Dota 2
169 ratings
Help you to choose a nice courier
By Karyan
You're just new to collect courier? You are a diligent support and want a beautiful courier, but there are too many of them so you can't pick? You want a nice courier with effect but you don't know what is suitable for your budget? Don't worry, I will help you to choose.
1. This guide is just my personal opinion. Feel free to discuss and add yours. Honestly I just own some mid-low and mid-high couriers, so this guide may lack and have some mistake.
2. Price of couries may be changed by time. Visit Steam Market or some 3rd sites to check it.
3. I do not buy, sell, trade, price check couriers. Please don’t ask me for that.
4. In this guide, I use some images/ videos from Dota 2 Wiki, Youtube and other sources. Check the References section for credits.
5. This guide doesn’t include not tradable/ not marketable couriers such as Amaterasu or Collector’s Baby Roshans.
6. Preview gifs/ images may have low quality to reduce file size. Visit Steam Market, Dota 2 Wiki, or Youtube to better preview.

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Important and Useful Tips
This is some important and useful tips when choosing or buying couriers. It will help you to choose the best quality effect or avoid scammers.

1. Finding full unlocked couriers
Some couriers come with multi-style, if a style is locked, you can't use this. To find the full unlocked courier, go to its page on Steam Market. You will see a "looking for specific item" box. Type in it:
<courier's name> NOT locked
and hit enter, it will show all full unlocked courier.
You can also use this feature to find 3ue Greevils, number of views (games watched) or specific gems on unusual couriers (details below).

2. Checking Greevil Courier
- The courier must have "Unusual" tag and purple border preview images to have effect.
- Check the last line of courier: Only choose 3ue (3 unusual essences) – Aura – for the best effect and quality. Be careful, scammers often change description of this courier to “Aura” to fake 3ue. If someone offer you an 1ue (Air) or 2 ue (Ambience) courier for high value, they are scammers.
- Count the number of lines: If there are 9 lines, the courier has full parts (except Unusual Naked Greevil and Unusual Dreaded Greevil, which are full with only 7 lines).

3. Unusual Couriers' Gems
- All unusual couriers, except Unusual Greevils, normally comes with one prismatic gem (color) and one ethereal gem (effect).
- If you want to change color and/ or effect of a courier, you must override the new gem(s) with the old gem(s), that mean the old gem(s) is gone. If you extract the gem(s) from the courier, the courier will be destroyed.
- Only couriers with tag unusual can be added with gems (except few other couriers, I will explain later). Put the gem into a normal courier doesn’t make it into unusual.
- I recommend you find a courier that already has the gems you want, it will be cheaper than you buy the courier and then buy gems separately to replace old gems – of course, sometimes it’s hard to find.

4. Price of Unusual Courier
This is not exact the way to calculate price of unusual couriers. Price can be differents depends on the deal between buyer and seller.

For me, the price depends on the courier and its gems are "beautiful" or "ugly".
- Couriers:
  • "Beautiful" couriers: Baby Roshans, Enduring War Dog, Lil' Nova, Masked Fey, Shagbark, Jin and Yin Fox, Azuremir, Drodo the Druffin, Hollow Jack, Baekho, Murrissey the Smeevil, Coral the Furryfish.
  • "Medium" couriers (maybe count as "beautiful"): Butch, Kupu the Metamorpher, Na'Vi's Weaselcrow, Captain Bamboo, Boxhounds.
  • "Ugly" couriers: The rest.
- Ethereal Gems:
  • "Beautiful" ethereal gems: Ethereal Flame, Champion's Aura 2014, Trail of Burning Doom (ToBD), effect gem from luxury couriers (Touch of Frost, Touch of Flame, Touch of Midas, Ionic Vapor),...
  • "Medium" ethereal gems (maybe count as "beautiful"): Trail of Lotus Blossom (ToLB), Rubiline Sheen, Bleak Hallucination,...
  • "Ugly" ethereal gems: The rest.
- Prismatic Gems: (not too much important, I usually see the ethereal gem to valuate the courier; sometimes the color is beautiful or not depend on how it's suitable with the effect)
  • "Beautiful" prismatic gems: Price is over 40$
  • "Ugly" prismatic gems: The rest.

