Rocket League

Rocket League

52 ratings
RL FAQ Support (most support links are outdated)
By quickER 🛠
Matchmaking is broken ?
Originally posted by VonPumpkinson:
No, matchmaking is working as intended: pairing you with or against players with similar skill. What it can't do is understand player behavior: tired, inebriated, frustrated, and so on. It's a player issue, and nothing to do with matchmaking.

In short, get a team or partner.

Salty in 1v1s ?
Originally posted by « wheels »:
The biggest area of salt that I've seen, is the idea that the game is somehow "against you". Now granted that some of the lag-physics can be very strange, but beside that, each situation and goal is a learning opportunity.

On every goal, watch the replay instead of rage-skipping it, and take a quick look and see what happened and analyze what you could've done to defend it. Be cold, and calculating. Approach the game from the perspective of "all things are equal" even if they aren't (ping, etc.) but this perspective will kill the "bias-rage" as I call it.

That rage robs the game of its fun, and also stunts your improvement because you miss obvious areas of weakness in your own play.

Oh, and if you need to, turn off the chat especially in 1s -- most of it is spam :D
Kick-Off Strategies - All (almost)
Found this very deep explanation of (almost) every Kick-off situations:

Most of the times I do "Peeling, Controlled Kick-off".
Only occasionally I do "Cheating kick-off" strategy. (Currently Champ 1 in 3s Standard and Diamond 1 in 2s)

It also depends how you are going for corner boost. I don't like to see if my teammates are going for corner boost and immediately turning outwards to attack opponent goal instead of turning inwards to our goal.
Turning inwards to defend goal is definitely safer.
I do turn outwards for attack only if I see how kick-off will go or if we are trying Controlled kick off.

I hope this sums it up for both low and high skilled players.
Game won't start/Crash/Freeze/Stutter
There can be many issues with your System or corrupted files/programs.

Rocket League are requiring these things installed, which should be automatically installed by Steam:

NTDLL.dll = Delete Cache folder, Disable Steam Cloud, Rename Rocket League folder in "My Games" to Rocket League Old:

Latest Graphic driver and Windows Updates

OneDrive Cloud issue with stuck at syncing,etc.
You may be unaware of some issue with Microsoft OneDrive cloud service which may cause some issues. For example your files are not syncing properly or can not delete Cache folder, rename folder, or just some issues with game finding these files.
Try look on Microsoft support article :

Firewall - Add program as exception
Skip step "Reset button" if you don't have issue with connecting to RL servers (it would reset your router to factory settings such as password,etc.)
Windows Firewall - How to Add Exception[]

Search for Errors in crash reports or in Logs:
  • Control Panel - Security and Maintenance - Maintenance - Reliability History (Monitor) - View all reports -
    Search for Rocket League and View Details - Double click to open report with recent date/time when game had recently issues (if you have more reports click on "More"). Line 'Faulting module' could say most about issue.

  • File explorer - Documents - My games - Rocket League - TAGame - Logs - Open text file with recent date/time when game had recently issues (Lauch or Launch-backup) and search for errors inside - usually critical error at last lines or 'Hardware test failed -errror 0x...'

HardwareTest failed to connect error code 0x80070422 (shown in log text file) :
Check system services - after clicking Start, enter the phrase services.msc - Windows Managment Instrumentation service should be enabled automatically by default.
If you have this service disabled then double click and choose "Start" + set as "Automatic"
It should start to work.

If you have Nvidia Graphics card, possible tweaks needed here:
  • Shader Cache Off :
    The solution provided by support :
    Open NVIDIA Control Panel -> Manage 3D settings -> Program settings -> Select rocket league .exe file and then turn off the Shader cache on the bellow table -> Restart PC.
  • Image Sharpening Off:
    Check in Nvidia Control Panel - 3D Settings - Image sharpening needs to be off

Click on RL icon when launching game
For some reason it might crash if you won't be clicking to make it in focus

Msconfig disable all services
  • Press Windows key + R.
  • Enter "msconfig" in the entry field and hit enter.
  • Go to the "Services" tab, check the "Hide All Microsoft Services" checkbox and then hit the "Disable All" button.
  • Click the "OK" button and close the utility, and restart your computer when prompted to.
After that you might need to manually start Steam service, look here:

Youtube Short Video Fix :

Suggestions from Psyonix Community Specialist / Analyst(updated for 2021).
Originally posted by Dirkened:
If players are still having issues launching Rocket League, we recommend these steps:

1. If you have any 3rd party software like Bakkesmod/Alpha Console/Gif Your Game
  • Update the software.
  • If that doesn't resolve the issue, go to the directory %userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Rocket League\Binaries
  • Rename the Win64 folder to Win64.old
  • Do the same thing for Win64 folder that located by default in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\rocketleague\Binaries

2. If you have MSI Afterburner or Rivatuner
  • Update the software.
  • If it doesn't resolve the issue, disable the software.
  • Verify game file integrity

3. Update .NET Framework to version 4.7 and above from here:

4. White-list both Rocket League
  • Located by default in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\rocketleague\Binaries\) and Steam client in your anti-virus software and on Windows Defender.

For Performance issues :
Originally posted by Cotaks:
windows 10?
Turn off the action centrum, every time you get a notice in there, the game will stutter a lot.
This is because RL is not executed in true fullscreen.

Originally posted by Diestroyer:
I realized that I needed to replace the thermal paste on my CPU. My CPU was hitting 100 c and ruining my FPS like nothing else but I had no way to know this until I downloaded a tool that showed me the core temps. Once I realized this, I learned that while CPUs don't degrade, the Thermal Paste that helps sink heat does and I went out and had it fixed and the difference is night and day. I can play again without FPS spikes and it's great. If this is your problem, consider your CPU's age and getting the Thermal paste renewed and getting your insides cleaned too because that definitely helps. Best of luck. See you in the Xtra Q.
Other valuable articles :

Steam overlay is disabled
"If your steam overlay isn't working, disable discord's overlay and restart RL"

"That wasn't working for me unfortunately, then discovered disabling discord overlay, as in the past people have mentioned other overlays affecting steams overlay in game"
Latency and Packet Loss issues
Try to use Google Public DNS :

Originally posted by Ersatz:
So, for everyone having the same problem, i found a weird fix. You have to disable energy efficient ethernet and green ethernet. I was 30 ping now 17-19 and now i dont suffer from stutters and rubberbanding anymore ! ːwinter2019coolyulː

Hope this helps folks.

Originally posted by Booga™:
I had this problem a few months back and that was almost exactly how my connection was. I had wired connection and every other game was fine except rocket league. I had to look into what bufferbloat was and ran a test for it on a website and that was the source of my issue. Too many devices for my router to handle at the same time caused "traffic" for my router to handle causing the lag. Look into a new router with a QoS feature on them, it doesn't necessarily have to be a "gaming router" to have this feature but do expect to spend a good chunk of money on a better router with QoS.

Originally posted by Doomstrike:
If you get packet loss that isn't the server....well it can be but most likely it isn't . download winmtr or pingplotter and find the last server ip you were playing on.

You can find the IP in this folder \Documents\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Logs and open Launch.log.

Search for ":7" and that should list you the last server you played on

copy and paste that address into one of those 2 programs and let it go for 5 minutes It will show you your ping and packet loss as well as a bunch of other stuff including how many hops you have to go through to reach the server 95% of the time the server is not the issue. the server fyi is the last 2 hops in the list, with the second to last being the data center followed by the server. the first 2 hops are usually your home network then the next 2 are your local ISP.

Originally posted by Dragons262:
Packet loss is both related to the servers and your connection to the servers (but it's going to play a big part with your connection to the server, not the other way around)

Having a wired connection will be better, as wireless connections bring up packet loss (a common problem even with other games)

Uninstall/reinstall rocket league

Verify integrity of the game

Update your graphics driver (example, mine is NVIDIA) I rarely get packet loss. Maybe once or twice a week I'll get a little bit during a match or two but other than that it's fine.

Don't really know if this will help but CCleaner might help clear up your computer and make it run better overall.

