Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium

227 ratings
Good Cop / Bad Cop points (Goodest / Baddest cop achievement guide)
By Xander77
Want to figure out how to get the Goodest of the Good Cops / Baddest of the Bad cops achievement? Want to really push Kim's attitude to the limit?

Here's a guide to (most) good / bad cop points in Disco Elysium.

You only need +10 good cop points for the "GotGC" achievement and -5 for the "BotBC" achievement, but I'm providing the full list just in case you discover this guide in the middle of a playthrough.

Feel free to contribute if you discover any points I've missed or if I was mistaken / overtly broad in some way (i.e, certain points require more specific actions).
How do Cop Points work, anyway?
Cop points basically measure Kim's opinion of your abilities and personality. Anything that can convince him that despite your oddities, you still make an effective detective (and a decent human being) earns +1 cop point. Anything that makes him think you're completely gone / a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ terrible person grants -1 cop point (+1 / -1 cop point is probably easier to parse than "+1 Good Cop Point" and "+1 Bad Cop Point").

Points are only awarded for things Kim actually witnesses. Like the game notes - if you can sneak away from Kim to conduct your sordid business, he (mostly) will never find out about it and / or adjust his opinion accordingly. You can send Kim back to the police station for various reasons, and you can also sneak out of your room after bidding him good night in the evening.

Points don't really influence Kim's attitude towards you THAT much (There's only so much divergent writing the game can tolerate). However, there are a few important checks that rely on Kim trusting or distrusting you.

I thought a bit about how to best format this guide. I've concluded that it's best to proceed in roughly chronological order, starting with the options that are available to you as you first meet Kim, and going on as you explore the gameworld.

Obviously, I haven't completed every single permutation of every conversation, so I'm sure there are points I haven't listed. If you are entirely certain about what specific interaction provides a positive or negative cop point, let me know. In particular, I'm interested in the initial interactions with Kim before you get your ledger, as you can't actually track your cop points at that stage.
Talking to Kim
These points are available the moment you meet Kim, as you interrogate him about the case and himself.

+1 cop point each for:
"I want to know about you - more rapport".
Ask about the case, whether Kim thinks it’s mysterious, “white male in his 40’s”.
Talk about the Cop-Off with Kim and suggest you’re an experimental cop, and this is just how you approach cases.
Talk about the Cop-Off, say that you were sent to teach him a lesson about style - he needs a patrol cap and he should trust you on that (only if Kim really trusts you?)
Pass a logic check about the Cop-Off, ask Kim whether you were sent as a joke.
Say "okay then" and "thank you, oh wise man" after you convince Kim you have medical memory loss (this just cancels out the -1 point for telling him to begin with)
Day 1 evening debrief (if you got at least some results during the day?)
Play Suzerainty - ask about how points are tallied, invest in the workers and say "You taught me that points were arbitrary"

-1 cop point each for:
Insist that your memory loss constitutes a medical emergency.
Talk about the Cop-Off with Kim and say you’re a hero cop who’s been sent to humiliate him.
Ask to know more about Kim, then call him a lame binoclard.
Do speed and tell Kim about it (not actually available the moment you meet Kim, but can be done at any point after doing speed).
The Whirling-in-Rags hotel
Good cop:
Pass a suggestion check to beg money from Lena. She'll give you her pin - return it (right away or after buying it back from the pawn shop).
Wake up the worker (Physical Instrument check) and ask him about the dead body in the tree.
Your hypothetical relationship to the Man with Sunglasses in precinct 41 - Kim is cooler than him.
Find the footprints behind the blue door
Bring Garte a replacement stuffed bird from the fishing village
Sing Karaoke, dedicate the song to Kim

Bad cop:
Lick the booze stain next to the passed out worker at the hotel (Electrochemistry check)
Fail the empathy check when talking with Sylvie and talk to Garte about her.
Tell the cook “we speak Revacholian” (requires the fascist thought)
Got up to Klaasje's room, knock on the door several times, call her a ♥♥♥♥♥, then punch the door (-2)
Fail the Authority check when interrogating the Hardie boys. More bad cop points available depending on your response during the followup talk with Kim
Kim's car
Good Cop:
If you don't have the money for your hotel bill by the end of day 1, Kim will offer to pawn a set of shiny hubcaps he previously confiscated.
Say you would have confiscated the hubcaps too
Say you're sorry that Kim has to sell his hubcaps

Call Sylvie on Kim's radio, pass the Empathy check at the end of the conversation, tell Garte you broke the Skua

Interact with Kim's car, ask him whether other policemen have such cool cars. Medium Interfacing check followed by a Medium Encyclopedia check for him to mention TipTop. Say you adore the competition.

