1,174 ratings
How to get the Anarchy pre-order DLC.
By MikeOxbig
This will tell you how to unlock the pre order DLC items.
What to do.
EDIT: Go ahead and try method 2 first. I'm coming to think that the game was patched or the 2nd/alternative method just works better. Enjoy and dont forget to rate. ;)

Just add 'Com_allowconsole 1' in the "default.cfg" Right under UNBindAll. This is Located in Steamapps/common/Rage/base. Doing this does not disable Steam Achievements, but does allow you to use the console.
Next go ingame and just type into console
give inventory/spdatacollection/dlc_day1
(To open console go ingame and hit the Tilde key ~ this is the key below Esc. This is only on English keyboards. I do not know what the key will be on other ones. Sorry.)

Or if you only want some of the items, you can type any of these:
give inventory/keys/ratrod
give weaponupgrades/brassknuckles
give weapon/doublebarrelshotgun
give playerarmor/adventurer

(If you want to make sure your Achievements don't become disabled 100%, just save your game after doing this, restart your game ((a restart may be required anyway for DLC to show up)), and remove the Com_allowconsole 1 from your default.cfg)

Here is my Default.cfg for anyone who can't figure out what to do. -___-
-Credits go to BarrybarryK and myself.

2nd/Alternative Method

A comment here by MWisBest explains an alternative way of unlocking the DLC.
MWisBest- "Or, go into SteamApps/common/Rage/dlc and make a new folder named "dlc1", then copy the file "info.txt" from the dlc2 folder into the new dlc1 folder you just created, then open the info.txt you copied into the dlc1 folder and change the DLC ID thing from 2 to 1. The next time you start the game you should have all the Anarchy Edition DLC stuff. :) "

Boss Bread explains here how you get the armour. :) - To aquire your new armour you need to get to the point of the game where you buy the armour from Coffer in Wellsprings, opposite the bounty board.

Hammid 22 Feb @ 11:03am 
Method number 2 worked for me on my Steam Deck. God bless you! :The_Slayer:
Finoderi 16 Feb @ 10:35am 
The 'second method' isn't just better, it's the only way to get achievements while playing with those DLC items. If you use console command, the mere fact of using it will be recorded into autosave. And you won't be able to get any achivements playing with that autosave.
sparkxalive 27 Jan @ 2:02pm 
I still can't get method 2 to work but I don't know how to get to the steam folders. New to pc gaming
Proud Facebook Mom 15 Dec, 2024 @ 8:52pm 
Tried method 2. So when do I get the double-barrel? I certainly don't start with it.
NairBoT 29 Nov, 2024 @ 4:33am 
Method 2 is enabled by default just installing the game.
No need to do anything.
Fallen Angel 20 Nov, 2024 @ 3:46am 
hello there tried the first one even all the steps to disable the things
kept getting achievenments disabled needed to diasable cloud save and delete every save in game and on pc then the file that registers the console command use
then just start new game please delete method one
Steven 9 Aug, 2024 @ 8:26am 
Kane22 1 Jun, 2024 @ 12:09am 
Nocturnal 27 Apr, 2024 @ 12:41pm 
Donald J. Trump 4 Mar, 2024 @ 10:02am 