Not confirmed, just copy-pasted from Reddit:
"If you have access to a PC you can test for packet loss via command prompt. Type ''ping -t'' (without quotes) and hit enter, let it run for a few minutes, then hit Ctrl + C.

If you have packet loss there, and you're not on WIFI and have no other devices downloading/streaming, contact your ISP and ask for an engineer visit. They may refuse if your speeds are fine, they may charge after the results of the investigation are in. Both will depend on your ISP. "

Look here too

My Steam friend Brawndo's advice for experienced users.
"Personally I don't always agree with pinging services like google. It's useful for checking the general state of your connection, but not for troubleshooting connections to specific servers. In these cases I prefer MTR tests (WinMTR for you windows users) on the actual address of a malperforming server, as this ensures that problems with specific routes can be identified.Grabbing the last IP address of a server can be quickly done by looking for the last apperance of ":7" (of course without quotes) in the log. Always using addresses from the last session also prevents flooding the same servers, so it should be safe to suggest these steps publicly. In some cases (e.g. when trying to check for Bufferbloat), results won't be accurate if there is not enough load on the line. In these cases it's a good idea to perform a speedtest while running ping/MTR tests in the background. For more details is a good start.

I hope this is useful for you..."

Originally posted by Brawndo - The Thirst Mutilator:
"Everything else is working fine" is rarely useful for anything more than absolutely basic troubleshooting, just like ping/bandwidth tests on the internet. This will only show general problems with your connection, but doesn't test specific connections.
The only scenario where you can be sure that the problem is completely psyonix fault is when the server health icon flashes, everything else requires proper testing.

First make sure that you are on a wired connection (at least for testing) and no other devices are using your connection. Then go into your logs (%userprofile%\documents\my games\Rocket League\TAGame\Logs\Launch.log) and search for :7. You should see the address of the first server you connected to in your last gaming session. It should look like this:
Copy that address (and ideally the addresses of other servers you played on, especially the ones you had problems with) and run an MTR test on it (WinMTR should be good for windows users).

Look for hops that have packet loss or noticeable latency variation and report those to the responsible companies (psyonix or their server hoster for the last few hops, your local admin for the first few hops or your ISP for anything between).

Other steps that sometimes help:
- change your DNS server
- disable unneeded software that is running in the background (especially discord, browsers, and any streaming services)
- remove "optimization" tools that tend to mess up more than they improve
- restart your router
- select the proper region manually, ignoring "recommended"

Of course you can also contact the official support by opening a ticket at

To mitigate issues with a spotty connection you could also try different kinds of input buffering[].

Best of luck, hope you get your problem solved soon ;)

High ping

Originally posted by Poor:
Some players have consistently high ping (not lag spikes) on a particular set of US East servers. From my research, it's not the fault of the servers nor is it something on the player's end. It's somewhere in between, on the backbone of the Internet. A traceroute confirms this, showing a bad node where significant latency appears.

Whether you are routed along the bad route or not depends on your location and ISP. Nothing Psyonix can really fix. Using a proxy or VPN may allow you to go around the route.

Connectivity issues
Not Logged in to Rocket League Servers

Main Connection Troubleshooting articles:

Delete the "Cache" folder
My documents / My games / Rocket League / TAGame / Chache
Then open CMD (Press Win + R, then write cmd there, press Enter)
In the terminal, enter the following 3 commands (But before entering a new one, wait until the previous one completes its action):
1) ipconfig /release
2) ipconfig /renew
3) ipconfig /flushdns

Open NAT
For Open NAT:
Open the Start Menu.
Open Settings.
Click Network & Internet.
Click Sharing options.
Expand the network profile currently assigned to your network connection.
In the Network discover section, select “Turn on network discovery”. ...
Click Save changes.

