Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Marxism - Leninism
By Alikersantti
This guide is not intended to incite hatred between other political views

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✯ Description ✯
Marxism - Leninism is an ideology, a socio-political and philosophical doctrine about the laws of the struggle to overthrow the capitalist system and the building of a communist society. From the point of view of his followers, he developed Lenin, who developed the teachings of Marx and applied it in practice.
History of development
Lenin belonged to the supporters of Marx's "purification" of the elements of the unscientific "speculative philosophy." Lenin did not think that something retreats or adds to the ideas of Marxism something substantial. In Marxism-Leninism, the method of materialistic dialectics received an addition in the form of an orthodox view, the slightest deviation from which was considered revisionism and punished

In the course of this evolution, Marxism-Leninism acquired a number of the following basic elements.
1. dialectical materialism, which Marx himself was not described;
2. historical materialism, as Marx himself preferred to call his social philosophy (some theorists were included in dialectical materialism in the late 1970s and interpreted as extending the principles of the latter to the sphere of social phenomena);
3. the political economy of capitalism - a critical analysis of capitalism;
4. the theory of a party of a special type and the revolutionary movement associated with the party, developed by Lenin; such a theory was absent in orthodox Marxism
5. scientific communism - the doctrine of the inevitable establishment of a new social system; while the construction of communism was declared a matter of the next decades, it was moved to the "historically foreseeable period".
riginally, the socialist society was conceptually equal to the communist society; however, in defining the differences between Socialism and Communism, Lenin explained their similarity to Marx's conceptual descriptions of the lower-stage and the upper-stage of a communist society. That, immediately after a proletarian revolution, in lower-stage communism, the structure of a society must be based upon the labour contributed by individual men and women; whereas, in upper-stage communism, the structure of society would be: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

The goal of Marxist–Leninist political economy is the emancipation of men and women from the dehumanisation caused by mechanistic work that is psychologically alienating; people are thus freed from having to perform alienating labour for financial access to the material necessities of life.
Marxism–Leninism supports universal social welfare. Improvements in public health and education, provision of child care, provision of state-directed social services, and provision of social benefits are deemed by Marxist–Leninists to help to raise labour productivity and advance a society in development towards a communist society. This is part of Marxist–Leninists' advocacy of promoting and reinforcing the operation of a planned socialist economy. It advocates universal education, with a focus on developing the proletariat with knowledge, class consciousness, and understanding the historical development of communism.

Marxist–Leninist policy on family law has typically involved: the elimination of the political power of the bourgeoisie, the abolition of private property, and an education that teaches citizens to abide by a disciplined and self-fulfilling lifestyle dictated by the social norms of communism as a means to establish a new social order.
The Marxist–Leninist world view is atheist, wherein all human activities are the result of human volition and not the actions of supernatural beings (gods and goddesses) who have direct agency in the public and private affairs of human society. The Soviet physicist Vitaly Ginzburg said that the "Bolshevik communists were not merely atheists, but, according to Lenin's terminology, militant atheists" in excluding religion from the social mainstream, from education, and from government.
The main differences from classical Marxism
In Marxism, there was no concept of a "party of a new type." The dictatorship of the proletariat, according to Marxist teaching, is an indispensable tool in the revolutionary period of the struggle for power during the transition from capitalism to communism. The teaching of Marxism-Leninism on the "new type of party" essentially reduced the dictatorship of the proletariat to the dictatorship of the revolutionary party, which controls all aspects of society, beginning with politics and economy and ending with the private life of its members.

A ruling party that is in power combines an ideology designed to evoke enthusiasm, with terror that constantly inspires fear. She claims that she has new solutions to all the existential aspects of being, concerning the meaning of history and human life, human happiness, justice, and the like. It also justifies a new code of moral precepts, in which the supreme duty is the service of the party itself, and not society as a whole. Marx and Engels imagined a Communist party similar to other political parties.

Another important point, in which Marxism-Leninism departed from Marxism, was the interpretation of the prerequisites for the victory of the socialist revolution. According to Marx, the victory of the socialist revolution is possible only if it occurs simultaneously in the most developed capitalist countries. Marxism-Leninism put forward the idea of ​​the possibility of the victory of socialism in one particular country, if this country is a backward, predominantly peasant country. The theory of permanent revolution, developed by LD Trotsky since 1905, denied the gap between the anti-feudal (bourgeois) and anti-capitalist (socialist) revolutions and affirmed the inevitability of the transition from national to international revolution: beginning in Russia as a bourgeois revolution, the revolution will also start industrially -developed countries, but already becoming socialist.
Zzlolpro 23 Mar, 2024 @ 5:46pm 
never thought that i'd find a real communist on the internet, not those that say it in vain or that are actually progressists. cheers my man, coming from Latin America.
12gauge 11 Aug, 2023 @ 3:48pm 
Gramscian Marxism is infiltrating Western Culture as we know it via Institutional Capture.
Андеграунд 10 Oct, 2021 @ 2:00pm 
SOIUZ NERUSHIMI RESPUBLIK SPLOTILA NAVEKI VELIKAYA RUUUUUUS':communism::sovietflag::warsawpact::new_china::soviet::kremlin::labourhero::Soviet_flag::USSR_ball::CoinUSSR::mownbeat::perestroyka::CCCP::REDSTARCCCP::lenincccp::humFalx::sickleandhammer::zvezdochka::hammerandsickle:
Pin 27 May, 2021 @ 2:30pm 
communism is the bad
ThreeDawg 11 Jan, 2021 @ 5:36pm 
Yung Daal 9 Jan, 2021 @ 11:48pm 
The last section sounds like some shit you'd hear in a high school history class
Hostis globalismi americani. 17 Jan, 2020 @ 1:14pm 
Nice summary. But to understand all this you need to read more than just that. More Books and less generalization polls. There were also much more teories of Marxism and communism itself. Too bad there are not subideologies in Hoi IV. In Hoi III You had subideologies and it was good.
Kali 21 Aug, 2019 @ 3:43pm 
No u
Fogg 10 Aug, 2019 @ 7:49pm 

ancom for the win boys
Cigarette_Dog 9 Aug, 2019 @ 2:59pm 
Thanks for being unbiased.