World of Warships

World of Warships

568 ratings
"Which Nation/Ship do I pick?" A New Player's Guide
By Jes McDevlin™
"Which nation do I pick?"
"What are the differences?"
"What ship type suits me?"
A guide for all of these questions.
First off Thank You dear readers for the support and positive reviews!
It may not seem like much but this is one of the simple joys in my life, helping others by spreading knowledge. So thank you again for all your support and shared wisdom! And thank you for making this the top rated guide of all time on steam for WoWS!

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Last Updated: March 1st, 2024

Guide News:
The guide is accurate as of current but could use some more testing and play with upcoming ships. I am not in their testing team and have no access to these ships so I rely on speculation and information I can obtain from observation as even testers are often not allowed to discuss the success or failings of ships in testing.

Things to add/update:
Utility Carriers ✓ Done
Japanese BB Split ✓ Done
Spanish Cruisers ✓ Done
Commonwealth cruisers. (Not Yet Implemented)

Important Game News:

None for the moment. Still recommend not getting into this game if you have an addictive personality or are financially unstable with bad money habits. This game will milk you dry.

As always, thank you everyone for your input and for your patience! ^_^


PS: Please don't forget to rate the guide for me!
Intro and Glossary
Below is an abbreviated overlook of each kind of craft, and the differences between nations.

These are merely speculative differences and are by no means a definitive guide as ships can differ drastically, even in the same tree of the same nation. Various builds and play styles may work well on different ships throughout. Personal research of every individual ship is urged.

This is also not a ship by ship guide. This is to give you an idea of what nations specialize in and what to expect from ship types in the broadest sense.

I will also list some things that are purely speculation, such as “dud” ships that don't perform well for their tier. These are speculation and personal opinion, formed by experience or overwhelming community agreement, and statistics.

On that note; most players find ships at tier 4, 5, & 6 to be some of the more difficult ships. A lot of players often skip tier 4 entirely with Free Exp since most T4 ships don't have good, if any, Anti-Air, and T4 often has matches with multiple Aircraft-Carriers per side.

Other ships will have a quoted abbreviation. Think of this as “This ship in a single sentence.”

If you have any input, would like to see some more information, or simply have questions, feel free to comment below!

*Please note: Countries are in alphabetical order as to show no preference.


Citadel = Critical Spot/Hit

HE = High Explosive

AP = Armor Penetrating

AA = Anti-Aircraft

DD = Destroyer

CV = Aircraft Carrier

CL = Light Cruiser

CA = Heavy Cruiser

CC = Battle Cruiser

BB = Battle Ship

BC = Battle Carrier

SUB = Submarine

Gunboat = Ship with a lot of fast firing small guns

Torpboat = Ship with a focus on torpedos over main guns
In this silly section I will try and give a [TLDR]"Too long didn't read" version of some ships to pick.

Play Style
Suggested Shipline
Torpedo Ninja
Japanese Destroyers, Shimakaze Line
UK/US/PA Light Cruisers
Big Chungus
German Battleships, Preussen Line
Japanese Battleships
God Slap Sniper
US Battleships, Vermont Line
French Ships (all)
A Magician with smoke bombs
Itallian Ships(all)
Merely a Fleshwound
UK Ships
Why did I pick this again?
Netherlands Cruisers
Your salty tears fuel me!
Any Sub or Carrier

Feel free to leave suggestions for playstyles and ship lines below. :)
Ship Types / What kind of ship do I play?
Light Cruisers [CL], Heavy Cruisers [CA], And Battle Cruisers [CC]

  • Good damage per minuet.
  • Weak armor, stay mobile or use cover.
  • Various consumables to counter enemies.
  • Best when supporting Battleships[BB].

Cruisers are broken down into 3 types; Light [CL], Heavy [CA], and Battle Cruisers[CC]. But, with all cruisers, your job isn't to tank the damage but to deal it out and use your consumables to deal with a variety of situations.

Your job should be escorting your Battleships and Destroyers into battle to provide them with the cover fire they need. This means using island cover to your advantage or kiting at range and staying mobile.

Just know you are more fragile than Battleships, and can provide them the much needed counter to keep other Cruisers and those pesky Destroyers out of torp range.

Light Cruisers = [CL]
“Glorified Gunboats.” These ships are nimble, yet fragile, able to rain down rapid fire HE shells on foes to start fires. The weapons of this ship are smaller in size, but much quicker in fire rate, and often come with torpedoes.

Heavy Cruisers = [CA]
“Designated Marksmen, or foot soldier.” These are typically respected as the most versatile ships. Armed with medium sized cannons, with average fire rate, and often torpedoes, these ships can do just about anything you need them to do, provided you are using proper tactics.

Battle Cruisers = [CC]
As the name implies, it's a cruiser with Battleship caliber cannons. Though much less armored than a Battleship, more closely resembling a heavy cruiser, they are weak, but typically have a heal. They often do not have many utilities that other cruisers have such as Radar, or Hydroacoustic Search. They specialize in countering other cruisers.


Battleships [BB]

  • Slow and sluggish, plan ahead.
  • Push, or Hold flanks to win games.
  • Angle to bounce incoming fire.
  • Devastatingly hard, but slow hits.

