Tricky Towers

Tricky Towers

32 ratings
Game Modes, Spells, Wizard Levels, Achievements
By Andrey
This guide describes game modes, spells, wizard levels, and achievements.
English is not my native language, so do not find fault with the words.
Русскоязычная версия руководства
Game Modes
For a single player game there are 3 Endless modes: Race Challenge, Puzzle Challenge, Survival Challenge. In each mode, only light magic is available. There are also 50 Trials available for single player.

For multiplayer games, 3 game modes are available: Race, Puzzle, Survival. Each mode has 3 difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Special. It turns out 9 game variations, each variation has its own set of available spells. Also for the multiplayer game is available Online Cup, which is a sequence of random modes and difficulties.
Single player Endless modes

Race Challenge
A race with light magic, where your tower is gradually flooded with water. The game ends when the topmost brick is flooded.

Puzzle Challenge
A puzzle with light magic, where the beam height increases step by step and additional petrified pieces appear in random places. With each new stage, the number of bricks that need to be laid to complete the stage increases. The game ends when the uppermost stacked brick reaches the beam.

Survival Challenge
Survival with an unlimited number of bricks, where waves of dark magic regularly appear that act on your bricks. The game ends when the last heart is lost.
Single player Trials
Trials are a set of 50 created variations of the game, with their progressive complication. Each trial has its own mode, difficulty, set of magic, completion condition.
Multiplayer modes

Race Easy
Short race with light magic. The player who crosses the finish line first wins.

Race Normal
Normal race with light and dark magic. The player who crosses the finish line first wins.

Race Special
Normal race with light and dark magic. Storm winds affect players' bricks. The player who crosses the finish line first wins.

Puzzle Easy
Puzzle with a single spell Undo and solid ground. The player with the most bricks stacked wins.

Puzzle Normal
Puzzle with a single spell Ivy and divided ground. The player with the most bricks stacked wins.

Puzzle Special
Puzzle without spells. To lay bricks you need a nudge. The player with the most bricks stacked wins.

Survival Easy
Survival with light magic. The player who first laid 33 bricks, or the last surviving player, wins.

Survival Normal
Survival with light and dark magic. The player who first laid 66 bricks, or the last surviving player, wins.

Survival Special
Survival with light magic. Waves of dark magic appearing in stages, acting on the bricks of all players. The player who first laid 66 bricks, or the last surviving player, wins.
Multiplayer Online Cup
An online cup is a sequence of random matches.
  • 3 cups are awarded for the first place in the match
  • 2 cups are awarded for second place in the match
  • 1 cup awarded for third place in the match
  • for fourth place in the match do not award anything
The player who first scored the required number of cups wins.
There are 19 spells available in the game that relate to light or dark magic. Light magic applies to their own bricks, dark magic applies to other players' bricks. The presence of light and/or dark magic depends on the game mode and difficulty. Some dark magic spells are only available to lagging players.
Light magic

Extra LifeExtra Life
Gives you an extra life.

Binds bricks it touches together.

A small piece to build upon.

Petrifies a brick so it can't move.

Removes your last placed brick.

Places a couple of petrified bricks.
This spell is available only to lagging players.
Dark magic

Bricks rotate on their own.

Soapy bubbles let bricks float away.

Makes a brick large and heavy.

Fast BrickFast Brick
Bricks drop a lot faster.

Grass makes it hard to see.

Ice BrickIce Brick
Bricks become very slippery.

Mist makes it hard to see.

Bricks get a more difficult shape.

Rotated BrickRotated Brick
Bricks can't be rotated.

Slow DownSlow Down
A balloon slows bricks down.

Tiny ghosts steal your brick.
In the description there is an inaccuracy. In fact, ghosts do not steal your brick, but other players' brick.

A combination of dark magic.
This spell is available only to lagging players.

An even stronger combination.
This spell is available only to lagging players.
Wizard Levels
The wizard level in the game is not limited, however, the first 10 levels have unique names.
Wizard Levels
Level number
English title
Rookie Magician
Apprentice Magician
Rookie Sorcerer
Apprentice Sorcerer
Rookie Wizard
Apprentice Wizard
Expert Wizard
Master Wizard Level 1
Master Wizard Level 2
Master Wizard Level ...
There are 29 achievements available in the game, which can be conditionally divided into several groups:
  • Achievements of single player Endless modes (5 achievements)
  • Achievements of single player Trials (12 achievements)
  • Achievements of multiplayer game (7 achievements)
  • Achievements-challenges (5 achievements)
Single player Endless modes

Shadow stackerShadow stacker
Build a tower of 99 bricks in endless puzzle mode.

