176 ratings
ECM Stealth Speedrun Guide v0.821
By Elsea and 1 collaborators
Stealth: Slow and monotonous. It requires time and patience, something not everyone can afford. However, what if stealth could be made faster and more exciting? A way to make stealth completely safe? ECMs are your answer, and this guide has what you need.
Author Note: Needs more videos.

There is a widespread belief that the ECM Jammer is an underpowered utility item in comparison to say C4 from Technician or the OVE9000 Saw from Enforcer, but is that really the case? The C4 and the Saw has very obvious uses towards speeding up a mission, but the ECM does not have its own obvious uses towards such a goal.

If someone is spotted, hopefully you'll have the ECM up in time is the general use of it in a public setting. But the better choice for ECMs is in an offensive fashion, which is to place the ECM before you starting intimidating or killing guards so as a countermeasure towards being seen. There's always the potential of a hidden guard or camera, and you'll want to address that. If we take this to the next logical step, we can see that having an ECM Jammer means that we're safe from alarms within the entire duration of the ECM. This here is the key concept towards stealthing a mission safe as well as fast.

The purpose of this guide is to quickly and safely subdue all necessary guards and/or civilians so that the rest of the mission only involves corpse volleyball and bag running.

Ordinary stealth tactics brings with it lots of risks as many times luck can make or break your run. If a camera sees someone alerted, for example, there is very little you can do aside from destroying the camera and then the guard extremely quickly. This is if you are even close enough or have line of sight towards the camera. With the method in this guide, luck is completely eliminated from the equation. The only thing governing your success is through you and your teammates’ personal actions. As such, the actions by the players will need to be planned out and coordinated if we are to achieve a 100% success rate.

To make sure you have a 100% success rate, this guide gives you all the mechanics of everything related to stealth, or at least the stealth method used in this guide. Prepare to have a lot of game mechanics thrown at you. You may not need to know all of them as you can just copy the steps in this guide, but it is nice in case you mess up or are unable to utilize this method.

Note that this is not a solo guide but one geared towards having two or more players. You absolutely will need the help of at least one other player for you to have a near 100% success rate while using the method in this guide. Otherwise, luck will once again be a factor towards your success.

Also note that this guide assumes you at least know the basic layout of the mission already. It does require a large number of skill points to get all of the required skills as well. 42 in ghost to get ECM Overdrive, and 24 for Joker in Mastermind for a total of 66 required skill points. This means if you want to use the method in this guide fully, you will need to be at least level 56. However, most missions do not require every single skill laid out in the guide, and as long as one person has all the required skills, the other players can potentially be level 1 and still do well. So hopefully you'll still learn something from this guide even if you are not level 56 yet.

The ECM Jammer is a utility item obtained when you first unlock the Ghost tree. Some key things to note about the ECM:

1. Blocks calls from guards and civilians so no alarms will be sounded.
2. Blocks cameras from detecting anything.
3. Lasts for 20 seconds
4. It takes 2 seconds to place down the ECM
5. It is mapwide
6. Opens up ATMs
7. It does not block the metal detector in Ukrainian Job nor the 4 panic buttons in Bank Heist/Firestarter Day 3. (It does block the metal detector in Firestarter Day 2) It also does not block the lasers on Framing Frame Day 1 nor the lasers in the vault on Framing Frame Day 3.

The main things to consider are the first five. It blocks the ability for guards, civilians, and cameras to call in the police for 20 seconds per unupgraded ECM throughout the whole map, and that it takes 2 seconds to place it down.

There are also 3 skills that upgrade the ECM Jammer.

ECM Specialist

Tier 4 Skill

Basic (4 pt): You can now place two ECM jammers instead of just one.

Advice: This is completely necessary for the context of this guide. Having 2 ECMs mean being able to block alarms for 40 seconds instead of just 20. Highly powerful.

Ace (8 pt): ECM jammer battery life and ECM feedback duration are increased by 5 seconds. Pagers are delayed until there are no longer any ECMs being used

Advice: Adding 5 seconds to the ECM is nice, but it is mostly counterproductive due to the second ability of this upgrade. Most of the time, you do not want to delay a pager. Having the ability to answer a pager during an ECM means you're completely safe regardless. Within the context of this guide, you will be very often spooking the entire map and thus waiting till the end of the ECM to answer a pager means you will be facing an alarm. Skip it.

ECM Overdrive

Tier 5 Skill

Basic (4 pt): Your ECM jammer duration is increased by 5 seconds.

Advice: Very useful. If you have the points go for it. Completely required for acing ECM Overdrive.

Ace (8 pt): Your ECM jammer can now also be used to open doors that require keycards.

Advice: Also very useful. This has its uses on Firestarter Days 2 and 3, Bank Heist, Framing Frames Day 1 and 3 (In case you mess up), Nightclub, and Big Oil Day 2. Highly Recommended. This skill allows you to speed through many portions of the days that you need to stealth. C4 and Saw can also be used if you have teammates that have them.

ECM Feedback

Within the contexts of this guide, this skill is completely unnecessary. Within the contexts of the game, this skill is not worth the points. Do not get it until they buff its power.
The ECM Chain
The ECM Chain is a phrase that I've coined to express a certain action that you will have to do throughout the entirety of this guide.

To give an operational definition, it simply means placing an ECM Jammer down before another ECM Jammer has been used up.

This is the key to using an ECM effectively. Having one ECM is a nice 20 seconds of safety, but what about chaining 2 or 3 or 4 at once? This gives you effectively 40, 60, or even 80 seconds of leeway to subdue all guards and civilians without being fearful of them calling the alarm on you. Of course, ingame, you can't chain the ECMs perfectly, but you'll generally get around 75% effectiveness out of an ECM, which is still plenty enough time to do everything you need on most maps. If you have ECM Overdrive basic, then you'll have even more time.

To use the ECM Chain in a group setting, a microphone, fast typing, or a really good group that's attentive to when you're placing down an ECM is necessary so that ECMs are not wasted. Make sure you always pay attention to the game clock so you know exactly when to best use another ECM. If you have a microphone, do call out the time when you placed your ECM so another player or you yourself will know when to place the next one.

As an example: It is now 1:30 on the game clock. You take 2 seconds to place your unupgraded ECM down and now it's 1:32. To chain the ECM perfectly, you should place the next one 18 seconds from 1:32 at 1:50 so you have at least 2 seconds to place the ECM down. General rule I would recommend is to simply place it 15 seconds from the time you placed the previous one just to be on the safe side. 20 seconds if you have ECM Overdrive basic.
Required Skills
Now that we know about how to use ECMs, we also need a few other skills for the purposes of this guide.

Smooth Talker Basic (1 pt): You can answer up to four pagers convincingly.

This skill is absolutely required for anyone that wishes to stealth. When guards are killed, a pager must be answered within 12 seconds of his death (Unless you delay it with aced ECM specialist), or else an alarm will be sounded.

On each map, only the first two pagers can be answered by someone without Smooth Talker Basic. Those with Smooth Talker Basic can answer up to 4 pagers. However, pagers are considered teamwide rather than individual. An entire team can only answer up to 4 pagers. Do keep this in mind.

In the situation that one, you do not have Smooth Talker Basic, two, the person with Smooth Talker Basic is busy with his own pager, three, the pager on a particular guard is going to go off if not answered, and four, this particular pager is the third or fourth one, then you can still start answering the pager. The person with the Smooth Talker Basic can come in and start answering the pager as well. If you disconnect from the pager while another person's also answering from the same pager, then an alarm won't sound. This will give your Smooth Talker extra time to answer a pager.

Do note that pagers require 10 seconds to fully answer. Also note that there is absolutely no percentage chance of a pager working or not regardless of what someone else may tell you. You can answer the first two pagers if you don't have Smooth Talker, and you can answer the first four pagers if you do have Smooth Talker. It is a 100% chance of an alarm being sounded if you don't have Smooth Talker and you answer the third pager, and it is a 100% chance of an alarm being sounded if you do have Smooth Talker and you answer the fifth pager.

Dominator Basic/Aced (1/3 pt): You can intimidate guards and cops to cuff themselves. The Aced version adds extra range and power to the intimidation.

This skill is also absolutely required for stealth purposes. The harder maps all have more than 4 guards, so just having Smooth Talker Basic will not do. With this skill, it is possible to, therefore, have 5 guards completely incapacitated. Big Oil Day 2 has a good chance to have only 5 guards. Framing Frames Day 3 always has only 5 guards. If you have both Dominator and Smooth Talker, then you can run around the map as much as you want provided you have destroyed all cameras.

It is not necessary to have the Aced version to intimidate guards if you wish to place your points elsewhere, but it is nice in case the guards are far away. You probably will need to place your points into the Aced version anyway to unlock the ability to choose the Joker skill.

There are a lot of important caveats to this skill.

1. In ordinary circumstances, you may only have one intimidated guard on the map during the stealth section. So if one guard is already cuffed on the map, do not even try to intimidate the next one.
2. Guards require 3 shouts to cuff themselves if it is possible for them to be intimidated. This can be all from you or from separate people in your group.
3. You need to be looking at the guard or else they'll stop being intimidated. They'll most likely start shooting you.
4. The best time to dominate is the exact moment the visibility bar is full and the words "DETECTED" pop up. If there is no other dominated guard on the map, trying to shout down a guard at this time has a 100% success rate.
5. If you are trying to dominate your own guard, and another player is trying to dominate his own separate guard, then it is possible to have two dominated guards at the same time. Since the guards require 3 shouts and thus 3 animations before they're fully cuffed, having good timing amongst the whole group can mean 4 guards can be dominated at the same time. Simply shout till the guard raises his hand or has only dropped his weapon until all four players have one of the guards in such a position, then cuff them all.
6. Sometimes you reach a guard long after they have detected suspicious activity. Simply deal a little bit of damage to them and they'll be more willing to surrender after. This can be achieved by a melee attack that does not have boosted damage or by shooting some of the weaker weapons to the body.
7. There is zero difference in intimidation value whether you are wielding a primary or a secondary. There's zero difference whether you're wearing a suit or the ICTV. Having the Tier 6 Mastermind bonus to intimidation and having Dominator Aced over Dominator Basic also has zero difference over intimidating guards aside from the range increase for Dominator Aced.

My stealth partner only has Dominator Basic with no Tier 6 bonus, and I have personally witnessed, over hundreds of stealth runs, zero difference in our intimidation abilities on guards. Guards that are just alerted always have a 100% chance of getting dominated. Guards that are alerted before you arrive on the scene always require a love tap before they can become dominated.