Big, powerful, & slow. Think of these guys as the typical Tank, in RPG terms. Able to dish out extraordinary amounts of damage, they also have deadly automatic secondary weapons to deal with those that get too close.

Their job is to be a threat to enemy team and push sides. Your objective is to offer the chance for your Cruisers deal the damage they need to fend off your foes by tanking for them.

However, getting close and cuddly with Destroyers and Cruisers can prove fatal as you are often too slow to dodge torpedoes. Their maneuverability paired with your slow turning and firing guns puts you at risk when too close up. And remember, if you're broadside to incoming fire, you're doing it wrong. You're not invincible, and you can be deleted in just 1 or 2 good shots. Angle, Angle, Angle, always angle yourself to bounce incoming fire and make yourself less of a target.

Most low tier Battleships are considered “Dreadnoughts” very Slow & sluggish, often with odd turret placement. About mid-tier they tend to swap to the modern battleship design, increasing in length, having more speed, and adopting a common placement of superfiring main battery turrets.

Battle Carriers[BC]

These are Battleships that often have sacrificed firepower for a small flight deck. Their aircraft are on long cooldowns of 2-3 mins, and while not their main source of damage, can work as a great spotting utility for you and your team as well as a little extra damage without risk.


Destroyers [DD]

  • Glass Cannon. Maneuverability and cover are your only defenses.
  • Stealthy. Most have smoke consumables.
  • Limited range. Most are effective at close/mid ranges.

Nimble, yet extraordinarily fragile, destroyers are scouts and ambushers. Think of these as your typical rogue or hunter class. Nearly all Destroyers ships have torpedoes and are devastating if allowed to get up close especially to Battleships. As a Destroyer, you are best suited at dealing with these brutes with your torpedoes, but only from stealth, cover, or in a point blank ambush.

There are 2 unique play styles. Gun-Boats, and Torpedo-Boats. Some ships are able to straddle the lines between the two in a Hybrid style. However, these classifications are more on a boat per boat basis, and even while some countries have 2 destroyer lines, they may not all fit so snugly into one category or another.

Torpedo Boats:
Torp Boats often are markedly better at concealment. Thus firing their torpedoes beyond spotting distance of enemies. Preferring to stay just out of range of the enemy’s spotting capability and harassing them with long-range torpedo attacks.

Gun Boats:
Gunboats on the other hand are more about using positioning, stealth, cover, agility, and their spotting capability to rain down fire spreading High Explosive[HE] rounds on exposed foes.

Hybrid Boats:
As the name suggests, these have the ability to play stealthily with torpedoes, or press the attack with HE fire. These often take more skill to get the fullest potential out of, but can be the mother of all assassins, and power cappers who focus on Playing the Objective.



  • Passive, support oriented play style.
  • Great for scouting.
  • Great for picking off wounded ships.
  • Nearly helpless if spotted.

Carriers are a total departure from all other ships in the game. Rather than piloting your ship manually, you most often use the autopilot function from the map. (To use auto navigation, open the map and left click on your destination to plot an auto-pilot route. You can hold shift to add way points.)

You instead pilot squadrons of aircraft and manually drop bombs, torpedoes, and rockets on enemies. Knowing enemy ship AA capabilities is a very wise thing to brush up on before playing these ships.

Your primary goal in a Carrier is to scout the battlefield, apprise your team of situations on the map, and to harass ships performing covert maneuvers, and ambushes while alone. You would be wise to avoid grouped ships whenever possible as their combined Anti-Air can see you shot down before you deliver your goods.

You also excel at picking off wounded ships that have retreated to the back lines. Punish/Support ships that engage in 1v1 fights.

You are a sitting duck if spotted. Your job of spotting enemies is not just for your team's benefit, it is also a major factor in your own survival. Stay hidden, watch the map, know the engagement move accordingly. Stay as close as you can to the winning side, and as just far enough away to not be seen.

The Different Plane Types are;
Rocket Attack Planes. Good for harassing Destroyers, and Cruisers.

Torpedo Bombers. Mostly used to score some damage on slow vessels such as Battleships, or other Carriers. Cruisers and destroyer Captains will often be able to dodge your shots if paying attention and on the move.

Bombers. Useful for Battleships, and if you can catch them, surprised Cruisers. Almost entirely useless against Destroyers.


  • Extremely Fragile.
  • Great for scouting.
  • Great for harassing.
  • Nearly helpless if spotted.

Never, ever, get spotted!

Submarines are hated often by both teams. They have the highest skill floor, and while a bad submarine player can be a determent to the team, a good one can be devastating to the enemy.

Armed with only torpedos, and sonar pings, these ships need to lock onto targets with sonar pings to have their torps home on targets. Ping the same spot twice for a huge damage boost. Targets using damage control are immune to pings.
Cruisers [CL], [CA], [CC]
British Royal Navy:

Their Light Cruisers line lacks HE shells entirely and only has AP shells. Their AP has increased penetration and short fuses so are deadly to light targets.

They have arguably the worst cruiser armor in game. To counter this they come with smoke, heal, and hydro-acoustic search in the higher tiers. They also trade armor for maneuverability and move and turn quickly.

Their Heavy Cruiser line splits at Tier-5 starting with the Hawkins. They get HE shells that are notably good at setting fires. They lose the ability to use smoke and are also markedly weakly armored for Heavy Cruisers. They are not particularly fast, nor maneuverable either. This makes them a very difficult cruiser line to play.

Dutch Navy:

Tiers 1-7 are Light Cruisers, with Tiers 8-10 being Heavy Cruisers. They are objectively not great ships currently. Their armor is lackluster and their guns are not up to par with others at their tiers. This is all due to the Devs trying to balance around their gimmick as tiers 6 and up have essentially a low success rate low damage deployable bomber squadron.


French Navy “La Royale”:

Tier 1-6 are Light Cruisers, while Tier 7 and higher are Heavy Cruisers.

Having “Spaced Armor” it is often considered poorly armored by some, with a strange citadel layout. However due to the spaced armor design it can bounce some shots making the armor more unreliable than simply bad. These ships are very fast with speed boost consumable and reload booster consumable. Their weapons are average in all regards, save having a bad firing arc.

These ships fair well in open waters at longer ranges thanks to their agility and reasonable accuracy.

Their Battlecruisers split off at Tier-8 starting with the Cherbourg. They are armed with large, forward-mounted guns, and none on the rear. They have a heal, a reload booster, and the choices between Defensive AA or Hydro, and Fighter or Engine Boost.


Imperial German Navy & Kriegsmarine:

Their unique shells have lower HE shell damage and fire chance but, trade this with increased HE shell penetration. Their AP shell damage is good.

These cruisers lack concealment, but have improved hydro-acoustic search consumable. Due to their armor, they are often slightly harder to citadel than other cruisers.

Torpedos do good damage but have short range.


Imperial Japanese Navy:

Tier 1 - 4 are Light Cruisers splitting into light and heavy at Tier 5.
The Furataka line are Heavy Cruisers.
The Agano line are Light cruisers.

Japanese cruisers tend to be very stealthy, and have very good torpedoes over all.

Their heavy cruisers are accurate and have very good HE shells, high damage but slow firing and short ranged, with a bad firing arc from tier 6 onward.

The light cruisers are considered pretty poor ships currently and need some buffs as their guns are sub par and they play like a worse destroyer.

Their armor is oddly dispersed and often called “trollish”. They will randomly bounce shots at times, but get penetrated at other times. These cruisers tend to lack good Anti-Air[AA] defenses.

Pan-American Navy:

These are theoretical ships made by the UK ship yards. As such they share a lot of the same key features. Light cruisers, with only AP shells with improved bounce angles. Super heal, Hydro, and a choice between Sonar and Spotter Plane. Notably at tier 6+ they do not have smoke screen like British Light Cruisers, but instead have a unique trait to their nation. If they hit the target enough times within a time limit, they gain a 70% cool down reduction to their abilities. IE: 70% faster heal, Radar, and spotter cool down for a set duration. Think of this as like a berserk mode of sorts.

Pan-Asian Navy:

These light cruisers are known for being quite easy to citadel and kill, but have a smoke screen, and can absolutely rain down HE on enemies with many fast firing guns. They have unique "Deepwater" torpedoes that are very powerful, and hard to detect, but can only hit Battleships, cruisers, and Aircraft Carriers. The key features are the tons of consumables including, smoke, heal, and torpedo reload booster.


Russian Navy:
Their Light Cruisers Armor is variable, some are better armored than others.
Slower fire rate but faster projectile speed and decent accuracy, these ships fair well in open water long range engagements.They latter have a 12km radar consumable.

At Tier-8 they split into Heavy Cruisers starting with the Tallinn. These ships have less accurate, but larger caliber guns and feature a heal.

Most of both lines have radar or a spotter plane, and the choice between Defensive AA fire and Hydro Acoustic Search.
Spanish Navy:

Using Italian heavy cruisers, they differ by having HE shells as opposed to the Italian SAP, no smoke, but instead a burst fire mode at tier 7+. With sonar and spotter plane these are good at hunting light cruisers and shooting over long ranges. They are relatively fast over all, tanky at T7+, and stealthy below tier 7. Overall average heavy cruisers.


United States Navy:

All US Navy Cruisers lack torpedoes, with 2 exceptions at T4 and T5. American cruisers have good AA generally. They later get Radar consumables. The Heavy Cruisers have a 10 km radar, while Light Cruisers only have a 9 km radar, both of which come with a long duration.

US Lights Cruisers have hydro-acoustic search and are best at raining HE shells with their many fast firing guns.

Splitting at Tier - 6 starting with the Pensacola, their Heavy Cruisers firing AP shells can regularly score citadel hits against most Cruisers, and even some Battleships.

Caution: T4 Phoenix, and T5 Omaha, are not new player friendly and require unique insight to utilize properly. Both are very weak for their level. Consider playing through the Phoenix while saving free exp, and skipping Omaha with free exp if possible. The two cruisers after Omaha, are both decent ships, but play drastically different.


Italian Navy:

These Heavy Cruisers have relatively good speed and average armor.Their guns are reliable, especially with their gimmick shells.

