Thief Gold

Thief Gold

"One thing that I never liked about this game is the inventory system... Heck, if I've managed with Gothic, I can do this."
Francisè von Spitroast 30 Mar, 2022 @ 6:47am 
What's wrong with it? There's barely anything to manage. Most of it is rarely necessary.
Atisz 23 Mar, 2020 @ 4:33pm 
Yep. And shooting a moss arrow to the ground decreases fall damage too.
Strange thing is that you can eat a lot of stuff in the game, but only apples give a small amount of health back if I recall correctly.
Faudraline  [author] 23 Mar, 2020 @ 4:21pm 
Yeah, I ended up using no potion so far. If you do not get into conflict, you are doing something right in this game, it seems. :)
Atisz 23 Mar, 2020 @ 3:59pm 
There aren't an awful lot of things you have to use from your inventory other than the 2 lockpicks... and you can use bindings for those. I used F2 and F3 for those... pretty handy above the WASD layout ;)