Joker Basic (4 pt): Allows you to convert a dominated guard to fight for you.

This may sound like an odd skill to have for stealthing, but it is an important one for certain missions with more than 5 guards such as Framing Frames Day 1 (If you need to take out the security room guard), and sometimes Big Oil Day 2.

As said in the Dominator skill section, if you have at least 1 cuffed guard on the map, you may not dominate another one. If you convert your dominated guard, however, then you can potentially subdue 6 guards solo. Each person that has this skill can convert their own guard if you need more subdued guards.

As always, there are a few caveats:

1. The converted guard can and will shoot at enemy guards, causing you to perhaps need to answer pagers in a situation that you may not like. They may take a little time to catch up to you, however, so the best thing is to move fast.
2. Each person can only have one converted enemy at a time.
3. The converted guard will be deemed suspicious by cameras. Make sure you have disabled them before the ECMs have run out or your converted guard may alert the cops while he's running around the map aimlessly
Recommended Skills

Both Endurance and Sprinter are nice to move faster and longer so you can achieve your objective within the confines of your ECMs' operational time.

Cleaner Aced is a skill that can be nice in maps with civilians. With the method in this guide, bagging corpses on guard-only maps is unnecessary. However, maps with civilians can have newly spawning civilians that can be alerted by left over bodies. It's easier just to move the dead bodies so you have a little more control over when the civilians get alarmed. Just get this skill on your way to your ECM upgrades.
Optional Skills

Hardware Expert and Drill Sergeant can be useful in helping you drill open safes or the vault in Bank Heist/Firestarter Day 3. On maps with possible titan safe spawns, getting these is recommended.

Lockpicking Expert Aced is a decent pickup, especially considering you have the possibility of taking it already with the required skills in this guide. It can help you get open those regular safes a lot quicker than drilling

Shaped Charge Aced is a good alternative to ECM Overdrive Aced required doors and allows you to open up safes very quickly. Just be careful of the loud sound. Some missions require you to not be so hasty with it.

Portable Saw Basic is the fastest way to get through a door. Take this as an alternative to ECM Overdrive when opening doors whenever possible. Just be careful of the loud noise.
Important Notes
1. This guide assumes that you will have a silenced weapon, and that it will be the only weapon that you will be using. Using loud weapons, especially on maps with civilians, is highly dangerous.

Startled guards will have an exclamation point above their head when they are first alerted, but that exclamation mark will disappear after a brief period. This may make it a little more difficult to find all of them or account for all of them, especially on maps with a random number of guards.

Same deal with civilians, especially since there are a large number of them. Any civilian you do not account for can and will sound the alarm.

2. This guide assumes that you are using a suit. Since our plan is to have zero alarms going off, there is absolutely no need to have armor. You would rather prefer to have the speed of a suit. This is especially true in the case of this guide, as speed is a necessary component to success. You will be alerting everyone with the method in this guide, and you will need to be fast at dealing with them all, especially if you have only a few ECMs.

3. It is highly recommended to kill all civilians as there is limited time. Tying up civilians can take too much time if you do not have enough players or ECMs. If you do have the players and the necessary ECMs, then typing up civilians is certainly possible.

4. In any mission with civilians, it is highly recommended that you spam your shout button (Default F) as much as possible. This is so you absolutely know that all civilians are taken care of. If you have the practice of killing every civilian, then spamming F is a really good way to knowing if that civilian is dead or just laying down on the ground.

5. If you know that you have already taken care of everything that could possibly sound the alarm, or that you will during the duration of your ECMs, then any instance where this guide says you need ECM Overdrive can be replaced with a Saw or C4.

6. All videos in this guide are shown using the required and recommended skills only. Any optional skills can and will speed up a run. For the sake of your skill points, optional skills are shown not used.
Jewelry Store
Recommended Players: 1+ (2+ on higher difficulties)
Recommended ECM count: 0+ (More with higher difficulties and lower players) (3 on Overkill with 2 players)
ECM Overdrive: Useless
Joker: Unnecessary

Useful Information

1. Number of bags required is sorted by difficulty. Normal = 3, Hard = 6, Very Hard/Overkill = 8.
2. There can sometimes be a guard in the main showroom with all the jewelry.
3. Normal difficulty can be done in less than 20 seconds with 3+ players, which means no ECMs necessary.
4. Ace Transporter + Aced Fast Hands highly recommended to make a chain of bag throws into the van.


1. Mask up immediately and ECM up before going into the store.
2. Ignore everyone including if a guard is shooting at you.
3. Simply use 1 or 2 players to grab bags and throw them outside through a broken window. A second or tertiary player should grab those bags that are now on the street and toss them in the van as soon as possible.
4. Get out when done. 8 bags should take around 40 seconds max if coordinated well, meaning only 2 ECMs would be necessary.