They lack HE rounds, instead having Semi-Armor-Piercing[SAP] Shells. These shells are strong against lighter armor such as Destroyers, and lesser armored Cruisers. The major downsides are that if they fail to penetrate, they "shatter" and deal 0 damage. And unlike HE shells, they cannot set fires.

Please note, If hitting the torpedo protection, or other spaced armor, of ships with [SAP] it will do 0 damage. It is best to focus fire on the nose, tail, and superstructure of ships with this ammo.

The lack of HE shells means they lack any ability to set fire to foes, and damage to modules must be done directly by hitting them with the shell. Their AP shells average, and due to their size lack the power to effectively citadel heavy armored foes.Meaning they struggle to battle some Battleships unless aiming directly at the nose, tail, and superstructure with [SAP] Shells. Even then, once the same spot has been hit a few times, it becomes damage saturated and you quickly lose effective damage against Battleships who wont show more structures to you.

Torpedoes have good range, quicker than average reload, but are slow in the water, and few in number.

Additional Material:

And a VERY helpful video on SAP shells.

Battleships [BB] [BC]
British Royal Navy:
“Self Healing, Fire starters.”

They have notably poor AP rounds but very good HE rounds. Poor armor, lower HP, exposed citadel. But above average accuracy.

The national trait is the tier 9 and 10 ships have a “super heal” that heals 40% of your total hp per use. Also they have increased HE penetration, damage and fire chance at the cost of bad AP rounds.

Tier 6 - 7. Go from slow dreadnoughts to faster modern style ships.

The Tier 8 British Battleship the monarch, is considered a bit of a dud among this line. Save your Free Exp to skip it.


French Navy “La Royale” :
“Flankers, more speed than armor.”

Very fast battleships with notably poor armor, fairly inaccurate guns, and above average secondaries.
The national perk is speed boost.

Tier 5 - 6. Go from double barrel turret to quad barrel turrets with horrible accuracy. Tier 7-8 gains speed boost and goes from armored and slow to weak armor and fast.

The Tier 5 Bretange is a bit of a dud and you should save free exp to ease you through it.


Imperial German Navy & Kriegsmarine:
“Tough up close Brawlers, bristling with punishing secondary armaments.”

Very good belt armor, exceptionally poor accuracy, powerful secondaries with increased HE penetration. Very tough, hard to citadel up close. The “Turtle Back Armor” scheme does make them hard to citadel up close, but because AP will penetrate the outer belt armor, but not the citadel armor, it will count for full penetration damage still. Meaning that proper angling is still very important. Also plunging shots from range can citadel you quite easily. As such, take special care against Japanese and German Dive Bombers as they have AP Bombs that will still citadel your ship with ease if done right.

Their second line starting with the Von Der Tann is a Battle Cruiser line are much the same but features a slightly faster, less well armored variant of ships that are often armed with torpedoes. A rare thing for Battleships to have. They have a limited use quick cool down Damage control team for putting out fires and patching floods. As well as a heal.

The national perk is they have a hydroacoustic search at tier 8 and higher.


Imperial Japanese Navy:

High accuracy at long to mid ranges. Their secondary armaments are decent but that is a trap as their slow rotating turrets and poor armor for battleships leaves them in a position where they’d prefer not to use them if it can be helped.

They split into Battle Cruisers at Tier 8 going down the Yumihari line. These ships feature a "high precision spotter plane, and compared to their counterparts, they smaller caliber guns but are just as deadly in most situations.

Tier 3 - 4 sees them change from dreadnought to modern Battleship.

The Tier 4 Myogi is considered a bit of a dud and free Exp would be wisely spent to skip it.


Itallian Navy:
"The odd ones out."

These ships are an awkward bunch as of current. They are decently armored and have an average speed. They sport a unique Smoke Screen that allows them to run at full speed while staying concealed. But because they are Battleships, they suffer from horrendous smoke firing penalties which makes the smoke screen almost useless if you've fired within the last 20 seconds.

Their weapons are also not accurate, sporting possibly the least accurate main cannons in the game with many main battery guns to try and make up for the lack of accuracy.


Russian Navy:
“Bow Brawlers”

Very tough, but have exposed citadels. Very detrimental to be hit in the side as them. Very unforgiving and not newbie friendly.

The national perk is they are inaccurate at long range but get very accurate up close. Also, their repair party has limited uses, unlike any other Battleship line aside from the German battle cruisers.

Tier 6 - 7 sees the change from dreadnought to modern Battleship.


United States Navy:
“Jack of All Traits.”

Average in almost everything but very good AA usually. Their armor is somewhat prone to random citadels. Work best at mid-ranges. The national perk is they have a slightly improved repair and long damage control party active time. The notable cons are the overall sluggish nature of these ships, paired with relatively poor long range accuracy means they can take a little extra forethought to play properly. The main line at Tier-10 has the most powerful broadside in the game but suffers from a horrendous reload, and absolutely glacial speed.

The split at Tier-8 starting with the North Carolina, going through the Montana, sees them trade some firepower for more reliable speed and maneuverability.

