Stay Out

Stay Out

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Stalker Online - Xbox Controller Support
By †Captain†Alister†
Hello and welcome to another Controller Guide of mine! In this guide we'll be going over the support I made for Stay Out! So get comfy and grab your best drink Stalker. We've got a lot to cover! This profile was designed to be played off of Default keybindings as well. So I've made this to work as a Plug&Play kind of deal here. This is mainly here as a Read-me. So with that said let me introduce you to Manwell. I mean the Manual.

Xbox Specific Controller Profile:
September/21/2022. Version 4.9 Knife Combat Update.
Copy and paste that url link into any web browser and Steam's client should open by default. You can preview this profile using that link before you apply and "download" this controller support. Please Keep in mind this profile is only used for an Xbox Controller. If you want to use other controllers, you will have to import this profile to match your controller via the controller importing feature inside of BPM. I can not do this for you. You will have to do that on your end when you download the profile.

Stalker Online's Game Wiki.

Also, if you need help just playing the game like I did. You can use this Wiki. It's not in English, but if you open it with a web browser that can translate it, it can be helpful. It's a might rough to use at first but once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad. To view the link just click on the title for this section, the title is the link.

Other news
Controller Support List (Click Me)
Information about Controller Previewing can be found here in the controller support list. It talks about an error steam is having with showing the correct controller images for previewing controller support.

Update: March/08/2021

I have added a new Orbit feature to the Left Bumper. Don't worry about rebinding your keys. This profile still works off Default bindings set by the game itself. I've also tried to make the profile more readable. If you want less clutter in the profile just reapply the link above.

Update: August/05/2021

I've now added the ability to switch between your Hot bars. These will be listed as "HotB1-10." I've listed them like this in the profile to shorthand the word Hotbar. Under the "Quick Actions" section in the guide I will be showing you how to use this new addition to the profile.

Update: September/18/2022
The only reason why I've marked this as an Outdated User guide is for the following.
Missing Key features:
1.) Melee attacks are not mapped. (Yet)
2.) Character Orbit is now missing from game. Toggle is broken. The new Orbit feature is now called Free Camera. It doesn't have a toggle. It's default keybind is the ALT key now.

Knife Combat Update: September/21/2022
New Knife combat feature is added to controller support. Tapping the Right Bumper on the Idle Layer of the controller will now Draw & use your Knife to attack. Collecting Ground Items, is now bound to the Left Bumper on the Idle controller Layer. New Orbit feature has been key-bound to default (ALT) key. Clicking in the Left Joystick and holding it in, will use the Orbit feature just as before. (no toggle for Orbit.) New user guide with correct information will be coming soon.
0.) Info page: Enable Steam's B.P.M
Step 1.)
How to Enable Steam's Big Picture Mode:
If you're not sure how to get Steam's Big Picture Mode to enable
in your game, just follow these steps:
  • Click on: Steam > Settings > In-Game > and look for the setting:
    Use the Big Picture Overlay when using Steam Input Enabled controllers.

    There should be a check box there.
    Make sure this box is marked!

What this does, is makes sure Steam will launch in it's BP Mode, if you launch the game from Steam's normal client mode. If you don't want to launch Steam in it's Big Picture Mode prior to launching the game first. Enable this option. Sounds odd, but it's just a way to let steam know that: "Hey I'm using a controller with custom keybinds. Would you mind switching modes when I launch a game to let me use my controller." Turning this on will make sure Steam is using it's Controller support to use profiles like this one.

You can find more information on how this feature can work by playing around with the Controller Properties Found in your game's Lib tab in Steam here:

And turning on what kind of controller should be used when Steam switches to it's BP Mode. Found here:

This is kind of off topic, but it is good to know if you plan to play with controllers. There's more options and features to help with making your exp as perfect as it can be. But all that needs to be covered in it's own user guide. This is just some basics you can learn to get started with.
♾.) Info page: Profile Importing
In this section of the Guide I'll be showing how to Import one profile into another controller.

Open BP Mode
First you will have to open steam's BP Mode. Found here:

Once you've clicked on this you will see Steam change into something like this:

Nav to Game/Config
Next you will want to navigate to the game. And look for Manage Game. It will have a Gear Icon. Once there you will want to look for Controller Configuration.

Begin Import
Once you have this menu open you can see the last controller you applied here. It should look like this. If you look at the base of the screen you will see the option to Import.

Choose Profile Import
Once here you can look for Your Other Games. From here you can see a list of downloaded or created profiles you can import into the controller you are currently using. You can also use the Show Other Controller Types to look for other controllers you might have available.
WARNING: This is not a good idea to use, importing a controller profile that is not made for another controller can/will brake some keybinds on a profile. Only do this if you are well versed with BP Mode.
1.) Idle Layer | Start of Manual.
In this section, we'll be going over how to use the "Idle Layer." This Idle layer is where you will do most of your game-play.
  1. The Right Trigger
    • The Right Trigger works as your Left Mouse click. Using this in-game while you have your guns drawn will shoot your gun. Easy enough right?
  2. Right Bumper
      Collecting Ground Items. [TAP]
    • By tapping the Right Bumper. This will cause your character to collect items that are on the ground. Like plants or tree logs.
      Use Equipped Binoculars [HOLD]
    • Holding this while you have binoculars equipped, will force the overlay to switch to the binocular layer.
  3. The Start Button
      System Menu [TAP]
    • If you tap the start button you'll open the game's System Menu. This acts as the Escape key. This can be used in a few ways. To close windows, to change game settings and more.
      Camera Toggle [HOLD]
    • Holding the start button will force the controller profile to change from the IDLE layer to this MOUSE MODE/CAMERA TOGGLE Layer. Actually when you're at the games log-in screen, this is the layer that is used to navigate the main menu of the game. This is actually a huge feature That involves Artifact hunting as well. I'll be going over that more later. But for right now if you use this in-game, you can toggle between using the game's camera movements, to using the mouse cursor.
  4. The Face Buttons:[X], [Y], [B] & [A]
      [X] Interact [TAP]
    • If you press the X button you can interact with NPCs, Skin animals & Fast loot. Think of this as a simple interact button. By default this is set as the "F" key in-game. THIS DOES NOT WORK for fast looting all boxes, crates or caches of the like. It works for collecting drops. Like flowers or lumber. This works with interactable objects. However, some things you loot from like animals, you can fast loot by tapping the [X] button again when the loot window is open. Other wise you have to use the Joystick-mouse to drag and drop.
      [X] Reload Gun [Double Tap]
    • This lets you reload your guns, if you have the ammo to do so.
      [Y] Draw Side Arm [TAP]
    • Tap this to draw your Side-arm gun.
      [Y] Holster Gun. [Hold]
    • This lets you not point your gun in other peoples faces. I've seen a lot of people make the mistake in shooting in safe houses So I've added this to help with that.
      [B] Crouch [TAP]
    • If you tap the [B] button you can crouch down.
      [B] Toss Stone [HOLD]
    • If you hold the [B] Button you can take a stone in hand, ready your Aim and let it fly! Useful for finding Artifacts so you can sell them.
      [A] Jump [TAP]
    • So like the others, the [A] button does a few things. If you tap this, your character will Jump.
      [A] AutoRun [HOLD]
    • Holding the [A] Button will force you to Auto-Run. Doing so will force the Profile to switch to the Auto-Run Sub-Layer of the Idle Layer. You can press [A] again in this state and your character will Auto-walk. Press this again and you can Auto-run in this state once more. This is mainly used for long travel.
  5. The Right Joystick
      Camera Movements
    • Using the Right Joystick, simply moves the camera while you're in-game.
      Click-in: Toggle Walk
    • So if you click the Right Joystick in you can actually switch between Walking or Running.
  6. The Directional-Pad (D-Pad)
      D-Pad Left: Skills
    • Tapping the Left D-pad will open your Skills Window.
      D-Pad Up: Map [TAP]
    • Tapping the D-Pad up will open the Map. Doing this will also change to the Camera Toggle layer. This happens so you can navigate the Map window.
      D-Pad Up: Match light [HOLD]
    • Holding Up will light a match, if you have any in your inventory. This is your light source in-game until you can get a headlamp or any other source of light.
      D-Pad Right: Crafting [TAP]
    • Tapping the Right D-Pad will open the crafting window.
      D-Pad Down: Journal [TAP]
    • If you press down on the D-Pad, this will open your Journal window. A window that will show you all your missions.
  7. The Left Joystick
    • Using the Left Joystick in-game will cause your character to move around the world.
      Click-in: Sprint
    • Clicking the Left Joystick in will cause your character to sprint.
      Click-in & Hold: Orbit
    • Clicking & Holding the Joystick in will cause the camera to Orbit around your character. This is useful for keeping an eye open around you when: Skinning animals, pillaging houses, looking out for players. & other loot spots. Even more so when strategically withdrawing from a hostile encounter!
  8. The Select Button
      Inventory [TAP]
    • If you tap the select button you can open your character's Inventory.
      Take a Screenshot [HOLD]
    • If you hold the Select button you can use Steam's screenshot feature. If you're into that sort of thing.
      Hide the User Interface [Double TAP]
    • This feature works in junction with the Screeshot feature. Tapping the Select button Twice will hide the in-game user interface.
  9. Left Bumper: Quick Actions & Orbit
      Quick Actions [HOLD]
    • Holding this will change the controller profile to the Quick Actions Layer. This will also open up the Radial Menu in-game. I'll go over this later when we get to that layer in the guide.
      Character Orbit [Tap]
    • Taping this will also use the Toggle Orbit feature. Meaning this will Toggle the Orbit on. Press this again to toggle Orbit off.
  10. The Left Trigger
    • Holding the Left Trigger will force the profile to use the Aim, Scope & Combat Layer. This will ready your gun, if you have a gun in-hand. Clicking-in the Left Joystick while on this layer, will switch from Iron-Sight mode to use your attached Scope. Also, if you do not have a gun in-hand, holding the Left Trigger will bring the camera in closer as well. This also doubles as your Combat mode. I'll go over this later in the guide. Also, simply pressing the Left Trigger will reset any inconsistencies you may encounter with the profile, while playing the game. Like an auto-run error.
2.) Binoculars Layer
In this section, we'll be going over how to use the "Binoculars Layer." You will only ever use this layer if you have Binoculars equipped. To use this layer all you have to do is; make sure you have Binoculars equipped, and hold the "Right Bumper" button on the controller. Doing so will activate this layer. Effectively what this does is apply an overlay layer to the "Idle Layer" of the controller profile.

  1. Right Bumper
      Return to Idle layer
    • Holding the right bumper will activate this layer.

      Releasing this button will take you back to the Idle layer and you will stop using the binoculars.

  2. The Face Buttons:[X], [Y], [B] & [A]

      [B] Crouch
    • So there's only one face button working here. And this just lets you take knee, you're able to crouch and move while using the binoculars.

  3. D-Pad: Up & Down
    Binocular Zoom
    • The D-pad only has two uses while using the binoculars. Pressing up on the D-pad will Zoom-In. And Pressing Down on the D-pad will Zoom the view Out.

  4. The Left Joystick
    Character Movement.
    • Using the left joystick while on this layer will move your character.

  5. The Select Button
    Taking Screenshots
    • Pressing the select button will take a Steam Screenshot.
3.) Aim|Scope|Combat Mode
In this section, we'll be going over how to use the "Aim|Scope|Combat Layer." Mainly this will be used for switching your guns and Aiming to shoot. Unfortunately this does not support the Lean feature in 3rd person when I made this. Due to, when your holding the Left Trigger you're also using the Right mouse button to take aim. However that's not to say the feature isn't apart of the support. I'll go over this later in the guide.

  1. Right Trigger
    • Use this to fire your weapon.

  2. Right Bumper
      Toggle Aim&Lean [TAP]
    • Tapping the right bumper once will activate the lean feature and toggle on. What this does is removes your left and right strife movements. And replaces them with a left and right lean. Pressing this button again will turn the toggle off. You're also able to Cycle your Sights from the Scope back to Iron Sight and vice-versa while you have this toggle on.

    • Grenade [HOLD]
      Holding this button with no weapons in your hands, will let you use any grenades you have.

  3. The Face Buttons:[X], [Y], [B] & [A]

      [X] Interact [TAP]
    • Press this to interact
      Reload [Double Tap]
    • Tapping this twice will reload your weapons.

      [Y] Main Gun
    • Press this to switch to your main weapon. If you hold this after your gun is drawn, you will stow the weapon.
      Backup Weapon [Double Tap]
    • Tapping this twice will switch to your secondary weapon. Tapping this twice and holding the button will also stow the weapon. If the gun is drawn first.

      [B] Crouch
    • Press this once to crouch.
      Remove Gun Mag [Hold]
    • Holding this while you have a gun in your hands will remove your weapons magazine and will be placed in your inventory.

      [A] Jump
    • Press this once to Jump.

  4. The Right Joystick
    Camera Aim.
    • Use the right joystick to aim the camera.

  5. The Directional-Pad (D-Pad)
      D-Pad Left: Change Fire Mode
    • Pressing the Left D-pad will change your weapon's Fire mode from Full auto to single shot.

      D-Pad Up: Scope Zoom [TAP]
    • Pressing Up on the D-pad while looking though your scope you can Zoom-In.

      D-Pad Right: Change Ammo Type[TAP]
    • Pressing the Right D-Pad once will change your gun's ammo type it fires.

      D-Pad Down: Scope Zoom [TAP]
    • If you press down on the D-Pad while looking though your scope, you can zoom-out.

  6. The Left Joystick
    • Using the Left Joystick in this layer will still cause your character to move around the world.
      Click-in: Cycle Sights
    • Clicking the Left Joystick in will cycle what sight you use. Be it Iron sight, or switching to your Scope. Press this once to cycle between the two sighting modes. This will still work even when using the Toggled Lean feature we spoke about earlier as well.

  7. Left Bumper: N.V.G's (Night Vision) [TAP]
    • Pressing this will use your Night Vision. With some mounted Scopes you can actually use this as a means to toggle the color of the cross-hairs. Below I'll show you what this looks like.
    • Toggled Off:

    • Toggled On:

      This is just one example of using the N.V.G system in-game.
4.) AutoRun Layer
In this section, we'll be going over how to use the "Auto-Run Layer." Because of how short this list will be I'll not be going over every single button. Mainly because 85% of what you can press on this layer will remove the Auto-Run feature and return you to the Idle layer. SO! With that said. The only way to use this layer is to Press & Hold the A button on the Idle layer. Thus forcing the Controller Profile to change to this Auto-Run layer. All of the buttons will work just as they normally would on the Idle layer. But if you use a button here on this layer you stop running, and this layer gets switched back to the Idle layer. Also the button that you pressed gets activated. Just keep in mind, when you open any window like your inventory or the Map. This auto-run layer gets switched to the Camera Toggle Mouse Mode Layer.

The only exception to that is when you Hold the A button to switch to this layer, you can press the A button again to Auto-Walk. You will continue to move. If you press the A button again you will go from auto-walking to auto-running. This is kind of a way to continue moving and regain your energy when your character runs out. So when you have enough energy regained you can press the A button to Auto-Run once more. This is only really intended to be used when traveling long distances. So in short, this is more of a "hands free mode" if you will.

I did plan on making this layer activate when you click-in the left joystick, however this was already in-depth enough as is. But that's not to say the Sprint feature from the "Idle" Layer won't work when using it from here. Just don't get too creative in trying to use them both. Else you run the rick of braking the controller support.

5.) Quick Actions
In this section, we'll be going over how to use the "quick actions layer." This menu is only Shown/Active while you're holding the Left Bumper in-game.

Also. When you open any of these windows, for example: Clan, Friends, Emotes, Open Chat & other menus. The controller profile will switch to the Camera Toggle layer. I'll go over why this is more later.

  1. Right Trigger
      Movement Speeds
    • This is mainly used for the tutorial part of the game. This will increase the speed of your character. From a walk to a faster over all running speed.

  2. Right Bumper
      Movement Speeds
    • This is mainly used for the tutorial part of the game. This will decrease the speed of your character. From a Run to a slower over all walking speed.

  3. Start
    • The Start button is not set, bound, or listed to or on anything and should never be while you use this profile.

  4. The Face Buttons:[X], [Y], [B] & [A]
      [X] Friends
    • By default this is bound to the key "F11." Tapping this will use your Friends Window.

      [Y] Clan
    • By default this is bound to the key "O." Not the "Zero" key. Tapping this will use your Clan window

      [B] Emotes
    • Pressing this will open your list of emotes in the game. The default key for this is the "Zero" key on your Number-pad. I like to use this to squat on cars & boxes while waiting for squad mates.

      [A] Open Chat
    • Pressing this will open the in-game chat. The tutorial makes you learn how to use this so it's actually pretty important to know how to use it. It's a great way to check mission details, combat details, to see who killed what and how much exp you earned. Or to even chat with the other players in-game. This is the "Enter" key by default.

  5. The Left Bumper
    Radial Menu
    • This is where the main feature of this layer takes place. Holding the Left Bumper on the Idle Layer will activate this Radial Menu for the profile. Moving your Right Joystick will display the Radial Menu in-game. Letting go of this button while having an item selected in the menu will use an Item you have in your hotbar. Or if you don't have anything highlighted, using the right joystick. Just let go of the left bumper. The profile will change back to the Idle Layer. I've added a center button in the Radial Menu to help with not using an item by mistake. Below I'll show what an Active item use will look like versus what a Cancel Item action looks like.
      Use Item:
      Cancel Item:

      If you do end up using an Item by mistake, just remember the start button on the controller is your escape key. And that too is also your cancel button, on the Idle layer.

  6. The Right Joystick
    Radial Menu Navigation.
    • Using the right joystick is how you select and use items you've placed on your Hotbar. Holding the Left Bumper Down on the Idle layer will switch to this mode.

      Using the Right Joystick in conjunction with the left bumper being held will let you select said items. Highlighting them with your right joystick, and let go of the left bumper. This will automatically use the Highlighted item. As shown in images above.

  7. The D-Pad: Hotbar Switching
    • While holding the Left Bumper to keep the Quick Actions layer open, you're able to use the D-Pad to switch between all 8 of your Hotbars. Hotbars 9 and 10 are on the Left Joystick. So as to not interact with the Radial menu. That menu will only open when you move the Right joystick. So no worries. Also, do keep in mind. When using these hotbars you MUST have items placed in the hotbars FIRST before you're able to switch to them via the controller. The game is just setup this way. It's not something I have control over.

        D-Pad Left: Hotbar 1&2.
      • By default this is bound to the keys "Alt+1." Tapping this will switch to Hotbar 1. Holding this will switch to Hotbar 2. It's default keys are "Alt+2."

        D-Pad Up: Hotbars 3&4.
      • Tapping this will switch to hotbar 3. By default this is bound to keys "Alt+3." Holding this will switch to Hotbar 4. It's default keybind is "Alt+4."

        D-Pad Right: Hotbars 5&6.
      • Pressing this once will switch to your 5th hotbar. It's default Keybind is "Alt+5." Holding this will switch to hotbar 6. By default it's keybind is "Alt+6."

        D-Pad Down: Hotbars 7&8.
      • Pressing this will switch to hotbar 7. It's default Keybind is "Alt+7." Holding this will switch to hotbar 8. It's default keybind is "Alt+8."

        Left Joystick, Click-in: Hotbar 9&10.
      • Clicking the Left joystick in will switch to hotbar 9. It's default keybind is "Alt+9." Clicking the joystick in and holding it will switch to hotbar 10. It's default keybind is "Alt+10."

  8. The Left Joystick: Movement
    • Character movement.

  9. The Select Button
    • The Select button is not set, bound, or listed to, or on anything. And should never be while you use this profile. Just like the Start button, that I totally didn't copy'pasta for this part.

  10. Left Trigger
    • This will do nothing in the game.
6.) Camera Toggle Layer. "Mouse Mode."
In this section, we'll be going over how to use the "Camera Toggle Layer." Or what I like to call; Mouse Mode.

When you open a window in-game, such as a shop window to buy or trade items, the game is showing the mouse cursor. The main two layers: IDLE & CAMERA TOGGLE. Work off of this feature steam has. That feature being: Is the game showing the mouse cursor? Or is the mouse cursor being hidden? Normally when a cursor is hidden in a game, that means the user (you.) Has control of the camera movements. Thus making the mouse cursor "hidden." So in short, when you open the Inventory window for example. You will be using the Left joystick to move the mouse cursor. Just as you would for the Main Menu of the game. Because the Camera Toggle layer is active for using the mouse cursor movements.

  1. The Start Button.
      System Menu [TAP]
    • Tapping this will open the game system menu.
      Camera Toggle [Hold]
    • Holding this will switch back to the Idle layer. This is actually used for collecting artifacts. I'll talk about how to collect artifacts later in the guide. It's pretty tricky.

  2. The Face Buttons: [X] & [A]
      [X] Context Menu
    • By default this is bound to your right mouse button. Tapping this you can see more info for an item.

      [A] Select/Confirm/Accept
    • Pressing this will use your left mouse button. To confirm a selection, like a game dialog, or move an Item from one window to another.

  3. Right Joystick.
      Scrolling/Zoom Menus
    • So for this interaction, on the joystick. I've got it set to use the scroll wheel on the mouse. This is used for scrolling through dialog menus, or zooming in and out of the Map.

  4. Left Joystick.
      Moving the Mouse
    • So I've hinted at what this does in the guide but I've yet to actually talk about it. While this layer is active the mouse is not mapped to the right joystick rather to the Left. For me this brings a smoother controller transition for navigating menus. If it had native controller support, I'd do a similar "snap-to" menu navigation setup with the D-pad. If I had those kinds of coding skills. And it wasn't seen as hacking or braking the game. But I digress.

      Clicking in the joystick.
    • Also you might have noticed the center of this Joystick has something called "Move Cursor". This implies you can move the mouse in someway. Rather force the cursor to "snap to the Center" of the screen. If you find this is not working, simply try to open Steam's Overlay by pressing SHIFT+TAB. Or pressing the Home Button in your Xbox Controller. This too will open Big Picture Mode's interface. This Snap to Center feature is here to make grabbing items and moving them about the game's interface a little easier.

  5. The Select Button.
      Show Steam Keyboard.
    • Pressing the select button will open Steam's keyboard overlay in-game. This can be used for chatting in the game's chat window, or buying X amount items at a store. By using the Context button and selecting the "add" option from the drop down menu in-game.

  6. Left Trigger
      Collecting Artifacts. [Hold]
    • Okay so this is where the controller support for this game gets pretty tricky. And is one of the main reasons why it's taken me so long to get this user guide made. So in-order to collect artifacts first you need to have a M.G.D. & have it equipped. Next find an anomaly in-game. By tossing rocks into areas of the game where you can see a shimmer. That's called an Anomaly. DO NOT get too close to them you will die. Then you'll have to Activate this layer. By pressing and holding the start button. Then HOLD the Left Trigger. That will switch the controller profile to the artifact collecting layer. I'll talk more on how to collect them later in the guide.
7.) Artifact Collecting "Mouse Mode"
In this section, we'll be going over how to use the "Artifact Collecting Layer." Okay, so now that we have an M.G.D in our hands, we can finally attempt to collect some Artifacts. This layer is a little confusing because when I try to collect artifacts, using this layer, it feels like I'm having to use both sides of my brain just to keep up with the mini-game collection feature they have in-game. For collecting artifacts. Let's get into it.

  1. The Right Trigger.
    First let me start by telling you this; Non of these keys on the face buttons are your Nun-pad keys. These are the keys you'd press if you were to use your hotbar. So non of that NUM LOCK here.
      Artifact Numbers 5 through 8. [HOLD]
    • Holding the right trigger will change the Face button from 1-4. Into 5-8. This is a shifted mode on this layer. When not holding this button the face buttons will be your 1, 2, 3 & 4 number keys. However when the right trigger is held they switch. I'll go over this more later.

  2. The Right Bumper.
      Artifact Number 9. [TAP]
    • Pressing the right Bumper works as you pressing 9 on your keyboard.

  3. The Face Buttons:[X], [Y], [B] & [A]
      [X] Artifact 1
    • By default this is bound to key "1." Tapping this will use your Artifact 1 button when the M.G.D asks for it.

      [Y] Artifact 2
    • By default this is bound to the key "2."

      [B] Artifact 3
    • By default this is bound to the key "3" on your keyboard.

      [A] Artifact 4
    • By default this is bond to key "4" when the M.G.D. asks for one of these keys you must press the correct button. Else you start the whole thing over.

  4. The D-Pad: Arrow Keys
      D-pad Left
    • By default this is your Arrow Key. Pressing Left on the D-pad will press the Left Arrow key.

      D-pad Right
    • By default this is your Right Arrow key.

      D-pad Up
    • By default this is your Up Arrow key.

      D-pad Down
    • By default this is the Down Arrow key.

  5. The Left Joystick: Mouse movements
    • This is actually still being read from the previous controller layer. So this still acts as your mouse cursor. And still functions as intended previously. So as before clicking in this joystick will move the mouse to the center of the screen.

  6. Left Trigger
    Artifact Collecting.
    • Holding this will let you collect Artifacts. It lets you use this layer of the controller. So long as you've already gone to the Mouse Mode layer first to activate this section. Releasing this button will take you back to the Mouse Mode layer.

If you've enjoyed this please 👍Like ⭐Favorite and 🤳share this guide 😊
And that's it! We've made it to the last part! I hope Manwell wasn't too hard to understand.

It did take me about 10 months to put this guide together. (with distractions.) It would mean a lot to me, if you gave it a thumbs up and shared it around. I really do appreciate it. Thank you 😊 And if you added it as a favorite It'd mean even more to me.

If you have any questions don't be shy to ask them in the comments.

Here's a video I put together to give you a great head start when you first begin the game, Enjoy!

ReconRol 15 Mar, 2022 @ 9:32pm 
thank you very much for your effort friend.. i'll try this sooner
†Captain†Alister†  [author] 15 Mar, 2022 @ 1:24pm 
Hail friend, I've updated the user guide to also try and cover Controller Importing. If this is not something you've tired. Mayhap this will work for you. I was not aware you had not been using an Xbox controller be default. I've been contemplating other ways to help. And this was something that came to mind just today. I hope this can resolve the conundrum. :summer2021simulation:
†Captain†Alister†  [author] 14 Mar, 2022 @ 10:10pm 
I appreciate you taking the time at least, to give it a try. I hope you have better luck with finding a solution.
ReconRol 14 Mar, 2022 @ 9:33pm 
maybe steam controller support wont accept my generic controller.. i'll try other emulator or maybe i'll just buy a legit xbox controller..thanks by the way friend
†Captain†Alister†  [author] 14 Mar, 2022 @ 10:25am 
I'm not sure. These are made to work as a plug & play deal off steam's support. I would imagine it might be controller drivers, a fault in the controller dongle for wireless connections. But all educated guesses mind you.

Have you tired using a wired controller? If your using a Windows 10 PC there should be a application you can download, "Xbox Accessories" I use it to keep my Drivers up-to-date. But I'm not convinced that's the issue though. It still might be Steam. I'm not sure though. I do apologize I can't be of more help.

Steam does have more controller options though. Have you tried launching Steam in BPM before launching the game? Once in here you should see a gear icon top right of the screen next to the clock. Steam's main controller options are here. You can ID a controller, test it's Rumble & add dead zone adjustments. Perhaps one of these might help? :bms_crowbar:
ReconRol 14 Mar, 2022 @ 1:17am 
hello..i did the instructions you told me unfortunately it didn't function..what am i missing with controller?
†Captain†Alister†  [author] 13 Mar, 2022 @ 9:47pm 
I hope it helps!
ReconRol 13 Mar, 2022 @ 9:19pm 
i will try now..i'll update you later..thank you
†Captain†Alister†  [author] 13 Mar, 2022 @ 8:18pm 
Hello, friend, It sounds like steam might not be running in it's BPM. (big picture mode) Have you tried to enable steams setting for it? Found under STEAM > SETTINGS > IN-GAME. There should be an option to let steam read your controller when you launch the game.

If you need more help you can look over this user guide I made for another game. It'll have a more visual process of turning this setting on in steam.

I'll try to have the same information in this user guide as well, when I'm able to update it.

I hope this helps you with the issue your having. :bms_crowbar:
ReconRol 13 Mar, 2022 @ 6:47pm 
hello..can you help me connect my controller to stay out?i already configured it in steam big screen but it wont run on stay when i use the controller..