Ukrainian Job
Recommended Players: 1+
Recommended ECM count: 1+ (Only necessary very situationally but it's still good for having a 100% success rate)
ECM Overdrive: Useless
Joker: Useless

Useful Information

1. The tiara is located in one of two safes in the back rooms.
2. The cameras in the store are controlled from an outside location. Killing the guard that appears to be the guard controlling the camera surveillance will not turn them off.
3. There is a metal detector through the main entrance of the store. ECMs will not turn it off, so never run through it.
4. There is a chance of 1 or both safes being replaced by a titan safe, making C4 and Safe picking useless.
5. Recommended to have Shaped Charge Aced or Lockpicking Expert Aced on this mission for the regular safes. C4 can still be helpful on this mission in the case that you have 2 regular safes. In which case, you can bomb both and get out before the alarm sounds if you have an extra ECM on someone. Having the drill skills is also nice for the titan safes.
6. Remember to not take AI with you, they can break windows and thus alert the civilians.
7. There are two windows in the each of the side alleys leading into the back offices. Which one you break does matter on this mission. The window closer to the front of the store will alert the civilians in the front, whereas the window farther from the front of the store won't.
8. There are only 4 guards that you have to worry about on this mission. One is always next to a camera monitor in the right office. 1 is always patrolling the back alley. 1 can spawn in the left office or in the back alley. 1 is on the main floor, but he can patrol to the back as time goes on. The one that is on the left office or the back alley may not spawn sometimes, but it's best to assume he will.
9. Cleaner Aced is highly recommended on this mission.


1. Mask up as you go down the left alley. ECM before you reach the windows. If there's a barrier, just hop over it using the dumpster. If there's a cargo container blocking the windows, then you will need to start from the right office instead.
2. There is a chance of a guard being in the left alley office. He can see you as you run past. This is the main reason why an ECM might be beneficial. Make sure you're checking that he's in there.
3. If there is no guard in the left alley office, then go ahead and kill the guards in the back alley. Break the window in the left office closest to the back and immediately shoot the camera. Subdue the civilians, and drill the safe.
4. If there is a guard in the left alley office, then you will have to take care of him first. Dominate him from outside the window if you can, otherwise just break the window closest to the back, destroy the camera, kill him, and subdue the civilians. The guard in the back alley most likely heard the windows breaking. There should be only one guard in the back alley since one guard spawned in the left office. Just kill him and answer the pager. Drill the safe.
5. Head into the other office. Dominate/kill the guard; he should not have heard anything yet. Drill that safe as well.
6. At this point, do not run between the two offices. There can be civilians and a guard coming to the back. They might see you immediately if you are not crouch walking.
6. Leave through the side alleys when you find the tiara.

Recommended Players: 3+
Recommended ECM count: 4+
ECM Overdrive: Completely Necessary
Joker: Useless

Useful Information

1. Buying the Bad Music asset can be good to thin out the population in the nightclub. This is so it is easier to subdue everyone. If you know you will be choosing a method that will startle everyone in the club, then it is best to buy Bad Music.
2. A keycard can be found randomly on the guards.
3. A keycard can also be found on the manager. He can be found smoking outside in the back, in the kitchen, in one of the two offices, or outside in the front of the club.
4. Civilians and sometimes guards like to spawn on the street underneath the window of the manager's office that overlooks the club. So careful of what you shoot and where you place your bodies. These newly spawned people will also try to enter the nightclub, so make sure to have someone there to take care of them in case they get alerted. As well, with the new Nightclub layout, guards can spawn in the back of the club. If you need to drill the safes, you will get an average of two guards that spawn in the back. Be prepared to kill them.
5. There are three spawn locations for safes. 1 has the money that is required; 1 has cocaine that is optional. The spawns are located in the two offices upstairs, and the "Fight Club" in the basement. Also note that these safes can always be lockpicked or blown up with 4 C4.
6. There are three locations for the escape van. 2 in the front of the store where you came in and one in the back of the store.
7. Guards don't have pagers on this mission, so kill away.
8. Randomly, 4 cameras may spawn. One in the back storage area overlooking the door leading up to the manager's office with the large window overlooking the club, 2 in the kitchen, and one in the hallway leading to the DJ's booth.
9. There are two offices that you need to get into. Rarely, however only the manager's office overlooking the club will spawn. If this is the case, the cocaine safe might not spawn.
10. Yes, there are civilians in those offices, so you will need to get in there if you don't want an alarm. There doesn't seem to ever be any in the "Fight Club" basement however.
11. Be careful of the guards on higher difficulties. They can kill you quite fast if you're wearing a suit.
12. I highly recommend buying the loot truck on this mission. There are so many bags to toss. The loot truck comes immediately after your safes are open now. The escape van arrives three minutes after that. There does not seem to be a tell for where the escape van is coming from anymore either. So it's best to get the bags dealt with since you have the opportunity to do so.
13. Cleaner Aced can be useful on this mission.


