Resident Evil 4 (2005)

Resident Evil 4 (2005)

125 ratings
Bottle caps: What are they saying?
By Wh1chWitch★☥
In this guide I will show you what the direct translation for each cap is, however, keep in mind that these won't be literal because otherwise they wouldn't make any sense at all and that most curse words will be censored because of Steam. Before we start, let me clarify what kind of Spanish is used in the game:

The Spanish spoken in Resident Evil 4 consists in a mix between Medieval Castilian, Castilian and Spanish, hence why sometimes you hear the curse word "Cabrón" which is mainly used in Central American regions. Also note that there are some mistakes in the pronunciation, for example: "Puedes correr pero no puedes te escondir" is grammatically wrong, the correct way would be "Puedes correr pero no te puedes esconder".
☆ Bottle caps: English voice lines
  • 1. Leon w/ rocket launcher: Stand back! (¡Un paso atrás!)

  • 2. Leon w/ shotgun: Don't worry Ashley, I'm coming for ya'! (¡No te preocupes Ashley, voy por ti!)

  • 3. Ashley Graham: Leon, help! (¡Leon, ayuda!)

  • 4. Luis Sera: Did you send out those invitations? I told you no more than fifty people! (¿Entregaste las invitaciones? ¡Te dije no más de cincuenta personas!)

  • 5. Ada Wong: Leon now! (¡Leon ahora!)

  • 6. Merchant: Welcome! (¡Bienvenido!)
★ Bottle caps: Spanish voice lines
  • 1. Don José: ¡Detrás de ti, imbécil! (Behind you, a**hole!)

  • 2. Don Diego: ¡Basta, hijo de p*ta! (Enough, you son of a b*tch!)

  • 3. Don Esteban: ¡Un forastero! (An outsider!)

  • 4. Don Manuel: ¡Allí está! (There he/she is!)

  • 5. Zealot w/ scythe: ¡Qué sí! Quiero matar... (Yes! I want to kill...)

  • 6. Zealot w/ shield: Muere, muere, muere, muere... (Die, die, die, die...)

  • 7. Leader zealot: ¡Allí está! (There he/she is!)

  • 8. Soldier w/ dynamite: ¡Cogedlo! (Grab him!)

  • 9. Soldier w/ stun-rod: ¡Te cogí! (I gotcha!)

  • 10. Soldier w/ hammer: ¡Muérete! (Die!)

  • 11. Isabel: ¿Dónde está? (Where is he/she?)

  • 12. María: ¡Está en la trampa! (He/she is in the trap!)

  • 13. JJ: ¡Te voy a matar! (I'm gonna kill you!)
☆ Bottle caps: no voice lines
  • 1. Leon w/ handgun: *Leon doing a high kick* (*Leon dando una patada en el aire*)

  • 2. Bella Sisters: *Chainsaw revving + them growling* (*Motosierras cambiando marchas + ellas gritando*)

  • 3. Dr. Salvador: *Chainsaw revving + him growling* (*Motosierra cambiando marchas + él gritando*)

  • 4. Don Pedro: *Plaga coming out of his body* (*Plaga saliendo de su cuerpo*)

  • 5. Zealot w/ bowgun: *Him screaming* (*Él gritando*)
★ Bonus facts
  • 1. Los Iluminados translate to "The Enlightened".

  • 2. Ganados translate to "Livestock".

  • 3. Coger means "to grab" not the action of having sexual intercourse.

  • 4. Don stands for "Mr. or Sir" which is a polite way to refer to men.

  • 5. The chant morir es vivir translates to "to die is to live".

  • 6. You can hear some Zealots chanting cerebros, cerebros, cerebros... which translates to "brains, brains, brains..."

  • 7. When Zealots chant cogedlo, cogedlo, cogedlo, cogedlo... it translates to "get him, get him, get him, get him..." not "f*ck him, f*ck him, f*ck him, f*ck him..." as some believed.

  • 8. Las Plagas roughly translate to "The Plagues".
☆ Credits
Thanks to Maia for encouraging me to make this guide, to my brother for not getting me off of my pc and to Fehr for such a gift (the actual game). You guys rock!

PS: Keep in mind English is not my first language so you may or may not find some grammatical errors.

PS 2: While it's true that Spanish his my first language, I don't master it in any way so you might also find some grammatical errors.

Thanks for reading this guide!
If you see any error or want to give any feedback, feel free to do so! I will obvs credit you </3

Here's a picture of Ashley, now gtfo haha thx!

Wh1chWitch★☥  [author] 16 Jun, 2022 @ 1:48pm 
Their chants are basically 'muere, muere, muere', which translates to 'perish, perish, perish'. As for what they whisper it's either 'Lord Sadler' or 'cogedlo' which translates to 'grab him/ get him'. And yes, the Spanish in this game sounds either too Mexican or too Spanish, sort of a fake Spanish if you will.
Art Vandeley 15 Jun, 2022 @ 12:53pm 
Hey! I've been wondering what they've been chanting and whispering - and also wether it was fake Spanish or not. Thanks a bunch for sharing and teaching! :UmbrellaLogo:
Vlad Yvhv 30 Oct, 2021 @ 1:06am 
"No hablo espanol" is the limit of my coherent spanish. As such, thanks for translating these. I had been under the impressions since the first time I played RE4 on the gamecube that he chanting of "cogedlo, cogedlo, cogedlo, cogedlo..." was a name, "Cornello". Now it makes more sense than trying to figure out who Conrello is [but now my theory of what the bag monster is is once more unsolved].
literally a cat!! 18 Feb, 2021 @ 11:32pm 
I'm pretty sure that Leon with the handgun is yelling "Ada!".
great guide tho
Wh1chWitch★☥  [author] 1 Jan, 2021 @ 8:40pm 
You got it pretty much covered, you see, there isn't a correct way to convert Spanish words to English, so we'd use what's equivalent.
anthonyardita 31 Dec, 2020 @ 6:46pm 
What does the Don Diego Ganado say at the beginning when Leon shows the pic of Ashley? I got out of it " What are you doing here?! Fuck off Asshole!" Then Leon says " sorry I to bother you!". That around what he says? I know a bit of Spanish but not fluent.
fat pumpkin 23 Dec, 2020 @ 8:26am 
very interesting! thank you
Man Like Kitch 2 Oct, 2020 @ 8:37pm 
Morir es virir morir es virir
R3troSim 7 Apr, 2020 @ 10:33am 
Interesting.. ¡Muy bien! (..Sorry to say I think that's the only Spanish I can remember from secondary school lol)

Anyway, thanks for sharing, I like these informational guides, they're fun to read :tgrin:

I don't know what you'd make of this related YouTube video where this guy's had a go at translating the sayings of the Ganados also..