Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

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How to install Arch Linux (Base)
By Houtworm
A Complete guide on how to install Arch Linux as Desktop or Server.
This guide will set you up with a fresh Arch Linux installation, And if you want a Server, Clean installation or Complete general purpose installation with most of the applications you will ever need, And a graphical package manager in the case you need even more.

At the end this guide will split into multiple guides depending on what you want to do with the machine.

Be sure to read everything, cursive and bold wrtings need to be replaced with the proper input, I will let you know when you need to remember something.

No response means everything went well, If you get an error back make sure you typed the command correctly.

If you want your DE to be included, Tell me which DE you use, Which DM, and preferrably a list of some must have programs/extensions, You can add me or leave a comment :)

If you run into any problems the same thing applies, you can add me or leave a comment :)
Creating the Bootable USB
First we need to download the latest version of the Arch installation media

Open a webbrowser and go to

Here you can download the latest image, I recommend using the Torrent or Magnet link, But if you don't have a torrent client you can scroll down for HTTP downloads.

Wait for the download to finish.

Next we need to burn the ISO file to an empty USB

If you are already on Linux you probably know how to flash an image to USB, if not try to right click the .ISO file and open with image writer, Just select the right drive and click write/flash/revert

If you are on Windows I recommend downloading Etcher

Just download the portable version or install the normal version and open the program

Select the .ISO file as the image, The USB as the drive and click flash

After it is finished you should have a bootable Arch USB.
Booting the USB
Next we need to boot the USB drive, We need to get in the BIOS for that.

Turn off the device and put the USB in the device and keep pressing f2/Del/etc while turning it on to get into your BIOS, Most of the times you will get a screen where it tells you which button you need to press to enter the BIOS

When you are in the BIOS Navigate to the boot screen and make sure the USB is on top. In most cases you can change their priority with F5/F6 or +/-.

Press F10, select yes and press enter to save the settings and reboot,

Now you just have to wait untill you are logged in as the root user on the arch iso
Check your boot mode
Run the following command to see if you are running in UEFI mode
ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars

If it shows you a bunch of filenames you are in UEFI mode.

If you get an error you are in BIOS mode. If you are sure your system has UEFI disable legacy boot mode or force UEFI in the BIOS. If you can not get the USB to boot into UEFI you can use the legacy mode.

Remember which boot mode you use, It will be important later on.
Set your Keyboard Layout for the installation
If you use US International as your keyboard layout you can skip this step.

To list all available keyboard layouts run

localectl list-keymaps

navigate with the arrow keys to choose the right keyboard layout for your keyboard when you made your choice press q to quit and run the following command with your keyboard layout

loadkeys layout

for Turkey layout would be replaced with trq for German it would be replaced with de-latin1

If you have set a custom layout remember which layout you set, It will be important later on.
Make sure you have a network connection
If you are wired you can skip the WiFi step But test the connection either way.

If you use Wifi or have no option to connect a cable run the following command


You should spawn in an alternative prompt, run the following command to check for devices

device list

Remember the name of the device and use it in the following command to let it scan for networks

station wlan0 scan

Then run the following command to display the scan results

station wlan0 get-networks

And finally you should be able to connect using the Device name and the Network Name (SSID)

station wlan0 connect SSID

Simply enter the password of your wifi if it asks for it.

then exit the alternative prompt with the following command


It your network device is powered down it is probably soft blocked, in that case run the following command

rfkill unblock all

run the following command to test your network connection.

If you get a ping back hit CTRL + C and go to the next step
Make sure the time is set correctly
Not having the right time will prevent your system from installing anything so run the following command

timedatectl set-ntp true
Check which disk you want to install Arch on
Run the following command to list all connected drives

fdisk -l

Check which disk you want to install on, /dev/sda or /dev/nvme0n1 for example, I am going to use /dev/nvme0n1 from this point on, Remember or write down the drive you want to install on and always replace dev/nvme0n1 with the right drive.
Partitioning the disk (UEFI)
Only do this part if you are in UEFI boot mode.

Start fdisk with the drive of your choice.

fdisk /dev/nvme0n1

Now we are in fdisk, you can press m for help in the program, But if you do exactly as below everything should be alright

Hit d and then enter untill there are no more partitions left.

Hit g Then press enter, This will make it a gpt disk

Press n and then enter to make our first partition give it partition number 2 and press enter then just press enter again to put it in the beginning of the disk then type +2G to give it 2GB for the boot partition

press n again to create our swap partition, give it partition number 3 and press enter then just press enter again to put it next to the previous partition then type +8G to give it 8GB swap, If you have less ram I would recommend making it equal to your ram, So +4G if you have 4GB Ram.

press n again to create our final root partition, give it partition number 1 and press enter then just press enter again to put it next to the previous partition then press enter again to give it the remaining space on the disk.

Now hit t and press enter select 1 and press enter type 20 and hit enter this will make the first partition a Linux filesystem.

Now hit t and press enter select 2 and press enter type 1 and press enter this will make the second partition an EFI partition

Now hit t and press enter select 3 and press enter type 19 and press enter this will make the third partition a swap partition

Finally hit w and press enter to write all changes to disk
Partitioning the disk (BIOS)
Only do this part if you are in BIOS boot mode.

Start fdisk with the drive of your choice.

fdisk /dev/nvme0n1

Now we are in fdisk, you can press m for help in the program, But if you do exactly as below everything should be alright

Hit d and then enter untill there are no more partitions

Hit o, Then press enter, This will make it a mbr disk

press n and then enter to make our first partition, hit p and enter to make it primary, give it partition number 2 and press enter then just press enter again to put it in the beginning of the disk then type +2G to give it 2GB for the boot partition

press n again to create our swap partition, hit p and enter to make it primary, give it partition number 3 and press enter then just press enter again to put it next to the previous partition then type +8G to give it 8GB swap, If you have less ram I would recommend making it equal to your ram, So +4G if you have 4GB Ram.

press n again to create our final partition, hit p and enter to make it primary, give it partition number 1 and press enter then just press enter again to put it next to the previous partition then press enter again to give it the remaining space on the disk

Now hit t and press enter select 1 and press enter type 83 and hit enter this will make the first partition a Linux filesystem.

Now hit t and press enter select 2 and press enter type a and press enter this will make the second partition the boot partition

Now hit t and press enter select 3 and press enter type 82 and press enter this will make the third partition a swap partition

Finally hit w and press enter to write all changes to disk
Format Partitions
Now we have set the partitions and the labels now we are going to format them all

Be sure that you replace /dev/nvme0n1p# with the correct drive and partition If if is /dev/sda be sure to include the partition number /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda3. For the /dev/nvme0n1 you need to add a p and then the partition number so /dev/nvme0n1p1, /dev/nvme0n1p2 and /dev/nvme0n1p3

First we need to make the root partition ext4, You can also opt for btrfs or f2fs, Just replace ext4 accordingly

mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p1

Then we make the boot partition fat 32

mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/nvme0n1p2

Make partition 3 swap

mkswap /dev/nvme0n1p3

Then enable swap on partition 3

swapon /dev/nvme0n1p3
Full Disk Encryption (Optional)
Encryption is completely optional, If you don't want it, just skip this step completely.

Many things can go wrong, and if you forget your password the data is lost, Nothing you can do to recover it. Use it at your own risk.

I would recommend Encryption for Mobile devices that hold sensitive data, Laptops you take with you for example.

I would not recommend Encryption for desktops, unless you are worried someone can get physical access.

make the root partition an LUKS partition

cryptsetup -y -v luksFormat /dev/nvme0n1p1

Mount the encrypted partition to cryptroot

cryptsetup open /dev/nvme0n1p1 cryptroot

Create a ext4 filesystem on the encrypted partition

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/cryptroot

You can also encrypt swap if you want to

swapoff /dev/nvme0n1p3
cryptsetup -y -v luksFormat /dev/nvme0n1p3
cryptsetup open /dev/nvme0n1p3 cryptswap
mkswap /dev/mapper/cryptswap
swapon /dev/mapper/cryptswap

You can encrypt any partition you want, just don't encrypt the boot partition because this guide doesn't cover that, and it is pretty useless imho.
Mounting the partitions
now we are going to mount the 2 partitions and create the /boot directory

Be sure that you replace /dev/nvme0n1p# with the correct drive and partition If it is /dev/sda be sure to include the partition number /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2. If it is /dev/nvme0n1 you need to add a p and then the partition number so /dev/nvme0n1p1 and /dev/nvme0n1p2.

mount the first partition to /mnt, if you use encryption you mount /dev/mapper/cryptroot here

mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt

create the /boot directory

mkdir /mnt/boot

mount the second partition to /mnt/boot

mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot
Install the base system
The following command will install the base system, the kernel and a text editor we need later on.

pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux nano
Generate the fstab file
Generating the fstab file will take all mounted partitions and add them to a file so they mount at boot so if you have any more drives you want to mount at boot mount it before you run the command.

Do not run this command twice!

Run the following command

genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
chroot into the new system
chroot is a tool to treat any directory as its root directory, In a way we "break" into the system from the live image, So we will switch from USB to your drive with the following command.

arch-chroot /mnt
Set your timezone and time
If you are unsure about your timezone you can list all timezones with the following command.

timedatectl list-timezones

go up and down with the arrows look for your timezone and hit q to exit.

Next we are going to change the timezone to the one you selected

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/your/timezone

Replace your/timezone with your correct timezone Europe/Amsterdam for example

Finally run hwclock to generate the time file

hwclock --systohc
Generate the locale and set the language
run the following command and remove the # in front of en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 and any other locales you need.

nano /etc/locale.gen

Hit CTRL + X and then enter to save and exit

Run the following command to generate the locales


Next we are going to set the language run the following command

nano /etc/locale.conf

The language you want your system to be should be in this file in this form, if you want it Dutch for example you change en_US.UTF-8 to nl_NL.UTF-8


Hit CTRL + X and enter to save and quit

If you have not set a different keyboard layout in section 5 you can skip the rest of the commands in this section.

If you have set a different layout back fifth section run the following command

nano /etc/vconsole.conf

add the keyboard layout you set in the beginning.


layout should be trq for Turkish and de-latin1 for German

Hit CTRL + X and enter to save and quit
Set the hostname and hosts file
Next we are going to set the hostname, This is the name of your device in the local network.

nano /etc/hostname

enter a good name for your device without any capital letters or spaces. You can just call it laptop or personal-computer

Hit CTRL + X and then enter to save and quit

Now we have to create a file, run
nano /etc/hosts

Type exactly whats below replacing yourdevicename with the name you just gave your device in /etc/hostname

You can use the tab key for the spaces to make it lign up properly localhost ::1 localhost yourdevicename.localdomain yourdevicename

Hit CTRL + X and then enter to save and quit
Set the root password
now we have to set a root password

The root password is like the superuser account, You will need this password to update your system or change anything outside your personal home folder.

run the following command then type your new password and hit enter twice.

Configure Pacman
Pacman is the PACkage MANager of Arch Linux, It is great, but we can make it even better :)

First we are going to open the pacman.conf file to make some adjustments

nano /etc/pacman.conf

Under Misc Options uncomment UseSysLog, Color and Parallel Downloads You can also up the number. And add ILoveCandy to get the other Pacman to appear too :)

# Misc options UseSyslog Color #NoProgressBar CheckSpace #VerbosePkgLists ParallelDownloads = 10 ILoveCandy

Also add base and grub after HoldPkg

HoldPkg = pacman glibc base grub

Save and exit the file

Next up are the mirrors, The defaults are okay and this takes a while, but for faster speeds I would seriously recommend this step. So go ahead and install reflector

pacman -S reflector

then just run reflector with the following command

reflector --latest 200 --protocol https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

You will see a bunch of errors but that is normal, just let it run and wait untill the prompt shows up again.
Install Microcode (Optional) PROPRIETARY
Now we are going to install the microcode, this is PROPRIETARY but it will improve stability, choose the right one for your CPU, you can install none if you are in doubt or don't want any non free software on your machine.

pacman -S amd-ucode

pacman -S intel-ucode
install and configure grub
Now we are going to install grub, only do UEFI or BIOS depending on your system


pacman -S grub efibootmgr

grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=Arch

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg


pacman -S grub

grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/nvme0n1

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Full Disk Encryption (Optional)
if you did the first Encryption part you can NOT skip this step

If you did not go for disk encryption after formatting the disks you MUST skip this step

First we need to get the UUID of the root partition of /dev/nvme0n1p1 in this case and remember it


We need to include it in the grub config so open the grub file

nano /etc/default/grub

Look for the following GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT somewhere at the top


Adjust it so the line looks like this remember that you have to replace UUID with the correct UUID.

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="loglevel=3 quiet root=/dev/mapper/root"

Now let grub generate a new config file

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Open the mkinitcpio.conf file

nano /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

Look for the following HOOKS line, it should be somewhere at the bottom

HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems fsck)

Make it look like this (order is important)

HOOKS=(base systemd autodetect keyboard modconf block sd-encrypt filesystems fsck)

finally run the following command to generate the new image

mkinitcpio -p linux
Creating the user
Now it is time to create a user account, This is where you log into, It can do almost everything except install software or change things outside of your personal folder.

you need to remember your username and you can not have capital letters in your username

useradd -m yourusername

Set a password for the user, You will log into the device with this password, You can make it the same as the root account.

passwd yourusername

enter a new password and press enter twice
install and configure sudo
Sudo allows you to do root stuff while logged in as a user, It will probably become your most used command so install it.

pacman -S sudo

Now we need to add your username to the sudoers file, run the following command

nano /etc/sudoers

Look for the lines under User Privilege Specification There should be a line root ALL=(ALL) ALL Add your username in the exact same manner one line below it so that part looks like this.

root ALL=(ALL) ALL yourusername ALL=(ALL) ALL

You can also make your computer try to insult you if you enter a wrong password, Just add a line with the following content under the Defaults Specification

Defaults insults

Hit CTRL + X, y and then Enter to save and quit
Now you can exit the chroot


Reboot the system and remove the USB drive when the screen turns black


We are now at a point where you have to make a choice, Or you can choose to leave it here, and have a clean Arch Installation with no network capabilities, desktop or services. You can still do some stuff tho, But I highly recommend continuing with one of the following guides, or why not all? You can have a Desktop with multiple DEs which also functions as a Server for whatever you need, I wouldn't recommend that tho :P

GNOME Desktop Environment

KDE Desktop Environment

Server with your choice of Microservices

Choose wisely my fellow penguin :)
Houtworm  [author] 15 Sep, 2020 @ 6:33pm 
If you want a easy installation you surely picked the wrong distro,

And you surely don't need some PhD to use Linux, or game on Linux, None of my friends are tech savvy and they all use Linux even my parents use Linux.

The tweaks are to improve, to make it better suitable for gaming, but you can surely game without them.

You don't need a single terminal command to move your Steam library.

not caring about privacy because you have "Nothing to hide" is the same thing as saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.
Houtworm  [author] 15 Sep, 2020 @ 6:33pm 
Proton plays pretty much every game that does not have active anti cheat, especially the more popular ones, and it even beats Native windows performance in many cases.

Windows Fast and Stable? Easy to use and straight forward is just an opinion. I don't find Windows Fast nor stable, and especially not easy to use, because it never does what I want, and there are 10 menus for the same thing but just 1 thing has the option you are looking for, everything is hidden away in some dark corner of the configuration panel.
Houtworm  [author] 15 Sep, 2020 @ 4:40pm 
You can change themes in gnome with gnome-tweaks juust install it and change whatever you want :)
Houtworm  [author] 15 Sep, 2020 @ 4:03pm 
I will look into the icon issue, As an alternative for now you can just install it after you installed pamac, It probably needs some dep and pamac will take care of this for you AUR or not :)
Houtworm  [author] 15 Sep, 2020 @ 3:17pm 
I don't use lightdm or xfce myself,but I guess you could run
sudo pacman -S xfdesktop :)
Houtworm  [author] 15 Sep, 2020 @ 2:39pm 
Hey Puremoon, You just have to install it once, Then you can just configure it even if lightdm fails to start, You could try any dm but lightdm should be fine,

Did you install a greeter for Lightdm?
Roadkill 22 May, 2020 @ 7:16am 
Typo: EUFI should be UEFI

Also, I've installed Arch manually; I'd recommend Manjaro for new users. I know some people hate on Manjaro, but there are a few niceties over Arch (additional packages in repo & kernel management). I tried opensuse, but hated the package build system & wound back up on Manjaro . PKGBUILDs have enabled anyone with bash knowledge to package software for easy installation & removal; I've created many unpublished PKGBUILDs & a few public on the AUR.
ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ²²²⁷ 16 May, 2020 @ 3:13pm 
Linux is the best
Senió Koopa 31 Jan, 2020 @ 3:20am 
MrΩ 30 Jan, 2020 @ 7:33pm this is my custom gnu/linux distro

intended audience: system developers or very advanced adminsyss or insane geeks/nerds, with amd gpu hardware.
