Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

28 ratings
Nothing special.
By nieYAS
Characters Favourite Weapon and Target Priority by Classes
Character's favourite weapon does completely nothing except unlocking special voice lines, those ones hidden by default. Tab of target priority by classes doesn't show current in-game meta and just more like quick guide for novice or master players with bad memory, who haven't played for a long time.
This guide has been made for personal use, but you're welcome to use it as well. I just took the info from official KF2 wiki and transformed it into quick hint speedshread, so it's easy to understand in the middle of the game or during preparation time in lobby.
Just use steam overlay (shift +f2) and have fun.
Favorite weapon of the characters



Target priority by classes




Commando: Healer / Tank / Damage Dealer

Berserker: Knight and Crucifier


Skip intro
Set game launch option is steam library to:
Boss Prediction
The command shows boss index:
getall KFGameReplicationInfo BossIndex
What index in console means:
ᅠ    0. Hans
  1. Patriarch
  2. King FP
  3. Abomination
  4. Matriarch
How to bind (for example: keybutton "0"):
setbind zero getall KFGameReplicationInfo BossIndex

Cosmic Hatter 5 Apr, 2020 @ 3:31am 
DAR seems to have special voicelines for the dual 1885 revolvers.
Coco 30 Mar, 2020 @ 6:20am 
Ho ok, I see. Sorry for the comment about you forgeting, I didn't know the context of this guide.

Also, you said "I have a feedback "guide" project for developers, where community can share ideas how to improve the game" I already did that. Nobody cared. The devs don't care and the community is either pigeons that are fine with this bad situation or elite players that don't like changes. But if you really want to do this "guide" we can help each other. I have a whole spreadsheet and a google doc of more than 100j pages about suggestions and why they are good for the game.
nieYAS  [author] 30 Mar, 2020 @ 12:29am 
Weapon preferences is a description of fact all characters in Killing Floor 2 have favourite weapon. They are able to revel in their weaponry, so you will get special voice lines every time you playing the character with its favourite armament.
nieYAS  [author] 30 Mar, 2020 @ 12:18am 
1 - yes, it's weird, but we aren't developers. Maybe they haven't extra time to edit special voice lines with auto-tune for D.A.R.
2 - I didn't forget about E.D.A.R, Rioter, Quarter Pound, Elite Crawler and bosses, because I just stick to the wiki and didn't care about them (you're right).
Shikisoku Zeku 29 Mar, 2020 @ 10:25pm 
Can you add something for Survivalists?
Jax 29 Mar, 2020 @ 2:49pm 
What are weapon preferences?
Coco 28 Mar, 2020 @ 11:52am 
Ho, and you also forgot some DLC characters: DJ Scully, Mrs Foster and Badass Santa. Maybe more, idk, I stopped counting when they asked for money they won't spend on this game
Coco 28 Mar, 2020 @ 11:49am 
Hmmm weird that D.A.R only got few since he has the voice of eveyone. Also, you forgot the EDARs. Idk if it's because you don't have the avatar of them (in that case, add me and I'll mp you the avatar picture) or it's because you just stick to the wiki and don't care abou them. I don't judge, no one likes the EDARs