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Ultra Rage32/64 Setting Upd - 2023
By ovd_masterkey
A rageConfig.cfg!

Tested with Windows 10 64bit 2560x1440!

Intel core i5;
Geforce gtx 1080 8GB;
8GB ram;

InGame Benchmark rageConfig.cfg 148;
InGame Benchmark rageConfig.cfg MAX! 223;
rage.exe commandline:
+com_allowConsole 0 +com_allowMods 0 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +g_showPlayerShadow 1 +logFile 0 +set m_rawinput 1 +set m_raw 1 +com_maxfps 90 +g_fov 103 +exec rageConfig.cfg

For Testing Rage32, whether command line and cfg will work, set "+logFile 0" to "+logFile 1"!!
C:\Users\%UserName%\Saved Games\id Software\Rage\base\qconsole.log

For Testing Rage64, whether command line and cfg will work, set "+logFile 0" to "+logFile 1"!!

If you are Testing Rage32 and Rage64 the Command Line Field must be changed for each!!!
+exec rageConfig.cfg       or       +exec rageConfig_max.cfg

Or you make a Shortcut of Rage64.exe with Target Command Line:
C:\Steam\steamapps\common\RAGE\Rage64.exe +com_allowConsole 1 +com_allowMods 1 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +g_showPlayerShadow 1 +logFile 0 +set m_rawinput 1 +set m_raw 1 +g_fov 103 +exec rageConfig_MAX.cfg

-----------> Attention: Shortcut does not work for me, strangely enough, Rage.exe is always started                 instead of Rage64.exe!
1) rageConfig.cfg
Go to:


make textfile rageConfig.cfg

copy & paste my values

-----------> //---------Change values for your PC

With a new Intel Core CPU, always switch off the E-Cores in the BIOS for gaming. Only use productivity cores!

I have tested many TWEAKS for idTech5, but most of the best parameters are locked!
I think this is the best you can do, all this values are used by Rage32 without error:

InGame Benchmark rageConfig.cfg 148______________________Ver1.1 06.08.2019 // New
seta vt_restart seta com_videoRam "4096" //-----------------------------------------------------------Your Value seta fc_maxcachememoryMB "96" // default:96=max fc_maxcachememoryMB seta vt_maxlockedpages "256" // default:64 vt_maxlockedpages seta jobs_numthreads "3" //Core_i5(4C/4T)=3, Core_i7(4C/8T)=6, default:2 jobs_numthreads seta vt_maxPPF "16" //16, default:128 vt_maxPPF // New seta vt_cudaBudget "30" // 20 default:14 vt_cudaBudget seta r_displayRefresh "60" //----------60---recomended-----------------------------Your Value seta r_swapInterval "-1" // smart -1, 1, 0 seta m_smoothing "0" seta m_smooth "1" // 1-8 cvaradd m_menu_sensitivity "0.20" // fix the mouse problem in menu cvaradd pm_nobob "-1" seta renderbump_fastObjLoad "1" // seta mt_genShowTexelBump "1" // seta mt_genShowTexelWorldNormal "1" seta vt_minlod "-2" seta vt_lodBias "-2" seta image_lodbias "-2" seta vt_maxaniso "4" seta vt_reducePopping "1" win_ypos "0" win_xpos "0" in_joystick "0" r_fullscreen "1" r_mode "18" // "18" = 1920x1080, "19" = 2560x1440,---------Your Value!! // or ---"-1" for custom Mode and than // or Custom Resolution Mode (remove //) // r_mode "-1" // r_customWidth "3840" // r_customHeight "2160" r_multiSamples "16" image_anisotropy "4" vt_useCudaTranscode "2" //------------------NVIDIA>500Serie/AMD=0-------Your Value vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly2 "8192" //-8192=max only vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly "8192" //--8192=max only vt_pageImageSizeUnique "8192" //--------------- 8192=max only vt_pageImageSizeVmtr "8192" //--------------- 8192=max only Vram > 3GB, default:4096 seta r_sb_imageSize "768" // default:768=max r_sb_imageSize seta r_dimShadowResolution "768" // default:768=max r_dimShadowResolution seta r_useNewPrivateLighting "1" seta r_useHardwareTextures "1" seta r_useSMP "1" seta r_dimShadowHeightTweak "1" seta r_dimShadowForceHighQuality "1" seta r_noBreakableShadows "0" seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0" //Sets up for using HQ gfx seta image_ignoreLowQuality "1" //ignores the low textures seta image_useCompression "0" seta vt_uncompressedVmtr "1" // New seta vt_uncompressedphysicalimages "0" // 1 do not use vt_uncompressedphysicalimages seta vt_vmtrcompression "none" // DCT, HDP, none vt_vmtrcompression seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "1" seta r_shadowsHighQuality "1" seta vt_qualityhdplossless "1" seta vt_qualityhdppower "255" seta vt_qualityhdpspecular "255" seta vt_qualityhdpnormal "255" seta vt_qualityhdpdiffuse "255" seta vt_qualitydctpower "100" seta vt_qualitydctspecular "100" seta vt_qualitydctnormal "100" seta vt_qualitydctchroma "100" seta vt_qualitydctluma "100" seta r_useVignetting "1" seta r_useFilmgrain "0" seta r_useCelShading "1" seta r_useMotionBlur "0" seta r_motionBlurQuality "3" seta r_useLensFlare "1" seta r_lensFlareStrength "1.0" seta r_useSunShafts "1" seta r_sunShaftsQuality "4" seta r_sunShaftsMaskStrength "0.5" seta r_sunShaftsStrength "1.0" seta r_useSSAO "1" seta r_useBloom "1" seta r_useHDR "1" seta r_useEdgeAA "1" seta r_useSoftShadows "1" seta g_useAmbientLight "1" seta g_showFirstPersonBody "1" seta g_useExplosionFX "1" seta r_useCachedDynamicModels "1" seta r_skipBump "0" seta r_skipPostProcess "0" seta r_skipParticles "0" seta r_skipSpecular "0" seta r_skipAmbient "0" seta r_skipNewAmbient "0" seta r_skipOverlays "0" seta r_skipBlendLights "0" seta r_skipMegaTexture "0" seta r_skipDeforms "0" seta r_skipDiffuse "0" seta r_skipDynamicTextures "0" seta r_skipFogLights "0" seta r_skipFrontEnd "0" seta r_skipGuiShaders "0" seta r_skipInteractions "0" seta r_skipLightScale "0" seta r_skipMegaTexture "0" seta r_skipRender "0" seta r_skipRenderContext "0" seta r_skipROQ "0" seta r_skipSubviews "0" seta r_skipSuppress "0" seta r_skipTranslucent "0" seta r_useLightPortalFlow "1" seta g_skipFX "0" seta g_skipParticles "0" seta g_skipViewEffects "0" seta r_shadows "1" seta r_useTwoSidedStencil "1" seta r_useOptimizedShadows "1" seta r_useTurboShadow "1" seta g_showPlayerShadow "1" seta r_useShadowVertexProgram "1" seta r_useShadowProjectedCull "1" seta r_useShadowCulling "1" seta r_useDepthBoundsTest "1" // 1=supports NVIDIA’s UltraShadow II--AMD=0----Your Value seta g_projectilelights "1" seta g_bloodEffects "1" seta g_decals "1" seta g_showBrass "1" seta g_muzzleFlash "1" seta g_doublevision "1"
2) rageConfig.cfg MAX!
Go to:


make textfile rageConfig.cfg

copy & paste my values

-----------> //---------Change values for your PC

With a new Intel Core CPU, always switch off the E-Cores in the BIOS for gaming. Only use productivity cores!

For better AA use a DownSampling Resolution of your Graphic Card Driver!

I do not know, if we can use higher values and if we can, are they realy used by the game?
This is the best you can do for Rage32, without error and maybe better:

If You have PROBLEMS, go back to my first rageConfig.cgf!!

rageConfig.cfg MAX! ----> Resolution for 2560x1440 (on 1920x1080 Monitor per DownSampling!)