The other split at Tier-8 starting with the Nebraska, going through the Louisiana, offer the chance to play the hybrid Battle Carrier line. These ships are more or less more of the same, minus 1-2 turrets, with a long cool down attack wing of bombers.
Destroyers [DD]
British Royal Navy:
Average Destroyers. The noteworthy points are; They have hydro-acoustic search that lasts a long time with a shorter range. Their Smoke Screen has a lot of charges but lasts for the shortest duration of any Destroyer. They lack a speed Boost consumable, making them one of the slower Destroyers.

Their guns are relatively good at all typical aspects you’d expect from a destroyer. Middling range, quicker reload, lower caliber and good HE damage. Their torpedoes are of average range, speed and damage, but they can launch torpedoes individually rather than always in a spread.


French Navy “La Royale”:
Markedly fast Destroyers with a stronger Speed Boost skill in latter tiers. They do not have any smoke screen, and this makes them overall very difficult to play.

Their main guns are slow firing but have the Reload Booster skill at, tier 6 and up, to burst down enemy Destroyers in duels. Their AP Shells do reliably good damage, and have decent penetration. At latter tiers they have one of if not the fastest shell speeds making long range AP very reliable.


Imperial German Navy & Kriegsmarine:
Have hydro-acoustic search after tier 6 making them great at spotting other destroyers and giving early warning for torpedoes. They have a short duration smoke, and reasonably strong AP Shells but lack penetrating power. Their HE shells are not the best damage either. Their guns are fast loading, and their torpedoes are fast with low damage. Higher Hit Points than other destroyers. These are not very new player friendly ships.

Splitting at Tier-7 starting with the Z-31, they have a line of very unique ships that are good gunboats but suffer from being massive by destroyer standards, and suffering in all the ways a light cruiser does for this.


Imperial Japanese Navy:
Japanese research splits at tier 5 between “Torpedo Boats” and “Gun Boats”

Japanese “Torp Boat” line: “Torpedo Ninjas” Slow loading guns with high base damage, many torps that hit very hard at long range. They tend to lose in gunfights vs other Destroyers in 1v1s. Very stealthy.

Japanese “Gun Boat” line: Generally a lesser version of the torp boat line until tier 8 after which they become effectively mini Cruisers that fire copious amounts of HE shells with very good AA for a Destroyer.



These ships feature relatively okay guns, with shorter range moderate damage torpedoes. The key upsides are that they are fast ships even by most destroyer standards, and all have a unique smoke generator that allows them to run at full speed even while the engine boost is active and stay hidden. This makes them deadly for rushing lone ships and killing them in a blitzkrieg sort of way. Engine boost + Smoke Generator = Rush the enemy and dump torps point blank!


Pan-Asian Navy:
These ships are,... really eclectic. The Destroyers here are not built by, or designed by any one nation. As such each one has a unique feel more owing to the countries they were originally from.

However; There are some underlying differences that carry through the entire line.These ships often have long life Smoke Screens, and are the only nation to use “Deep Water Torpedoes”.

Deep Water Torpedoes, are unique in that they will pass harmlessly under other Destroyers making them useless in 1v1s. However, they are much harder to spot, and tend to have a higher flooding chance with slightly above average damage which makes them deadly for taking down all other ship types.

Swedish Pan European Navy:

These Destroyers are torpedo boats with out the best stealth. They have very fast, numerous, long range, Torpedoes. Though as with most Destroyers that launch more torpedoes, they are rather weak hitting individually.

They have fairly average stealthiness for Destroyers But lack any smoke screens, and aren't particularly fast or nimble. I personally found their guns to be markedly underwhelming at lower tiers, but it seems they at least become somewhat closer to average at higher tiers. Average for a torpedo boat that is.


Russian Navy:
In spite of having 2 research branches, both lines are effectively Gun Boats.

Outfitted with very good guns, that have strong AP and reliable HE shells. They have a long range, fast projectile speed. However their torpedoes tend to be short ranged with average damage. The true downside however is their very poor camouflage rating making them far too easy to spot compared to other Destroyers. But even this is countered at higher tier by getting a heal capability.


United States Navy:
“Knife Fighters”

Starts off as gunboats until tier 7 and higher. After which they become hybrids that can stealth torp.

Their Shells are not good for starting fires, and very slow projectile speed. Their guns reload quickly.

National trait is they have a very long duration smoke and access to the Defensive Fire skill for AA.

British Royal Navy:

Average rocket planes deal moderate high explosive damage with no stand out performance above or below expected norms.

These Carriers have HE carpet bombs for their bombers. And due to this are quite good at starting fires.

Their torpedoes tend to be a bit more lacking in numbers, but are more accurate and deal more individual damage per hit.


Imperial German Navy & Kriegsmarine:

With remarkable speeds on most of their planes, having average, or below average health, these need to be flown with care to not end up in a swarm of AA fire.

These Carriers are unique for their rocket planes using AP rockets. These rockets are a double edge sword, often leading to over penetration on Destroyers[DD], but conversely easy citadels on Cruisers. Cruisers are often some of the best defended targets from air though, so choose wisely who you target.

Their bombers using AP bombs, can citadel most heavily armored targets. But some find these style bombs harder to properly aim and dislike how they tend to be dropped directly below rather than having any range. This makes them accurate to a fault, meaning a good player can land every shot, and a bad player will suffer from misjudging theirs.

