Blair Witch

Blair Witch

191 ratings
100% Achievement Guide (COMPLETE)
By Legendary
This Guide will help you 100% Blair Witch
I will list instructions for Every Achievement
now featuring ALL the collectibles as well
Here we go!

Miscellaneous Achievements
Note: I recommend going for the "last goodbye" achievement and collectibles with the first ending to 100% the game within only 2 runs, if you failed to do so you might need 3 runs unfortunately
As you need to destroy as many totems as you find on your way for "last good" achievement but destorying totems void the 2nd ending, so beware!
Last goodbye

Description: Find out what happened to Bullet.

How to get:This achievement can be a bit grindy but bare with me, to get it you need to
-Pet Bullet every once in a while randomly, and every time he brings you something
-always make sure he is close to you
-Do NOT let go of him in chapter 14, you need to keep carrying him until your character faints (it normally takes about 5 minutes)
-(optional but recommended) do not send him under the tree
-(optional but recommended) feed him the dog snacks in your inventory

Credits:Huge Thanks to Soul,HELLRAZORANGEL, and DR, for helping with the Achievement
Ray of Hope

Description: Patch Things up With Jess.

How to get:You need to have all the conversations with Jess,and to do that,you will need to answer her phone call every time she calls you,and you need to call her every time your phone gets Service,Coverage(you can tell when your phone is working again by the flashing Tower Icon on the bottom left side)you need to always make sure that you have had all the conversations with her throughout the game,keep calling until it always says"Line is busy"


Description: End the game without killing any monsters

How to get:Do not kill any of the monsters with the flash light,they won't hurt you as long as you don't flash them or get too close/loud (use your cam's night vision to roam around and walk slowly when close to monsters)
Note:In Chapter 9-10 when you get the war flashback, you will eventually meet 2 monsters on your way who will attack you no matter what, for that particular section, just keep running pass them even if they kill you, you will just respawn, keep trying until you get past them!
The idol

Description: Collect the first wooden doll.


Description: Collect the first psychiatrist's note.

Lost in the woods

Description: Collect the first victim's photo.

Good boy

Description: Pet the dog

How to get: As soon as you gain Control over Bullet,hold C and then hover your mouse to the right

What you got there

Description: Let Bullet bring you 10 things

How to get: As you progres, Bullet will randomly fetch you items, you simply need 10 and this can also be done in more than 1 run, so it shouldn't be that hard to get

The longest Hike

Description: Walk 100 miles...

How to get: you should get this before you finish the game, so don't bother farming it

Snake charmer

Description: Score 40 points in Cobra.

How to get: You need a score of 40 in the Cobra Game on your phone


Description: Let the VA know about the lumberjack's death.

How to get: As soon as you find the sawed man after the flashback in Chapter 9 Right before you meet Carver for the first time downstairs ,call VA on your Phone's Contact List

Last transmission

Description: Find out what happened to Peter.

How to get: As soon as you find the Bunker in Chapter 4,get inside, there should be a locked door on your way, the combination to it is (2,1,1,3), as you get in there should be an interactable object there, get close to it and then interact with it (in my case I had to crouch as well to make it work) The Achievement should pop up shortly after
UPDATE:in Chapter 17 there should be a door with the Blair witch Icon that you need to use a red tape for to unlock it,as you are facing the door, go to the right, you should find a "battery" on a table,after that you need to finish the game,and start a new one,then Head to the Bunker and use the battery that you found from your previous run.
Once you found this door don't go in,instead head to the right, there will be a battery on the table as shown below

I hate pizzas

Description: Make the pizza guy lose it.

How to get: You will need to keep calling the Pizza Shop Contact on your phone until the achievement pops up

To absent friends

Description: Pay your respects to sheriff Lanning.

How to get: At the beginning of the game,you need to go to the Sheriff's brown truck,open the door and then you should find a picture of his wife on his Sunvisor,when you find the Picture,FLIP IT,you should find a phone number there,later on in Chapter 5 when you find the Sheriff's Body and inspect it,call his wife from the number you got earlier and the achievement should pop up


Take his face

Description: Become Carver

How to get: destroy as many totems as you find on your way, You will need to defeat the monsters on your way with the flashlight and do as the woman tells you to do in Chapter 17 (Kill the Sheriff and Pull a lever that leads to your friend's death)

Break the cycle

Description: Help Ellis to get his redemption.

How to get: Avoid killing the monsters (Use the Night vision in your Cam to see in the dark if they are close), and Disobey the Woman's orders in Chapter 17 (simply walk pass those actions),she will close the door and ask you again to kill them,just open the door again and you are good to go and finally do not destroy any Totems and do not collect any Dolls(except the last 3 dolls in chapter 17, as you will not be able to progress unless you collect them)
note: Bullet might get startled/afraid of some totems, but don't worry about that, just ignore the totems and keep walking and he will follow you, you do not need to destroy them to progress
To fallen Comrades

Description: Collect all dog tags of the fallen comrades.

How to get:Many thanks to AchievementSquad for allowing me to use their guide


Description: Collect all of the psychiatrist's notes.

How to get:Thank you L0stInTheWorld for the guide

The fetish

Description: Collect all wooden dolls.

How to get:Many thanks again to L0stInTheWorld for the second guide


Description: All Collectibles in one Video

How to get:Thank you Game Guides Channel for the inclusive Guide!
I hope the guide proved useful to you, I apologize if certain parts were hard to understand as this is my first guide,if there is anything that needs improving I am always open to feedbacks.
and Please give a thumbs up if it was useful to you, this will give me the confidence and Motivation to make more guides!
Xero 4 Mar @ 1:13am 
The problem with both achievement guides is they are not completely in order. It's all mostly random with just descriptions of how to get them with no screenshots and a guide, outlining the exact spot. If the achievements were in order, you wouldn't have spoilers and probably receive more awards and likes.

These woods, although not open world, have multiple paths. It can be confusing about how far you went unless you save and it shows what chapter you are on. Like, did I miss something in the last chapter? I don't know because the achievement guide is not in order.
anton_korolev 29 Nov, 2021 @ 2:42am 
Monsters can be bypassed without killing. You need to use a camcorder, not a flashlight. If you don't get close to them, they will not attack. On a level with the train, you need to collect parts on foot.
The code from the bunker will be sent to your phone while listening to the radio in a police car.
Tmccanna 28 Nov, 2021 @ 4:40pm 
also theres no way to get past any of the monsters without killing them
Tmccanna 28 Nov, 2021 @ 3:43pm 
how do you get the bunker code?
anton_korolev 24 Nov, 2021 @ 11:00am 
Beat the game 4 times, but didn't get the "Last goodbye" achievement. The third time I went to the achievement "Pacifist" trying to fulfill the conditions for achieving with Bullet. At the end, the dog growled and walked away. I found a video of how someone goes through a game and at the end he gets the achievement "Last goodbye". I did everything the same ... The dog ran away, the achievement did not fall ... I already broke my head, what am I doing wrong. Maybe someone can share saves?
Legendary  [author] 15 Nov, 2021 @ 6:08am 
if you didn't collect too many, you should be fine, but if it's more than maybe 5 or so not sure, then you sadly would need to do another run if you want to get the "Break the cycle" ending :/
Triumph through, you got this!
MооN _ShinE 15 Nov, 2021 @ 5:49am 
Ohh... Seems like i have to make the game 3 times
Legendary  [author] 15 Nov, 2021 @ 4:56am 
Yes, you need to avoid the totems and the dolls (except the last 3 dolls which you have to collect to progress through the game, you will know which ones).
MооN _ShinE 15 Nov, 2021 @ 4:20am 
Is it for sure that u have to skip the dolls as well as totems?(
Kevin Aimlessly 12 Jan, 2021 @ 2:53pm 
K.I.A is inn chapter 11