An opportunity to discuss Kim's car further comes up on day 2+ (Interfacing check). Talk about the car for a while, make different suggestions before passing a Medium Visual Calculus check to offer to help install lights on his car
Mention the specific engine specs of Kim's car (Encyclopedia check).

Tell Pissf****t and ♥♥♥♥ the World that you’re one of the bad cops (Day 4+)
Get the jackets

Bad Cop:
Call Sylvie, ask why she hasn’t reported the murder, medium Half-Light check to call yourself her god.
Your ledger
Retrieve your ledger from the garbage container and inspect it at Kim's motor carriage.

Good Cop:
Name the case in your ledger – ask Kim about his pens but stick with your pencil (+3 points total)
Review your autopsy forms in the ledger prior to the autopsy and select "First, what exactly is a *field autopsy*?"

Bad cop:
Tell Kim you "don't take orders" while recovering the ledger.
Try to name the case, steal Kim’s pen, and deny him when he attempts to name the case (a total of -1 points).
Initial area around the hotel in general:
Good cop:

Back Kim up when talking to the racist lorry driver. +1 if you pass a Medium Rhetoric check and say the racist is undermining Revachol's self-determination, +1 for "♥♥♥♥♥♥' A, Kim", +1 for "you just look at people and make arbitrary judgments"
Accept the “Waste Land of Reality” thought (requiring you to sober up) from Measurehead (after internalizing Advance Race Theory) or Tiego in the church. You don't have to internalize the thought, just acquire it.
Succeed in knocking Measurehead out.
Give Gaston the photo from Rene's guard booth in the harbor on day 5+

Bad cop:
Pass the Rhetoric check to get Gaston's Sandvich. -1 for offering to share it with Rene, -1 for giving to Rene, -1 for throwing it on the ground (like a boss).

Check out the coin-operated viewer and tell Kim that you dig organized crime.

Pass the conceptualization check with Tommy, go “♥♥♥♥ the police”

Get down with racism when talking to the racist lorry driver (-1).
After the talk, Kim asks you if you meant it. Say you did, push further with a Rhetoric check, and say you have a responsibility to future generations (-1)

Try and fail to steal the Frittte poncho.
Talk to the Frittte shop girl about her magazine, and say it’s “very futuristic”

Attack Measurehead without knocking him out and tell Kim you may attack him again.
The Bookstore, Doomed Commercial Area and Apartment Building
Good cop:
Convince the book store owner to bring her daughter inside
Recover the Belle-Magrave in the Doomed Commercial District basement and wonder what it means.

Investigate apartment 10 for the cleaning lady

Ask the Sunday Friend about the hanging
Have the Sunday Friend confirm that about 8 men handled the hanging (depends on whether you succeed in the Visual Calculus check at the hanging scene first?)

Tell Billie her husband is dead (Day 3+, doesn't matter how well you handle the news)

Bad cop:
Fail the Interfacing check to steal a map of Martinaise at the book store.
Look at the Kras Mazov bust in the Communard student's apartment (requires chain-cutters), call him a deviant.
Insist on accusing the Sunday Friend of murder (you can still do this after getting his witness testimony).
Use a racial slur when talking to Sunday Friend.
The Harbor and Evrart
Good cop:
Find your RCM cloak
Discover the remains of your party at the harbor, pass an Inland Empire check.
Compliment Easy Leo (Evrart’s flunky)
Pass the Logic check to figure out what Leo is doing with the containers
Pass the Composure check when Evrart tells you about your gun
Don't take Evrart's second (smaller) bribe
Successfully pitch an investment idea to the MRLBG

Bad Cop:
Insult Easy Leo
Tell Evrart you don’t care about your gun – he can keep it.
Good cop:
Let Kim handle telling Joyce about the drug investigation.

