Skullgirls 2nd Encore

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

1,085 ratings
Achievement Guide
By Ki11s0n3
I thought I would post a guide for the achievements so people wouldn't have to look around on how to get them.

If you have any feedback, questions, or there is something wrong in the guide let me know in the comments.

To activate Sparring Mode simply start a local versus match and press start to see the option to turn it on or off.
Most of the achievements can be gained in Sparring Mode.

Sküllgirls - Graduation day has arrived at last! Mrs. Victoria’s so proud of you

This achievement is for completing all of the tutorials in Tutorial Mode. Some of the challenges are a little difficult but are completely doable.
Threads of Fate

Threads of Fate - Follow all threads of fate to their inevitable conclusions

To get this achievement, simply beat story mode with every character. Difficulty does not matter.
(Squigly does not count, it must be done with the original 8 characters)

Prolix - Words are fun - expand your vocabulary

To get this achievement you must expand your vocabulary, to do this simply you must perform enough combos to receive around 50 different Combo Fanfare messages. Every time you perform a combo between the hits of 2 to 999 on your opponent, it will display a word under your combo number. You must receive at least 60 or so different words in order to unlock this. This can be unlocked across any mode (except training)

The easiest way to do this is to start up 2 player versus mode and switch on sparring mode (press start as soon as the match starts and you will see it) which will pause the timer and give infinite health. Back the second player into the corner and use your characters normal hits and Blockbuster moves. They will easily land you different combo messages in various ranges. You may want to combo in and out of each one to help add to your combo counter. Try starting out with 2 crouching punches then cancel into a Blockbuster.
An Ensemble Cast

An Ensemble Cast - There may be no I in “team,” but there is in “variety.”

This achievement requires you to use a number of different team sizes and custom Ensemble (Assist) attacks.

You must:
- Play 10 matches using a team of 3 members and using a custom Ensemble assist for each of them. (After you pick the character there will be 3 assists options, the first two are regular assists and the third one is the custom. Pick that one, map any button and you are good).
- Play 10 matches using a team of 2 members and using a custom Ensemble assist for each of them.
- Play 10 matches using a character individually.

After the end of each match you should see the "Saving..." message on the top right corner. If you don't, go back to character selection screen and pick a different team/character.
Instant Hair Dash

Instant Hair Dash - Let your parasite feel the wind between his tendrils

For this achievement you must cancel any move into an air-dash around 100 times as Filia. Start by doing a standing heavy punch to your opponent to launch them into the air, immediately jump upwards after them and hit them with any attack preferably medium kick. Upon hitting medium kick quickly double tap twice toward your opponent to cancel out of the attack and follow up with another attack! Those directions are assuming Filia is on the Left side of the screen. Repeat this up to 60 times and the achievement will unlock.

Video Credit to Youtube user "Admiral Vic"
Real Circus Damage

Real Circus Damage - And now, for the main attraction... Grappling!

This one is one is pretty easy just, go into 2 player versus with sparring mode on as Cerebella and just continually grapple player 2 by pressing LP and LK at the same time. Do this 100 times and you will get the ahievement.
The Kitchen Sink

The Kitchen Sink - Throw everything at them, including...

For this achievement you have to hit a the opponent with every item when using the QCB (Quarter-Circle Back) Punch move using Peacock.

There are 3 different levels of this move, depending on how long you hold the punch button down for:
Level 1 = Just tap punch.
Level 2 = Hold punch down until an exclamation mark appear on the shadow, then let go.
Level 3 = Hold punch down until the item falls.

Level 1:
Plant Pot
Bowling Ball
Tea Cup
Sand Bag

Level 2:
Spiked Ball
Kitchen Sink
TV (With Avery the Parrot)
TV (With wierd face)
TV (With Woman falling out - not sure of her name)
Andy Anvil
The Wieght with a face guy
Oil Drum
Oversized Ms Fortune Head

Level 3:
Wieght + Spiked Balls (Tenraiha)
Easter Island Head

For a better explanation check out "MVDK"s Guide here:
Good Hunting, Commander

Good Hunting, Commander - A good commander knows how to wield her forces effectively

You must use Parasoul and summoning an Egret Soldier a grand total of 100 times. Each Egret Soldier special move has its own special effect whenever you call them out. The following are the 3 Egret Soldier moves you can use for the achievement and the directions below are assuming your character is on the Left side of the screen. All of these must be charged by holding the direction away from the opponent first for a few seconds followed by pressing toward and a kick button simultaneously:

Egret Call (Hold Left), then Right + LK)
Egret Dive (Hold Left), then Right + MK)
Egret Charge (Hold Left), then Right + HK)
Getting A Head In the Game

Getting A Head In the Game - Sometimes you just need to relax and take the weight off your shoulders

In order to unlock this achievement, the player must play a predetermined amount of time (1 Hour) using Ms. Fortune with her head dismembered from her body.

To get this go into 2 Player Versus with Sparring Mode on and use Quarter Circle Back + Punch to get her head off and just leave and check back periodically to see if the achievement has unlocked.
My Pain Will Be Visited Upon You

My Pain Will Be Visited Upon You - Sometimes you can take it, and sometimes you just want to lash out

You must lash out a considerable amount of damage using Painwheel's Hatred Install (Quarter Circle Back + LP + LK). If inputted correctly, Painwheel will power up and be able to perform counter attacks whenever her opponents hit her. Charge your HP and have an oppenent hit you and Painwheel will counter attack.
(The combo may have been changed to this (quarter circle forward+k+k)

143,000 damage in total
(If the counter doesn't look like it's recording the damage just keep going it will eventually unlock)

Another way courtesy of Steam user "Neraku Frostrike"
You just have to absorb/block damage using any attacks that have Hatred Guard on them. I.e. s.LP, s.MP, s.MK, s.HP, c.LP, c.MP, c.HP, c.HK and j.HP. Once you absorb 143k worth of damage by being hit while charging those attacks you're golden.

