Analog Reviews: The Top 35 Games of the Generation (2006-2013)
The Top 35 Games of the Generation
LordGandhii 8 Jul, 2014 @ 4:43am 
Ah, thanks.
[AReV]Nomed  [author] 7 Jul, 2014 @ 5:23pm 
@Emperor Gandhi It was ripped from Mass Effect directly and isn't part of the OST.
LordGandhii 7 Jul, 2014 @ 8:26am 
Hey, do you know what the song playing for the #1 game is called?
[AReV]Nomed  [author] 30 Dec, 2013 @ 9:31pm 
Half-Life 2 wasn't this generation. It was released in 2004. It will definitely make our list when we make another video to cover older games :)
jart 30 Dec, 2013 @ 5:10pm 
No Half-Life? :OhNoBlue:
The Pleasureman 25 Nov, 2013 @ 4:37pm 
ᛋᚥᚱᚱ 25 Nov, 2013 @ 3:04pm 
Hey you are being sightly over the top 'The pleasurenan' It looks like your taking what people are saying to heart slightly, you don't have to respond to people if you completley dissagree with what there saying, because normally, replying with what you think will make an overheated conversation or arguement, unless thats what your looking for, I can see you know alot of fancy words and i don't know what half of them mean exactly, but you are being abit OTT.
Tim Fortress 2 25 Nov, 2013 @ 11:46am 
no skyrim?
Kant 23 Nov, 2013 @ 7:24pm 
I just wish that they'd create an open end dlc. or give me fallout 4
[AReV]Nomed  [author] 23 Nov, 2013 @ 3:32pm 
@Detective Nob_gobbler We greatly preferred New Vegas to Fallout 3, we thought it featured much better quest design, items, and a superior story. The various factions really added to the experience as well.