If the courier is "beautiful" and both of its gems are "ugly", then:
Price = Price of the courier
If the courier is "ugly" and at least one of its gems is "beautiful", then:
Price = Total price of its gems
If both the courier and its gems are "ugly", then:
Price = Price of the courier on Steam Market
If the courier is "beautiful" and at least one of its gems is "beautiful", then:
• If price of courier < total price of it gems, then: Price = 1/2 or 1/3 price of the courier on Steam Market + Total price of its gems OR • If price of the courier > total price of its gems, then: Price = Price of the courier + 1/2 or 1/3 Total price of its gems
==> Sometimes the price of an unusual couriers is only price of its gem, even both the couriers and gems are "beautiful".

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Now there are some suggestions for you to choose couriers.

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Low Tier Courier
They are cheap couriers, about under 10$, but still have nice effect. Suitable for low budget or new players.

Genuine Wyvern Hatchling
Steam Market Link

Comes with 3 styles: Ice, Fire and Gold. Very cheap courier, but nice effect.

Steam Market Link

Cute appearance. Comes with 4 styles. I suggest using style 4 (white and pink) for best effect.

Sappler the Eager
Steam Market Link

Not really beautiful appearance, but nice effect at all 4 styles - 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.

Steam Market Link

Very cheap courier with effect. Has 4 styles, but only style 3 and 4 have strong effect.

Hwytty & Shyzzyrd
Steam Market Link

It’s cheap now. Cute, funny, with a little effect.

Genuine Smeevil
Steam Market Link

Comes with 8 styles. Various appearances, colors and effects to shuffle. Reasonable choice for low budget.

Genuine Star Ladder Grillhound
Steam Market Link (not search views)
(1) (2)
The more view of Starladder tournament recorded in gem, the stronger effect. View is not limited, but I suggest 666 – 1000 views for the best effect.

Wynchell the Wyrmeleon
Steam Market Link
(3) (4)
Effect of this courier is stronger with more view of The Premier League SS4 tournament (ticket no longer avaiable), but max at 100 views.

Inky the Hexapus
Steam Market Link (5)
Like Grillhound and Wynchell, Inky the Hexapus courier’s effect is increased by watching its tournament, G-1 Champion League SS5, with max effect at 120 views (100 views is ok).

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Mid-low Tier Couriers
They have beautiful effect, but not too special. Suitable for most player.

++ Unusual Greevils
Unusual Greevil "Family" comes with 9 different Unusual Greevil couriers. See the "Important and useful tips" to know how to check these couriers.

Unusual Naked Greevil
Steam Market Link (7)
Brown-gray smoke effect around the courier. Sometimes, people prefer not-full-part Naked Grevill, because it’s cuter.

Unusual Spirited Greevil
Steam Market Link (7)
Yellow spark and lighning effect.

Unusual Merciless Greevil
Steam Market Link (7)
Fire effect.

Unusual Determined Greevil
Steam Market Link (7)
Blue ice effect.

Unusual Voracious Greevil
Steam Market Link (7)
Orange lava (?) effect.

Unusual Wicked Greevil
Steam Market Link (7)
Purple smoke and glowing eyes effect.

Unusual Greedy Greevil
Steam Market Link (7)
Growing grass effect (funny called “courier poop grass”). The most popular, also has one of the most beautiful effect in Greevil family.

Unusual Seraphic Greevil
Steam Market Link (7)
Rainbow flow and glowing eyes effect.

Unusual Dreaded Greevil
Steam Market Link (7)
Black smoke, orange glowing eyes effect.
++ Mid-low Unusual Couriers
💎 Suggest Couriers:

💎 Suggest Effect (Ethereal gem): (8)
View full list of ethereal gems HERE.[]
  • Rubiline Sheen: Transparent crystals grow from the courier, while it gives off colored flames.

  • Felicity’s Blessing: Grass, butterflies, and bugs appear around the courier, enveloped in a haze (similar to Unusual Greedy Greevil).

