Syder Arcade

Syder Arcade

32 ratings
In-Game Badges
By seya and 1 collaborators
Before achievements, there were in-game badges: find out how to get them, increase your score and dominate the world leaderboard!
While playing Syder Arcade you will be rewarded with in-game badges. Badges are usually linked to Steam Achievements, but most importantly, they increase or multiply your score at the end of each level.

This guide explains how to obtain them all. Now go and dominate those high-score leaderboards!
Standard score badges
Bubble Man
Use your shields to absorb bullets. Helps you unlock Mr. Scott achievements.
  • Level 1: 20 bullets | 1000 points
  • Level 2: 50 bullets | 2000 points
  • Level 3: 90 bullets | 3000 points
Destroy enemy bullets using your own weapons.
  • Level 1: 200 bullets | 250 points
  • Level 2: 400 bullets | 500 points
  • Level 3: 600 bullets | 1000 points
Blast your enemies to space dust. Helps you get the Death Dealer achievements.
  • Level 1: kill 150 enemies | 500 points
  • Level 2: kill 300 enemies | 1000 points
  • Level 3: kill 450 enemies | 2000 points

Die Hard
Get hit several times without dying: you will also unlock Space Turtle achievements.
  • Level 1: survive 10 hits | 250 points
  • Level 2: survive 15 hits | 500 points
  • Level 3: survive 20 hits | 1000 points
Kill an huge amount of enemies in a short amount of time.
  • Level 1: Raise your combo multiplyer to 5 | 250 points
  • Level 2: Raise your combo multiplyer to 7 | 500 points
  • Level 3: Raise your combo multiplyer to 14 | 1000 points
Just keep firing. Helps you unlock the Action Hero achievements
  • Level 1: shoot 1500 bullets | 250 points
  • Level 2: shoot 4000 bullets | 500 points
  • Level 3: shoot 8000 bullets | 1000 points
Lucha Libre
Kill enemies by hitting them with your ship. Use of shields is advised. Helps you unlock El Satanico achievements.
  • Level 1: ram and kill 5 enemies | 500 points
  • Level 2: ram and kill 10 enemies | 1000 points
  • Level 3: ram and kill 20 enemies | 2000 points
Kill enemies with your special weapons. This is also a first step to unlock the achievement Bomb the Bass.
  • Level 1: kill 15 enemies | 500 points
  • Level 2: kill 30 enemies | 750 points
  • Level 3: kill 60 enemies | 1000 points
Don't get hit. This will also help you to unlock the Dodge This! achievement.
  • Level 1: Avoid collisions and damage for 1 minute | 1000 points
  • Level 2: Avoid collisions and damage for 2 minutes | 2000 points
  • Level 3: Avoid collisions and damage for almost 5 minutes | 4000 points
Collect all those Powerups. This will help you unlock the OmNomNon achievements.
  • Level 1: Collect 20 powerups | 250 points
  • Level 2: Collect 30 powerups | 500 points
  • Level 3: Collect 40 powerups | 1000 points
Charge your special weapon several times.
  • Level 1: get 4 charges | 500 points
  • Level 2: get 10 charges | 1000 points
  • Level 3: get 16 charges | 1500 points
Score multiplier badges
Complete a campaing level at Tourist difficulty.
  • level score x 0.1

Young Gun
Complete a campaing level at Young Gun difficulty.
  • level score x 0.5

Complete a campaing level at Arcade difficulty.
  • level score x 2
Complete a campaing level at Pure difficulty.
  • level score x 5
Complete a level using a retro filter: this will unlock the Nostalgia achievement.
  • level score x1.1
Space Dancer
Complete a level without getting hit.
  • level score x 1.25
Delta 66 19 Jun, 2014 @ 1:38pm 
Thanks alot,
Badges description should be included IN the game. with a mini Cyclopedia
Ashlo 21 May, 2014 @ 8:01pm 
It's spelt "campaign".
seya  [author] 23 Apr, 2014 @ 6:53am 
@Lee Boon Complimenti a te per aver finito il gioco in pure :D La clessidra cambia di livello in livello, diciamo che è solitamente una mezzora.
Lee Boon 19 Apr, 2014 @ 6:04am 
Complimenti, ottima guida. :P
Ho notato l'assenza della clessidra, che compare nel gioco quando uno impiega troppo tempo a completare il livello. Potrei sapere quanto tempo occorre di preciso per farla apparire?
Noxio 7 Mar, 2014 @ 12:08pm 
tnx alot
Hexrowe 14 Feb, 2014 @ 3:19pm 
I'd figured out most of those on my own, but a couple kept aluding my powers of deduction (c'mon,I kept getting distracted by incoming fire) and it's nice to have confirmation anyway. Thanks!
Ian 21 Jan, 2014 @ 11:05am 
Good info:trolol:
Dercev 30 Dec, 2013 @ 1:57am 