Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

302 ratings
Easy way to get a Nuclear
By PaperMoney
So, a lot of people want to go for nuclears. They are probably the best possible thing to get, and makes you feel good once you have gotten one. Well today I am going to be teaching you guys how to go for a good nuclear.

PART I (Class Setup)

So the class setup is where it comes in.

Here is the most important part of your nuclear. PICK A CLASS YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH!!! I can not stress this enough! If you watch a youtube video, and he says use a AN-94 and you completely hate the crap out of that gun, but he says uses it, so you do. Use a gun that you like and feel comfortable with.

My best nuclear classes are these

MSMC - FastMag - Quickdraw
Perk 1 - Hardline - Lightweight (Switch out one of these perks with Ghost, I would prefer keeping Hardline)
Perk 2 - Scavenger - Toughness
Perk 3 - Tactical Mask
Perk 1 Greed and Perk 2 Greed.

Or another class

MP7 - Laser Sight - FastMag - Quickdraw
Perk 1 - Hardline - Ghost
Perk 2 - Scavenger
Perk 3 - Dexterity (Can switch out with Tac mask if you like better)
Perk 1 Greed - Primary GunFighter

Lets say you want a good Assault rifle class, use the same perks expect for use stock and fastmag, or stock and silencer. Cause those 2 attachments will be very good together on a AR.

STEP 2 (Killstreaks)
Ok now for the Killstreaks, these are Very, very simple and easy to know.

Killstreak 1 - UAV
Killstreak 2 - Counter UAV
Killstreak 3 - Orbital VSAT

Now you can switch out Counter UAV and put VSAT, and put EMP in VSAT place, doesn't matter. I would highly recommend those 3 Uav CUAV and VSAT.


Now the Gametype. This is how good you play, you could play Domination, Combat Training, HC Dom, TDM, Ground War, whatever. If you are a beginner at this stuff I would say go to Combat Training Objective, JUST to get the feel of things. I would then say got to Domination after getting a nuclear on Objective. Make sure you stay away from teammates, you don't rush the B section straight away. Kinda camp around corners where the enemy will be flanking to get you, or your postions.


If you suck at all these gamemodes, do not stress, you can still practice against bots. I have no gotten one nuclear on the PC yet. But I have gotten 4-5 on the Xbox, so these tips might come in handy for you guys.

I hope you guys will learn from this, and have a good nuclear streak going. If it did not help, please don't hate on this, it is my first Guide.

Thank you, and goodbye!
🜏Mushroom🜏 30 Aug, 2024 @ 8:56pm 
everybody talking like this game is dead, just install plutonium and you have access to the best FPS game ever made once more
Rope 18 Apr, 2024 @ 11:09am 
Thank you man! Best guide ever. Just dropped 6 nuclears.
BUGGLS 13 Jul, 2023 @ 4:54pm 
John Fortnite is a great man.
thelilkman 8 Jul, 2023 @ 9:43am 
fun fact the best nuclear class is YOUR class... its called a skill issue
Dementia?Dementia?Dementia? 26 Jan, 2023 @ 5:32pm 
Rest easy bo2, you were great.
TeriyakiMoto 11 Nov, 2022 @ 6:13pm 
I got a nuke on tdm wym
Cutoverpenny 1 Aug, 2022 @ 2:04pm 
Kinda sad how once you get to Step 3, you realize that entire section is impossible considering the only option nowadays is TDM.
PSCRAZYPRO 8 Dec, 2021 @ 4:16pm 
TheCheezyPie 1 Sep, 2021 @ 1:24pm 
nice profile picture
Lechels 14 Aug, 2021 @ 12:19pm 