  • Crystal Rift: Dark crystal shards materialize around courier.

  • Sunfire: A column of bright light shines down on the courier.

  • Trail of the Amanita: A musty haze surrounds the courier, and mushrooms grow under where it stands.

  • Champion’s Aura 2013: Colored glow appears around the courier.

  • Searing Essence: Twisted beams of light originate from the courier's eyes.

💎 Suggest Color (Prismatic gem):
View full list of prismatic gems HERE[]
Reflection's Shade
Dredge Earth
Champion's Green
Plague Grey
Brusque Britches Beige
Verdant Green

💎 Example Couriers:
  • Unusual Garran Drywiz and Garactacus - Champion’s Aura 2013, Champion Green

  • Unusual Fezzle-Feez the Magic Carpet Smeevil - Champion’s Aura 2013, Champion Green

  • Unusual Grimoire The Book Wyrm - Searing Essence, Dredge Earth
  • Unusual Skip the Delivery Frog - Trail of the Amanita, Reflection's Shade
++ Other Mid-low Couriers
Strongback the Swift
Steam Market Link

Cute, funny, colorful. But I think the effect is a little prolix.

Hermes the Hermit Crab
Steam Market Link

Full unlocked with 9 styles, base on in-game items. This courier has an unique feature that no courier has: in match, it can automatically change styles each four minutes, from the first to last style.

Faceless Rex
Steam Market Link

Cute, funny courier, inspired by Faceless Void.

Hakobi and Tenneko
Steam Market Link

Not too much special effect, but it's so cute.

Steam Market Link

It used to be very expensive, but price dropped terribly when the trearsure contains it could be opened in Siltbreaker Reward. It is a reasonable choice, despite of having no effect with normal version. It has 2 style for Radiant and Dire.

Golden Couriers
Golden Krobeling
Steam Market Link
Golden Seekling
Steam Market Link
Golden Venoling
Steam Market Link
Golden Devourling
Steam Market Link

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Mid-high Tier Couriers
They are expensive couriers and have beautiful effect.
++ Mid-high Unusual Couriers
💎 Suggest Couriers:

💎 Suggest Effect (Ethereal gem): (8)
View full list of ethereal gems HERE.[]
  • Trail of the Lotus Blossom (ToLB): Petals fall from the courier to the ground.

  • Champion's Aura 2014: Colored energy appears around the courier.

  • Ethereal Flame: The courier is surrounded in vibrant flames.

  • Bleak Hallucination: A faint image of the courier flickers around its body, with a gentle smoke and particle trail.

  • Frostivus Frost: Frost crystals form on the courier, which is followed by a light flurry of snow and wind. Mounds of snow appear underneath.

💎 Suggest Color (Prismatic gem):
View full list of prismatic gems HERE[]
Explosive Burst
Tnim S'nnam
Ships in the Night
Dungeon Doom
Sea Green
Blossom Red
Vermillion Renewal
Plague Grey
Brusque Britches Beige

💎 Example Couriers:
  • Unusual Masked Fey - Ethereal Flame, Dungeon Doom (my current courier ^^)

  • Unusual Lil' Nova - Bleak Hallucination, Dungeon Doom
  • Unusual Na'Vi's Weaselcrow - ToLB, Blossom Red
  • Unusual Tory the Sky Guardian - Champion's Aura 2014, Brusque Britches Beige
  • Unusual Captain Bamboo - Bleak Hallucination, Tnim S'nnam
  • Genuine Shagbark the Plush - Butterfly Romp, Plushy Shag
    (Shagbark courier has both unusual and geniune version, both can be added with gem)
++ Other Mid-high Couriers
Steam Market Link

Full unlocked with 22 styles. It has vaviours effect even with low styles. But I sugesst the highest style.

Steam Market Link

A courier from Nexon server, full unlocked with 17 styles. Strongest and most beautiful effect at style 16 and 17.

Golden Huntling
Steam Market Link

Cute little Bounty Hunter.

Golden Doomling
Steam Market Link

Cute little Doom.