Submit ticket to RL Support, guide here:

It's recommended to add these Logs to save some time too
Application load error 3:0000065432
Look on these sites:

Specific solution for F-Secure Deepguard
"Go to your antivirus (bottom right)
open it and go to settings
Add new files to be excluded from F-Secure:
program files --> Steam folder (I'm not sure if Steam is in the same place for everyone so you may need to search for the folder)
Select the folder and add it to the list
RL works"

Trading safely
Originally posted by ✔️King Benjamin🔑:
This post is about being aware of scams in rocket league because
I find too many players fall for these scams.I`ve traded for a long time on PC and PS4 and wished that people had warned me about these scams before.

a)Don`t click on any links what so ever!
b)Don`t exchange items for cash
c)Normally a good deal is too good to be true and the scammer switches items.
b)Don`t trust a guy who says hes a steam admin and give him your account details

1)One of the biggest scams on rocket league PC is in messages a rocket league "trader" will give you an offer that is `normally` too good to be true. This person will then tell you that they are on there wrong account and will tell you to add there other account. They will then send you a link to a FAKE steam website and it will look very real (DO NOT PUT ANY DETAILS IN) these websites normally have a weird URL and misspell community in steam community or use .org or a fake .com of sorts ( some may use HTTP which is not secure compared to normally HTTPS ) . These websites will steal your information and automatically change your steam email and steal all of your items and the account in the process.

2)Paypal scams! These type of scams mainly depend on the scammer asking you to give you there item for cash on paypal. They also ask for the item first and if they do not they will charge back the cash. Generally don`t break ToS and just don`t sell for cash. Also even if they have a lot of REPS on their profile does not mean they do not scam! Profiles are monitored by them only and they can decide what you see on it and can delete any bad comments and keep good ones.

3) Finally the most common scam of a person giving alot of overpay (normally in blueprints) with the main item at the start, they furthermore keep cancelling the trade and say that you are cancelling it. While you type ,that you are not cancelling they change the main item from something to something worse a lot less! ( for example a white octane to a grey one ).

4)This is a very new Scam and not many people fall for it but, A trader adds you on steam and then says he "accidentally" reported you to steam, Then a FAKE steam admin adds you and says he will need your account details for him to remove the report on your account. Its a extremely dumb scam but if you do not know about it some people could fall for it.

If you found this helpful please comment on my profile or here :)
I will update more later
Rate Guide!
Please rate guide if it was helpful or you liked it ;)
Feel free to write what could be added or what is not very clean.
DLCs. Not Tradable and removed from Steam Store
Originally posted by GrunzJr:
All Premium DLC packs have been removed from the Steam Store following the Blueprint Update v1.70.[] Their content may return in the in-game Item Store in the future. Read more here:
Workaround for low PC Specs
If you can't still launch game or your performance is really bad you can try this playable workaround - keep in mind that Directx 9 is no longer supported and you will be missing many graphic textures + game may crash sometimes.
Here's guide to Force game to run in DX9

Workaround above doesn't work anymore since Season 3 Update in 2021.

Even if your graphics supports Directx 11 but does not support at least feature level 11_0 - that is reason probably especially when game won't launch.
Apart of new specs you can try for example Cloud Gaming service - GeForce Now if it is available in your country and you have good enough Connection speed :
Pepper 8 May, 2021 @ 7:45am 
Thanks a lot for your time. Your help trough discord and this post you made finally fixed an issue that was on for days. THANK YOU :steamthumbsup:
quickER 🛠  [author] 31 Aug, 2020 @ 11:18am 
thanks Discord passerby :p2cube:
nano 31 Aug, 2020 @ 11:07am 
The only guide I ever read : )
quickER 🛠  [author] 13 May, 2020 @ 9:34am 
thanks, I appreciate it
koppany 13 May, 2020 @ 9:14am 
Thanks mate, very helpful in discord and this whole thread :)
quickER 🛠  [author] 25 Apr, 2020 @ 6:49am 
no problem, you can write what helped ;)
ЕБАТЬ ОН СИЛЬНЫЙ 25 Apr, 2020 @ 5:53am 
OMG thx
quickER 🛠  [author] 17 Apr, 2020 @ 4:12pm 
thanks :steamhappy: , was it helpful or you found something new ?
lili 17 Apr, 2020 @ 3:53pm 
nice guide:steamhappy:
quickER 🛠  [author] 14 Apr, 2020 @ 1:00pm 
thanks ;)