Their Torpedoes are not the best, launching about as many as Japanese torpedo bombers, with moderate damage.

Imperial Japanese Navy:
Average rocket planes deal moderate explosive damage with slightly less damage than their American and British counterparts.

These Carriers have strong AP bombs, that take a good deal of skill to use properly but can actually citadel enemies. To use them effectively not only must you line up the bombers properly, but you must also time your drop so that the angle of the bomb lands nice and squarely on deck.

Their Torpedoes are above average damage and travel distance wise, and fire volleys of 2 torpedoes per run.


Russian Navy:
These Carriers are unique in two major ways. Firstly; They do not have multiple attacks per flight of planes, but instead have tougher single strike flights that often do more total damage per run, at the cost of fewer planes in total. This can lead you to be deplaned, waiting for more to spawn in your hangers for longer times than some other carriers.

Secondly, they have Skip Bombers that drop HE bombs that skip across the water. These bombers are particularly effective at starting fires and seem relatively easy to learn quickly.


United States Navy:
Standard Carriers:
These Carriers have the best rockets, able to fire more of them, or swap to more powerful ones later in the trees.

They drop only a few bombs, but can upgrade them latter to deal fairly high explosive damage.

They also have the largest payload of torpedoes per attack run at latter trees, though this comes at the cost of each torpedo being weaker in power.

Utility Carriers:
Going down the Independence line,these cruisers have the ability to deploy smoke from their aircraft to provide cover for allies. The trade off is that they only have Torpedo bombers for a standard aircraft, with rockets and bombs on a long cool down per launch.

Submarines [SUB]
Submarines Overview continued;
(I ran out of text space in the overview section. Hence why this is here too)

The ability to read players is what decides the good from the bad submariner.

Submarines are played differently than most ships and i wanted to take a second to acknowledge that and what it means as a whole and give you all a brief breakdown of the job of a submarine.

They can control their depth in the water to 4 stages. Surface, Parascope Depth, Medium Depth, and Maximum Depth. Each has its use mind you.

  • ☑ Able to travel at full speed.
  • ☑ Able to capture zones and resources.
  • ☑ Able to be hit by normal weapons and torps.
  • ☑ Able to be hit by depth charges.
  • ☑ Able to spot enemies without use of consumable.
  • ☑ Able to be spotted by air or sea from Furthest Range.
  • ☑ Able to launch torpedoes point blank.

Paracsope Depth:
  • ☒ Not able to travel at full speed.
  • ☒ Not able to capture zones and resources.
  • ☑ Able to be hit by normal weapons and torps.
  • ☑ Able to be hit by depth charges.
  • ☑ Able to spot enemies without use of consumable.
  • ☑ Able to be spotted by air or sea from Reduced Range.
  • ☑ Able to launch torpedoes point blank.

Medium Depth:
  • ☒ Not able to travel at full speed.
  • ☒ Not able to capture zones and resources.
  • ☒ Not able to be hit by normal weapons and torps.
  • ☑ Able to be hit by depth charges.
  • ☒ Not able to spot enemies without use of consumable.
  • ☒ Not able to be spotted by air or sea excluding consumables.
  • ☒ Not able to launch torpedoes point blank.

Maximum Depth:
  • ☒ Not able to travel at full speed.
  • ☒ Not able to capture zones and resources.
  • ☒ Not able to be hit by normal weapons and torps.
  • ☒ Not able to be hit by depth charges.
  • ☒ Not able to spot enemies without use of consumable.
  • ☒ Not able to be spotted by air or sea excluding consumables.
  • ☒ Not able to launch torpedoes point blank.

The typical submarine does not want to be any closer than it needs to be, and never under any circumstances want to be seen while submerged as it doubles the burn rate of your submerge timer.

Instead they prefer to conduct ranged attacks, Launching torpedoes, and pinging their target. Common tactic of players is to pop hydro to detect inbound torpedoes, when pinged, or if they see you try to ping them. And if they see torpedoes, then clear the ping with damage control and hard turn to avoid. It may be wise to sometimes bait them into using these cool downs by pinging them but not launching torpedoes. Or alternately, ping them at the last possible second for your torpedoes to have time to home so they have less a chance to dodge and may have cool downs already burned for other problems such as fire or steering issues.

Also; when you ping with sonar, you are highlighted by the ping effects to enemies and consequently can be attacked without being spotted. Make sure you're target is distracted, and that you're not at risk of being fired upon or having depth charge bombers sent at you from battleships and cruisers.

And never try and attack carriers, they have the best submarine defense in the game and will blow you up without even knowing you're there because it is fully automatic for them. "Fun and engaging game play" at its peak.

Submarine National Differences;

British Royal Navy:
These submarines have not only the weakest, but only homing torpedoes, made up for with a fast reload. And while they get no special consumable for their diving, this is made up for by having the longest submerge timers. Quirk; The final sub is the only sub in the game with a main battery, and uses SAP shells.


Imperial German Navy & Kriegsmarine:
These submarines have access to the Reserve Battery consumable, which allows them to stay submerged and pause their timer for a period. Especially useful if spotted as the paused timer does not decay at 2X speed if this consumable is active. Their homing torpedoes are the most powerful individually, and their non-guided ones are no slouch for damage either.