1. Mask up immediately, and take out the civilians as well as the bouncer in the front of the club. Highly recommended to kill them so newly spawned civilians don't see them tied up. Oftentimes, it should not be necessary to have to place an ECM at this step, but be sure to place one before running in.
2. Be systematic in your approach. Your first player should be taking care of civilians on the main dance floor while the second player should head up to the second floor bar. Third player should be jamming the keycard readers to find civilians in the offices and to find the safes.
3. Start heading towards the back of the nightclub when the front side is taken care of. Have one player take care of the DJ, kitchen, poker room, back lot. If there are camera spawns, make sure to take them out before your ECMs run out.
4. One player at this time should head back to the front of the building to bag up the bodies and place them inside. That same player should then stand inside the nightclub looking out for civilians that may try to enter.
5. Once the safes are open, start moving the bags into the loot truck. I hope you bought the loot truck.
Diamond Store
Recommended Players: 2+
Recommended ECM count: 4+
ECM Overdrive: Useless
Joker: Unnecessary

Useful Information

1. There are four possible keypad spawn locations for you to use the keycard in order to shut off the alarm on the glass cases. 1's on the main floor right by the stairs leading up, 1's in the camera room, and two are upstairs in each of the two office rooms.
2. The keycard is on a professional looking woman in a tie and black suit. She's usually upstairs, but can be walking down the stairs or on the main floor already by the time you get there.
3. There are always 4 guards on Overkill difficulty. 1 is in the camera room always. The other 3 are located either downstairs or upstairs. There can be 1-3 guards on the main floor. The rest are upstairs.
4. You need 4/6/10/14 bags of jewelry on normal/hard/very hard/overkill difficulties.
5. This is one of those missions where Lockpicking Expert can be really nice to have. The camera room needs to either be lockpicked, sawed, or shape charged. Since saw and shape charges will alert the entire map, lockpicking will be a better option.
6. This is one mission where Control Freak is recommended in order to have a 100% success rate. If any of the guards shoot, it may take too long for you to find and subdue every civilian. So you'd better have good eyes if you don't have Control Freak.
7. Breaking the windows are fine, but breaking the jewelry cases will sound the alarm until you use the keycard on the keypad. Just note that the guards can inadvertently shoot the cases as well, so you must be fast.
8. Note: This mission's guide is very strict about timing and you will most likely need Overdrive Basic for longer ECMs. You need to utilize every second if you want to succeed. So don't meander.


If you have even 3 players, this mission is a lot easier. The timings aren't as harsh and you'll have more ECMs. 4 ECMs is barely enough to do this mission. If you find this too hard, try having one person lockpick the camera room door from the outside. Have the other person case the joint for guard locations. Go in after the camera room guard is down. With 2 people to subdue civilians, it gets a lot easier.

1. Mask up as you walk up to the store. First player should place an ECM on one of the columns. Second player should, while you have a split second to do so while the ECM is being placed, locate 1 guard.
2. As you run in, immediately locate the 3 guards. The first guard you see, you must try to dominate. Remember to try shooting him once in the body with a weak pistol before doing so since he might have detected you before you got into position. Don't convert as he might try shooting one of the two other guards and alert the entire map/shoot the jewelry cases.
3. Kill the 2 other guards. One, before answering, must make sure to shout down some of the civilians that are now trying to run away. Kill them if you have fast fingers. Just remember you have 12 seconds to answer your pager. Remember to ECM Chain as well, preferably with the first player.
4. The first player must now try to lockpick the camera room door while the second player continues to ECM chain and subdue civilians. Listen well for whimpering, especially outside. There are some scripted civilian movement patterns that will cause a few civilians to come over and see the situation.
5. The second player should try to locate the keycard if possible. The manager is most likely very near the staircase or upstairs in one of the offices if you went in as fast as possible. Just note that your first priority is to subdue civilians while the first player is lockpicking the door.
6. First player should subdue the guard inside and then come outside and help with the civilians. Remember to keep looking for exclamation marks and question marks. Some people from the umbrella table area will be coming down the left alley so watch out for them.
7. Use your keycard if you have not done so, and move the bags.
Framing Frame Day 1
Recommended Players: 2+
Recommended ECM count: 3+
ECM Overdrive: Useful for Security Room
Joker: Recommended

Useful Information

1. If you have Inside Man Aced, then you can buy a keycard asset to open up the security room door. This means ECM Overdrive becomes unnecessary for this mission.
2. There is a laser randomly placed between two galleries, be careful when you're running through the galleries.
3. Converted Guards do not set off the laser alarm, so do not be afraid of them accidentally running through them.
4. There are 6 guards in this mission. 4 roaming, 1 in the security room, and 1 in the front desk. (There might be 5 roaming guards very rarely, meaning 7 guards in total. In such a case, it's best to have two jokers on your team and convert 2 guards as soon as possible.)
5. There are cameras in each gallery room as well as one in the main lobby.
6. The door leading to the Security Room can spawn in either galleries A, C, or E.
7. If you set off no alarms on this mission, then there is an almost 0% chance of an ambush on Day 2 as long as you take care of the 3 workers.


All Paintings

1. Immediately run up to the main entrance. One player shoots the door open while the other one places an ECM. (Note that shooting or meleeing the windows rather than the door will alert the desk guard prematurely, causing you to need to body shot or melee him once before you can intimidate him.)
2. If you see a guard standing in front of the main entrance, the player that is shooting the door open should be intimidating the guard down. It is possible to intimidate him through the door even if it is not open yet. If you do intimidate the guard, see if you can convert him without spooking the desk guard. If you don't have time to convert so that you can also intimidate the desk guard, then just kill the desk guard.
3. Run up to the desk guard. Intimidate him if you do not have a cuffed guard already. Convert him before continuing if you still have conversions available so you can intimidate the next guard you meet.
4. If there are multiple guards within the vicinity of the desk guard, try to time your intimidations to get multiple guards cuffed.
5. One player runs towards Gallery A while another runs towards Gallery E, taking out guards and cameras as necessary.
6. If by this point a guard has fired a shot, then you will most likely need to take out the security room guard. This is when ECM Overdrive or having the keycard asset will be useful.
7. You should be finished by the third ECM. After that, simply destroy cameras and move the paintings.

