185 ratings
Vecter - User's Manual
By inż. Roczo and 1 collaborators
Vecter's revamped passive-aggresive guide explaining all about the game
Vecter levels are a Cinderella reference
Every level in Vecter is personalized <- that is a huge lie, because as of November 2020, all levels in Vecter are generated automatically through the use of *MATHS* and *MAGIC*!
Once midnight UTC (Ultimate Time Changer) comes, just like Cinderella's equipment the level disappears into nothing and a new one becomes accessible, with a new scoreboard and all that. If you dislike the current level, git gud. No refunds.
You can also play the same level over and over and over and over by using custom seeds.

A level creator is in the works by the modding community (or, like, the person in charge of it), so maaaaybe the first 6 words will be true at one point.
Vecter illusions are A Christmas Carol reference
In Vecter, your driver is severely dehydrated and affected by fata morgana. Either that, or they really don't feel the Christmas spirit to the point where the Christmas spirits have to come out and force them to:
  • The ghosts of the past - don't let them confuse you, they are just an illusions and aren't even there. They are replays of some of the top players of that map. You can control how many you see in the settings.
  • The ghosts of the present - you can let those confuse you for they are not an illusion and are real players. As of right now, they can't hurt you, but maybe someday...
  • The ghosts of the future - if you see those, wtf, please report to the James Randi Educational Foundation.
Remember to stay hydrated when playing Vecter and, especially, when not.
Vecter options are a clusterheck
Now that the iotuibs menu has been completely revamped and everything is pretty well explained there, I'm not going to get into details. You navigate the options through Up and Down keys (or W and S, if you're an OG) and then select what you need through Left and Right keys (or A and D, if you're an OG).
Keep in mind: selecting MAX graphics quality might melt your computer and please do not do it unless your computer is made of obsidian.
Vecter gamemodes are perfectly balanced
Vecter has a few gamemodes. They have their detailed explanations in-game, so I'll just recap:
  • Training - like the name suggests, isn't for points, ranks, upgrades or anything like that. You just practise avoiding obstacles.
  • Casual - it's what you'd call "singleplayer". Here your furthest distance and max speed are counted, and I think you have to progress here a bit in order to unlock...
  • Top Dog - the main multiplayer mode. Your high score is uploaded to the leaderboard, you occasionally see other players and if you have the highest score at the end of the day, your name is sent to the Wall of Legends[].
  • Hardcore - for addicts who consider Top Dog to be too easy. You start with max extra lives, but you can't get any more during the game.
  • &!*%()!*% - for the addictest of addicts. No guns. No extra lives. No brakes. No way out. You die in the game, you die in real life.
  • Seed - for people who want to either meet up alone with their friends in the game or want to build up their ego by being the best on a map no one else has played. There are also custom seeds, with custom colors and custom background music. Join the Discord server to see what they are or figure that out yourself. Start with 8008580085!

About seeds: Input them with digit keys and/or backspace, not arrow keys. They... don't like that very much. Enter with Enter, escape with Escape.

"Change Names" is where you can change your name displayed in the Leaderboard or any players you're not going to play with through local multiplayer.
Vecter ship upgrades are not a difficulty spike whatsoever
When you get enough points in one run (Top Dog or Hardcore, I believe), you can get a permanent upgrade to your ship.
It makes you faster, makes you shoot more (also drains your score faster!) and lets you have more extra lives at once.

No, you can't select which one you have, yes, it's unfair for draining more score, but if you managed to get it, be proud, you don't need baby mode.
Vecter controls exist and can hurt you
Just in case you don't know the controls, you can see them in options and rebind them. If you managed to unbind the Select button [default: Enter], press Ctrl+F12 to reset the game to factory settings.

Accelerating makes you go faster (obviously), but you get more points. Likewise, slowing down gives you more control and time to react, but you get way fewer points. Utilize both to survive long enough to gather a high score! [or don't I guess, your choice]
You can do a FLEEP to a side and zip-zoom before you hit an obstacle. There are two different settings for it, check the settings. Keep in mind: you can't use this function when accelerating.