United States Navy:

These submarines get Enhanced rudder shift for exceptional maneuverability, and diving/ascending capability for a time.The longest range torpedoes with the highest unguided damage, and a plenty respectable homing damage. These also tend to have the most aft/rear launchers, offering extra flexibility in dynamic fights.
New Player Sections:
New to the game?
In the below sections I'll cover some basics of the game in general and help you get the most out of your time.

Some simple rules to start with.
  1. Communicate often, and Politely.
  2. Move, and don't stop unless behind cover.
  3. Change speed and direction often.
  4. Watch the mini-map like a hawk.
  5. Present your side to the enemy as little as possible.
  6. Don't shoot at friendlies, and watch when using torpedoes near them.
  7. There is no kill stealing, only team victory.
UI and Aiming
Getting the most out of your UI may be the MOST important first step in getting started with the game and landing solid, reliable hits at long ranges.

Firstly navigate to your settings by pressing Escape, Selecting Settings, and lastly Controls: (Click pictures to enlarge if needed.)

Once at the controls tab we have 3 major things to change.
1) Most importantly; "Alternative Interface" Consider this the "more information" mode.
2) Some quality of life things to make sure are enabled to help you as you play.
3) The second most important of all, Crosshair selection.

When you click #3 the "Select Crosshair button" You will need to choose Dynamic Mode. Which scales with your view to give you the best possible reference for judging lead times.


"Great; now WHY did I do all that?"
Just as the Oerlikon AA guns on the USS.Alabama say, "LEAD DAMMIT LEAD!"

Leading shots is one of THE most important skills a new Captain should master ASAP. And these changes to your UI should assist you invaluably.

To lead properly you need to know Shell Flight time, speed and direction of target. The UI can provide you with shell flight times thanks to the 1) "Alternative Interface" option you enabled. Without that, you're left up to guess work, which is never as good for learning as getting measurements. Estimates sink ships, Measurements make sure its their's that sinks, not yours.

In this image we can see the new look of your UI at a moderate zoom level.

Things to note:
  1. Shell Flight time to current target, Thanks to the "Alternative Interface".
  2. Your ship's maximum range.
  3. Current distance to target.
  4. The fixed measurement "Windage" of a ship traveling at ~30 knots with flight times marked.
  5. A Target Lock indicator.

    "Okay...Now; How do I use this?"

    With this, read the shell flight time, and then if the ship is a Cruiser[CL/CA], often times simply align it to the corresponding number on the windage marks if the ship is giving you broadside.

    If the target ship is a low-mid tier Battleship[BB] Consider aiming a bit less ahead. They often travel at 20-25 knots and as such wont quite line up with the marks designed for a 30 knot speed.

    If the target ship is a Destroyer[DD], at long range, good luck. At medium to close range you may have to aim a touch further ahead as a good number of destroyers can push 30-35 knots if not faster. Look for thick black smoke, without flames, coming from their stacks. This indicates engine boost is active and they will likely be going a bit faster than 30 knots.

    For best results, put the bar either right on the ship's lower hull or at the water line when using AP.

    Always make sure the target is locked. This lowers the size of the shell dispersion area raising the chances of landing your shot.

    Traveling away at an angle? Lead a little less to the side and a little farther behind them.

    Coming more towards you? As before, lead a bit less and aim shallow.

    Going directly away? Aim at their super structure and you'll have a good chance at hitting them.

    Coming right at you? often you just aim right in front of their nose and you'll smoke em.
Shells, And Citadels: AP vs HE Vs SAP
What are Citadels?
Ships have layers. Each layer is different, and the further in you get the more vital the area is. The most critical of all these layers is the inner most core, The Citadel. Often containing fuel, Ammunition, Engines, critical systems, and massed clusters of crew the Citadel is the beating heart of the ship. The battle can be easily won or lost by destroying this, the core, the citadel, the critical spot.

Where is the Citadel?
Typically they are located in the very center of the ship, often around or just below the water line. on battleships and cruisers with large superfiring turrets, one is often located under each main turret. In short if ever you want to remember where it is, just remember the award ribbon it gives you. After all it shows you right where to gun.

HE: High Explosive
Just like the name says, these things go out with a boom! They have the least chance to bounce off a target, since they are rigged with a sensitive fuse that typically detonating on or just after contact, offering them little in the way of penetration, but guaranteed damage on target in some way shape or form. Some do have better penetration than others, but typically, if you see the ship is at an angle, or is presenting only nose or tail, this is what you load. It is suggested to aim a touch high with this to hit the super-structure and deck area. This raises your chances of starting fires with these rounds, and the weak armor of the upper decks are much more vulnerable to the explosive damage caused.

AP: Armor Piercing
As it says on the tin, if you have a nice flat, heavily armored side, this thing turns it into nice holy swiss cheese. These things deal significant damage if placed right, and if you hit a citadel, you can 1-2 hit delete many ships. Most AP shells have some explosive in them still, the timer is simply set to have a delay on the detonation time so that it punches through, then detonates inside for a nasty surprise. Some countries have better AP than others, but all in all, if you see the side of a ship at a nice flat angle, this is the ammo of choice.

