pelagia Farm
Map 5 - Bard's Leap Summit.
Map 6 - Korvanjund
Map 7 - Gallows Rock
Map 8 - Dragon Bridge
Map 9 - Broken Helm Hollow.
Map 10 - The Lady Stone
Map 11 - Fort Neugrad
All Treasure Chest Locations
This Video Guide shows you the locations of all the chests. Remember you must 1st have obtained the Treasure map before you can find the chest.

I recommend having a go at finding them yourself before watching this video. However one of the maps is drawn wrong. Yes that one was a real **** to find.

If this guide has helped you please Like it. Thanks i appreciate your support!

Secret Treasure Map 12 Guide!
This guide shows you how to get a Velehk's secret Treasure Map and kill him for his awesome weapons! Usually you can only do one or the other.

A paralysis weapon works well to immobilize him or use the Dragon Shout Slow Time. The map will have been transferred during the dialogue, and the body is still lootable (this method does not always work however, as sometimes the treasure will not appear even with the map in possession).

If you are having trouble i recommend killing him because his swords are better than though possible loot you can obtain from the treasure chest.

If this guide has helped you please Like it. Thanks i appreciate your support!

Osteokite 7 Jul, 2024 @ 9:07am 
Merci pour l'astuce!
歪日尼哥 5 Jan, 2018 @ 5:29am 
the doge 2 Jan, 2017 @ 8:54am 
i followed the guide for the daedric map and it didnt work.
£lå†lïñêÐ 19 Aug, 2016 @ 11:06am 
huge spoiler but thx :D
UUUUUUURRRRRRRRR 14 May, 2016 @ 10:47am 
AAB_EAGLE 10 Nov, 2015 @ 12:06pm 
How i find the riverwood tresure map?
darth revious 7 Nov, 2015 @ 8:14am 
Top Guide, thx
Bort 10 Sep, 2015 @ 8:48am 
Nice. I have about 600 hours clocked up on Skyrim, and I didn't even know about the 12th map.
Synthetika 15 Jul, 2015 @ 10:12pm 
Macarrón 11 Jun, 2015 @ 7:32pm 