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High Tier Couriers
They are expensive courier with high price, suitable for collectors, traders, or if you just have lots of money :D.
++ High Unusual Couriers
💎 Suggest Couriers:

💎 Suggest Effect (Ethereal gem): (8)
View full list of ethereal gems HERE.[]
  • Trail of the Lotus Blossom (ToLB): Petals fall from the courier to the ground.

  • Ethereal Flame: The courier is surrounded in vibrant flames.

  • Trail of Burning Doom: The courier is covered with flames, and lava erupts from the ground as it walks.

  • Champion's Aura 2012: Colored energy appears around the courier.

💎 Suggest Color (Prismatic gem):
View full list of prismatic gems HERE[]
Creator's Light
Placid Blue
Champion's Blue
Diretire Orange
Plushy Shag

💎 Example Couriers:
  • Unusual Baby Roshan - ToBD, Red
  • Unusual Enduring War Dog - Ethereal Flame, Creator's Light
  • Unusual Jin & Yin Fox Spirit - Champion's Aura 2014, Plushy Shag
  • Unusual Baekho, Ethereal Flame, Dredge Earth
  • Unusual Drodo the Druffin - Champion's Aura 2012, Champion's Blue
  • Unusual Murrissey the Smeevil - Champion's Aura 2012, Champion's Blue

  • Unusual Jumo, ToLB, Blossom Red
++ Other High Couriers
Nian Courier

That cute kitten is from New Bloom 2019. But in my opinion, its effect isn't special. It's expensive just because it's extremely rare reward when spinning wheel.

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Luxury Tier Couriers
Most expensive couriers in Dota 2. Including special Baby Roshans, Bugged gem couriers, and Legacy couriers. Most of us can't touch them (ಥ﹏ಥ).
++ Legacy & Bugged Gem Couriers
Legacy Couriers
💎 Legacy gems are unique color prismatic gem. The color doesn't have a name, but RGB number. It's extremely rare to have two couriers with same legacy color, that makes them unique.

💎 There are 2 types of legacy couriers:
- Original legacy couriers: They have legacy gem since they were opened from chest. They have Legacy tag, with light white border in inventory.
- Unusual legacy couriers: They are normal unusual couriers, added with legacy prismatic gem. They still have Unusual tag and purple border in inventory.
Ofcourse, original legacy couriers often have higher price than unusual ones.

💎 Some legacy couriers: (22)
  • Morok's Mechanical Mediary - Resonant Energy / 210; 62; 104

  • Speed Demon - Felicity's Blessing / 255; 105; 180

  • Enduring War Dog - Ethereal Flame / 191; 78; 123 (this is the most famous legacy courier, "pink war dog", used to be sold with 38K$)

  • Trusty Mountain Yak - Searing Essence / 107; 211; 249

  • Fearless Badger - Ethereal Flame / 81; 115; 229

Bugged Gem Couriers
💎 There is an old bug long time ago in source 1, that allowed adding multi ethereal gems to a courier (and also adding ethereal gem in hero's cosmetic items). This bug is no longer available anymore, that make the bugged gem courier extremely rare and expensive.

Some types of bugged gem courier, from low to high:
  • Normal courier bugged with 1 ethereal gem
  • Normal courier bugged with 2 or more ethereal gems
  • Unusual courier bugged with 2 or more ethereal gems

💎 Some bugged gem couriers:
  • Unusual Platinum Baby Roshan, with 3 ethereal gems: Champion's Aura 2012, Orbital Decay, and Bleak Hallucination (Creator's Light color) (23)

  • Unusual Tinkbot, with 2 ethereal gems: Ethereal Flame and Orbital Decay (Placid Blue color) (24)

  • Baby Roshan, with 2 ethereal gems: Champion's Aura 2012 and Champion's Aura 2012
  • Baekho, with 2 ethereal gems: ToBD and Orbital Decay
++ Special Baby Roshans
Gingerbeard Baby Roshan

Honey Heist Baby Roshan

Jade Baby Roshan

Desert Sand Baby Roshan

Lava Baby Roshan

Ice Baby Roshan

Aghanim’s Interdimensional Baby Roshan

Dark Moon Baby Roshan

Platinum Baby Roshan
(29), (30)