SAP: Semi-Armor Piercing
Found exclusively in the Italian Navy, these shells are a unique in their power. They don't bounce like AP Shells, more like HE, But they also don't penetrate as deep before detonating. In all, think of these as a nice in between of the damage of AP shells, and the ease of use of HE shells.

Video Guides Worth Watching
While my guide shows some of the basics, and covers them in a written format that some users such as the hearing impaired may find useful, these video guides are simply unparalleled with their knowledge and presentation of it.

Firstly, I cannot recommend enough, This series by IChaseGaming.
This gentleman is a true legend for taking the time to compile, and explain the wealth of information contained in his guide series.

Be sure to subscribe to him for updates and additions to his guide series. :)


Check out this playlist by the Wargaming developers' Official YouTube that goes in depth into every major aspect of the game's systems.

This series is less a guide, and more of a "Facts to know" sort of thing. It doesn't so much teach you how to play, but rather gives you essential information that is must know stuff from day 1.
Refer a Friend
Please note: This must be done before 5 Matches are played by the new member in game. Or if the account has not been played for at least 90 Days(bigger better rewards).

By joining World of Warships, or any of Wargaming's other games, with a referral code, you stand to gain a great head start, including premium time, special loot crates just for referrals, and even premium ships or other items.

For full Details click the link below.

If you'd like to support me; click here for my friend referral link.[]
How to use Steam & Referral Links
Please note: This must be done before 5 Matches are played by the new member in game. Or if the account has not been played for at least 90 Days.

1) Log in for the first time in game via the Steam Client. (this makes your steam account automatically.)
2) Click your friend’s invite link. (My invite link: )
3) Choose "Login"
4) Choose "Log in with your social profile: Steam"
5) Sign in Steam website.
6) Enjoy your perks!
Special Thanks:
A thank you to Awedilwe!

For their translated guide that can be found here:

Special thanks to the members of [FURHQ]. Several of their members have helped me tweak and update this guide.

Thanks to Snowfyre, without them this guide wouldn't exist.
Thanks to Blazebre, who helped me fine tune the guide.
Thanks to ZeitWolf, who also helped tweak this guide.
Helping me out
As noted in one of my update posts, I'm struggling in hard times. And while I by no means am begging anyone for money, I will leave a link to my "Buy me a Coffee" for those interested in helping someone out.

Don't have money or don't want to give money? Then please rate the guide up, leave feedback, and if you've not played in a while, or are new, check out the refer a friend section for my referral code. This benefits you more than it benefits me in the long run but it lets me know how many people I've helped and gives me the determination to keep updating this guide for the public.

Buy me a coffee![]

Nomatter what; I and my Derpy Lil'Corgi thank you!
Spoilt Milk 12 Mar @ 3:08pm 
Ah alr shame it has to be like that suggestion on the side then maybe attach a link to a more detailed explanation of each part for those who are intrested?
Jes McDevlin™  [author] 12 Mar @ 2:13pm 
@Spoilt Milk Thanks for the idea; it is something i'd genuinely like to do, but its not so simple with things as they are.

At this point each section is nearly, or is already, maxed out on the limit of words i can add to them. Its getting to a point i'm having to strip things more and more just to have most nations present. Seeing as i only update this maybe 1-3 times a year, adding even a single sentence about a specific ship when i need to trim swaths to add entire nations at those times, it isn't feasible. That said; i honestly need to just consider doing the guide in a different format of some sort. But a total rewrite would take more than im willing to put in for a passion project when my plate is so full.

That and a total rewrite would put a pressure on those who have translated this guide to do a full rewrite in kind. That is something i'd also like to avoid.
Spoilt Milk 12 Mar @ 8:21am 
Rando comment but adding a section to the french bbs about republique could be worth it since it changes ALOT
Jes McDevlin™  [author] 14 Jan @ 6:07am 
@AllahDiyenKirpi No lie, her DPM, speed, and maneuverability, are great! However, anything with even moderately decent AP looks at you you start eating citadels like no tomorrow. She is fantastic in skilled hands. But to a new or average player such as the ones i'd expect reading this guide she is a rough time. That said; I hated her playing through as my first ship line being US Cruisers. But now that i've had time to grow as a player, she is a real fun time.
AllahDiyenKirpi 13 Jan @ 8:44am 
Omaha is probably the strongest cruiser of T5.
MATRIXallmighty 18 Jun, 2024 @ 1:02pm 
? What? Very in-depth and friendly but what are those descriptions what the… a Google Search would fix that…

BC = Battlecruiser.
BBV = Battleship with some planes for fighting other ships, so not just scout planes etc. (see Ise and Kearsarge) .
CB = Large Cruiser (feels like a huge Heavy Cruiser or huge Light Cruiser depending on the ship, see Azuma vs. Carnot), which unlike Battlecruisers don’t have the same BB guns among 1-2 other small details.
CVL = Light Aircraft Carrier

That’s mostly about it when it comes to World of Warships with the stuff you have already written. If they ever add a submarine from Japan with planes : SSV.
Jes McDevlin™  [author] 29 Dec, 2023 @ 5:35pm 
Good choice. Uninstall is the ship line that has the most value.
Arya_Hash87 24 Dec, 2023 @ 6:11am