4 Paintings/No Guards Killed Run

If you do not care about getting more money, you can just try to leave with 4 paintings. Best to have 4 players with this one, though it is doable with 2 players as well if both players have decent ECMs.

1. Shoot the windows as you run up to the main entrance and place an ECM.
2. Do not shoot any guards unless you have ECM Specialist Aced. Having to answer pagers will just slow you down.
3. Each player should run through and each find a single painting to throw into the van.
4. Exit unless you have less than 4 players. In which case, keep chaining ECMs until you get enough to escape.
Framing Frame Day 3
Recommended Players: 2+
Recommended ECM count: 2+
ECM Overdrive: Not necessary, but may be ok in case of stealth failure.
Joker: Unnecessary

Useful Information

1. There are generally 3 or 4 cameras. Make sure to break them.
2. There are 5 guards on this map.


1. Immediately run forward and jump down the railing onto the main roof.
2. Choose a door (I prefer the office door) and shoot the door open.
3. ECM as you walk down the stairs.
4. Run into the main living room and intimidate the first guard you see. Convert him if you have the option so you can intimidate another guard. It's faster than answering pagers.
5. As you alert guards, take note of where the other guards are by the exclamation marks. Take care of the 4 other guards.
6. If you have more than 2 players, the other players can answer their own pagers or start systematically looking for items. Hopefully you know all the spawn locations for items.
7. Do the rest of the mission.

Firestarter Day 2
Recommended Players: 2+
Recommended ECM count: 4+
ECM Overdrive: Recommended for Server Room
Joker: Unnecessary

Useful Information

1. There are four possible locations for the Server Room.
2. There are five possible locations for the security boxes.
3. There are boatloads of guards. Do not bother subduing. There is no point.
4. Unlike other missions, this one only requires you to "stealth" up to a certain point so that the wires are cut. After that, the hard and long part of the mission is done and you just need to take the server to the van.


Normal Run

1. 1 player runs to the side door while 1 player runs to the main entrance. Have one player ECM up before entering the building.
2. Player 1 checks the two possible Server Room locations on his side of the building while Player 2 checks the other side.
3. Do not kill any guards.
4. Once found, continue chaining your ECMs as you interact with the computer. After interacting with the computer, there is a brief period where there is nothing to do. Go ahead and open the security boxes that you can find to save a little bit of time.
5. ECM again before cutting the wires in the security boxes.
6. Lockpick/C4/Saw the first door and ECM Overdrive the keypad or Saw or C4 it.
7. The alarm should sound, but it does not matter. There is no escape after this mission and the barrier to the security room should still be up, meaning you do not need to drill it.
8. Optionally take the loot from the loot room if you have a saw or C4.
9. The assault should not have even arrived by the time you have left.
10. Do note that if you by chance have a lot of ECMs, it is possible to escape without an alarm sounding by chaining a ridiculous amount of them together. There's just no reason to do so.

Special Guessing Game Achievement Run

This along with the escape with 8 bags in Garage Escape are probably the worst luck based achievements in the game. Many people can take absolute hours to get through it.

Well, forget all that stealthing, time to ECM up.

You will need at least 3 people with 2 ECMs, preferably with upgraded time. You'll want 4 people if you do not have C4 or Saw as you will need to chain ECMs for around 2 minutes of time.

No special tactics here. ECM up and have 2 people cut up any 2 random security boxes. If the alarm sounds, restart either by getting cuffed or dying. Suits are recommended as usual so you can run faster and die faster.

The other people should be looking for the Server Room door. Do not open it until the wires are cut and the door's alarm is down. Continue the ECM chain and either Saw, C4, or picklock/overdrive the two doors.

Take the server and get out. When done, it should take less than two minutes. Remember to keep chaining until you're actually all in the van since the achievement is void if an alarm sounds at any time.
Firestarter Day 3/Bank Heist
Recommended Players: 2+
Recommended ECM count: 3+
ECM Overdrive: Recommended for Firestarter Day 3 to jam another keypad. Unnecessary for Bank Heist.
Joker: Unnecessary

Useful Information

1. There are a total of 4 guards. 3 roamers, and 1 in the security room.
2. There are usually 4 or 5 cameras, but those do not matter since you will most likely have to open up the security room to take out the guard anyway.
3. There is a key card for the security room/electricity room door either on the manager or on the manager's desk in his office. If you are doing Firestarter, you will need ECM Overdrive, a saw, or C4 to open both the Security Room door as well as the Electricity Room.
4. There are 4 panic buttons that are not blocked by ECMs on this map. 1 is in the back of the bank and 3 are under the tellers' desks. If they are pushed, it is an instant alarm.
5. There are a large number of civilians on this map with some still spawning in sometimes minutes into the mission. Be careful of where you place your tied up civilians/corpses and of broken windows/cameras. Leave someone outside to take care of wanderers. Also be careful of where these civilians may be located outside of the bank. Some may be hiding, crouched behind a car. Note: Do not use loud items/weapons until you are sure every civilian inside and outside is taken care of. This means no C4 and no Saw and no unsilenced weapons. Civilians that are outside have walking patterns that may lead them behind a building beyond an invisible wall, meaning you will be unable to kill them to secure no alarm.
6. Cleaner Aced is recommended.