You can now also shoot at stuff. The bigger something is, the more shots it takes to destroy it. Shooting consumes points, but destroying a thing gives some of the score back (and lets you keep your combo). Default bounds: Spacebar / Right bumper / R2

By the way, if you smack Left Ctrl or press down on the left stick on a controller to activate an Afterburner Boost. It costs you an extra life, sends you super fast, but again, it costs you an extra life. Really not advised on a Hardcore run.
Vecter power-ups are lit
Once you play the game, you probably immediately see some weird colours. They're usually power-ups. Arguably.

This is a Jump Platform:
Upon entering it, you get sent upwards. This will give you a minor score boost, will help avoid obstacles. It's sometimes risky, though, and can make you miss other power-ups.
They sometimes appear in groups - in that case you probably should enter one, or else you'll fall into a ravine that's behind them.

Some Jump Platforms lead to a Skyway, which rotates your ship and allows you to surf on it, occasionally giving you an Extra Life. This is an example of a Skyway going through a L O N G B O Y E (explained later):

This is a Bonus Points Gate:
It's a high-risk, high-reward optional score boost. Getting between the two pillars gives you a lot of points, but you can also collide with the pillars, dying a shameful death.

This is an Extra Life:
Yeah, it does what it's supposed to do. Gives you an extra life, meaning you survive the next collision. You can stack several, the limit growing with your ship's level.
Vecter obstacles are lethal, just like life
That is their purpose, dude. Let's start from the beginning.

Probably the first obstacles you'll find are Pillars and Windmills.
Windmills are just clusters of Pillars which can rotate at different speeds. They can be fast, they can be slow if they feel like it.
They're much easier to avoid on the sides rather than in the center. There's a secret cheese technique to avoiding them, too - you should find it on your own, though.

At some point you'll meet a L O N G B O Y E wall.
It has a single exit you have to squeeze through. The sideways zip-zoom is really useful here.

When there's L O N G B O Y E, there also must be a s m o l b o y e.
It's like The Great Wall Of China, except it's not that great, it's not in China and it disappears in front of the ship. The key to overcome it is not moving sideways too much. Do not zip-zoom, I REPEAT: DO NOT ZIP-ZOOM!!

Every now and then, blue spheres will start raining from the sky.
They scatter at random and avoiding them requires precision. Watch out, because they aren't stationary. Guns, jump pads and slowing down are all really good here.

Further in the track lay another enemy - the Hole.
It is a hole. You can see it by the floor before you suddenly deciding to visit space. There are two types of holes - a small one, and a big one. Small holes are survivable just by accelerating through them, whereas the big holes are accompanied by sets of several jump pads.
Vecter has music, according to Taranasus
Vecter is actually just a cleverly disguised advanced music player.
The music that's playing in the background is visualised by yellows bars in front of the sun. It may not look like it, but they change depending on music. Another thing that does that is the background terrain. I'm not sure how, but it's tied to the music.

By default, there's just several music tracks. You can add more by going in-game to options -> Open Music Folder and throwing MP3 files into this folder.

In-game, you can navigate through the song list, by default with , (previous) and . (next), though you can rebind it.

You can also map other folders on your PC to be used as music folders. Here's how
- Open the music folder from Options -> Open Music Folder (If on linux, you'll need to manually open the path displayed in that options menu window)
- In the music folder, create a file called "otherLocations.txt" if one doesn't already exist
- Edit the "otherLocations.txt" file and add the locations of your music folders, one per line. For example:

It should all look something like this:

- Save the "otherLocations.txt" file and restart the game if it is already running.

Now, all of the mp3 files in the folders and subfolders you've specified will be loaded into the game.

NOTE! Vecter has a limitation of 1000 songs so if you have over 1000 mp3 files in the provided folders, only the first 1000 that it finds will be loaded.
Vecter can play YouTube videos
It's simple, in essence:

Start a run of any kind,
Alt + Tab
Go to, go to the video you want, copy the link in the address bar.
Alt + Tab back to game

If you're having trouble, I've made a YouTube video showing how to do this:
Vecter has all the colours
As of update, Vecter now has completely customizable colours and the ability to export / import full colour schemes. The feature is useful both for having new and creative A E S T H E T I C S and helping those colour vision deficiency.