Brick stackerBrick stacker
Place 66 bricks in endless survival challenge.

99 Bricks!99 Bricks!
Build a tower with 99 bricks in Endless Survival Challenge.

Perfect startPerfect start
Build a tower with 99 bricks in endless survival challenge without losing any hearts.

Survive the 8th wave in survival special mode or in endless survival challenge.
It is easier to get in endless survival challenge, since in a special survival mode it is rarely possible to survive to 8 waves at once for two or more players.
Single player Trials

Baby stepsBaby steps
Unlock the apprentice trials.

Doing goodDoing good
Unlock the pro trials.

On the right trackOn the right track
Unlock the expert trials.

Almost thereAlmost there
Unlock the master trials.

Master wizardMaster wizard
Complete all trials.

Like a glove...Like a glove...
Finish trial #6 with 3 hearts left without picking up a spell.

Think fast!Think fast!
Finish trial #8 with at least 52 seconds left on the clock.

Save some roomSave some room
Finish trial #20 one unit below the zapper.
It is required to maintain a slightly larger distance between the bricks and the beam.

Bigger than magicBigger than magic
Finish trial #21 without using any magic.

No need to rotateNo need to rotate
Complete trial #30 without rotating a brick.

Bare bonesBare bones
Complete trial #40 without using any magic.

Ultimate WizardUltimate Wizard
Complete trial #50 without losing a heart.
«Diligence is the mother of success».
Multiplayer game

Match winnerMatch winner
Win an online match.

Mode masterMode master
Win an online game of every mode in every difficulty at least once.

Cup winner!Cup winner!
Win an online cup.

Speed. Precision.Speed. Precision.
Win a normal race match within 80 seconds without dropping any bricks.
Achievement is faster and easier to perform with friends or with a second controller to choose the mode yourself, and not wait for a happy chance.

Get a brick count of 20 or higher in a puzzle match.

Show offShow off
Win an online normal survival match without using any magic.

Close callClose call
Win an online survival match with 1 heart left.
Try to win the match without losing hearts, and just before the finish, specially drop the right amount of bricks into the abyss.

Green fingersGreen fingers
Connect 7 bricks with 1 ivy spell.
It is easier to perform in trial #12, there is the only Ivy spell.

All-round magicianAll-round magician
Use all magic spells once.
Some spells of light and dark magic are available only to lagging players.

You stay there!You stay there!
Stomp on 5 bubbled bricks without dropping them in the water.
The faster you crush the «bubbled» brick with another brick, the more chances there are to save it. Achievement cumulative.

In the moonlightIn the moonlight
Drop the moon.
It is necessary to lay a brick double increased by the spell Large. It does not matter who exactly puts the brick, this is a collective achievement. It is performed by three or four players in survival mode on normal difficulty. You can do it double, but it will take a lot of luck.

Do a 180 with the roof in race mode.
With a quick series of nudges, hit the top of the roof of the falling house against a nearby corner of the brick. There are two ways to get such a corner of the brick: you can build one of the sides of the tower with «a ladder» outward, or you can petrify the brick and lay it flat on the very edge of the tower, so that the brick strongly protrudes to the side.
It’s easier to perform in trial #8, there is the only Petrify spell, and at half distance the brick increases. Applying the spell and setting the enlarged brick flat, complete the trial and try to complete the achievement.
Game Saves

The game saves are located in the Windows registry, in the branch:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WeirdBeard\Tricky Towers

To export a registry branch (extract save), you need:
  1. Launch the Windows registry editor (application «regedit»).
  2. Export registry data (menu «File» -> «Export...»),
    specifying the name of the saving file and specifying the registry branch described above.

To import a registry branch (implement save), you need:
  1. Launch the Windows registry editor (application «regedit»).
  2. Import data from a file (menu «File» -> «Import...»),
    by selecting a previously saved file.

Aziz 28 Dec, 2022 @ 2:11am 
thanks a lot ♥
KaRpYxA001 8 Jan, 2022 @ 11:01am 
KaRpYxA001 8 Jan, 2022 @ 11:01am 
спасибо !!!!!!!!
matteogamer2011 11 Nov, 2020 @ 5:19pm 
nao consigo mais entra no jogo