Golden Baby Roshan

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1. Grillhound gifs by Angelodev - <Link[]>
2. Dota 2 - Grillhound Effect Evolution (..... 0 up to 1159 game views) by Vo Dinh Truong - <Link>
3. Wynchell gifs by Angelodev - <Link[]>
4. Wynchell the Wyrmeleon - 100 games [Full effect][HD] by CecritGaming - <Link>
5. Courier | Inky the hexapus with 500 views! by Dr.Chemist - <Link>
6. [PSA]In Game Images of Every Greevil Effect by Aristar -<Link>
7. Unusual Greevil videos by LuckynumberSven - <Link>
8. Ethereal Gem (Dota 2 Wiki) - <Link[]>
9. Dota 2 Unusual Grimoire The Book Wyrm... by Дима Коцофляк - <Link>
10. Unusual Skip the Delivery Frog... by Дима Коцофляк - <Link>
11. Unusual Lil' Nova.... by Putra Melinda - <Link>
12. Unusual Na'Vi's Weaselcrow... by Elle V - <Link>
13. Unusual Tory the Sky Guardian... by Elle V - <Link>
14. Unusual Captain Bamboo.... by Golzop Mipek ccamispas - Link
15. Genuine Shagbark the Plush by Kyle - <Link>
16. Unusual Baby Roshan.... by Elle V <Link>
17. Unusual Enduring War Dog.... by Chop Shop - <Link>
18. Unusual Jin & Yin Fox Spirits.... by Elle V - <Link>
19. Unusual Baekho.... by Turgay Dilbaz - <Link>
20. Unusual Drodo the Druffin... by Elle V - <Link>
21. Dota 2 Unusual Jumo (Lotus) Effect! by SierraTiger - <Link>
22. Legacy unique Couriers by LuckynumberSven - <Link>
23. 3 Ethereal Gems Platinum Baby Roshan - <Link>
24. Faceless.xy's crazy bugged double ethereal gem Tinkbot - <Link>
25. DotA 2 - Bugged Dual Ethereal Roshan (CA2012 + CA2014) by tsuehpsyde - <Link>
26. Bugged Unusual Courier - Baekho | Dota 2 by Ice & Fire - <Link>
27. Lava Baby Roshan by Dota2ru - <Link>
28. Ice Baby Roshan by Dota2ru - Link
29. Platinum Baby Roshan by Dota2ru <Link>
30 - Unusual Platinum Baby Roshan Upgrade (Legacy) by 4ngelo - <Link>
31 - Dota 2 Unusual Golden Baby Roshan by DotaCinema - <Link>

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Hope that you can choose your favourite courier(s) now!

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Check out my other guides
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Karyan  [author] 22 Jan @ 4:41am 
@jeongyeon as I know these couriers were bugged and seems that we have to wait Valve to fix.
epictetus 21 Jan @ 1:30pm 
Bro you know what happened to couriers that are dependent on views like grillhound and inky? Cosmetic glowGone after frostivus
benji 18 Aug, 2023 @ 1:44pm 
I have a 4 gem courier.
condenxdo. 5 Nov, 2021 @ 1:58am 
amazing post!!! ty!!!
Jeffrey Dahmer 1960 29 Feb, 2020 @ 3:03am 
Thanks bro !!!!! u Help me alot
76561197994898434 8 Jan, 2020 @ 11:01am 
omg Onibi lvl 21 is so awesome!
Пиу-Пиу я гномик 31 Dec, 2019 @ 7:17pm 
ENG : Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
TR : Listedekilerden birini seç ve profilime yaz,Aynısını ben de senin profiline yazacağım!
RUS : Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же
PL : wybierz jedno i wklej w komentarzu na mój profil a ja zrobie to samo jak tylko będe online
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Plotva 31 Dec, 2019 @ 12:29am 
Good thing I turned off these effects with no bling. My poor GPU :steamsad:
Gustaphos 28 Dec, 2019 @ 7:32pm 
Nice thread. Almost as good as the "how to be happy" dota 2 top thread.
大熊猫 27 Dec, 2019 @ 7:00pm 