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Legendary gear and where to find it
By Nodrim
Greedfall is a hot topic in gaming right now. This ambitious RPG from Spiders has managed to exceed many expectations. As I’m enjoying this game a lot, I thought it would be a good idea to share the cooler items I found during my extensive exploratory sessions.
Warning! This guide contains some spoilers about quests, locations and enemies.
Legendary Weapons:
Hammer of the Forgotten God
Hammer of the Forgotten God is most likely the first legendary item you’ll come across. This one-handed heavy weapon is rewarded for helping the Coin Guard by completing the quest “The Man with the Silver Coin” in New Serene. Upon quest completion the weapon becomes available in your stash which can be accessed in your residence in every major city or in camps. This weapon can also be acquired from reaching Friendly reputation status with the Coin Guard.
Light Flamberge
While Light Flamberge can be acquired early in the game, this is not an easy task. This one-handed blade is guarded by high level bandits preying the East Road of Whenshaganaw, “The Singing Waters”. After defeating them, look for a rock surrounded by bushes. Behind it you’ll find a dug hole with a chest that holds this treasure.
Scimitar is the first legendary I came across that required to pass a skill check. In order to reach this one-handed blade you need level 2 Vigor. If you meet this criterion, look for a broken bridge on the eastern side of Glendgnamvar, “The Shore of The Tall Bones”. The chest holding the weapon is on the other side of this bridge.
Saber of the Sea People
This one-handed heavy weapon with a maximum Strength requirement can be found at the mine of Cwenvar, “The Tall Trees” in a chest next to a jail cage. In order to gain access to the mine, you need to progress through “The Blood Prince” quest.
Broadsword of the Deceased King
Broadsword of the Deceased King is yet another legendary weapon gained from completing a quest. This endgame long blade is acquired by overcoming the five challenges in the “Champion of the Arena” quest.
Great Honor Duel Flamberge
West of the entrance to Magasvar, “The Vale of the Great Battle” there’s a hot spring suspiciously guarded by a Nadaig Vedemen. Defeating this guardian will allow you to loot the body of the dead guard which contains two pieces of the Major armor set and a key. The key is used to unlock the chest found at the top of the wooden tower next to the Alliance Outpost Camp. In this chest you’ll find the Great Honor Duel Flamberge, a pretty good long blade which has two upgrade slots.
Be advised before reading because Yataghan is found during the Mystery of the Ancient Ruins quest which is part of the game’s main story. This quest will lead you to the top of Glendgnamvar, “The Shore of The Tall Bones”. In this location you’ll have to fight a Nadaig Glendemen that stands guard to a major revelation. After defeating the guardian, look around the locations for a chest, inside you’ll find Yataghan.
Sacrificial Sword
The Sacrificial Sword cannot be obtained until you are led to Vedvilvie by “The Origins of Theleme” questline. The quest will unlock a new path on the eastern side of the map. Your investigations in the area will take you to a guardian standing in front of a cave. Defeat the guardian to obtain the Sacrifical Sword.
Great Scythe
The path to this strength based weapon is opened during a main story quest. While completing “Quest for Panacea”, you’ll make your way to a cave called Root’s Passage in Frasoneigad, “The Ancients’ Woods”. In the most northern side of the cave there’s an altar, the Great Scythe stands by it.
Ring of Divine Fury
Properly explaining how to obtain this ring involves a great deal of spoilers. Since you cannot really miss this item, I will only provide brief information about its location. The ring is obtained at the end of “In pursuit of Tierna Harh Cadachtas” quest which takes place on Frasoneigad, “The Ancients’ Woods”.
Asili Blunderbuss
This gun can be acquired during “Doctor Asili’s Experiments” quest which is part of the “in the Name of Science” questline in Hikmet. While in the doctor’s office, look for a chest in one of the corners, the blunderbuss is inside it.
High King Vinbarr’s Sword
Even the name of this sword could be considered a spoiler. But you have been warned already at the beginning of this guide. High King Vinbarr’s Sword is obtained by completing the main story quest “Vinbarr’s Sanctuary”.
Forgotten Sword of Al Saad
This two-handed sword is obtained really late into the game during the main story quest “The Attack on San Matheus”. You have to loot it off the dead body of a boss.
Fencer’s Stiletto
After you disposed off the boss that holds the Forgotten Sword of Al Saad, explore the arena. You’ll find a native’s chest close to the big tree which holds inside the Fencer’s Stiletto.
Large cleaver
The Large Cleaver is a one-handed blade that you receive from the Congregation of Merchants for reaching Friendly reputation status with their faction. You’ll find this item in your stash.
Grand Saber of the Far East
This beautiful two-handed heavy weapon resembling an odachi is obtained by achieving the Friendly reputation status with the Nauts. You’ll find this item in your stash.
Legendary Armor and Accessories:
Merchant Prince Set and Ambassador’s Hat
The Merchant Prince Set and the Ambassador’s Hat can be obtained early in the game if you are courageous and skilled enough to face and defeat the Nadaig Frasamen in Whenshaganaw, “The Singing Waters”. After you defeat the guardian look for a dead body as you’ll find a key on it. This key can be used to unlock a chest on the shore of the river not far from this location.
Warrior King Set
The Warrior King set is split between two different locations. The gloves and boots are found in Vedrad, “The Red Woods” just west of the Vigyigidaw village in an area called Cerghanes. Pass through the small tunnel that leads to a secluded valley and follow the path forward until you see a chest.

The chest and helmet can be found in the south-eastern side of Steiger Falag, “The Rocky Steps”. You’ll have to face a Nadaig Magamen before you can loot the chest.
Saint Matheus Set
As with the Sacrificial Sword, this legendary armor set cannot be obtained before “The Origins of Theleme” questline leads you to Vedvilvie. Enter the cave blocked by the guardian and explore it. Check your map for a narrow passage on the northwestern side of the cave. You’ll be able to sneak through with level 2 Intuition and after fighting a small pack of monster, you can loot the chest holding the Ceremonial Armour Set of Saint Matheus.
Major Set and Officer’s Barbut
To obtain the Major Set and the Officer’s Barbut you’ll have to work a bit more than usual. Firstly, you have to defeat the guardian in the hot springs of Magasvar, “The Vale of the Great Battle”. Upon doing so, look for a dead body of a coin guard as it holds the chest and armor of this set and a key. Use the key to unlock the chest at the top of the wooden tower next to the Alliance Outpost Camp and you’ll find inside the rest of the set and the Great Honor Duel Flamberge.
Commander Set
This set requiring high Endurance can be found in the Warehouse of the Coin in San-Matheus. You’ll need level 3 Lockpicking to be able to loot it or you can obtain the key during the “Settling Scores” quest from Kurt’s questline.
Cardinal Set and Inquisitor Bishop’s Vestments
This set is located in the northern part of Frasoneigad, “The Ancients’ Woods” close to a waterfall. You will find out about it by reading a prisoner’s note while visiting the leader of the nearby village of natives. In order to unlock the chest holding the set you need level 3 Lockpicking. However, a key can be obtained from the village’s infirmary as the prisoner’s note says.
Asili Set and Embroidered Silk Turban
This set is obtained by completing the “At the Heart of the Rebellion” quest in Hikmet which is part of the “In the Name of Science” questline.
Medal of Saint Matheus
This amulet is acquired during the main story quest “Face to Face with the Demon”. For the sake of not spoiling anything, I will only say that the quest takes place in Vedvilvie and this item is looted automatically after a boss battle.
Grand Chain of Divine Protection
In the south-eastern side of Steiger Falag, “The Rocky Steps” you’ll have to fight a Nadaig Magamen if you want to complete your Warrior King set. After you defeat the guardian, look for a crack in the mountain side of the arena. If you have level 2 Intuition, you’ll be able to sneak through and loot the chest containing this amulet.
Grand Chain of the Ordo Luminis
The Grand Chain of the Ordo Luminis is gained by reaching a friendly reputation with Theleme. As with any other reputation reward, you can find this amulet in your stash upon achieving this goal.
Healer’s Chain
The Healer’s Chain is an amulet that you receive from the Natives for reaching Friendly reputation status with their faction. You’ll find this item in your stash.
Ending note
This guide is a work in progress as I’m not done with the game yet. I’m aware that a few legendary items might be missing. But I will continue to update this list as I progress through story while searching every nook and cranny of Teer Frade.

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-Heat- 23 Oct, 2024 @ 12:19am 
But im the one pointing out the "Long Dagger" is missing? Noone find this?
valky 11 Aug, 2023 @ 11:16am youtube BS, but clear visible pix

Grand ancient mace is missing :) requires 3 vigor for a climbing spot in Vedrad
Nordom 25 May, 2021 @ 7:16am 
You're missing the Grand Ancient Mace in the center of Vedrad up the hill from the battlefield; granted as a strength 2 one handed heavy weapon it's nothing special.
Gold chest in the center of this map
TKZ 14 Oct, 2020 @ 9:08am 
Nodrim  [author] 10 Oct, 2020 @ 2:48am 
Glad I could help. I think there are 2 or 3 items missing from this list which rewarded from quests based on your choices.
paul.reinerfelt 10 Oct, 2020 @ 2:27am 
Thank you! A comprehensive list with lots of good information, even some items I didn't know about. But most importantly, you solved the mystery of where to get the key for the chest in Frasoneigad! I have never noticed that prisoner's note nor that there even was an infirmary in the village so I was stumped.
Narayan 25 Sep, 2019 @ 3:02pm 
I got a legendary pistol from the governor of hickmet endgame when he refused me troops but said I could have his pistol.