1. If your starting point is near the main entrance of the bank, mask up as you walk up to the side walls of the main entrance and ECM up. If your starting point is on the side of the bank, then have at least one player go to the main entrance before storming in.
2. One player must immediately go into the tellers' booth and subdue the tellers. It is recommended to kill them if you want to make it fast and 100% safe. The second player must go to the back panic button and subdue civilians and guards. With extra players, less killing and more cabletying can be possible. Without extra players, it is recommended to kill almost everyone.
3. One player should be designated as the one to open up the security room door and subdue the guard inside. Another player should be answering pagers in the meantime.
4. After taking care of most or all of the guards, one player should be looking around the inside of the bank to make sure that all civilians are either dead or tied up. The second player should be looking outside of the bank for civilians on the streets to subdue.
5. If you have more than 2 players, the extra players can be answering pagers, subduing civilians, opening up the electricity room door, and carrying the drill to the vault to make the entire process faster.
6. To be safe, keep one player outside looking around for newly spawned civilians to subdue while the Thermal Drill works.

Big Oil Day 2
Recommended Players: 2+
Recommended ECM count: 4+
ECM Overdrive: Nice for easier access to the server rooms.
Joker: Recommended

Useful Information

1. There are usually 4 cameras. If you have more than 2 players, you can buy a camera feed asset and send a third or fourth player to use it. This is to make sure you destroy all cameras.
2. There can be 5 or 6 guards.
3. You can check the possible server rooms through the shutters when standing on the outside of the house.
4. Both notes for the engine are in the lab if it's Hard difficulty. Otherwise, start looking for them while the computer's trying to hack open the lab door.
5. The scientist is not always down in the lab. He can be lounging in a chair in a spot to the right of the main entrance, and he can be looking at the sunset in the corner of the balcony area near the big tree on the first floor. Make sure to subdue him if he's there.
6. Highly recommended to take a weapon with a flashlight on it. There is a fairly annoying spawn for a notebook down in the lab that is difficult to see without a flashlight.


1. Run up to the parking lot side entrance and enter from there. Make sure to watch out for cameras as there are a possible two that can spawn on the outside of that entrance. ECM up and go in.
2. Since there is a possibility of a 6th guard, you should intimidate and then convert the first guard you see. Due to the large sight lines in this building, it is very unlikely that you will deal with every guard without another one shooting at you. Prepare to take care of all of them.
3. Be very systematic in your approach. The guards do venture into the side rooms on the second floor, so one player should look up there while another sweeps the bottom floor. Remember to watch out for guards on the outside as well as the scientist.
4. If you have extra players, they can be looking out for cameras and guards as well as opening up the possible server rooms.
5. Remember to keep shooting cameras. Hopefully, you'll already know the possible spawn locations already, but there are a lot of spawns for the cameras. Bring more ECMs and tell everyone to keep trying to find them. Remember to shoot the ones on the outside as well. Especially if it's the one overlooking the main entrance if you plan on walking the engine down there.
6. Have one player stay at the landing zone for the helicopter while the lab door is opening.
7. If you already have both the information for the element and the amount of hydrogen necessary, then bag up an obviously wrong engine. The player at the landing zone should call for the helicopter.
8. Get the PSI information and find the real engine. If you already know how these steps work, it should not take you long to find the real engine and still make it back to the landing zone before the assault wave comes in. Basic transporter might be necessary.
9. Hide in the trenches and the rocks behind the airstrip and exit through the airplane (If you found the keys on day one) or the helicopter.
What does Stealth mean?

Stealth in the context of this guide means no alarms either for the necessary amount of time or for the entire mission.

Within the contexts of this guide, stealth does not mean:

1. No killing of guards or civilians.
2. Not alerting anyone of your presence.

Where is Firestarter Day 1 and Big Oil Day 1? Can’t they be stealthed?

Yes, they can be stealthed, but gangsters work different from guards. ECMs do not affect them the same way as guards, and so the method in this guide does not work on them. This means I have no reason to write a guide for them.

Can I use Control Freak to keep the civilians in check?

Yes, just make sure to take care of cameras first. You just need a fire breather mod on your weapon and shoot a lot. I personally rather just toss body bags around.

One important thing is that I highly suggest you not use Control Freak on Nightclub. I have personally witnessed new guards on at least three separate occasions spawning in the street beneath the manager office's window. If you continuously fire, you may find it impossible to shoot at them to stop them from calling the alarm. It's wiser just to kill or cable tie everyone.

You said to not get ECM Specialist Aced, but it works well for me. Can you explain your reason for not getting it?

ECM Specialist Aced gives an extra 5 seconds of jamming time and it delays all pagers from going off during the duration of that ECM. It sounds nice. In fact, delaying the pager call can be useful in certain situations. For example, in Ukrainian Job, the guard in the back room can and will cuff you while you are trying to C4 the safe if you don't deal with him. Having to kill him or dominate him takes extra time. Having the ability to delay the pager means you can kill him with impunity.

Having the ability to delay pagers is basically good for maps where you do not need to necessarily kill anything. The second time where it may be good is if all of your team have smooth talker. This means you can do some missions such as Framing Frame Day 3, kill everyone, and then having each person answer a pager.