Benchmark: 183-223;
seta vt_restart seta com_videoRam "8192" //--------------------------------------------------------Your Value seta fc_maxcachememoryMB "96" // default:96=max fc_maxcachememoryMB seta vt_maxlockedpages "256" // default:64 vt_maxlockedpages seta jobs_numthreads "4" //------Core_i5(4C/4T)=3, Core_i7(4C/8T)=6..---------Your Value.. jobs_numthreads seta vt_maxPPF "128" //16 default:128 vt_maxPPF // New seta vt_cudaBudget "30" // 20 default:14 vt_cudaBudget seta r_displayRefresh "60" seta r_swapInterval "-1" // smart -1, 1, 0 seta m_smoothing "0" seta m_smooth "1" // 1-8 cvaradd m_menu_sensitivity "0.20" // fix the mouse problem in menu cvaradd pm_nobob "-1" seta renderbump_fastObjLoad "1" // seta mt_genShowTexelBump "1" // seta mt_genShowTexelWorldNormal "1" seta vt_minlod "-2" seta vt_lodBias "-2" seta image_lodbias "-2" seta vt_maxaniso "4" seta vt_reducePopping "1" seta g_showPlayerShadow "1" win_ypos "0" win_xpos "0" in_joystick "0" r_fullscreen "1" r_mode "19" // --------"18" = 1920x1080, "19" = 2560x1440, --------Your Value!! // or ---"-1" for custom Mode and than // or Custom Resolution Mode (remove //) // r_mode "-1" // r_customWidth "3840" // r_customHeight "2160" r_multiSamples "16" image_anisotropy "16" vt_useCudaTranscode "2" //-------------------only Nvidia>500/ AMD = 0----Your Value vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly2 "16384" vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly "16384" vt_pageImageSizeUnique "16384" vt_pageImageSizeVmtr "16384" vt_pageImageSizeVmtr vt_pageImageSizeUnique vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly2 seta r_sb_imageSize "2048" // default:768=max r_sb_imageSize seta r_dimShadowResolution "2048" // default:768=max r_dimShadowResolution seta r_useNewPrivateLighting "1" seta r_useHardwareTextures "1" seta r_useSMP "1" seta r_dimShadowHeightTweak "1" seta r_dimShadowForceHighQuality "1" seta r_noBreakableShadows "0" seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0" //Sets up for using HQ gfx seta image_ignoreLowQuality "1" //ignores the low textures seta image_useCompression "0" seta vt_uncompressedVmtr "1" // New seta vt_uncompressedphysicalimages "0" // 1 do not use vt_uncompressedphysicalimages seta vt_vmtrcompression "none" // DCT, HDP, none vt_vmtrcompression seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "1" //Fore High Quality post proccessing seta r_shadowsHighQuality "1" //Fore High Quality shadows seta vt_qualityhdplossless "1" seta vt_qualityhdppower "255" seta vt_qualityhdpspecular "255" seta vt_qualityhdpnormal "255" seta vt_qualityhdpdiffuse "255" seta vt_qualitydctpower "100" seta vt_qualitydctspecular "100" seta vt_qualitydctnormal "100" seta vt_qualitydctchroma "100" seta vt_qualitydctluma "100" seta r_useVignetting "1" seta r_useFilmgrain "0" seta r_useCelShading "1" seta r_useMotionBlur "0" seta r_motionBlurQuality "3" seta r_useLensFlare "1" seta r_lensFlareStrength "1.0" seta r_useSunShafts "1" seta r_sunShaftsQuality "4" seta r_sunShaftsMaskStrength "0.5" seta r_sunShaftsStrength "1.0" seta r_useSSAO "1" seta r_useBloom "1" seta r_useHDR "1" seta r_useEdgeAA "1" seta r_useSoftShadows "1" seta g_useAmbientLight "1" seta g_showFirstPersonBody "1" seta g_useExplosionFX "1" seta r_useCachedDynamicModels "1" seta r_skipBump "0" seta r_skipPostProcess "0" seta r_skipParticles "0" seta r_skipSpecular "0" seta r_skipAmbient "0" seta r_skipNewAmbient "0" seta r_skipOverlays "0" seta r_skipBlendLights "0" seta r_skipMegaTexture "0" seta r_skipDeforms "0" seta r_skipDiffuse "0" seta r_skipDynamicTextures "0" seta r_skipFogLights "0" seta r_skipFrontEnd "0" seta r_skipGuiShaders "0" seta r_skipInteractions "0" seta r_skipLightScale "0" seta r_skipMegaTexture "0" seta r_skipRender "0" seta r_skipRenderContext "0" seta r_skipROQ "0" seta r_skipSubviews "0" seta r_skipSuppress "0" seta r_skipTranslucent "0" seta r_useLightPortalFlow "1" seta g_skipFX "0" seta g_skipParticles "0" seta g_skipViewEffects "0" seta r_shadows "1" seta r_useTwoSidedStencil "1" seta r_useOptimizedShadows "1" seta r_useTurboShadow "1" seta g_showPlayerShadow "1" seta r_useShadowVertexProgram "1" seta r_useShadowProjectedCull "1" seta r_useShadowCulling "1" seta r_useDepthBoundsTest "1" //---- 1=supports NVIDIA’s UltraShadow II-AMD=0-----Your Value seta g_projectilelights "1" seta g_bloodEffects "1" seta g_decals "1" seta g_showBrass "1" seta g_muzzleFlash "1" seta g_doublevision "1" seta com_allowConsole "0"
3) rageConfig.cfg Rage64
I do not use Rage64, even though:

Originally posted by qconsole.log:
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...using WGL_EXT_swap_control
...using WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear
created OpenGL 3.2 context on NVIDIA Corporation
----- GL_Init -----
OpenGL version 4.6

I think, Rage32 is 120% better than Rage64!!! Try the GUIDE!!!

I tested both and the true holly fact is, no matter what version you want to play, I do not want to force you to do anything, basically you can use both, but if you want to use the proven error-free and faster, then the choice falls to 32bit!

I do not use Rage64, even though it has an expanded RENDER system and you can use bigger Cache and Imagefiles, but it does not look better, if you use my rageConfig.cfg MAX! for Rage32, and Rage64 feels more stuttery. (inGame Benchmark Rage64: 110 / Rage32: ~200 )!

And there are many WARNINGS in the Log and than Bugs:

rage.exe commandline:

+com_allowConsole 1 +com_allowMods 1 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +g_showPlayerShadow 1 +logFile 0 +set m_rawinput 1 +set m_raw 1 +g_fov 103 +exec rageConfig_MAX.cfg For Testing, whether command line and cfg will work, set "+logFile 0" to "+logFile 1"!! C:\------\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\RAGE\SAVES\base\qconsole.log

Go to:


make textfile rageConfig_MAX.cfg

copy & paste my values

-----------> Change values for your PC

With a new Intel Core CPU, always switch off the E-Cores in the BIOS for gaming. Only use productivity cores!

I have tested many TWEAKS for idTech5, but most of the best parameters are locked!
I think this is the best you can do, all this values are used by Rage64 without error:

InGame Benchmark rageConfig.cfg 80-110______________________Ver1.0 06.08.2019
vt_restart fc_maxcachememoryMB "96" // default:96=max fc_maxcachememoryMB vt_maxlockedpages "256" // default:64 vt_maxlockedpages jobs_numthreads "3" //Core_i5(4C/4T)=3, Core_i7(4C/8T)=6.... jobs_numthreads vt_maxPPF "16" //16 default:128 vt_maxPPF vt_cudaBudget "30" // 20 default:14 vt_cudaBudget r_displayRefresh "60" r_swapInterval "-1" // smart -1, 1, 0 m_smooth "1" // 1-8 cvaradd m_menu_sensitivity "0.20" // fix the mouse problem in menu cvaradd pm_nobob "-1" renderbump_fastObjLoad "1" vt_minlod "-2" vt_lodBias "-2" image_lodbias "-2" vt_maxaniso "4" vt_maxaniso vt_reducePopping "1" win_ypos "0" win_xpos "0" in_joystick "0" r_fullscreen "1" r_mode "18" // "18" = 1920x1080, "19" = 2560x1440, ......Your Value!! r_multiSamples "16" r_multiSamples image_anisotropy "4" image_anisotropy vt_useCudaTranscode "2" vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly2 "16384" // 4096, 8192, 16384 vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly "16384" vt_pageImageSizeUnique "16384" vt_pageImageSizeVmtr "16384" vt_pageImageSizeVmtr vt_pageImageSizeUnique vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly2 r_sb_imageSize "4096" // default:2048 r_sb_imageSize r_dimShadowResolution "2048" // default:768 r_dimShadowResolution r_useNewPrivateLighting "1" r_useHardwareTextures "1" r_useSMP "1" r_dimShadowHeightTweak "1" r_dimShadowForceHighQuality "1" r_noBreakableShadows "0" image_useCompression "0" vt_uncompressedVmtr "1" vt_uncompressedphysicalimages "0" // 1 do not use vt_uncompressedphysicalimages vt_vmtrcompression "none" // DCT, HDP, none vt_vmtrcompression vt_qualityhdplossless "1" vt_qualityhdppower "255" vt_qualityhdpspecular "255" vt_qualityhdpnormal "255" vt_qualityhdpdiffuse "255" vt_qualitydctpower "100" vt_qualitydctspecular "100" vt_qualitydctnormal "100" vt_qualitydctchroma "100" vt_qualitydctluma "100" g_skipViewEffects "0" r_shadows "1" g_showPlayerShadow "1" g_bloodEffects "1"
ovd_masterkey  [author] 5 Apr, 2023 @ 12:48pm 
Thanks for your nice words. :cta_emo1:
Basically yes, but this config file is of course optimized for this game, here the focus was on turning on everything that is possible, although most of the best parameters are locked, so that the game looks as nice as possible and to eliminate the stuttering, especially in this subversion (early version) of the id tech5 engine.
Dr Nilsson 🖖 5 Apr, 2023 @ 10:58am 
Would these settings work on other idTech5 games?
Dr Nilsson 🖖 5 Apr, 2023 @ 10:46am 
Thank you, thank you, thank you! The game now runs smooth with the 32bit version. The 64 bit still runs like crap but 32 runs like a charm.
schmatzler 24 Mar, 2023 @ 5:36am 
Thanks! I took the max config on an RTX 3060 12GB and only changed these settings:

seta com_videoRam "12288"
r_mode "-1"
r_customWidth "3840"
r_customHeight "2160"

Works silky-smooth with almost no pop-in in full 4K.
ovd_masterkey  [author] 26 Nov, 2022 @ 5:37pm 
This is a opengl game. If You Enable in EGPU Driver OpenGL for EGPU it should work.
GER-RFAW 26 Nov, 2022 @ 9:22am 
i have already specified my nvida graphics card. the problem is i have this running as egpu and the game does not recognize it. hence the question if you can select the graphics prozerssor in the game or in the cfg. in windows this has always been enough but unfortunately it does not work in this game.
ovd_masterkey  [author] 8 Feb, 2021 @ 1:05pm 
Try this:
e.g. CommandLine:

+com_allowConsole 1 +com_allowMods 0 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +g_showPlayerShadow 1 +logFile 0 +set m_rawinput 1 +set m_raw 1 +g_fov 103 +exec rageConfig.cfg

---> in rageConfig.cfg:

seta com_fixedtic "1"
// 0=60 fps cut, 1= 60 FPS cut out + fix micro stutter with vsync=on

seta r_displayRefresh "144"

seta r_swapInterval "1"
// 1 = vsync on, -1 = 60 FPS Limit (maybe r_displayRefresh Limit)
AW4G9 8 Feb, 2021 @ 6:46am 
@12345 mine has started doing the same thing and I can't bypass the 60fps lock anymore either, I had it working a few hours ago but now it doesn't which is really weird. I'm running a 1440p 144hz monitor
ovd_masterkey  [author] 10 Nov, 2020 @ 2:56am 
You can use Command Line and rageConfig.cfg!!

e.g. CommandLine:

+com_allowConsole 0 +com_allowMods 0 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +g_showPlayerShadow 1 +logFile 0 +set m_rawinput 1 +set m_raw 1 +g_fov 103 +exec rageConfig.cfg

or only CommansLine if r_swapinterval will work?

e.g. CommandLine:

+com_allowConsole 0 +com_allowMods 0 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +g_showPlayerShadow 1 +logFile 0 +set m_rawinput 1 +set m_raw 1 +r_swapInterval 1 +g_fov 103 +exec rageConfig.cfg

You can also test:

+set r_swapInterval 1
+seta r_swapInterval 1
bulletshowerr 10 Nov, 2020 @ 1:10am 
Is there a simple launch value to enable the Vsync? I dont know why but my Rage keep forgotting i have enabled the vsync.