Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

385 ratings
Support guide for sekiro main bosses and side bosses
By 𝕊𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕒
Hello , in this guide i will try to help you make sekiro easier, telling you how to fight against the bosses and minibosses you can find trough the game
Let me explain a couple things before reading this guide :

- First of all, i would like to mention that certain things in this guide are taken from sources as sekiro , so big credit for its original creators

- IMPORTANT: this guide obviously contains spoilers from the game so be aware of this fact before reading it.

-This guide is not made to learn how to cheese bosses, be insanely good at the game or even beat every boss in less than 60 seconds. Keep this in mind while reading it. Is mostly informative about the game and the enemies it contain.

hope you will enjoy.
and remember : hesitation is defeat
General Naomori Kawarada

-Location : Ashina Outskirts
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead, Gourd Seed
-Optonal : yes
-Best prosthetic tool : recomended to use only sword
-Best skill art : recomended to use only sword

It`s best to start the fight with a stealth deathblow from above. Now hit the General with your basic sword attacks a couple times. He will eventually try to deflect and then counter attack. This is just like the tutorial boss Leader Shigenori Yamauchi. Only difference is Naomori Kawarada is faster.
This mini boss is trying to teach you the basics of how to parry and deflect. Watch out for his sweep Perilous Attack. You will need to jump over it. Just press the jump button and then press it again to kick off his head. Fight should be easy if you learn how to avoid those Perilous Attacks.
First Chained ogre

-Location : Ashina Outskirts
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead, Shinobi Medicine Rank 1
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Flame vent , Loaded umbrella , Firecracker
-Best skill art : recommended to not use any

Start the fight by running away and waiting for him to reset. Sneak up behind him and go for a Backstab Deathblow. It will make the fight much easier. This Mini-Boss is hard to deflect or block. I advise that you mostly use Dodge. Try not to stay directly in front of him. His 3 grab animations are deadly. Try to keep circling him as much as possible. You can use flame vent to stun him and set him on fire but you need to hit him with oil first. Loaded umbrella can be used to block his grab attacks.
If you have the Loaded Umbrella you can use that to block his grab attacks. If you don`t have the Loaded Umbrella then your best option is to hit him 2 times and run away from him. Also known as hit and run. Usually it takes about 5 minutes to burn him down. Due to his long wind ups and fast reactions on recovery you will only want to hit him twice. That is the safest way to fight him. If you did some exploring you should have found the merchant that sells the Shinobi Firecracker. This tool causes enemies to stagger and gives you the chance to land at least 4 more hits. Rinse and repeat this until he is down.
General Tenzen Yamauchi

-Location : Ashina Outskirts
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker/fistful of ash , Loaded axe
-Best skill art : mikiri counter , spiral passage

Before you even attempt to fight with this mini boss I highly recommend you clear the area of enemies.
Start the encounter by sneaking through the grass to kill the first lesser enemy. Throw a shuriken at the enemy looking in your direction to make him come to you. Run towards the next enemy and take him out. Head towards the left to de-aggro the mobs while we reposition ourselves. Climb the tree to reach the building with the lone short enemy and take him out. Next jump onto the last several mobs and eliminate them. The one with the gun is easy to get rid of before focusing on the sword wielding mobs. This will leave you and the boss alone. Sneak back to where you killed the first enemy and watch the boss movement. Once he turns his back to you, sneak walk towards him to get a free deathblow in. This will greatly help in the fight. Block/deflect his attacks while jumping over his perilous sweeping attack and don`t forget to mikiri counter hes thrust attack you can recognize when hes about to use is by how he quick swing sword twice from left to right and from right to left .
Headless Ako

-Location : Ashina Outskirts
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Spiritfall Ako
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Lazulite Sacred Flame , Malcontent , Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella
-Best skill art : none

To fight with Headless you need at least 2-4 divine confetti, i also highly recommend to use pacyfi agent or molted purple gourd to reduce terror status.
Headless is one of the hardest, if not the hardest side bosses in the least for me, because each of his hits build up terror status, (except when you parry) even if you block it his animation always looks weird for me and hard to deflect (it looks like hits you later or quicker than should ).
To start the fight, you'll want to jump and land as near as possible to the enemy, to deal some damage while its "waking" up. Attack him as fast as you can because the enemy won't be attacking soon, even though it looks like it's winding up for an attack. During the fight, Headless will cast a mist around him that will slow you down. To negate the effect, just keep on attacking him and that will disperse the mist around him. Headless also has an attack where he goes invisible and reappears behind you, then does a grab attack. You can recognize this move every time he does it, because he always starts to do 360 spin before that. So when he does that attack, turn around and start swinging, that will pull him out of invisibility. He can grab you only when you're not looking at him, so keep that in mind.

Gyobu Masataka Oniwa

-Location : Ashina Outskirts
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Battle Memory
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker
-Best skill art : Nightjar Slash , Grappling Hook Attack

One of the basics of this boss is to use the Grappling Hook Attack when the boss is far enough from you. In close combat use Parry or Block to evade his attack. After an effective parry you can always hit twice, dealing a full single combo.
This boss also will be stunned after receiving a considerable amount of damage in a short period of time.If you decide to go for a close combat, you must worry the most about the Triple Spinning Spear Attack. You can parry all three hits of this attack and later on get a free hit, interrupting his attack completely. If you try to interrupt this attack with the Grappling Hook you surely will receive a hit.

His second phase is almost exactly than the first one, except for a new attack. This attack consist on him rushing at you with a sweeping movement. This attack can be recognized since he always drag his spear in the ground before doing it.
Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen

-Location : Hirata Estate
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer bead
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker
-Best skill art : Mikiri Counter

Honestly, there is not much that I can say about this mini boss. Before you start the fight make sure to clear the area of enemies. Now you can start the fight with a stealth deathblow from behind. The trick to this fight is to Mikiri Counter his thrust attacks. That is his most common attack. He can also use sweep attacks if you are close to him. Playing aggressively also works well here. You can interrupt many of his thrust attacks by hitting him as he performs them. Try not to panic when you see the red kanji. If you are attacking you will likely interrupt him. Just keep swinging.
Juzou Drunkard First Encouter

-Location : Hirata Estate
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer bead , Unrefined Sake
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Flame vent (mixed with oil)
-Best skill art : Nightjar Slash , Chasing Slice , Mortal Draw

The most effective way to defeat Juzou is by thinning out some of his bandits on the left-hand side and then clearing out all other enemies besides Juzou, avoiding him until this is done. When facing Juzou, play defensively, deflecting his slower and more telegraphed attacks to build up his posture bar while avoiding his perilous sweep and grab attacks.
During the fight he will drink and coat his blade with poison. Use this downtime to dash towards him and use counter attacks to chip away his health; the Chasing Slice Prosthetic Art is particularly useful to close this gap when used in conjunction with the Loaded Shuriken, and it is a good alternative from counter attacks when being too far from Juzou. Additionally, Nightjar Slash works much the same way, closing the gap rather quickly. So consider using it for this fight.

Lady Butterfly

Location : Hirata Estate
-Deathblow Markers : 2 (1 per phase)
-Reward : Battle Memory , Sakura droplet
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Loaded axe , Shuriken
-Best skill art : step dodge , Ichimonji Double

Phase 1:
Lady Butterfly has a really quick combo, usually followed by sweeping parallel attacks. Get ready to evade whenever you see a kanji symbol on the floor (she have no trusting attacks).
Everytime she is on the air, sghe will choose between three moves (you can interrupt all of them with the shurikens):
1. The first attack is a Double Kunai throw followed by two quick charges.
2. Second attack is the throw of a bunch of kunai while leaning back.
3. In the third attack she will try to grab you if you are close enough. This attack is easily avoidable, just by a well timed step dodge.

Phase 2

Phase 2: Pretty similar to the first one. Her combo is more dangerous due to phantoms kunai, which you are not able to block (each normal kunai of the first phase is replaced by phantom one on the second phase). Also Lady Butterfly will summon illusions from time to time. A good way to evade them is to wait until this illusions turn into projectiles, although this take some time and will restore almost all boss posture. Best strategy is to use snap seed. You can find 5 of this objects on the rock after stabbing the great serpent in the eye. Another one can be found on Fallen Samurai´s hall before the main boss room.
Blazing Bull

-Location : Ashina Castle
-Deathblow Markers : 1
-Reward : Prayer Bead, Shinobi Medicine Rank 2
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker
-Best skill art : Nightjar Slash , Chasing Slice

Best strategy in my opinion is to bait the charge and deflect. This will briefly stun the bull, allowing the player to get in three attacks on its head then quickly reposition and back up in order to bait another charge. It may take some practice to get the timing of the deflect down, a beat or two after the bull lowers its head. As the head is the bull's weak spot, this strategy can be used to defeat the beast quite quickly. The player will still take a small amount of damage from the charge and will build up the burning status effect when deflecting. But, this will be minimal on a successful deflect. However, the player should monitor these and heal as needed. It is advisable to lure the bull into destroying all the structures in the area so that the player has a clear view of the arena and does not get caught unexpectedly on any obstruction.

Jump attacks tend to be quite safe against this boss's charge attacks and allow safe repositioning but do limited damage.

Proper positioning (you should be on left side with the enemies between them and the upper right corner where the bull spawns) at the beginning of the fight will cause the bull to kill the two normal enemies as it enters the area, slightly simplifying the fight. ( unless you playing without Kuros charm )
General Kuranosuke Matsumoto

-Location : Ashina Castle
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Flame vent (mixed with oil) , Firecracker
-Best skill art : spiral passage

General Kuranosuke Matsumoto is exacly same like General Tenzen Yamauchi,
only diffrence is hes doing significantly more damage than previous generals
my only recommendation is to do roll everytime when he will break your posture because he always trying to grab you if your posture is broken
also i recommend to take down all enemies with gun before and that`s pretty much all the advice that I can give here.
Armored Warior

-Location : Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo
-Deathblow Markers : none
-Reward : Prayer Bead , Breath of Nature: Shadow
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Loaded Umbrella - Magnet , Loaded axe
-Best skill art : none

Build his posture meter by deflecting attacks and attacking when he is open. This enemy will not be stunned when attacked so only attack a few times before preparing to deflect or avoid his next attack. One his posture meter is nearly full, lure him near either edge of the bridge. Position yourself such that his back will be facing off the bridge when looking at you. Perform your last few attacks to break his poise. Then perform a deathblow to push him over the edge of the bridge. Due to his weight, he will break any wall in his path and fall to his death. You do NOT need to wait for him to break the wall with his attacks.

The Loaded Axe Prosthetic Tool deals a significant amount of posture damage to this enemy. After his rampaging onslaught he will be vulnerable for a few seconds, this is the perfect time to use the Loaded Axe.
Long Arm Centipede Sen-Un

-Location : Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead , Yellow Gunpowder
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Loaded Umbrella - Magnet
-Best skill art : none

You can get the first deathblow by jumping on him from above, but don't forget to clear the area from enemies first, after that just stand close to him and don't attack, instead parry everything(or use umbrella spin) and jump over the sweep.
You can use gokan sugar if your posture is low.
Seven Ashina Spears - Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi

-Location : Ashina Reservoir
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Loaded axe , Flame vent
-Best skill art : Mikiri Counter , ichimonji

You can easily stealth up behind him and do a stealth deathblow that will take one of his health bars away. He does a 4 hit attack, where on the 3rd and 4th attack, he does a long wind up before the attack, use this chance to get behind him and deal some damage. It is not ideal to deflect his attacks as he deals a lot of posture damage. He has two Perilous attacks, a sweep, and a thrust attack. The sweep is easily countered but for the thrust, he tends to throw you off and follow up with an attack if you use Mikiri counter and if you make a mistake it can one-shot you.
Lone Shadow Longswordsman

-Location : Ashina Reservoir
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead, Scrap Magnetite
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Mist raven, Loaded axe, sabimaru
-Best skill art : Mikiri Couter , Double ichimonji

You can rip one health bar off this guy if you head past the initial well entrance and find the hole a little way after. This will allow you to drop onto him.

Then you'll need to deflect many attacks, trying to dodge his kick attacks when possible, as these do a lot of Posture Damage. Use dodge counter attacks whenever possible to chip away his Vitality, as this allows you to more easily fill his posture bar. His Death Kick can be Mikiri Countered, dealing considerable posture damage to him ,but I also recommend you use mist raven when he gets you in a corner with this attack.
Ashina Elite - Jinsuke Saze

-Location : Ashina Castle
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Loaded umbrella , Sabimaru , Mist raven
-Best skill art : i recommend to use step dodge or parry only.

Ashina Elite - Jinusuke Saze uses his Ashina Slice attack very frequently; as such the most straightforward way to approach this encounter is to properly dodge or deflect this attack and counter. Stay within striking distance and wait for him to sheathe his sword. When you see a flash of light appear from the handle either dodge to your right toward him, or attempt to deflect his strikes. Deflecting his strikes deals massive posture damage and should be done if you are able to do so safely. Dodging is the safer choice and will set you up for 1-2 counterattacks. When his sword is not sheathed he will attempt either a combo or perilous attack and you should react accordingly to what he does.
Genichiro Ashina / Genichiro Way Of Tomoe

Location : Ashina Castle
-Deathblow Markers : 3 ( Genichiro Ashina 2 , Genichiro Way Of Tomoe 1 )
-Reward : Battle memory , Bloodsmoke Ninjustsu
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Shuriken , Mist raven
-Best skill art : Nightjar Slash , Chasing Slice , Mikiri Counter

First you have to fight with Genichiro Ashina, I recommend to deal first damage to his vitality, because his regeneration is really fast. Most of his attacks can be easily predicted, because he does certain moves first:
- When he‘s doing charge to the left side he will always try to grab you but you can simply cancel that by hitting him once.
- When he’s doing jumps attack and you will block or parry it, he will always do one of three follow upthrust attacks that you can mikiri counter, sweep which you can simple avoid by step-dodging or jumping on his head to deal posture damage or he will do normal single swing.
- When he‘s doing step dodge back, there is a high chance he will try to use bow (4 shots, last one with delay). Simply start to run to left or right around him or throw shuriken to close gap before he shoots first arrow.
- Whenever you trying to stay far and use any item (gourds/sugars/pellets) he will counter you from doing that in one of two ways:
1) He can either charge 1 strong arrow that deals high posture and pushes you back (so it‘s better to step dodge this, but you need to wait 2 seconds, because this shot has delay)
2) He will simply run to close the gap and when he gets really close he will do 2 quick shots followed by single sword slash.
Genichiro Ashina can also do floating passage. You can recognize this when he‘s about to do that by the way he is holding sword behind for 2 seconds before doing quick 7 swings. If you try to block this it will most likely break your posture and hit you, he can also do alternative version of that attack. That are 2 quick sword swings and if you parry both, he will do another 5 swings, if you will block or he will not hit you at all, he won’t do that.

Genichiro Way Of Tomoe is third phase of Genichiro Ashina.
In this phase he can do step dodge in air while shooting you with bow (2 arrows)
and also his charged shot (when you try to use items) has been replaced by jump attack forward that you can mikiri counter.
But reason why this phase can be considered as being harder than previous are his lightning attacks.
He can do lightning arrow or lightning sword slash (both attacks you can recognize by specific animation). You can use lightning reversal technique to deflect lightning right back at him, but if you are having problem with jumping in correct time, just use Mist Raven without pressing any direction. It will simple absorb lightning and puts you in air, so you will be ready to send lightning right back at him and stun him.
Folding Screen Monkeys

-Location : Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo
-Deathblow Markers : none
-Reward : Battle Memory , Puppeteer Ninjutsu
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : none
-Best skill art : none

(I am going to just tell you how to cheese this boss, since i don't think there are any strategies that work)

Before you start the boss fight, use Gachiin Spiritfall or Gachiin Sugar (both work, the difference is in duration: 25vs35 sec)
There are 4 monkeys; white, green, red and purple (Each one dies in two hits, except the white one)

-White monkey is always invisible, but you can see her footsteps, because she always follows you. She always spawns behind you, so as soon as the fight starts, turn back and swing sword until you find her. She always dies in one hit, so just hit her and move on.
-Red monkey always spawns on the rooftop above you. Without Gachin Sugar, she always sees you and starts running away, alarming other monkeys. Run ahead and use the grappling hook to get to rooftop where the monkey is, then simply sneak behind her and kill her using the deathblow.
-Green monkey always spawns on the tree in the middle of the stage, she has good ears so she will hear you from huge distance, even when you walk slowly. Use Gachiin Sugar and then just jump on the branch behind her and sneak up to her, then kill her using the deathblow.
-Purple monkey will always summon phantom monkeys, (from 1 to 3, depends on how many monkeys you killed before getting to her) she will always notice you, even if you use gachiin sugar, but she can lost you very easily in the dark room on top of the building. Just simply follow her until she will walk to dark room, then finish her.
First Sichimen Warior

-Location : Abandoned Dungeon
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Ceremonial Tento
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Lazulite Sacred Flame , Malcontent , Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella
-Best skill art : anti air deathblow

Just like the Headless fight, you'll need at least 2-3 Divine Confetti in order to beat this boss. The fight is pretty straightforward, be as aggressive as possible. When he deflects one of your attacks, he will turn invisible and move backward, DO NOT FOLLOW HIM. You will die if you do. He will reappear again somewhere in the area so keep on circling around until you find him, After reappearing he will shoot a beam on you, to counter this simply deflect the beam with Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella, run in again, attack, until he disappears again. Rinse and repeat. If you do this properly he won't be able to do his other attacks. In the off chance where you ran out of Divine Confetti while fighting him, you can still beat it using Prosthetic Tools just don`t forget to buy projected force skill first to counter attack with umbrella.
Snake Eyes Shirafuji

-Location : Sunken Valley
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Sabimaru , Phantom kunai
-Best skill art : ichimonji double ( after parry her attack instead normal sword slash)

Since Shirafuji is a descendant of the Okami Clan, she is extremely weak against the Sabimaru prosthetic tool. It only takes 1-2 full combos to inflict her with the Poison Abnormality, which will then trigger a puking animation allowing you to damage her vitality to about 50% and build up her posture to about 75%. The item Fistful of Ash also helps a lot since it prevents you from being stunned out of Sabimaru's buildup animation way to speed up the primary strategy. As long as you can target Snake Eyes, wait for her to shoot and then use Phantom Kunai with long press of the attack button. It will do huge damage to her and you should be able to do one life bar without running out of spirit. Use the ceremonial tanto to recharge if you didn't use a stealth kill before.
Long-arm Centipede Giraffe

-Location : Sunken Valley
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead , Yellow Gun Powder
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Flame vent
-Best skill art : Recommended to only parry and counter sweep

Just stand still and deflect everything. Jump the Perilous attack.
That is all you need to do in that fight.
Guardian Ape

Location : Sunken Valley Passage
-Deathblow Markers : 2 ( 1 per phaze )
-Reward : Battle memory , Slender Finger
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : (phaze 1 Firecracker , Okinaga's Flame Vent) (phaze 2 loaded umbrella , loaded spear)
-Best skill art : none

Phase 1

Best way to beat him is attack after he does certain combo or certain move :
-when he does combo finished with jumping attack you can get 3 hits on him (aim in head)
-if you trying to stay behind him you can bait him to do fart followed by poop throw stay directly below him when hes in air so when he land you can start hitting him you can get from 4 to 7 hits if you are close enough when he lands.
Other attacks i recommend to block or parry if you can use okinagas flame vent or firecracker to stun him but i recommend to safe these for second part of this boss fight.

Phase 2

In this phase the most dangerous attack that Guardian Ape will do is terror scream. You can recognize this move by how how he moves his head left and right and by kanji red symbol above your head this attack will build up terror status very quickly so it is recommended to use molted gourd or pacify agent to reduce terror build up and increases resistance to it, HOWEVER loaded umbrella prevent you from building up terror status.
Most of hes attack that`s sword slash combo after parry couple attacks in a row he will do charged attack with huge delay if you will be manage to deflect that it will stun him, now hit him with sword once and and use loaded spear drag attack to deal huge posture and vitality damage. If you used to much spirit emblems in phase 1 you can always use ceremonial tento.
Snake Eyes Shirahagi

-Location : Ashina Depths
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Flame vent , Firecracker
-Best skill art : Double Ichimonji

Unlike first snake eyes this mini-boss is not optional. You must defeat her in order to progress to the Hidden Forest. Since Shirahagi has such a high damage output, it's best to minimize your time fighting her by taking away a life-bar doing a sneak deathblow. This can easily be achieved without alerting her to your presence by rushing from the Poison Pool Sculptor's Idol towards her. This idol can be found on the left side of the cavern (entering it from the Ashina Depths Idol entrance) behind a cliff and a Buddha statue. Once you rest at the idol, you can go to the nearest tent with the two minor gunners and take them out. If Snake Eyes Shirahagi sees you, you need to rest and try this step over again. After taking the gunners out at the tent, you can sneak around Snake Eyes Shirahagi (your left side, her right side) and come behind to deliver the sneak deathblow.
Only real difference between snake eyes shirahagi and shirafuji is fact in this fight sabimaru does not work well as before because this mini boss is in poison pool area and so she has high poison resistance,
but fistfull of ash , firecracker or flamevent mixed with oil still works very well , such as double ichimonji after parry each single hit. (except her grab attack of course)
Headless Ape

-Location : Ashina Depths
-Deathblow Markers : 2 (1 for second ape)
-Reward : 2 Prayer Beads , bestowal ninjustsu (only if you used mortal blade to kill centipede)
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Loaded Umbrella , Loaded Spear drag attack (phase 1) , Firecracker (phase 2)
-Best skill art : none

Phase 1
First phase is pretty much the same as second phase Guardian Ape has difference is he will do charge attack way more often and he almost always after perilous sweep/jump attack.

Phase 2

As soon as you did first deathblow start to hit headless ape even if hes roar has knockback it does not deal any damage. Then just simply run away and wait until headless ape will do terror scream,
this will always make second ape rush attack you use firecracker and mash r1 until second ape will fell over do it three times and second ape will die.
Headless Gachiin

-Location : Ashina Depths
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Spiritfall Gachiin
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella , Malcontent , Lazulith flame vent
-Best skill art : none

Headless Gachiin is exacly same as Headless Ako and Headless Gokan so you pretty much have to do same thing what in previous Headless fights. To start the fight, you'll want to jump and land as near as possible to the enemy to deal some damage while its "waking" up , but this time it can be harder to do so because he standing directly underneath branch . Attack him as fast as you can because the enemy won't be attacking soon even though it looks like it's winding for an attack. During the fight, Headless will cast a mist around him that will slow you down. To negate the effect, just keep on attacking him and that will disperse the mist around him. Headless also has an attack where he goes invisible and reappear behind you and does a grab attack , you can recognize this move everytime because he always start to do 360 spin before . So when he does, turn around and start swinging that will pull him out of invisibility.
Tokujiro The Glutton

-Location : Ashina Depths
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead, Unrefined Sake
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Flame vent , Firecracker , Great Feather Mist Raven
-Best skill art : High Monk , Spiral Cloud Passage

Start this fight with a stealth deathblow from above. This fight is exactly the same as the fight against Juzou Drunkard in the Hirata Estate. The difference is that this boss instead of human minions he have monkey minions
Mist Noble

-Location : Ashina Depths
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : lump of grave wax
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : none
-Best skill art : just r1 for victory

NO strategy here. Just keep attacking until he dies. You can even deathblow him from above to make this quicker.
O'Rin of the Water

-Location : Mibu Village
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead, Breath of Life: Shadow
-Optonal : yes
-Best prosthetic tool : Malcontent , Sabimaru , Loaded Umbrella - magnet
-Best skill art : Mortal Draw , Spiral Passage

O'Rin is considered an Apparition-type enemy, so using a Divine Confetti will increase damage dealt to her, she is also weak to the Sabimaru. Before triggering the fight, one can get behind O'Rin and then throw a ceramic shard, opening her up for a deathblow for about half a second.
Fighting O'Rin traditionally requires either learning her combo timing or having very quick reflexes. She hits hard but after successfully parrying/dodging her full combo she will allow a couple counterstrikes before going ethereal and retreating. As soon as she phase shifts and retreats use that time to heal if needed. Trying to run away to heal can lead to a quick death due to her being able to close in on you from almost any range inside the arena. Once you get good at her timing and pull her health down, she's very easy to stagger with repeated attacks.
Due to O'Rin's unpredictable movement, staying still and focusing on deflections without performing counter-attacks is a viable strategy. She attacks frequently enough that you can deal a deathblow without damaging her health, and when you aren't moving she is much easier to track. The largest damage she takes to her posture is jump kicks off her in response to her Perilous sweep attacks. Consistently landing these will result in her posture failing soon.
Corrupted Monk (Ilusion)

-Location : Mibu Village
-Deathblow Markers : 1
-Reward : Battle Memory , Mibu Breathing Technique
-Optonal : no
-Best prosthetic tool : Firecracker
-Best skill art : nightjar slash , Mikiri Couter

A good strategy against the Corrupted Monk (Illusion) is using a Snap Seed to stun her (Like the Fistfull of Ash). Also Divine Conffeti will increase considerably your damage against this boss. To start with this boss use a few Snap Seeds, a firecracker or a Fistfull of Ash (Hit her from behind since you can hit twice and she cant block your attacks) to deal at least the half of her vitality (her posture restores pretty fast if his vitality is full). Once her vitality is half, you can start defecting and dodging. A good trick is to stay as close as possible all the time since she will keep attacking (including sweep and trust attack). This will be useful to keep parrying, what will help to break her posture really quickly.
Headless Gokan

-Location : Sunken Valley
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Spiritfall Gokan
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella , Malcontent , Lazulith flame vent
-Best skill art : none

Headless Gokan is the same as Headless Ako and Headless Gachiin so same strategy this time,
Run as close as you can before enemy turn around and attack him as fast as you can because the enemy won't be attacking soon even though it looks like it's winding for an attack. During the fight, Headless will cast a mist around him that will slow you down. To negate the effect, just keep on attacking him and that will disperse the mist around him. Headless also has an attack where he goes invisible and reappear behind you and does a grab attack , you can recognize this move everytime because he always start to do 360 spin before . So when he does, turn around and start swinging that will pull him out of invisibility.
Headless Ungo

-Location : Ashina Castle
-Deathblow Markers : 1
-Reward : Spiritfall Ungo
-Optonal : yes
-Best prosthetic tool : none
-Best skill art : none

You cannot fight this enemy until you obtain the Mibu Breathing Technique Latent Skill.

Use Mottled Purple Gourd before starting this fight (you dont really ahve to use other consumables). A good strategy is to fight always melee, always offensive. At the moment it looks like he is channeling something or about to do a big swing (this will be the Perilous attack or anything that looks remotely like any kind of channel attack) dash-swim through it so your final position is behind him. Wwhile he is chaneling his attack, you can calmly sim back and hit him in the back or heal. The Mottled Purple Gourd will ensure you cant die by the Terror status effect even if you get hit. Keep with this strategy on.
Second Sichimen Warrior

-Location : Ashina Depths
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Malcontent ring
-Optonal : yes
-Best prosthetic tool : lazulith flame vent , Malcontent ,Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella
-Best skill art : anti air deathblow

strategy is the same as in case of first Sichimen Warrior only difference is arena being way smaller
you'll need at least 2-3 Divine Confetti in order to beat this boss. The fight is pretty straightforward, be as aggressive as possible. When he deflects one of your attacks, he will turn invisible and move backward, DO NOT FOLLOW HIM. You will die if you do. He will reappear again somewhere in the area so keep on circling around until you find him, After reappearing he will shoot a beam on you, to counter this simply deflect the beam with Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella, run in again, attack, until he disappears again. Rinse and repeat.
Lone Shadow Vilehand

-Location : Ashina Castle
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Mist raven
-Best skill art : high monk , mortal draw

is recomended to sneak up behind lone shadow mob in conor and use puppeteer ninjutsu first and wait until you ally will die cuz you still can take from hes atacks if you are close
tactic to fight with mini boss is exacly same as it was with Lone Shadow Longswordman exept this fight is way more forgiveble by fact room is way biger than Lone Shadow Longswordman has
Vilehand can use sabimaru in fight so it is recomended to use green mossy gourd if you will take hit by hes sabimaru you can recognize when he s about to use it cuz he always does 2 little steps forward before
Second Chained Ogre

-Location : Ashina Castle
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead, Shinobi Medicine Rank 3
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Flame vent , Loaded umbrella , Firecracker
-Best skill art : recommended to not use any

There is no difference between first chained ogre and second one they share same attacks and weakness to fire , only one what makes this fight harder is damage that second Ogre will do he does twice as much damage (without demon bell on and no having kuros charm ) than first one.
Great Shinobi Owl

Location : Ashina Castle
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Battle Memory , Aromatic Branch
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Shuriken , Mist raven
-Best skill art : Nightjar Slash , Chasing Slice

Owl is, like Wolf, without super armor on his special moves. It is possible to use a normal sword swing to knock him out of his jumps, shuriken throw, anti-healing bomb and gunpowder throws. Attacking twice so that the second attack produces the deeper sound (enemy deflects you), then parry one sword swing from him, then repeat. If he attempts a non-sword move he usually will be interrupted by your attack. It's quite possible to literally push him in a corner and pressure him to death in both phases. This works especially well since he will still try to dash back away from you occasionally, which results in him essentially jumping in place because he's against a wall, giving you some free hits. When your posture is low, back off quickly and block a short while to recharge, then go back in. Just remember to do not use : loaded spear or thrust sword atack cuz he can mikiri couter both (unless you will hit him from behind
Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-bearer

-Location : Hirata Estate
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer bead
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Shuriken
-Best skill art : Mikiri Counter , High Monk , Mortal Draw

This is hardest from all Lone Shadow fights in game (at least for me).
Tactic is pretty much the same as with others Lone Shadows side bosses but there is one difference in this fight , if you try to stay far away Lone Shadow Masanaga will whistle what summon 2 wolfs what makes fight significantly harder , you can easily interrupt this by attacking him or if you are too far away use shurikens.

-Location : Ashina Castle
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer bead
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Mist raven
-Best skill art : Mikiri Counter , High Monk , Mortal Draw

This mini boss is exactly same as Lone Shadow Vilehand there is only one exception after taking first of hes deathblows he will use yosharaiku sugar this will significantly increase hes damage so be careful you can not allow him to do that if you will be keep attacking and you will don`t give him time to do so.( i highly recommend to use mist raven because this area is even worse than Lone Shadow LongSwordman had)
Juzou Drunkard Secend Encouter

-Location : Hirata Estate
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer bead , Unrefined Sake
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Flame vent (mixed with oil)
-Best skill art : Nightjar Slash , Chasing Slice , Mortal Draw , Spiral Cloud Passage

The optimal way to kill this boss is getting rid of all hirata soldiers first and then agro Lone Shadow mob into the pool where Juzou will lose you. Is a good way to fight Lone Shadow in 1vs1 combat (Copy of Vilehand with Sabimaru).
After beating him, start the fight against Juzou Drunkard with a Stealth Deathblow from behind. Do exactly what you did before in the previous encounter
Owl (Father)

Location : Hirata Estate
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Battle Memory , Aromatic Flower
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Suzaku's Lotus Umbrella , Mist Raven
-Best skill art : step dogde , mortal draw (or it's enhancement)

He uses many of the same attacks and styles as his earlier battle, but now he's faster and more aggressive. Fortunately for you, he doesn't use poison or the healing block. He has a short recovery after many of his attacks--use them to punish him once you're comfortable deflecting. When he does his long attack sequence that ends with his gunpowder slash, dodge towards him as he tosses the gunpowder and get behind him to injure him or you can use Suzaku's Lotus Umbrella to block this and counter attack with projected forced skill .
Sometimes he'll wind up a heavy overhead chop and it's possible to dodge it and punish--but if you get too far away from him while he raises his sword, he'll feint and leap into the air. If you get him with his back to a wall or a corner, you can attack relentlessly and you'll damage him outright or interrupt many of his attacks and movements for a short spell, enough to wear down his health and damage his posture.

The second phase is a little harder due to the invisibility/teleport but the saving spirit emblems & Mortal Draw for phase 2 can keep Owl off balance long enough to quickly end this phase as well.
Real Corrupted Monk

-Location : Fountainhead Palace
-Deathblow Markers : 3
-Reward : Battle Memory Dragon's Tally Board
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker
-Best skill art : Nightjar Slash

In first phase she has the same moveset as the illusion, with the difference that her posture regeneration is not as high as the other one. It`s possible to break the posture without attacking but I don`t really recommend to use any Prosthetic in the first phase (Fistfull of Ash keeps working). The Prosthetic will be useful later.

Second phase always start with the same attack (Corrupted Monk disappears into the fog and summons a dark illusion of herself to fight. Every illusion will attack once and disappear after. Gradually she will stop doing this attack).Besides this new start, everything else is almost the same as first phase.

Third phase is the harder one for this boss and counts on new attacks as:

-A running sweeping attack. Best way to evade this attack is jumping on her (what will deal posture damage). This is usually the move that she will do when you are trying to maintain the distance.
-Her jumping attack has been replaced by a triple spinning attack that will hit you way harder and faster.
-She will throw terror ash from time to time (Between combos she will throw ashes or some short of dirt)
-In this phase she can use spinning javelin five times again. This move can be sometimes followed by an spinning jumping attack that was mentioned before. Be sure to dodge this attack or she will break your posture.
Sakura Bull of the Palace

-Location : Fountainhead Palace
-Deathblow Markers : 1
-Reward : Prayer Bead, A Beast's Karma
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Shuriken
-Best skill art : Chasing Slice

Unlike Blazing Bull, you can Stealth Deathblow Sakura Bull of the Palace from above. The strategy with this boss is pretty much the same as it was fighting Blazing Bull. Stay as far away as possible and when he is charging use a parry to stun him. You can use Firecrackers to stun him if you need time to heal. The main difference between both bulls is that this one does not deal fire damage. That means you won`t need to use any extra items to heal a status effect.
Okami Leader Shizu

-Location : Fountainhead Palace
-Deathblow Markers : 1
-Reward : Prayer Bead
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : none
-Best skill art : anti air deathblow , lightning reversal

Okami Leader Shizu has only 2 attacks both looks same first one is when he trying to hit ball in place where you are you can easy block it or parry, second attack is more danger he will shot lightning projectile you can do lightning reversal or just use mist raven without pressing direction it will teleport you in air with lightning already absorbed just press r1 and run close and finish him.
Third Sichimen Warrior

-Location : Fountainhead Palace
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Lapis Lazuli
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Malcontent , phoenix's lilac umbrella
-Best skill art : anti air deathblow

This is probably the easiest from all Sichimen warriors in game.
First start fight with deathblow from rock above this will make mini boss to disappear and reappear on other side of this pool simply run to him and use phoenix's lilac umbrella to deflect hes laser beam, attack couple times (with divine confetti buff of course) or do anti air deathblow to kill him quickly.
Headless Yosharaiku

-Location : Fountainhead Palace
-Deathblow Markers : 1
-Reward : Spiritfall Yosharaiku
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : none
-Best skill art : none

This headless is harder to beat than headless Ungo because he has apparition (which i recommend to kill first) just use molted gourd to reduce terror build up and be careful, don`t stay close to long, keep moving and try to stay behind obstacle on right side if you want to heal.
Old Dragons of the Tree / Devine Dragon

-Location : Fountainhead Palace
-Deathblow Markers : 2 (1 Old Dragons of the Tree , 1 Divine Dragon )
-Reward : Battle Memory , Dragon tears
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : none
-Best skill art : mortal draw (Old Dragons of the Tree) none (Divine Dragon)

In first part of this fight you have to kill all white dragons since they all share 1 health bar. (even if each one has individual) Mortal blade is great at this because it can hit multiple enemies per single slash.
Just pay attention to the poison abnormality and use green gourd to reduce it if you need to
when you hear roar simply run in any direction until branches stop appearing.

When you kill the last old white dragon the real fight finally begins with Divine Dragon.
All what you need to do is wait until Divine dragon will stop attacking and then grapple to branch with lightning strike than simple do lightning reversal to deal damage but remember to not take damage accidentally while absorbing lightning in air because you will die by shock.
In this phase Divine dragon will simple do triple slow combo with sword or slow double sweep.
Only one attack that might catch you off guard is when he summoning lightning on floor so you have to grapple any branch to avoid (aka be in air) you can easy recognize this move because he always putting head underground when he`s about to do it.
Ashina Elite - Ujinari Mizuo

-Location : Ashina Castle
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Suzaku Umbrella ,Okinagas Flame Vent , Great Feather Mist Raven
-Best skill art : i recommend to use step dodge or parry only

Strategy is pretty much the same like when you fought with previous Ashina elite except this miniboss does way more damage hes Ashina cross deals 80-100% damage regardless how many prayer neckless you have. He`s red eyes type enemy which means you can stun him with Suzuku umbrella (spin, projected force skill ) , Flame Vent or Great Feather Mist Raven

But lets be honest up to this point in game you should be pretty good with parry and dodging but if you still having trouble, you can use umbrella spin to deflect attacks easier.
Shigekichi of the Red Guard

-Location : Ashina Outskirts
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Suzaku Umbrella , Loaded Spear
-Best skill art : Spiral Cloud Passage

again as with every previous fights with this side boss I recommend to clear area from Ashina ministry soldiers and start fight by deathblow from above
this is basiclly Juzou Drunkard except instead poison he has fire attacks and fire sword buff
so remember what you learned from previous Juzou encounters and you should win without troubles
Demon Of Hatred

-Location : Ashina Outskirts
-Deathblow Markers : 3
-Reward : Battle Memory , 2 lapis lazuli
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Malcontent , Suzaku's Lotus Umbrella
-Best skill art : Grappling Hook Attack , projected force

This fight will be a test of endurance; the boss's Posture meter is roughly the same as its vitality meter. As such, take any opportunities you can to attack but do not feel like you have to rush it. You will most likely deplete the full vitality bar before a Posture break.
For the duration of the fight, stay as close to the boss's leading leg as possible. Remaining close to the leg and sprinting around it counter-clockwise will avoid most of his attacks. The main exceptions to this are his leaping explosion attack, and his Perilous attack (which may still be avoided by circling around). Luckily, both of these can easily be avoided. The explosion can be avoided by sprinting directly away as he leaps and grappling back during the aftershock, and successfully landing a hit immediately after grappling will sometimes stun the boss, leaving it vulnerable to a couple of free hits. The Perilous attack can be avoided simply by jumping, as you will only be hit if you are on the ground. Using the distance created by the Perilous attack, he may do one of three things; a vertical slash towards you, a slash at the ground, or a swath of fireballs.
Both the ground slash and fireballs can be avoided by sprinting directly at the demon with a slight focus on his leading leg. The fireballs can also be avoided by running away from the demon. If you run back at the boss after the first volley, he will throw a second. He often uses his fireball attack directly after his perilous attack. The vertical slash has a longer startup, allowing you to react and sprint to the right side to continue pushing towards his leg. If during your attack he prepares a stomp and you don't feel confident that you can dodge or sprint out of the way, block it. The demon is not fast enough to break your posture in most cases and you will take no vitality damage from blocking anything that does not have fire damage.

After the first Deathblow, he will crouch and remain stationary for a time. Your attacks will not deal damage during this, and there will be a minor explosion at the end that will deal knock-back but no vitality damage. However, with proper spacing, you can run in after the explosion and get in a hit or two before he leaps back. The rest of the second phase is much like the first, with the exception that the vertical slash now has fire that spreads on both sides. This fire can be avoided by jumping immediately after the slash connects with the ground, or preemptively as the slash now opens up an opportunity to grapple back to the demon in a similar manner to his leaping explosion. Avoiding the slash itself will work the same as the first phase. Aside from this, the second phase is much like the first with extra damage.

The second Deathblow will trigger the third phase immediately, allowing you to get more hits in this time around. The third phase introduces some new attacks; a Perilous attack that creates a ring of fire around both of you and a follow-up Perilous attack, a second Perilous attack added to his initial Perilous dash, and homing fireballs similar to the Shichimen Warrior, albeit faster for this boss. The new Perilous attack is a slash and can be avoided by jumping over both initial slashes (made easier if you flip off of the demon) and jumping over the follow-up Perilous attack.
The main trouble with this attack is not the slashes, but the limited arena space you now have to work with. so is recommended to use Malcontent because it will stun him and interupt his animation giving you chance to hit him 11 times for first time 8 times for second time and 6 times for third time.
Seven Ashina Spears - Shume Masaji Oniwa

-Location : Ashina Reservoir
-Deathblow Markers : 2
-Reward : Prayer Bead
-Optional : yes
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Loaded axe,
-Best skill art : Mikiri Couter, ichimonji

Strategy to beat second Seven Ashina Spears - Shume Masaji Oniwa is same as before when you fought with previous Seven Ashina Spear in same location. Only difficult part is to kill stealthily general looking enemy which is right next to mini boss, to do so use spiritfall gachiin or sugar gachiin
sneak up from right side but not to close wall to not be spotted by mini boss and either kill or use puppeteer ninjustsu on his ally. If you fail doing this don`t panic. There are three things that you can do :

1 Quickly back to idol and reset enemies.
2 Use puppeteer ninjustsu on soldier with gun which is on left side close wall this will aggro Seven
Ashina Spear and give you enough time to kill hes general friend.
3 Just run away on branch which is on left side behind guy with gun and use homeward idol.
Genichiro Way Of Tomoe / Ishin Sword Saint

-Location : Ashina Reservoir
-Deathblow Markers : 4 ( 1 Genichiro Way Of Tomoe , 3 Ishin Sword Saint )
-Reward : Battle Memory , Dragon Flash technique
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Lazulite Axe , Suzaku's Lotus Umbrella , Mist Raven
-Best skill art : Mikiri Couter , Projected forced

Note : is hard to ( give guide how to beat this you just have to be good but i try anyway )

First we have to beat Genichiro Way Of Tomoe which is honestly almost the same as the one in Ashina castle but there is couple exceptions ;
- He can now use all bow attacks from previous encounter
- He cannot use lightning arrows or lightning sword attack
- He now can use mortal draw or double mortal draw

Hes not to hard to fight just be aggressive as possible don`t let him use bow (if you are close he will never use it) he still has hes jump attack that you can mikiri counter and sweep/thrust/normal attack when he jumps in air just like before.

In phase 1 Ishin is not to hard (compare to what he can do after in second and third phase) to fight but you should have know couple things :
- hes posture regeneration very very quickly even if hes vitality is low so it is recommended to stay close and keep attacking ,Lazulite Axe deal lot of posture damage but is hard to see opportunity to attack him without taking damage ( the best moment is after mikiri counter)
- just like Genichiro Ishin can use certain skill arts against you such as Ashina Cross and Double Ichimonji

His main attacks will be a rather quick. One of his main ones being a double slash with considerable distance. He will sheath his sword and it will flash white, then he will dash and double slash. Deflecting both attacks is an option however, you can run backwards and sprint to the side. Once he slashes he is open for a quick two hits. His main slashes are a three to four hit combo, delaying between each hit. A thrust for an easy Mikiri counter, which will be telegraphed as he will end up in the thrust position before committing. Along with these attacks, he will do a long range wind attack, which can be dodge by running sideways as you can get a couple free hits on him this way as well. And a close range, full screen sweep, giving you just enough time to sprint backwards before it goes off.

In phase 2 things are starting to get really, really bad. Ishin is now going to be way more agile than before.

Phase 2 is a massive difficulty increase from phase 1.Once he stomps the ground, he will do knockback damage, but not Vitality damage. Pulling a spear and swiping it in a tight circle around himself. If timed correctly, you maybe be able to get a hit or two in before he begins his assault. Along with the spear, he will have a short sword with him, along with a rapid fire gun. During this phase, he will keep the wind sweep attack, using it randomly throughout the fight. He will be consistently more aggressive, moving towards you if you make too large of a gap, firing the pistol if the gap gets too large. Making a large gap, you may be able to bait him into using a thrust that can easily be Mikiri countered. He will do large, heavy hitting overheads, usually one after another that can be deflected at the cost of heavy posture damage. Dodging sideways as he descends from the overhead, you can easily dodge the hit and get a few hits in yourself. After Isshin deflects one of your blows, sometimes he will jump backwards and make a sweep at you with his spear. Right as he does this, dodging into the attack (towards him) will allow you to get several hits on him as well. Be careful doing this, as he may do another overhead directly after. Dodging can keep distance, as much as he may spam the gun, is the easiest way to bait him into thrusting, easy overhead dodges, and breaking his posture overall.

Phase 3 is almost the same as phase 2, except he has three new attacks. One being a large swing, in which he covers his spear in lightening and swings it at you. You will want to get close when he does this and jump, as to deflect it directly back at him for big Vitality and posture damage, along with a flurry of free hits. His second attack will be similar to his phase 1 long range wind attack, the main difference is instead of it being vertical, it will be more of a distance slash attack. Third new attack will be adding lightning damage to his large overhead attacks. You can deflect the lightning, although the timing can be difficult so i recommend again to use mist raven (reason i explained before)
Emma Gentle Blade / Ishin Ashina

Location : Ashina Castle
-Deathblow Markers : 3 ( 1 Emma Gentle Blade , 2 Ishin Ashina )
-Reward : Battle Memory , One mind skill art
-Optional : no
-Best prosthetic tools : Firecracker , Suzaku Lotus Umbrella
-Best skill art : Double Ichimonji

I`m not sure what guide I can give against Emma because shes easy I never really had trouble with her personally (she hits hard but shes predictable and easy to learn so here is list of attacks and how to deal with them) :

Single Slash -Deflect
Dash Slash -Deflect
2 slash combo -Deflect
Sword & Hilt Flurry -Deflect
Grab -Run away and counterattack
Sweep -Jump to posture break or Run away and counterattack
Thrust -Mikiri counter or Run away and counterattack
Ashina Cross -Backdodge through it or Run away and counterattack

Ishin Ashina in phase 1 is very similar to Ishin Sword of Saints in phase 1 he has same attacks that leads to thrust and sweep and same triple hit combo difference is he can do step dodge to avoid your attack so be sure to parry when he does this. He also has the same grab animation that Emma has so watch out for that, his posture is really low (as for final boss of shura ending)

In phase 2 however Ishin becomes way more difficult,
In this phase the same tactics of Phase 1 will work but we must adapt to the new fire attacks and the onslaught of slashes. After the deathblow to enter phase 2, players you have a moment which you can use Ichimonji double to damage Isshin's posture. When Isshin brings his sword up vertically with a raised leg he will step create fire and slash sending a firewave outwards, run to him and use Firecracker to stop that and double Ichimonji to build his posture if you are to far to do that
find safe place to stay and use Suzaku umbrella spin do deflect all of his quick slashes and counter attack with projected force skill.
ni6hant 21 Dec, 2024 @ 11:34pm 
These are the strategies I want to find out for myself.
dali 27 Jan, 2024 @ 5:07pm 
i already deleted the game after rage quitting
yssimha1 25 Dec, 2022 @ 1:25pm 
for lone shadow masanaga in ashina castle after entering the room go out the other side and make a right onto the grass area his dogs cant spawn there
𝕊𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕒  [author] 13 May, 2022 @ 9:46am 
DESCRIBTION : -This guide is not made to learn how to cheese bosses, be insanely good at the game or even beat every boss in less than 60 seconds. Keep this in mind while reading it. Is mostly informative about the game and the enemies it contain. Any comment with lesson how to cheese will be remove imidiatly.
Kazma 2 Jan, 2022 @ 5:33pm 
dzięki! :)
daweiner18er 5 Aug, 2020 @ 10:32am 
For Sakura Bull of the Palace, if you use a firecracker in stealth and then attack him, he gets startled, runs into a wall, and is immediately vulnerable to a deathblow. Easiest method is to just stand on the roof and use a firecracker as he walks by underneath.
Goat Emperor 29 Jul, 2020 @ 5:14am 
It's possible to use ako sugar and divine confetti for underwater headless (all of them). You just can not renew it, but it makes the fights much easier. Use it on solid ground near their location and jump quickly into the fight.
SAUL 12 Apr, 2020 @ 6:08pm 
First encounter of Juzou Drunkard was best for me when I killed every last smaller bandit around him and then went to talk to the samurai standing on the bank of the water . Juzou Drunkard had no chance :steammocking:
EldritchWaifu 27 Mar, 2020 @ 8:06pm 
For Real Corrupted Monk, I would also note that you can stop the second phase shadow attack by using 'Bite Down' or 'Hidden Tooth' which will dispel the shadows.
AngryMiner5704 5 Mar, 2020 @ 5:52pm 
Wow, this looks *really* good. I will definitely refer to this if I get the game.