This all sounds good, but the main reason for why I do not recommend ECM Specialist Aced is due to the pager delaying ability's downsides. It can actually slow down a heist as you have to wait for the ECM to run out before you can answer. It is not like you're in danger since as long as an ECM is up, you can answer a pager, and then just kill the next one anyway. It is also optimistic to assume everyone will have smooth talker, especially in public lobbies. Even in a friends-only setting, sometimes people do not want to spend the points in mastermind to get smooth talker when it is not necessary. If somehow you are the only person to have smooth talker in a group, and you somehow kill 4 guards all at once, then that is a potential alarm.

Lastly, it costs 8 points. This is the biggest reason why I think it's not worth it. You can do pretty much do everything without having ECM Specialist Aced as you would with it, so why bother getting it?
Update Log
Version .20 (September 5, 2013) – Added main concepts of the guide
Version .60 (September 6, 2013) – Added guides for Framing Frame Day 1, Framing Frame Day 3, Firestarter Day 1, Firestarter Day 3/Bank Heist
Version .61 (September 7, 2013) – Added guides for Jewelry Store, Ukrainian Job
Version .62 (September 8, 2013) – Added guides for Big Oil Day 2, Nightclub. Added Important Notes section.
Version .63 (September 9, 2013) – Added alternate play style for Framing Frame Day 1. Added a tiny more detail to Framing Frame Day 3 guide. Added Q&A. Proofread a little.
Version .635 (September 11, 2013) - Did a few miscellaneous edits.
Version .64 (September 13, 2013) - Added Guessing Game Achievement run to Firestarter Day 2.
Version .65 (September 13, 2013) - Added Diamond Store.
Version .651 (September 14, 2013) - Revised Diamond Store guide a little.
Version .66 (September 14, 2013) - Updated Nightclub for patch 11.
Version .70 (September 15, 2013) - Added video for Framing Frames Day 1 All Paintings run. Added credits section.
Version .71 (September 15, 2013) - Updated Ukrainian Job for patch 11. Trimmed Ukrainian Job to be more streamlined.
Version .8 (September 15, 2013) - Added Ukrainian Job Video. Added Diamond Store Video. Added Firestarter Day 2 Video. Edited Skills section.
Version .81 (September 16, 2013) - Added Jewelry Store Video. Added Firestarter Day 3/Bank Heist Video. Added Framing Frame Day 3 Video.
Version .82 (September 18, 2013) - Edited Diamond Store guide for patch 12. Removed Diamond Store Video for being outdated (Will make a new one later).
Version .821 (September 25, 2013) - Edited Nightclub to add additional spawn info. Edited Introduction a little bit.
Written and edited by Elsea.

Video editing by JC and Elsea.

Played by Elsea and JC.
Ludwig, Shadow Protogen 2 Jan, 2015 @ 6:21am 
Wow this guide is completely outdated
Kendris 19 Sep, 2013 @ 6:04pm 
The ambush happens on day 2 of framing frame when the police arrive before you are able to leave.
Elsea  [author] 17 Sep, 2013 @ 4:23pm 
@blindpet: Yeah I can, and I will have to edit Diamond Store since it seems like the guard amount on Overkill difficulty was bugged to always only have the camera room guy and no one else.
blindpet [EN/DK] 17 Sep, 2013 @ 3:26pm 
Any chance you will make videos with the max guards for each map. like 3 on Ukrainian Job and Diamond Store?
Let's Go Brandon 17 Sep, 2013 @ 2:21pm 
Five roaming guards on day one of Frames does happen, but it's rare. The guard opening the restroom door, while you're picking it, has no relevance. And as others have stated, it's still possible to be ambushed on day two after successfully stealthing day one. It's extremely rare, however, and it may even have been a bug, as it's only happened to me once, and I've solo stealthed the mission like a hundred times.
Frop 16 Sep, 2013 @ 11:50am 
I've always gone in through either the side or the back and never had any additional guards (and I'm assuming all the guards in this level simply spawn right at the start, regardless of tactics).
Elsea  [author] 16 Sep, 2013 @ 9:26am 
@Frop: I've probably stealthed Framing Frames Day 1 over 50 times by now, and I distinctly remember one time where we still got ambushed on the second day. It has to be really, really rare though if I only got it once over the 50+ stealths I've done.

And about Diamond Store on Overkill, yeah I don't get it. I remember trying out the level on easier difficulties when it just came out and there were 2 extra guards. This was when I'd actually case the joint and enter from the side and back doors. In those cases, there were extra guards. I've only done Diamond Overkill using the method in this guide though. I need to check later if trying to enter from entrances other than the main could cause extra guards to spawn.
Frop 16 Sep, 2013 @ 9:01am 
I've never had an ambush on the second level. Also, is Diamonsd Store on Overkill bugged? I've never had more than one single camera guard on that difficulty.
Elsea  [author] 16 Sep, 2013 @ 8:04am 
@UR|HCMan: Thanks. I've already witnessed this before, but I haven't remembered to put it in.
UR|HCMan 16 Sep, 2013 @ 12:27am 
7. If you set off no alarms on this mission, then there is a 0% chance of an ambush on Day 2 as long as you take care of the 3 workers.

Wrong. Even if you set no alarms on Day 1 small chance for ambrush still exist.:spycon: