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⚠SPOILER⚠ All 5 Endings for the Beautiful Nod's Route! ⚠SPOILER⚠
By Hyper Phoenix

This guide will tell you how to achieve every 5 Endings for Nod's route, YES especially the true ending which is the 5th one.
#1 A Sacrifice in Vain
This is by far the surprising and worst ending of all 5, It's a coincidence that it's also the first.

In this one you don't save Ollie's energy level What I mean is that all you do is to not bother talking to Ollie all the time by not asking for hints. (Hmph I'll let it slide this time but don't Neglect Ollie our Best girl and mascot next time)

Next you have to refuse Ollie's "Project" and choose the move on option where Nod tries to forget Irene and goes to the Hornet Aircraft then suddenly he see Mentor-15 standing on the ledge and nod tries to reach her to only get himself fall off 24 story down to earth with no Ollie to the rescue.
#2 Left Behind
In this one you may think the ending scene is the same but with a slight difference, Ollie uses her energy to save Nod from the fall how is that possible?

So in this one you have to save Ollie's energy and to do so you need to keep her busy from doing her little "Project" and more into talking and helping you, Whenever there is a yellow light bulb on Ollie's HUD icon that means Ollie has something to say and chat to you. The Dialogue from her is really great.

Looks like you don't know how or what to do in order to save Ollie's energy... Fortunately for you I have the full List of Ollie's Power consumption and energy saves!

1) Interact with as many stuff as you can while she's around, as this keeps her mind busy so she won't be working on her project, and since working on that takes more energy than talking to you, this will save her energy. Please for Nod's sake, it's not that hard to just sit around and take things slow playing the game T-T.

2) Listen to her hints everytime a new one is available. You'll know she have something in mind when the light bulb pops up in the icon on the top right corner. Very crucial to always check on Ollie's interactive Icon as it's obvious she loves you more than Irene.

OK Now Buckle UP, here comes the big Answers.
Please Note that:
(+) MEANS more Energy for Ollie
(-) MEANS energy consumption

3) Listening to the artwork skits in which Ollie participates gives a permanent bonus to her energy level (i.e. not just for one playthrough). The bonus can be applied at any time before Nod reaches the beginning of the last chapter!

d) Certain actions can also affect her energy levels (indicated by a + or -) by an unknown amount, so I'll list the ones that I know (with their respective chapters):
+ Turn off the monitor and close the balcony door

(Chapter 1);
+ Stay in Maya's car for about a minute after she asks that she expected more

(Chapter 2);
+ After being defeated by the Bygone the first time, beat Ollie's puzzle and defeat the Bygone on the second attempt

(Chapter 5);
- Be defeated by the Bygone more than once (Chapter 5);
- Ask for her help to hack the Bygone. Note that this will happen regardless of your authorization if you lose to the Bygone a third time (Chapter 5);
- Free Mentor-15 in the concierge's room

(Chapter 5);
+ Interact with Ollie in the monitors before activating the PA interface system, specially with her butt.

(Chapter 5)
+ Check every point of interest revealed by Ollie: Your apartment, Hoptons' penthouse, Caretaker, Café, Art Gallery, Visions of the Future, Club 703, Cargo elevator, Robot Ad, Rooftop Garden, Maya's apartment, Axis Generator (There are two, but you can only check one), Parking lot, 'moving' shadow, Passenger's elevator and the Hornet.

(Chapter 5)
+ Check the Irene's Ad that is not highlighted by Ollie in the cameras (Chapter 5);
Note: Turning off Unter's Axis Grid does not affect Ollie's energy level (Chapter 6).
#3 To Be With Her Again
In order to do this ending you can just go through the game casually it really doesn't matter what you do just get to chapter 7 and and accept Ollie's offer.

She will then transport you to "The world" for the 3rd and last time which once you in there you see a black door highlighted as Ollie's Promise and the Orange door. You can't really go through the orange door but to just observe it and the only option is to go through the black door where Nod sees.. Nod?

Yes Ollie takes over Nod's body and finally has freedom. Ollie then talk to Nod about how she was trying to tell him that she always wanted to get out be with him but Nod keeps mentioning Irene all the time on and on and on for the last 2 years that he didn't realise or hear what she has to say.

Ollie really did loved him... until now
#4 The Final Lesson
hmm "The Irony" that we go back and do almost the same thing as Ending #2, Well let me tell you what is so different. You make Mentor-15 angry and kill Nod due to nod not rescuing Thea and left her to die and Ollie dies from using all of her energy to save Nod, now it was all in vein.

You have to kill Thea in anyway you have can which is cruel but you have to do it if you want to do this ending.

You will also have to save ALL of Ollie's energy again I will give you the list again over here so you don't need to scroll up and down a lot:

1) Interact with as many stuff as you can while she's around, as this keeps her mind busy so she won't be working on her project, and since working on that takes more energy than talking to you, this will save her energy.

2) Listen to her hints everytime a new one is available. You'll know she have something in mind when the light bulb pops up in the icon on the top right corner. Very crucial to always check on Ollie's interactive Icon as it's obvious she loves you more than Irene.

OK Now Buckle UP, here comes the big Answers.
Please Note that:
(+) MEANS more Energy for Ollie
(-) MEANS energy consumption

3) Listening to the artwork skits in which Ollie participates gives a permanent bonus to her energy level (i.e. not just for one playthrough). The bonus can be applied at any time before Nod reaches the beginning of the last chapter!

d) Certain actions can also affect her energy levels (indicated by a + or -) by an unknown amount, so I'll list the ones that I know (with their respective chapters):
+ Turn off the monitor and close the balcony door

(Chapter 1);
+ Stay in Maya's car for about a minute after she asks that she expected more

(Chapter 2);
+ After being defeated by the Bygone the first time, beat Ollie's puzzle and defeat the Bygone on the second attempt

(Chapter 5);
- Be defeated by the Bygone more than once (Chapter 5);
- Ask for her help to hack the Bygone. Note that this will happen regardless of your authorization if you lose to the Bygone a third time (Chapter 5);
- Free Mentor-15 in the concierge's room

(Chapter 5);
+ Interact with Ollie in the monitors before activating the PA interface system, specially with her butt.

(Chapter 5)
+ Check every point of interest revealed by Ollie: Your apartment, Hoptons' penthouse, Caretaker, Café, Art Gallery, Visions of the Future, Club 703, Cargo elevator, Robot Ad, Rooftop Garden, Maya's apartment, Axis Generator (There are two, but you can only check one), Parking lot, 'moving' shadow, Passenger's elevator and the Hornet.

(Chapter 5)
+ Check the Irene's Ad that is not highlighted by Ollie in the cameras (Chapter 5);
Note: Turning off Unter's Axis Grid does not affect Ollie's energy level (Chapter 6).
#5 Good Intentions... WOW
Ok.. this is a really heartbreaking ending and Ollie did everything to be with Nod even if it took her YEARS from like since she was bought by Nod, Yes Ollie went out of her way to help make the schematics of the synthesizer with some... modifications.

It had features that would make Irene love Arthur and break up with Nod and after 2 years of break up and depression Nod found it, the reason why and he was FURIOUS.

Anyways here's how you do it, You have to save ALL of Ollie's energy all over again this time I think you know how to save it all. You then turn off Unter's Axis power with all that out of the way you have to just click on ollie's HUD Icon "TWICE and she tells you to listen to some music" after she said that all you do is go EXIT TO MENU and go to music, there will be a this glowing device on the right of the music list:

Once you click on it you will then go through the 5th and final ending Enjoy the cutscene and dialogue. I'll just post 2 more pics of the ending. This is a really cool ending and all these Spoiler images I have shown in this is not even covering 50% of it!

This Guide is written by Hyper phoenix and Credit for Ollie's energy level guide goes to HUEnd

Wolf's DREAM (GRAY) 24 Aug, 2021 @ 5:59am 
Nod is a very kind person, and all that he get in the end is a death or a pain.. may be, some other routes would change this? In present state his part of story feels unfair and sad.
Hyper Phoenix  [author] 27 Jul, 2021 @ 5:44pm 
"That's the best part, you don't"
EnneZero 27 Jul, 2021 @ 2:44pm 
My steam says i passed 8.7 hours playing this game already, and i passed all this time trying do keep Ollie an Nod alive togheter... it seems it doesn't exist ;-;
Hyper Phoenix  [author] 4 May, 2021 @ 11:46am 
Better the rest mate.
Adobe_ 3 May, 2021 @ 4:56pm 
I'M SO HEARTBROKEN! looked this up for energy guide and got all endings but 4. i was so hoping for an ending where Ollie and Nod both are happy. but from this i guess no dice.
Pure Stress 14 Feb, 2021 @ 3:24am 
Okay I got like a soft lock thing going on on the last part all I get is a laugh and sent back to the main menu.
Hyper Phoenix  [author] 11 Jun, 2020 @ 6:00am 
Intentionally made for the game to let those people know that they are heartless.
Bond674 11 Jun, 2020 @ 5:33am 
Also note for everyone else doing The final lesson route you have to take the ladder in the filter room twice or so to get out.:steamfacepalm: (instead of Letting her completely drown)
Bond674 11 Jun, 2020 @ 4:02am 
Dear god do i feel like such an asshole watching Thea die. (this is why i dislike doing the bad endings for games)
Hyper Phoenix  [author] 11 Dec, 2019 @ 11:51pm 
Thanks mate, I sure will stick around and make the guides all the way through to Richie's route.