To edit the game's colours, simply pause during a run and select the "Change Colours" option in the menu.

You can then drag the sliders around to change the game's colour to whatever it is you desire using your menu up/down/left/right buttons.

You can press the Export button to generate a code based off of your colour configuration and share that code with anyone by pressing Ctrl + V or right-click -> Paste into any chat message, forum, etc.

To import a code, double click it in a chat message or forum, etc. and once the code is selected right-click -> Copy. Then go back into the game and click the Import button

There should be some presets ready in-game, I don't know, I don't play this game //Roczo
Vecter broke on you? Whoopsie doopsie :C
If you have issues that you can't resolve, don't threat! There are a few things you can try, here are a few steps.

1. Minimum system requirements. Does your computer meet the minimum system requirements? For a refresher these are:

CPU: Intel i5-2400
GPU: Anything that's relatively modern and not integrated graphics
OS: Windows 10 (Not clear about Linux, apparently Manjaro and Ubuntu should work)
Memory: 2GB

2. If yes, send me the logs. I'm happy to try and help you resolve your issue if its in my power. All you have to do is:

Paste the following in Windows Explorer on your PC: %userprofile%/AppData/LocalLow/Taranasus/vecter

On Linux, you can usually find the logs in:

Zip up all the contents of that folder, and send them in an email to . I usually answer within 2 days.

We'll get to the bottom of it!
Vecter has multiplayer...?
Vecter currently has two types of multiplayer:
  • Local multiplayer - can be simulated online through Steam Remote Play. Up to 4 people can play in splitscreen, in order to join they have to press a respective "join" key on their controller (or keyboard). Keep in mind - two people currently can't play on the same keyboard. You'll figure it out.
  • Online multiplayer - see: the ghosts of the present. You automatically see players playing at the same time as you.
Vecter has an active community!
For anything not included in this guide or whatever other reason, please join the game's Discord server! We're active there, you can suggest changes, interact with the community, say how much you love the game, receive technical support and other stuff!

And for the modding community, there's also a different server:

Since it's the final paragraph, special thanks to Taranasus for making the game and several paragraphs so that I didn't have to, missingusername for suggesting changes to this guide and AwkwardArtBoi for his participation in the modding community!
Vecter has... a lot of Frequently Asked Questions
Let's answer some of them.

My controller doesn't work.

Step 1. Check that your Steam Input settings for Vecter are set to Off. Vecter handles its own input and doesn't need steam to babysit it. Instructions here on how to check.

Step 2. If it still doesn't work, it might be a binding issue. Start the game and go to Options -> Rebind Controls. In the new interface press left or right arrow keys until you get to your controller. If your controller does not appear in this interface that means it's most probably not plugged in. Try and see if it works with other games. Video instructions if you're still confused

From there, you can rebind the controls to whatever you like.

How do I type?

With your hands usually

How do I YouTube?

shady 15 Feb, 2022 @ 7:35pm 
why dont my music work when i put it in the file i use mp3 files
JirayaSense 25 Sep, 2021 @ 8:50am 
some one can help my
Incorrect#123 2 Sep, 2021 @ 4:55pm 
I skipped the whole manual because reading is for nerds
Ruji 8 May, 2021 @ 11:08am 
Phantom Shadow 7 May, 2021 @ 8:00am 
Radiumist 4 Apr, 2021 @ 2:32am 
I need help finding the credits. I want to know who made this
Master Oogway 20 Mar, 2021 @ 9:44pm 
10/10 its like taking drugs makes my head spin
I_Love_Gouda 13 Feb, 2021 @ 5:51pm 
the game doesnt even work, i run it and i cand do anything, cant click any buttons or keys??? how do i fix this
Elator☣ 20 Jan, 2021 @ 6:01am 
es macht echt viel spaß
jellyfishh 2 Jan, 2021 @ 5:45pm 
What is the default join key for keyboard?