Bad cop:

Tell Joyce that Evrart is helping you find your gun.
During the reality lowdown, ask Joyce about what she is and whether she wants to ♥♥♥♥.
Volunteer to share the drug investigation info with Joyce (-1). Tell her you've poked around in the lorry and the radio didn't have speedfreaks FM (Kim’s fav radio station, which you discover by messing with his car radio) (-1).
Roy and Siileng
Good Cop:
Don’t play along with Siileng’s finger-guns when you first meet him (only provided you have the option to play along to begin with - Composure check).

Bad cop:
Hit up Siileng for a bribe to improve relationships with the RCM or to keep his operation secret from his employer (investment in an experimental detective is fine though)

Ask Roy how much you sold your gun for.
Get Pyrholidon from Roy (requires an Electrochemistry check)
Good Cop:
Don’t give Cuno the drugs.

Bad Cop:
Make the deal with Cuno and say you’re a bad addict cop.
Give Cuno the drugs (-2 points).
Punch Cuno - "sick charade".
Fail to punch Cuno - try to make amends. -1 for for showing him the pyrholidon, -1 for showing him speed, -1 for giving him cigarettes.
The hanged man and the autopsy:
Good cop:
Say “I think he’s dead” and every single one of the following dialog options (+5 points total, one for each option) when looking at the hanged man.
Note the serial number on the boots, follow it up via Kim's radio until you get a name for the Hanged Man
Maybe the HM was wearing just the boots - walking around naked
Note the odd-sole in the footprints around the hanged man.
Ask Kim about the odd-sole, and just nod without saying anything

Review your ledger before the autopsy - we just need to fill out the red autopsy form
Recover basic information about yourself (either your initials in the ledger or your badge), and make sure you’re listed as the arriving officer in the coroner's case.
Get the victim's race (Occidental) right during the autopsy (triggers when you have Klaasje confirm it later)
Get the victim’s age (about 42) right during the autopsy (triggers when you have Klaasje confirm it later)
Pass a Physical Instrument check to list the height as 1.85.
Pass Conceptualization check to add a "Moral" to the story.
Find the bullet (+1 at the end of the autopsy) and offer it to Kim as a gift (+2) = +3 total.
Take the body away.

Bad cop:
Fail to make the check to approach the corpse even with ammonia, then say that you don't want to get your ♥♥♥♥ together (-1) and shake your head (-1).
Make up a random serial number for the hanged man’s boots, then tell Kim you’re a psychopath when he questions you during the autopsy.
Autopsy summary – “this man was murdered by seagulls – I don’t like this game”.
Steal the hanged man’s boots (decide on the task while examining the hanging corpse, sneak out of your room after Kim goes to bed without sending the body into processing), wear them, and talk to Kim about it.
Fishing village and boardwalk area (Day 3+)
Good cop:
Investigate the car, then whistle a tune as you wait for the tide to come in.
Review your badge, check your rank, "I thought my rank was *drunk*", "That gives me hope"
Suggest a funeral for your cop car when talking to Lilienne.

Have a date with Lilienne

Listen to Idiot Doom Spiral's story of the Headless Rider, talk to Kim while wearing RCM gear.
Listen to Idiot Doom Spiral's story of the Headless Rider, tell Kim he's a sharp-dressed man.

Let Gary know you’ve opened his apartment door for Evrart.
Pass Gary's Composure check

Falsify the signatures on Evrart's letter

Fail the Shivers check at the mural, talk to Lilienne's twins, call S FM on Kim's radio

Bad Cop:
Review your badge – “Putting up with my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ because I’m your superior” (-1) and “I don’t want to get better, I want to get worse” (-1)

Fail to make Isobel sign Evrart’s contract, then threaten her.
Find the catch in Evrart’s contract after getting the genuine signatures, and say “♥♥♥♥ these people”.

Listen to Idiot Doom Spiral's Tequila Sunset story
Ask Rosemary about his business, say you're already hooking for Cuno

Would Acele like to *party*?
Fail the authority check with Acele (regarding the hat) and talk to Kim afterwards.
Ask Acele about where she got the mic (not Mike) and tell here you have a problem with ♥♥♥♥-sexuals.
Take a cut of the drug lab's profits and reveal that to Acele

Keep making calls via the boardwalk phone. During the phone call to Girard, tell him you’re ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ his wife and don't backtrack.

Tell Morell he shouldn’t leave his woman unattended (requires the fascist thought)
Talk to Gary the Cryptofascist about Seol, ask him whether they are scheming.

Fail the Shivers check at the mural, talk to Lilienne's twins, say a bad word
The Church
Good Cop:
Enter the church.
Receive the Wasteland of Reality thought from Tiago by agreeing you have a problem with Alcohol (if you haven't received it from Measurehead already)

Pass Soona’s logic check about the 2mm hole, say you’ve had this thought before.

Apologize for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up the check to make Kim dance (this just cancels out the -1 you get otherwise).

Bad Cop:
Try to use the pyrbar to enter the church and succeed in the Physical Instrument check.

Pass the Encyclopedia check for the window in the church, say you like the new RCM logo as it “puts the fear…”

Evict Soona from the church.

Fail the authority check when trying to get Kim to dance.

Refuse to apologize for failing the authority check - “getting bent out of shape over a word” (-2) + “Don’t really need you anyway” (-1).
Confronting "the Pigs"
Good Cop:
Find the narcotics and let Kim take them

Bad Cop:
Tell Kim to “blow her away".
Insist on leaving the confrontation.
Confiscate her narcotics and say nothing in response.
The Hardie Boys and Klaasje
Good Cop:
Ask Klaasje about her passport and tell her she might be a suspect
Pass the Drama check with Klaasje.
Threaten to arrest her, pass the Shivers check - what is The Return?
After Titus calls you a can-opener, ask Kim whether that’s true.

Bad Cop:
Ask Elizabeth “what are you going to *do* to me?”
Talk to Easy Leo about Elizabeth and tell her he called her a “death machine”.

Talk to the Sunday Friend and tell Titus exactly who the witness is.
Connect Titus to the drug trade and tell him you’re on drugs right now.
Check the tape player in your room after being given Titus’ tape, and tell Kim to ♥♥♥♥ off.

Steal Preptide from Klaasje’s medicine closet (fail or don’t bother with the roll)
Call Klaasje a ♥♥♥♥♥ at some point (possibly pounding on her closed door), then bring it up again when talking about Titus’ tape.
Don't perform the autopsy, then insist on asking Klaasje about the hanged man after getting Titus' tape (-2)
Tell Klaasje you take drugs (at any point during the conversation) then ask her if the drugs made her kill the man.
The Instigator, the Tribunal, post-Tribunal:
Good Cop:

Contact Speedfreaks FM (fail the field building check several times) and have them give a shoutout to Kim

Let the Instigator go

Successfully warn Kim during the tribunal

Light the writing on the floor on fire with a cigarette.

Ask Kim about the generator on the Island, then kick it.

Ask the Deserter about Evrart, pass the Logic check

Pass the Electrochemistry check (requires Morell's pheromones)

Talk to the Deserter after the check.

Bad Cop:

Contact Speedfreaks FM, say the fascist thing, ask them to give a shoutout to Kim

Don’t let the Instigator go.

Tell Kim to mind his own business as you prepare the necktie Molotov.

♥♥♥♥ up the tribunal : -1 for Titus dying, -1 for Elizabeth.

Tell Tommy that you've met Ruby and the result
Other guides I wrote for this game include:

Thought Cabinet guide

Clothes - where do find them and what they do

All XP and $$$ from bonus thoughts

Let me know if I got anything wrong or omitted relevant info.

If you feel like the guide helped you - upvote and favorite to increase visibility.
Final Cut Political Quests
You will get an option to start a political vision quest as you go to bed at the end of day 3. You can engage with a particular philosophy as long as you've made at least 4 dialog choices supporting this philosophy (easily checked in your ledger) and haven't discarded the resulting thought. Internalizing the related thought is not necessary.


Good Cop:
Ask Gary about the Semper Maa - the RCM won't go for it

Bad Cop:
Ask Gary about Seolites - only explanation that makes sense.
After talking to Measurehead in the office - it was unbelievably manly
Insist on the Icebreaker metaphor regardless of his objections


Good Cop:
+1 Successfully contact the airship, notify it of the 2mm hole, refuse to be evacuated.
+2 having refused, hang out on the statue until Kim assures you that you've done the right thing.


Good Cop:
Talking to Cindy - Kim reminds you of the password phrase you've heard from Manana - good thinking

Bad Cop:
Oink for Cindy
Kim's suggestion is stupid

Liberalism doesn't have any points one way or the other, best as I can tell.
ponymations 10 Jan @ 7:43pm 
I also found that you can gain a cop point if you pass the Encyclopedia check regarding Kim's past with pinball and say "You're Lieutenant Kitsuragi to me."
Xander77  [author] 18 Dec, 2024 @ 7:47pm 
I didn't have that listed? Weird.
ponymations 18 Dec, 2024 @ 6:32pm 
I found that you can lose a point if you tell titus who the witness is
Moony 9 Feb, 2023 @ 12:15pm 
3. I'm not sure about the good cop dialog because I never finished the game without having a drove of good cop points. Scoring 10 good points (which is hard not to) should be enough for you to get a bonus on 3 or more occasions for Kim to really trust you. As for the bad cop I'm not sure how many times you need to score but it's probably not more than 5 since it's the achievement. Note again at 1. that this is over all bad cop points. Not your score in your journal. I've had 10+ and Harry could still note that he's a bad cop or have Ruby call him a bad cop. The dialogues are few and far between and nothing more than added flavor.
4. In summery. As long as you have scored 10 good boy points and 5 bad boy points Harry can be a good AND a bad cop. Good boy points are directed towards Kim's trust and bad boy points are what Harry thinks about himself and what others think about Harry. They are 2 very different things but to confuse us they put it on the same spectrum in the journal.
Moony 9 Feb, 2023 @ 12:15pm 
A few notes.
1. Good cop and bad cop points don't cancel each other out. Harry can have many good points and still identify as a bad cop. As long as he has scored enough bad cop points. The journal score is for achievements.
2. Certain bad cop dialog options like calling Kras Mazov a deviant or digging organized crime at the coin-operated viewer are not actually bad cop dialog options. They are political dialog options that give bad cop points. Calling Kras Mazov a deviant is locked behind fascist as an example and i believe digging organized crime is either locked behind fascist or ultra-liberal. Having 4 points or more in a political agenda unlocks all of the respective dialog option for that specific agenda. True bad cop dialog in the game doesn't give bad cop points. They are merely a reflection of Harry and what others on the rare occasion think about Harry.
redrue 15 Jul, 2022 @ 6:43pm 
You get -2 Bad Cop points when you ask Klassje about your room next to hers while Kim is around
KingSpilly 18 Apr, 2022 @ 1:31am 
Also found a good point; when talking to Siieng, point out details that prove that he is reselling humanitarian aid packages.
KingSpilly 13 Apr, 2022 @ 12:40pm 
Found a couple more bad points; "honoring" yourself in front of Kim, and telling Kim that you didn't r*pe Klaasje after Titus mentions her.
Fahrräder 2 Feb, 2022 @ 11:38pm 
Composure 5, might I add.
Fahrräder 2 Feb, 2022 @ 1:33pm 
Hey! There's a mistake in your guide, Siileng's finger-guns check is Composure, not Reaction Speed. Also, you might add that the headlights thing requires Visual Calculus 4 for the passive check to be made (I didn't get his appreciation after dorking on his Kineema without it, will try later with cigarettes). Maybe I'm a bit late to the party with this, but I'm replaying the game and desperately need Kim's affinity to be 4 on Day 2.