Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year

Plants vs. Zombies: Game of the Year

I just now realized I have had all of the available Zen Garden plants for years now.
"I just now realized I have had all of the available Zen Garden plants for years now.
I always figured I was still missing some since there were 5 leftover slots in the main day garden.
It turns out there are 27 day plants, 8 night plants, and 3 aquatic plants. The Tree of Wisdom, and the White Marigold would make it 40 total available to keep in Zen Gardens. There are 12 flower color(s) variations or the Marigolds including "White"
(You cannot collect all of the Marigolds and have the other plants due to space restrictions. Also you want to leave a few spaces open for new drops while you play)
This information is not super obvious or listed in game so this is my reference for me as well to keep somewhere.

I'm posting this last Garden shot because I'm going to start deleting plants *(YIKES) and getting them all facing one direction, just like in the actual game.
This could take a long time since I've been selling the duplicates off for years.
New goal. Will post new screenshot once I accomplish this if I ever do :P
(A.S.S) Agoura_Steve  [author] 9 Jul, 2020 @ 12:39am 
I'm down to 3 remaining to be facing to the right side.
I have the Fume-Shroom (2 dropped actually)

I just need Ice-Shroom, Spikeweed, and Sea-Shroom now.
Imagining Sea-Shroom would be the toughest.

Latest progress:
ThatOneGuy 7 Jul, 2020 @ 6:49am 
Will you make an updated pic with the right facing plants?
(A.S.S) Agoura_Steve  [author] 6 Jul, 2020 @ 7:09pm 
@ThatOneGuy I played for a bit today and got 2 more plants I needed. I got the Kernal-Put (Corn), and the Doom-Shroom today. Now I only need (right facing): Fume-Shroom, Ice-Shroom, Spikeweed, and Sea-Shroom. [Last 4 plants facing right that I need still]. Not bad for a few hours of play time. I was playing the puzzle games (I.Zombie Endless & Vasebreaker Endless). Sadly I got more "duplicate" (left facing) ocean plants. I hate deleting those but oh well. All plants drop in those.
(A.S.S) Agoura_Steve  [author] 5 Jul, 2020 @ 8:58pm 
Hi, no because I haven't played since before I posted that last comment. I opened the game to respond to the last person, but I haven't played since May. It's one of my top 3-4 favorite games I've ever played, so I will definitely get back to it soon. I always do. :)
ThatOneGuy 5 Jul, 2020 @ 3:20pm 
Have you gotten any since the last comments?
(A.S.S) Agoura_Steve  [author] 12 Jun, 2020 @ 11:35am 
Um no. I took some screenshots and posted them here for you of all 4 inventory pages:

So I put most of the ones I still need facing the opposite direction on the bottom row, to make this easier for me to track.

So I still need a right facing Doom-shroom, Fume-Shroom, Ice-Shroom, Kernel-Put, Spikeweed, and Sea-Shroom. (So I am down to the final 6 plants already).

To make some extra space I temporarily moved a few to page 2 of inventory.

The Cherry Bomb, Jalapeno, Magnet-Shroom and Coffee Bean are just there until I get all the plants before moving them back to page one.

Oh yeah, there is a duplicate Watermelon on page one which I will delete once it gets to full size. I feel like if you have ungrown plants in your inventory it seems to speed up the drop rate for new plant drops (My theory). Also there is an extra Tall-Nut there that I don't feel like deleting.
Vaz123 12 Jun, 2020 @ 9:53am 
Have you gotten them all facing in the same direction (hopefully to the right)
(A.S.S) Agoura_Steve  [author] 7 May, 2020 @ 11:34am 
Sunflower drops in Survival endless mode eventually or in the day survivals.
I found another one there recently. You can go to the main menu and it automatically saves your game when you do. I've been in the same survival endless game for a couple weeks now a bit here and there. It may need to cycle through a lot of plants before it gets to the sunflower so patience is the key. Grind.

So one trick I have been using is going to each survival mode (not endless but referring to all the other ones), saving the final wave, and just repeating the last wave from the save points to grind for plants effortlessly. As long as you play the wave through, it takes you back to the save point, not the beginning, and you can do this endlessly to plant grind also.
andre.palmeida 7 May, 2020 @ 11:18am 
I'm trying to get the sunflower, but I'm not managing to drop it. I've been playing endless survival mode for days and nothing to get it. Wish me luck!
(A.S.S) Agoura_Steve  [author] 3 May, 2020 @ 6:46pm 
That's true. Still a little confusion over things like flower pot, cattail *(Cattail seems like it is level 1 plant but I guess because it sits on a lillypad it's an upgrade plant). I guess a simpler way to put it is "all plants in lines 1 through 5 are the Zen Garden plants except for flower pot, and line 6 is excluded from the garden".
Helpful. Thanks for the input, stranger.