Also to note: It has been brought to my attention that Hatred Install might not be neccesary, instead just hold HP and charge it to deflect incoming damage and damage the opponent.
Medical Board Will Be Notified

Medical Board Will Be Notified - Your opponents aren’t the only ones under the knife

Use Valentine's level 5 super [Quarter Circle Back + either MP+MK or HP+HK] to revive a character on your team after they die a large number of times.

It takes about 40 revivals.
Toil and Trouble

Toil and Trouble - A sesquidecemvir of seven simulacra synergizing simultaneously

For this achievement you have to use Double and hit roughly 15 combos using the entire cast.

Choose Double for this one and jump in VS mode with sparring on

Go into the corner and do the following combo:
Use: sHP, sLK, sMK sMK, HK jHP. sHK.

Video Credit to Youtube user "Admiral Vic"
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday - You got a present!

Go into 2 Player Versus

Pick two characters for the opposite team and Peacock for your team.

Get the first character down to almost nothing and swap them out (MP + MK). This will keep their health at about what you left them with.
Get the second character down to almost nothing and get ready for your move.
Get a vast distance away, then push assist on your second controller to make sure both characters are on the screen.
Quickly input Quarter Circle Forward + 2 Punches (Assuming Peacock is on the left side of the screen).
World Warrior Princess

World Warrior Princess - Wander the world... unintentionally

You will get this from just playing the game. To get it just simply choose random when picking a stage to fight on (12 in total). It might take a while since it is random but keep playing and you will eventually unlock it.

* it has to be completed in one Random session
Call the Wardrobe Department

Call the Wardrobe Department - Make dozens of costume changes

Pretty simple, just choose different color palletes when you play. But make sure you do it for more than one character or you won't get it. Which requires you to play many characters.

60 different colors to get it.
Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle - Retaliate against repetition

Chances are if you play online you will get this one pretty easily. Basically just retaliate against someone who is doing a massive combo on you.
shizukanaotori 29 Jun, 2024 @ 5:53am 
Spazzy McDooley 19 Mar, 2023 @ 4:00pm 
Adding a note for the "Kitchen Sink" achievement; I've only just started playing this game recently so I don't know if it's always been this way or if it changed recently. However, to be able to summon the "Tenraiha", you need to do Peacock's taunt move, first. I was trying for ages without it showing up until I found this out in a separate guide.
panicata 23 Aug, 2022 @ 2:23pm 
I am trying to get all achievements but the new one where you have to complete all character's trials is an overkill to the players trying to 100% the game :HEALTHFUL:
joy 7 Jul, 2021 @ 1:44pm 
New achievements coming boi
Kioshi 6 Oct, 2020 @ 12:23pm 
[h1]World Warrior Princess[/h1] how i made it
- local versus
- 1 random session it means when you start dont stop until you fight in every map
- steam online mode
- it doesnt matter if you lose against player two

4 Streets of New Meridian
2 River King Casino
1 Medici Tower/Elevator
5 New Meridian Rooftops
1 Rooftops Assault
2 NMO Arena
2 NMO Arena Empty
3 Bath of Tefnut (Blue)
4 Bath of Sekhmet (Red)
2 Maplecrest
2 Nightmare Crest
3 Grand Cathedral
6 Grand Cathedral (Empty)
5 Final Atrium
1 Under the Bridge
8 Meridian Area Rapid Transit
4 Little Innsmouth
2 Little Innsmouth (Night)
4 Lab 8
3 Lab 8 (Empty)
3 Glass Canopy
3 Class Notes
1 No Man's Land


- try to pick other character for the purpose of do the other achievements like valentine resurection ult

- disable the music and put your playlist

- make a count list in excel to keep the count of every stage played

- Gehenna its not included even in the random mode

good luck :praisesun:
Quack The Duck 4 May, 2020 @ 9:57pm 
For the Prolix achievement, one of the easiest combos i could find is with Fukua, and I got the achivement in like 15 minutes (in corner works better, if not just remove LK): LP -> LK -> MK -> HP -> (JUMP) HP -> HK -> rinse and repeat.
Sugar 5 Apr, 2020 @ 1:53am 
Just want to say that I got "My Pain Will Be Visited Upon You" without having Hatred Install active, and just by deflecting damage with HP. Also, I'm sure this has been mentioned already somewhere in the comments, but the achievement's progress bar seems to not work, and it can definitely be done over a series of matches! I got it near the beginning of a match.
benjaminps2.0 5 Jan, 2020 @ 7:12pm 
Ruby Rose, I'm 99% those achivements only work playing on 2 player, at least on local does, online IDK.
I'm pretty sure of it because I've played SG for 40 hours and I don't have those 3 (and i tried to unlock them) and when I played with a friend in it's house he got like 30 of 60 Wardrobe Department advances
Chihiro's Prophet 1 Oct, 2019 @ 3:50pm 
I'm having trouble getting Wardrobe Department, Ensemble Cast, and World Warrior Princess. Does DLC break any of these?
Strategius 7 Sep, 2018 @ 5:21pm 
Hey there ;) How long is the realistic estimated time to 100% the game?:ursula: