Half-Life: Alyx

Half-Life: Alyx

411 ratings
100% Resin, All Locations (Text Guide)
By Martin the Kiteboy
This guide provides text and picture descriptions of all resin locations, with total resin count for each section of the game, including warnings when approaching a point of no return such as a save checkpoint or a drop into a new part of the game world.

This guide provides the location of each resin in the game. There are no achievements tied to finding resin or upgrading weapons; this guide is simply a reference for hardcore completionists and for anyone short on resin to get that much-wanted weapon upgrade. For each individual resin, the guide provides a text description, a far-off image on the left, and a close-by image on the right. The guide is split into sections for each of the chapters in the game where you can find resin. To make navigating the guide (and the game world) a bit easier, each chapter is split into sections by noting the points of no return, difficult points of return, and tricky points of return.

A point of no return is a location in the game where you cannot double back to where you were before. Once you move through a point of no return, you must re-load a prior save to go back. Typically points of no return are either load screens which close off the path behind you, or are drop downs which you cannot climb back up to. The guide will warn you of these points and provide the last recognizable view before you encounter them.

A difficult point of return is a location where you cannot simply double back using the existing map geometry. Typically this involves stacking crates or barrels to jump back up to the point you dropped down from. This guide assumes you did not bring any objects with you, meaning that where the guide indicates you can return it is possible to do so by using only the objects available in the section of the map you are in. The guide will show an image of what the point looks like as you approach it, and then the second image is a hint as to what you have to do in order to return.

A tricky point of return is a location where you can double back at-will, but the path may not be apparent to some. Tricky points of return are not as common as the prior two categories.

As much as possible, the guide is free of spoilers. However, the nature of describing the resin locations involves mentioning notable features of the game world including set-pieces and enemies.

Beyond using the guide as it is presented, there are a few general notes for collecting resin:
  • In dark areas, resin will be easier to spot when you are not using your flashlight. The faint blue glow of the resin gets washed out in the flashlight beam.
  • If a barnacle eats your resin (or ammo), kill the barnacle to retrieve the item.
  • Combat can disturb the physics objects in the game. Especially if grenades have exploded in the area recently, resin may have been scattered around and may not appear in the locations pictured in the guide.
  • Thanks to the excellent community, there is now the clever Resin Detector campaign addon by kanastika. It is very nifty, and acts as a well executed upgrade to Alyx's multitool.
To fully upgrade each weapon requires 270 resin. There are 298 pieces of resin scattered throughout the game world, plus 4 bonus resin and 1 bugged resin for a total of 303 accessible resin. The first level Entanglement and the last level Point Extraction do not have any resin. All 303 pieces are contained in the middle nine chapters of the game, and thus are divided as follows:

0 resin
Quarantine Zone
31 resin +
4 bonus
Is Or Will Be
45 resin
21 resin
The Northern Star
68 resin
Arms Race
29 resin +
1 bugged
35 resin
35 resin
21 resin
Breaking And Entering
13 resin
Point Extraction
0 resin
298 resin +
4 bonus +
1 bugged =
303 total

The detailed picture and location guide only counts the 298 freely accessible pieces, but the guide includes notes where appropriate describing how to collect the 4 bonus resin and the 1 bugged resin which require some creative gameplay. Note that there is one further known bugged resin which cannot be accessed without cheating so it is omitted from this guide.

Credit to IGN for their walkthrough and special thanks to GreasedScotsman for his guide which helped me create this one. Additionally, I would like to thank members of the community for their contributions, all of which are noted in the Changelog at the bottom of the guide. Special recognition goes to this user for several excellent pieces of feedback!
Chapter 2: Quarantine Zone

Chapter Summary
Quarantine Zone has 31 total resin plus 4 bonus resin. The guide for this chapter is divided into three sections, ending at each point of no return for easy navigation.

Unique to this chapter are 4 bonus resin that spawn if you reach the first fabricator without having collected prior resin. These 4 are not counted in the chapter totals or shown in the hand HUD since they require some mild game manipulation to collect.

The chapter breakdown is as follows:

Part 1:
  • 18 Total Resin (1-18)
  • 4 Bonus Resin
Part 2:
  • 7 Total Resin (19-25)
  • One point of difficult return
  • One Combine Fabricator
Part 3:
  • 6 Total Resin (26-31)
- CH2: Quarantine Zone - Part 1
4 bonus resin will spawn if you reach the Combine Fabricator later in this chapter without having stored resin in your backpack as you find them. To get the bonus resin, do not store the resin you find by reaching behind your back and releasing the resin. Instead, drop the resin in a container and carry them to the Combine Fabricator.

Resin 1:
After exiting the train car, you drop down to a walkway and the game highlights the first resin in a crate to the left of a padlocked door.

Just past Resin 1, down the stairs and to the right there is a bucket on the ground that works well for carrying your resin stash.

Resin 2:
Just after using the multitool, immediately to the left of the first health station, there is a resin on top of a crate on the highest level of a freestanding shelf

Resin 3:
After shooting a lock off of a chain link door, you encounter your first barnacles with Russel offering some warning words. There is a resin is under a wooden crate on a set of shelves to the right.

Resin 4:
Very close to the last resin, there is another behind a set of iron bars set in a vent on the wall to the left.

Resin 5:
Immediately following the prior location, after ducking down beneath a plywood covered doorway, there is a resin behind a chain link fence to the right.

Resin 6:
Shortly following the prior resin, there is a set of stairs heading down to some trains. The first barnacle closest to the stairs is hiding the resin. Kill it to drop this Resin.

Resin 7:
Again, just past the last resin there is an open train car to the right with a dead zombie flanked by a large batch of barnacles.

Resin 8:
Once more near the last location, after passing through the barnacle cluster as you step out from underneath the overpass, there is a loose concrete pipe to the right. Find the resin just inside the pipe mouth.

Resin 9:
Immediately to the left of the prior resin there is a zombie draped over a concrete divider. There is a resin by his hand, tucked behind the plant next to the wooden spool.

Resin 10:
Yet again in quick succession, the next resin is just to the left of the draped zombie, past the outdoor toilet and off to the left.

Resin 11:
Very close by the last location, there is another resin behind a bucket on the ground to the right of the outdoor toilet.

Resin 12:
Right beside the last resin there is another hidden inside the left trash bin. Open the bin to collect the resin.

Resin 13:
Again using the draped zombie as reference, past him in a dark area there is another resin behind a concrete wall just to the left of some steps. Find it tucked between some wooden pallets and a barrel.

Resin 14:
Behind you from the last location, walk down the concrete walkway with the wall to your left. And the end of the open hall there is a cardboard box with a resin inside.

Resin 15:
In the same area as the last few resin locations, the building beside the big vault door has a resin beneath it. You can duck underneath the building from either side of the concrete divider, the picture shows the resin from beside the pile of rubble.

Resin 16:
Again close to the last locations, passing by the vault door there is a passage leading up to a building. There is a resin in a wooden crate in the corner by some chain link fences that form the passage.

Resin 17:
After using a blue crate to climb through a window that has a dead zombie hanging out of it, there is a filing cabinet to the left. Look in the bottom drawer to find the next resin.

Resin 18:
In the adjoining room with a few chairs and a green control console spanning the wall, there is a bucket on the left side on a table with a resin inside of it.

After unlocking the vault door to enter the Quarantine Zone, walking forward past the Xen-like flora then through the doorway triggers a load screen and is the first point of no return in the level.

To get your resin stash into the next area, carefully open the door, do not walk through, place your bucket carefully on the ground past the doorway, then walk through the door.
- CH2: Quarantine Zone - Part 2
Resin 19:
The first live zombie you encounter is behind a chain link door with a padlock you must shoot off. Just in front of this door is a barnacle with the next resin inside it. Kill the barnacle to retrieve the resin.

Resin 20:
Immediately after the last resin, passing through the chain link door, there is another resin inside the open subway car to the right.

Resin 21:
The next resin is a small distance away. Just after climbing the ladder to get on the roof of the subway car, there are 4 barnacles and some explosive barrels. The last barnacle to the right has the next resin. Be careful, it might be possible to lose this resin if it rolls off the top of the subway car.

Immediately following the last resin, there is a hole torn into the top of the subway car. You must drop down to proceed, but you can climb back up by stacking two traffic barrels from later in the level and jumping up from the suitcases.

Resin 22:
After moving through the subway cars, the room just across from the subway car exit has the first Combine Fabricator. There is a resin mixed in with junk inside a blue bucket sitting on a table just to the left the Fabricator.

4 bonus resin will be present if you used the trusty bucket instead of stashing the resin in your backpack. They are located on a bench next to Resin 22, in a locker in the far left corner of the room, on the lower shelf of the Resin 22 table, and in a bucket in a drainage basin on the ground in the far right corner of the room behind the fabricator.

This image shows the 4 bonus resin, Resin 22, and the 21 prior resin in the bucket. Note that this effort to collect the 4 bonus resin is ultimately unnecessary since there are more than enough resin in the game to upgrade all the weapons, but it may help you upgrade a weapon a little earlier. You may now freely store all resin in your backpack.

Resin 23:
Exiting the room with the Fabricator, to the right there are two alcoves in the subway station with some Zombies. In the second alcove, there is a resin between the benches on the ground.

Resin 24:
After pulling the bar out from behind the subway car doors, and after moving past the zombie that pries open the doors at the end of the subway car, there is a resin to the right exiting the subway car beside a concrete barrier and an orange construction barrel.

This resin is currently impossible to get. It is stuck inside the map geometry and cannot be seen or retrieved. The guide includes the location for completeness in case Valve ever provides a patch to fix this resin. The resin is located past the doorway after Resin 24, at the beginning of the passage just beneath the surface of the alien flora.

Resin 25:
After encountering your first free headcrab that crawls out of a pipe in the ground, there is a resin inside a crate on a table to the right.

Immediately following the last resin, there is an open doorway leading to a room with a red hand crank in the right corner beside a roll-up door. Walking through this doorway before even touching the hand crank triggers a load screen that automatically seals the door behind you.
- CH2: Quarantine Zone - Part 3
Resin 26:
Immediately following the load screen, there is a resin on a set of shelves next to a health station.

Resin 27:
Very close to the last resin, there is a dark corner beside a set of stairs leading down. Find the resin in the corner beneath an upturned metal bucket.

Resin 28:
In close proximity to the last resin, on the right-hand side of the staircase, there is a duct opening in the wall beside the window a zombie smashes through. Find the resin inside this duct.

Resin 29:
Just by the prior resin, inside the room through the window the zombie smashes, there is a resin underneath a desk hidden by a plastic crate.

Resin 30:
Down the stairs after the last few resin locations, there is a room to the right of the floating eye. Find a resin inside a crate on table near the left wall.

Resin 31:
In the same room, there is another resin on a set of shelves on the far side of the room.

After the pushbutton puzzle in the open drainage area with the fluorescent wall paintings, you will walk through some hallways with more fluorescent graffiti. To the left past a big yellow eye graffiti there is a railing you have to jump over. You cannot return after jumping over this railing. A while after this stage you will reach the level end and encounter the level load screen.
Chapter 3: Is Or Will Be

Chapter Summary
Is Or Will Be has 45 total resin. The guide for this chapter is divided into five sections, ending at each point of no return for easy navigation.

The chapter breakdown is as follows:

Part 1:
  • 17 Total Resin (32-48)
  • One difficult point of return
  • One Combine Fabricator
Part 2:
  • 11 Total Resin (49-59)
  • One difficult point of return
Part 3:
  • 8 Total Resin (60-67)
Part 4:
  • 7 Total Resin (68-74)
  • One difficult point of return
  • One Combine Fabricator
Part 5:
  • 2 Total Resin (75-76)
- CH3: Is Or Will Be - Part 1
Resin 32:
A bit after killing the armored headcrabs and using the powercell from their cage to open the Combine door, there is a resin in a drainage culvert near the zombie with a shotgun. You can get to this resin from either side by crawling into the culvert before dropping down to the shotgun zombie, or by pulling the resin through the bars after dropping down into the shotgun zombie chamber.

Resin 33:
After getting the shotgun, there are three passages leading off of the chamber. There is a resin in the leftmost passage at the end of the hallway

Resin 34:
Back in the shotgun chamber, there is a resin at the end of the rightmost passage on the top of a wall past the barnacles and skewered headcrabs.

Resin 35:
After going through the center hallway leading from the shotgun chamber, and after killing a few zombies, there is a passage to the right with a yellow supply crate and a ladder. There is a resin inside the yellow supply crate.

Resin 36:
Immediately adjacent to the yellow supply crate, there is a resin underneath a bucket on the ground just to the right of the crate.

Resin 37:
Past the supply crate and the ladder there is a room with a Combine Fabricator. There is a resin on the far wall behind the fabricator.

Resin 38:
Back into the chamber with the ladder and the yellow crate, the next resin is located up the ladder and down the passage, on top of an electrical box next to a dead zombie.

Resin 39:
Again returning to the area by the yellow crate and the ladder, just past the entrance there is a drainage culvert with a resin inside it on the ground.

Resin 40:
Immediately following the last resin in the culvert, just down the passage there is a resin behind a low wall to the left.

Resin 41:
Within spitting distance of the last resin, there is another up on a ledge to the right.

Resin 42:
In quick succession to the prior resin, the next location is just down the hall past the explosive canister. There is a resin on the top of some ducting to the right.

Resin 43:
In the same location, there is a second resin on a low ledge near the ducts.

Resin 44:
The next resin comes some time later, after getting the flashlight. Pass through the pitch-black drainage passage where Alyx and Russel have a conversation about being afraid. You will walk up some stairs into a lit room, with a big fan on the left wall. This is before you shoot a padlock to return to the Combine Shield Walls. There is a resin in the far corner on top of some electrical cabinets.

Resin 45:
In the same room, before shooting off the padlock, find another resin on a shelf by a fenced niche next to the stairs.

Resin 46 & 47:
After entering the passage that was previously “too dark” to enter without the flashlight, Russel will talk about a club sandwich. In this dark passage there are some barnacles and scaffolds. One resin is on top of a scaffold past the barnacles, the other is behind a fence with a health grub. Stand with your back to the health station and look up to see the first, then walk in the entrance to the right to find the second. It is often easier to find resin in the dark by not using your flashlight so that you can spot the faint glow of the resin.

You will see a railing that you have to jump over to get to a lower level into a dark room, with two explosive canisters stacked on a wooden table. You can stack an object to return if you want.

Resin 48:
Just after dropping down over the railing into the dark area with the zombies and overhead pipes, there is a resin to the left on the ground behind a brick column.

After walking through the dark area with the zombies and overhead pipes, there will be a well-lit entrance to a staircase leading down covered by wooden boards. Passing through the door at the bottom of the stairs triggers a load screen and is the first point of no return in the level.
- CH3: Is Or Will Be - Part 2
Resin 49:
Immediately after the level load screen, there is an upside-down bucket on the ground hiding a resin between the mattress and the shelves.

Right after the last resin, you will come across a dead Combine and have a conversation with Russel. You must jump over the railing to the left to progress. You can stack objects to return if you want.

Resin 50:
Just after jumping over the railing, you will walk down a hallway, there is a resin on a locker on the end of the hall.

Resin 51:
Quickly after the last location, down the hall to the left there is a locked Combine door next to a health station. After opening the door with your multitool there is a resin across from the doorway on top of some shelves.

Resin 52:
In the same room, find another resin in the lockers to the right.

Resin 53:
Shortly later in the level, you walk down some stairs to the passage with the dead combine hanging upside-down from the ceiling. There is a resin on the ground by the evidence marker after the first Combine.

Resin 54:
Moving past the hanging combine, there is passage that leads off to the right. Find a resin on a wooden table at the end of the passage.

Resin 55:
In close succession to the last area, past the hanging bodies you go to the left. There is a resin in the pipe to the left. Pull the resin through the gap in the fence or walk around to pick it up.

Resin 56:
Near the last resin, at the end of the open alley, there is another resin on the ground in the dark corner across from the stairs.

Resin 57:
After walking up a long staircase from the last area, you will walk up to an open area. To the left of the staircase next to a dumpster on the ground you will find another resin.

Resin 58:
In the same open area, there is a resin inside a room on the left side of the map. Pull the resin through the open window or enter the room through the boarded doorway around the corner to pick it up.

Resin 59:
Immediately following the last location, past the boarded door there is a resin on a loading dock ledge next to a pallet cart behind a bush.

After using a red hand crank to open a roll-up garage door, Russel will talk about his future business plans in a room with big silent machinery. Dropping down the broken staircase into the next area is a point of no return.
- CH3: Is Or Will Be - Part 3
Resin 60:
Immediately after dropping down the staircase into the area with explosive barrels and canisters imbedded in Xen sludge, there is a resin in the corner of a brightly lit room on the right.

Resin 61:
The next seven resin are all in the dark. Remember that it is often easier to find the resin in the dark by not using your flashlight so that you can spot the faint glow of the resin. To find the first resin, go to the left of the chain link fence blocking your way to the red hand crank that is hanging from a barnacle. Look down the darkening passage and you will see two scaffolds. There is a resin on top of the second scaffold, behind a column to the right. The column is flanked by several explosive barrels and canisters.

Resin 62:
Very close to the last resin, there is another on the ground behind some low pipes. The same explosives from the Resin 61 location are visible in the first shot.

Resin 63:
Still early into the pitch-black area shortly after the last resin, before you have to climb over some low pipes to a wandering zombie, there are two dead combine on the ground. Near them there is a set of shelves with an explosive canister on the top shelf. There is a resin just beside the canister on the very top of the shelf.

Resin 64:
Just after climbing over the low pipes to kill the wandering zombie, there is a resin on top of a silver duct to the left.

Resin 65:
Shortly after the last location, you will turn a corner to the left and find a decaying body propped up on the wall covered in Xen mold. There is a resin on the ground beside him.

Resin 66:
To the left of the decaying body, there is another resin on some shelves past a few more explosives.

Resin 67:
This is the last resin in the dark area. Close to the last area, in the passage where you have to kill the barnacle before it pulls up and bites the explosive canister, there is a resin tucked away to the right between some equipment and a pipe.

After getting the red hand crank from the barnacle and shooting a padlock off of a locked door, you will use the hand crank to open the roll-up garage door. Walking through the opened garage door triggers a load screen.
- CH3: Is Or Will Be - Part 4
Resin 68:
After the level load screen, walk up the staircase to the open trainyard. There is a resin on the ground by the dead zombie.

Resin 69:
After crossing the bridge you will walk down some stairs into a room with a Combine Fabricator. There is a resin on the ducts just in front of the drop down.

You must drop down past the broken railing located right by the last resin after the Fabricator. You can stack objects to return if you want.

Resin 70:
After killing the first five Combine Soldiers (One in the hallway, four outside), you will be in the open area with the trains. After walking through a train car there is a resin on top of a crate right across from the train car doors.

Resin 71:
Just following the last resin, to the right of where you use the multitool on the Combine shield wall by the health station, there is a resin located in some sandbags at the end of the passage.

Resin 72:
Right after using the multitool to open the shield wall, there is a resin at the end of the train tracks to the right of another shield wall.

Resin 73:
In the office with the Combine control terminal, past the door to the right in the closet with the power cell, there is a resin on some shelves.

Resin 74:
Closely following the last resin, in the office with the Combine control terminal, past the door to the left that leads through a small room into a large area with Combine machinery, there is a resin behind a box in the corner of the small room.

After activating the combine terminal with the power cell and the organic computer module, you will need to pull a yellow lever to switch the train tracks. Pulling and holding the lever will trigger an event which prevents you from returning to the previous locations.
- CH3: Is Or Will Be - Part 5
Resin 75:
After the cutscene with Eli and the Vortigaunt, the next resin is in a Combine wall locker in the room just across from the bridge the Vortigaunt makes for you.

Resin 76:
Before the level exit, just after the last location, there is an alcove to the right with some traffic cones and plastic buckets on a shelf. There is a resin cheekily hidden inside one of the traffic cones.

The level exit is a staircase leading down to a small platform covered in junk and a railing. Jumping over the railing triggers a level load screen and is the end of this chapter.
Chapter 4: Superweapon

Chapter Summary
Superweapon has 21 total resin. The guide for this chapter is not divided as there are no points of no return.

The chapter breakdown is as follows:
  • 21 Total Resin (77-97)
  • Two difficult points of return
  • One Combine Fabricator
- CH4: Superweapon
Resin 77:
Right after starting the level, the first resin is at the end of the tracks, behind a cardboard box next to the train.

Resin 78:
On the station platform, the next resin is on the ground between a column and a garbage bin, near a newspaper stand.

You may see some resin at a shoeshine station past a metal grate. You will get this resin later.

Resin 79:
Immediately after the last resin, at the end of the platform in the corner on the ground there is another resin between some cardboard boxes past the telephones.

Resin 80:
Shortly, you will walk up a set of stairs to leave the platform. At the top of the stairs there is another resin sitting on top of a duct past the railing.

Again, you may see some more resin past a metal grate. You will get this resin later.

Resin 81:
A ways further into the level, after the elevator ride up to the sunny office with the windows, there is a resin inside a trashcan in the corner of the office.

After playing through some more of the level and using the blue keycard to open the locked door, you will enter a passage with many barnacles, grenades, and a Combine wall locker. You must drop down at the end of the passage to proceed. You can stack objects to return if you want.

Resin 82:
Shortly after the place where you drop down, you are walking on some catwalks with grenades and several zombies on the floor beneath you. There is a resin just below the level of the catwalks on top of a column.

Just past the catwalks, there is a broken railing in front of a cluster of barnacles and the next resin. You must drop down to proceed. You can stack objects to return if you want.

Resin 83:
After dropping down the stairs, there is an open vent in the wall past a few barnacles. Find the next resin inside this vent.

Resin 84:
Immediately after the last resin, there is another underneath the stairs you jumped down onto next to a dead zombie.

Resin 85:
Very close to the last two locations, to the left of the vent there is another resin on the ground in the corner at the end of the short hallway next to a supply crate.

Resin 86 & 87:
Shortly after the last location, you will enter the area that has the catwalks above you now. To the left of the combine wall locker past some turnstiles, there is a set of resin by a shoeshine stand. This is one of the locations you may have seen earlier through the metal grate.

Resin 88:
Back into the catwalk room, next to the Combine shield wall, there is a shelf with some cardboard boxes. Find the next resin inside one of the cardboard boxes.

Resin 89:
Inside the small office with the Combine fabricator, there is another resin inside the filing cabinet next to the fabricator.

Resin 90:
In the same room with the fabricator, there is another resin on the overhead ducts the was used to funnel the grenade into the room.

Resin 91:
After turning off the Combine shield wall, there are some wooden crates in front of a column down the passage. There is a resin inside the topmost crate.

Resin 92:
Turning the corner to the left from the last location, the next resin is inside the fenced cage behind the locked Combine door. There is a health station here as well. Hack into the small room with your multitool and find the next resin inside the Combine locker on the shelves.

Resin 93 & 94:
A while later, you will walk up a set of stairs into a long station hallway. At the end of the hallway is another shoeshine station with two more resin. This is another one of the locations you may have seen earlier through the metal grate.

Resin 95:
A bit later you will walk up another set of stairs out of the subway into the open, and you will see the Northern Star Hotel past a square. There is a resin on the ground the in the left corner between some patio chairs.

Resin 96:
Nearby, close to the center of the square near the statue, there is a resin on top of a food cart.

Resin 97:
The last resin of the level is just past the statue, sitting on a box by the van and a dead zombie.

Jumping through the window into the Northern Star Hotel and walking through the doorway triggers the level load screen.
Chapter 5: The Northern Star

Chapter Summary
The Northern Star has 68 total resin. The guide for this chapter is divided into nine sections, ending at each point of no return for easy navigation.

The chapter breakdown is as follows:

Part 1:
  • 22 Total Resin (98-119)
  • Two difficult points of return
Part 2:
  • 13 Total Resin (120-132)
  • Two difficult points of return
Part 3:
  • 1 Total Resin (133)
  • One Combine Fabricator
Part 4:
  • 1 Total Resin (134)
Part 5:
  • 7 Total Resin (135-141)
Part 6:
  • 5 Total Resin (142-146)
Part 7:
  • 5 Total Resin (147-151)
Part 8:
  • 10 Total Resin (152-161)
  • One Combine Fabricator
  • One difficult point of return
Part 9:
  • 4 Total Resin (162-165)
- CH5: The Northern Star Part 1
Resin 98:
Immediately after the load screen, there is a resin in the filing cabinet.

Resin 99:
In the large vaulted lobby of the hotel, there is a resin in the corner of the room above the bar on a ledge.

Resin 100:
Behind the bar to the left, there is another resin between the bottles on the shelves.

Resin 101:
Also behind the bar under the cash register, find a resin by a dead combine soldier under the bar counter.

Resin 102:
Just to the left of the bar through a door into a maintenance closet, there is a resin inside a wooden crate with some bottles on the shelves to the right.

Resin 103 & 104:
In the same room, opposite the last resin, to the left of the entrance, there are two resin on the shelf hidden amongst some small parcels.

Resin 105:
The filing cabinet immediately to the right of the shelves also has a resin in one of its lower drawers.

Resin 106:
After climbing up the elevator shaft to the second floor, there is a resin on a table in a kitchen.

Resin 107:
In the same kitchen, there is another resin in a drawer between the sink and the oven.

Resin 108:
Just past the kitchen there is a dark room with lockers. Find the resin inside the locker to the left of the door.

Resin 109:
In the next room immediately later, past the inflating pustules, there is a resin on the ground in the corner of the shower basin.

Resin 110:
Immediately after the bathroom, in the bedroom with the Xen growth covered corpse on the bed, there is a resin in the cabinet beneath the TV.

You will be faced with a big hole in the floor that you must jump down into. It is possible to return by stacking barrels from two levels below, but it can be difficult.

Resin 111:
Immediately after dropping down one level, turn around to find there is a resin on the ground at the end of the short hallway hidden in some Xen growth by two inflating pustules.
The resin can be hard to find or even clip into the level geometry if the big pustule explodes.

Resin 112:
Very close by, before dropping down a second time, through an open door there is another resin on an armchair next to a Xen reclaimed corpse.

You have to drop down one more level to get to the ground floor. It is possible to return by stacking barrels you can get from a room a bit further into the level.

Resin 113:
After dropping down all the way, there is a shallow supply closet down the hall with shelves on the far wall and a few pustules. There is a resin on the left set of shelves.

Resin 114:
Just across the hall from the last location there is a room with a Xen grenade dispenser. There is a resin on one of the shelves against the wall to the left.

Resin 115:
At the far end of this room, there is a resin on the freestanding shelves to the right near a large pustule.

Resin 116:
Down a short flight of stairs from the room with the Xen grenades, there is a kitchen with a dead zombie and a few dead headcrabs. Find the resin in the sink with the bottles.

Resin 117:
There is a resin in a laundry cart just outside the kitchen door from the last location.

Resin 118:
Standing on the platform that overlooks the laundry room with the Lightning Dog, in the office to the left there is a resin in the filing cabinet.

Resin 119:
Again from the platform, to the right against the wall there is an overgrown sink with a resin inside it.

After using the Lightning Dog organ to open the locked Combine door, you will see a round hole in the wall covered in Xen growth. Jumping through the hole triggers a load screen and is the first true point of no return in the level.
- CH5: The Northern Star Part 2
Resin 120:
Just after the load screen, there are a few barrels at the end of the wall with the hole the you jumped through. Find a resin on the ground tucked away between them.

Resin 121:
After hacking open the Combine door, passing through, and seeing the hanging zombie, there is a resin in the room to the right with the Xen grenade dispenser.

Resin 122:
From the room with the Xen grenade dispenser, you can see another resin sitting in a vent in the wall through a window in a closed door. Lob a grenade through the gap at the top of the door and walk around over the beam to collect the resin.

Resin 123:
From the beam you crossed to get to the last resin, before dropping down, you can see another resin on a metal cart one level down. Pull it over to collect it.

You have to drop down through a hole in the floor. With effort, you can return with some herculean barrel stacking gymnastics using barrels from the ground level far below. Use the scaffold on the lowest floor and carefully stack barrels on the beam.

Resin 124:
On the level just above the ground floor, before dropping all the way down, there is a room beyond a door in the corner. Find the next resin in a trashcan next to the desk.

Resin 125:
Immediately next to the last resin, on top of the desk there is another beneath an unusual wooden crate.

You have to drop down to the ground floor with all the Combine equipment to proceed. You can return to the upper floors using barrels if you wish.

Resin 126 & 127:
Standing with your back to the Combine elevator that needs a power cell, near the Combine wall locker, look to the right corner of the room past the wall locker. There is a resin on the ground beside some barrels, and another immediately nearby under a crate on a set of freestanding shelves.
The resins in this area (126-129) are easily scattered by grenades, their locations may have shifted.

Resin 128:
Very close to the last resin, just beyond the overturned table is another resin inside some wooden crates stacked by a column.

Resin 129:
Again, nearby the last few resin there is another in a cardboard box on the floor. It is to the left of the last batch when viewed from the elevator.

Resin 130:
Returning to the elevator as a reference point, around the corner to the left there is a resin hidden behind a vent grate next to a barrel. Pull off the grate to get to the resin.

Resin 131:
Leaving the big ground floor area, in the caged room with the lightning dog, there is a resin inside the duct that the lightning dog disappears into.

Resin 132:
Nearby in the same room, there is a resin on the floor underneath a desk.

Enabling and riding up on the elevator is a point of no return. Once you push the button in the elevator car, you are committed.
- CH5: The Northern Star Part 3
Resin 133:
After exiting the elevator, there is a combine wall locker directly ahead. Climb down and hack it with the multitool to get the resin.

There is a Combine Fabricator behind the locked door just before the point of no return.

From the elevator, you have to walk across a catwalk to a room with a locked Combine door and a hole in the floor. You have to drop down into the hole to proceed, and once you do you cannot return.
- CH5: The Northern Star Part 4
Resin 134:
After dropping down, exit the room and proceed down the hallway into the room on the right. Inside the bathroom, there is a resin by the dead zombie.

Immediately after the last location, you have to drop down to an area with a sloped floor to proceed. This triggers a load screen.
- CH5: The Northern Star Part 5
Resin 135:
Some time after the load screen, after moving through a heavily overgrown Xen area with a Xen grenade dispenser, up the stairs there is a room with two beds. The first of several resin in this room is in a desk drawer.

Resin 136:
There is another resin in the bedside cabinet.

Resin 137:
One more resin is in the cabinet beneath the TV.

Resin 138:
The last resin in the room is behind the sofa by the window.

Resin 139:
Just as you climb through the broken window, there is a resin in a supply crate on the scaffold directly beneath you. Carefully pull it up.

Climbing through the window you pull open to get off of the ledge looks like a point of no return because the window slides closed behind you, but you can reopen it and climb back through if you grab it in the middle by the frame.

Resin 140:
After climbing up a set of stairs, before having to move a pile of luggage to open a door, there is a resin in the dark corner opposite the stairs.

Resin 141:
Down the long dark hallway, before dropping down to the room beneath, there is a resin in a cabinet drawer across the hole in the floor.

Dropping down after the long dark hallway is a point of no return.
- CH5: The Northern Star Part 6
Resin 142:
Just after dropping down the hole from the long dark hallway, there is a resin on a shelf beneath the TV.

Resin 143:
Some distance later, across a few beams over an area overrun by poison headcrabs, head down the staircase beyond the Xen grenade dispenser. There is a resin at the bottom of the stairs between some parcels.

Resin 144:
At the top of the same flight of stairs, jump across the hole in the floor to the exposed bathroom. There is a resin in the toilet bowl.

Resin 145:
Across the next gap from the last area, there is a resin perched on top of a small wooden table.

Resin 146:
After dropping all the way down to the ground floor, and after getting the SMG, the next resin is on a shelf next to an electrical disconnect for the shield wall.

Climbing back up to the shield wall you disabled, there is a health station and a doorway. The door closes and locks automatically behind you as you pass through.
- CH5: The Northern Star Part 7
Resin 147:
The next resin is fun to get. In the room with the pool tables, put all the balls into the pockets of the unbroken table, even the white ball. A resin will pop out of the ball return chute.

Resin 148:
Just by the pool tables, there is a resin on the ground of the level below, underneath the boards that bridge the gap.

Resin 149:
After dropping down to the Xen covered area below, there is a large central orange room with a Combine power cell receptacle. Facing the receptacle in the room, there is a resin just to the left in an overgrown cabinet.

Resin 150:
Again facing the Combine power receptacle in the large central room, head off to the left into the room with the intense blue light and an upturned bedframe. Look behind the bedframe to find the next resin.

Resin 151:
Back once more to the central room, to the right of the power receptacle just past the wall there is another resin in an overgrown cabinet.

After juggling the lightning dog organs between the power receptacles to open the locked Combine door near the pool tables, you must walk through a passage with Combine machinery lining the walls. At the left end of the passage there is a hole in the floor. Dropping down here triggers a load screen.

- CH5: The Northern Star Part 8
Resin 152:
A long while later, as you exit the square with the statue you passed through before entering the hotel, there is a room to the right before a set of stairs. There is a fabricator in the room. Find a resin on the shelves next to the fabricator.

Resin 153:
In the same room with the fabricator, there is another resin inside a washing machine.

Resin 154:
Outside the room with the fabricator, up a set of stairs, there is a drop down. Inside one of the dumpsters after the drop down, there is a resin.

NOTE: This was originally listed as a point of no return, but Piankhi found a way back!
The boxes in the next area do not support the teleport target, but the couch cushions do! Simply stack boxes on top of the dumpsters first then put the couch cushions on top of the boxes. You can then teleport on top of the cushions and then back up to the ledge.

Resin 155:
Shortly after the drop down, before entering the next building, there is a refrigerator near the brick ruin. Find the next resin inside the lower compartment.

Resin 156:
Close by the last resin, there is a resin inside a cabinet just to the right of the building entrance.

Resin 157:
After entering the building, there is a resin at the bottom of the staircase, sitting inside of a cabinet.

Resin 158:
At the top of the same staircase, there is a resin inside a plastic tray on the ground.

Resin 159:
Just past the last location at the top of the stairs you will enter a room with a respectable bookcase on the left and windows on the right. There is a resin past this room in a kitchen cupboard.

Jumping across the gap from one building to the next via the ramp seems like a point of no return, but you can easily teleport to the next balcony down (The location of Resin 160) and then back to the ground.

Resin 160:
Immediately after jumping across the gap, turn around and face the building you just leapt from. There is a resin on the balcony below, pull it over or jump down to collect it.

Resin 161:
Immediately after the last location, you have to pass through a kitchen to progress. There is a resin in the kitchen drawer.

Jumping across the gap to the next building through the hole in the wall is a point of no return.
- CH5: The Northern Star Part 9
Resin 162:
A little while later, you will come to a staircase with a big orange Combine vat. Go down to find a resin on the ground floor between some barrels.

Resin 163:
At the top of the same staircase, there is a resin inside a wooden crate past a tripmine.

Resin 164:
A little later, in the room to the right of the long Combine bridge there is a resin in a cupboard.

Resin 165:
After crossing the bridge, walk around the corner past the wrapped crates to find the last resin in the chapter on the ground next to a mannequin.

After crossing the long Combine bridge, dropping down by the scissor lift triggers the level load screen.
Chapter 6: Arms Race

Chapter Summary
Arms Race has 29 total resin. The guide for this chapter is divided into three sections, ending at the first point of no return and a strategically chosen difficult point of return for easy navigation.

The chapter breakdown is as follows:

Part 1:
  • 5 Total Resin (166-170)
  • One difficult point of return
  • One Combine Fabricator
Part 2:
  • 12 Total Resin (171-182)
  • Three difficult points of return (Including the break to Part 3)
Part 3:
  • 12 Total Resin (183-194)
  • One difficult point of return
  • One Combine Fabricator
- CH6: Arms Race Part 1
Resin 166:
Following the load screen, the first resin is off to the right, inside a filing cabinet in the room with the Combine fabricator.

Resin 167:
Before dropping down to the level below, there is a resin across the hole in the floor, in the dark corner in a cardboard box on the ground.

You have to drop through the hole in the floor to proceed. With some effort, you can return to the upper floor and the Fabricator by stacking several barrels.

Resin 168:
Straightaway after dropping down onto the catwalk, there is a resin on a ledge to the right of the Combine prisoner pods.

Resin 169:
After crawling over some pipes and entering a control room via a maintenance hatch, there is a resin on the shelves behind some plastic buckets.

Resin 170:
Shoot the lock off of the door next to the last resin location, and kill the barnacle guarding the ladder to the left just around the corner to collect another resin.

After adjusting the scissor lift height from the control room, you have to drop down to the lift deck to proceed. You cannot return once you reach the ground floor.
- CH6: Arms Race Part 2
Resin 171:
Shortly after getting down using the scissor lift, down the passage and around the corner from the big room with the scissor lift there is a resin under a plastic crate.

Resin 172:
Shortly later, the next resin is found on a pallet of sacks where you get attacked by the Combine gunner.

Resin 173:
As you make your way across some ductwork where you look down to the area you were just in, there is a barnacle blocking your path on the duct. Shoot it to reveal a resin.

From the ductwork, you have to drop into a room through the ceiling guarded by two barnacles. You can easily return to the prior area by opening the door here that was locked on the other side, no object climbing is needed.
NOTE: This was previously listed as a difficult point of return. Thank you to this user for the correction! I am leaving this in the guide in case anyone else makes my mistake!

Resin 174:
The left barnacle of the pair that guards the drop down has a resin. Kill it to retrieve the resin.

Resin 175:
In the same room that you dropped into, there is a resin by the wall lockers next to the Combine locker.

Resin 176:
A short distance later, after opening some double doors to reveal a construction area, there is a resin on a ledge across the room.

From some raised catwalks in the construction area, you must drop down past a few sacks into a well-lit corner below. You can return by placing a barrel next to the sacks, or by simply teleporting onto the pallet cart handle instead of aiming for the top of the sacks.
NOTE: This was not previously listed as a difficult point of return in this guide. You can complete the teleport back using only the pallet cart handle next to the pictured barrel, but a comment from this user lead me to add this for clarity.

Resin 177:
Just beyond the drop, past the dangling zombie that has a hammer stuck in his head, through a door there is a small dark area with some dumpsters. Locate the next resin just past the two dumpsters.

Resin 178:
Again, moving a bit further into the level, you have to climb a ladder to get up to some scaffolding. There is a resin on the scaffolds in your path.

Resin 179:
Immediately nearby, there is another resin up on the next higher scaffolds just behind where the last resin was located.

Just past the last resin location, you have to drop down from the scaffolding into a big open construction yard. Stack a couple of barrels to return if needed.

Resin 180:
After dropping down into the construction yard, there is a resin inside the white outdoor toilet in the corner of the yard.

Resin 181:
A good distance later, after a zombie sets off a tripmine (Unless you kill it first), there is a room where you have to break the glass to get through. In that room, there is a resin on some shelves behind a door.

Resin 182:
After crawling through a short passage made by some holes in a brick wall, there is a resin on top of a plastic bucket just beside a trip mine.

Just past the last resin, you have to drop down a shaft past a gate that you open. You can stack explosive barrels to return by teleporting up from on top of the barrels.
- CH6: Arms Race Part 3
Resin 183:
After dropping down and raising the roll-up door to reveal the explosive barrel and trip mine room, there is a resin to the left of the entrance.

Resin 184:
Off to the right from the entrance to the room, there is a resin on the ground next to a concrete column, beneath some shelves.

Resin 185:
In the far right, dark corner of the room just past the last location, there is another resin on top of one of the wooden crates.

Resin 186, 187, & 188:
After disarming all the trip mines in the room, there is a batch of three resins in the drawer box of the desk.

Shortly after the trip mine room, you have to drop down off of a mangled chain link fence. A single barrel placed on the concrete curb by the fence is enough to get back up.

Resin 189:
At the end of the dark tunnel just past the drop from the curled chain link fence, there is a resin in the footwell of the white car.

Resin 190:
One of the barnacles guarding the car has a resin. Kill it to retrieve the resin.

Resin 191:
A while later, after crossing the open space to get to the control room, there is a resin under a bucket on the table next to the window.

Resin 192:
Just to the left of the table by the window, there is another resin inside a carboard box surrounded by some yellow containers on a shelf

Resin 193 & 194:
In the corner of the control room, there is a storage nook in the wall with a dead poison headcrab dangling out. Find the last two resin of the level hidden inside a cardboard box.

In the room with the fabricator, there is a resin located inside the electrical cabinet to the left of the multitool puzzle. However, the door to this cabinet is bugged and does not open properly. It seems to be triggered by routing the electrical power to the left as shown in the image below, but the door usually does not open. You can collect the resin by simply passing yourself through the door and collecting the resin. If the door does work, you will see the resin on the ground as shown below.

After climbing up the water tower and jumping across the platform you position using the crane controls, you will enter the distillery through a doorway with a broken plastic quarantine seal. Passing through the formerly-sealed doorway triggers the level load screen.
Chapter 7: Jeff

Chapter Summary
Jeff has 35 total resin. The guide for this chapter is divided into four sections, ending at each point of no return for easy navigation. Note that there is a particularly tricky point of return in Part 1, it may be wise to save before dropping down when described in the guide.

The chapter breakdown is as follows:

Part 1:
  • 12 Total Resin (195-206)
  • One tricky point of return
Part 2:
  • 5 Total Resin (207-211)
Part 3:
  • 2 Total Resin (212-213)
Part 4:
  • 16 Total Resin (214-229)
  • One difficult point of return
- CH7: Jeff Part 1
Resin 195:
After the load screen, the first resin is just over the fence, in the corner on some Xen growth.

Resin 196:
Immediately nearby, there is another resin on the lower shelf by some kegs.

Resin 197:
Just through the door from the last area, there is a resin inside a yellow barrel next to a shield wall.

Resin 198:
Right next to the last location, there is a resin past the shielded doorway. Pull it through the shield to collect the resin.

Resin 199:
Just a little later, after walking through the spore cloud, there is a small room with its doorway partially block by latticelike Xen growth. Duck inside to collect a resin inside a yellow supply crate.

Resin 200:
In the same area as the last location, there is a wall of windows overlooking the vodka stills. You will see a resin in a bottle crate. Pull it through the window to collect it.

Resin 201:
In the same room overlooking the stills, there is a resin behind the bar, hidden in the roots of a pillar of Xen flora.

Resin 202:
Just outside the last room, out onto a patio overlooking the floating vault there is a resin under the stairs inside a wooden crate.

Stepping back inside the building from the patio, you can hear someone complaining in the distance. You have to drop down past an enclosed ladder into a dark area. Valve did not intend for there to be a reliable way to return from here, however, you can return with some tricky teleport placement. Just past the drop down, you walk around an illuminated electrical equipment box. You can teleport back up by carefully placing the teleport target on the ledge by the box, then on top of the box (this placement is tricky), then on some pipes, then back to the top of the ladder.
NOTE: This was previously listed as a point of no return. Thank you to this user for the trick!

Resin 203:
Just after the drop down, there is a resin tucked away deep inside an electrical cabinet. Find the hole by looking for the overgrown ladder and the glowing orange Xen flora.

Resin 204:
Shortly later, after interacting with a NPC, you must climb down a ladder from a platform before climbing up another to proceed. There is a resin beneath the platform, hidden beneath Xen growth.

Resin 205:
After climbing up the second ladder just after the last area, there is a resin immediately behind you across the gap on a protuberance next to a pipe.

Resin 206:
As you jump on a thin ledge over the corridor where you see Jeff, there is a resin in a wooden crate inside a small room just off of the ledge.

Immediately after crossing the thin ledge, you must pass through a dark corridor with spores to get to a drop down through the floor. Dropping down onto the pallet is a point of no return.
- CH7: Jeff Part 2
Resin 207:
Just after the drop down, there is a yellow supply crate with a resin inside behind the pallet.

Resin 208:
Drop down once more past a barnacle to find another yellow supply crate with a resin in a cloud of spores.

Resin 209:
Immediately past the last area, after unlatching a sliding door, find the next resin hidden behind a large plastic container which is partially overgrown with Xen flora.

Resin 210:
Just before lifting the rolling door to proceed, shoot the lock off a set of lockers in the dark area to the left to collect another resin.

Resin 211:
After lifting the rolling door, all the way down the corridor there is a window next to a shielded doorway. Find a resin underneath an upturned chair in the sideways shelf.

From the corridor you enter immediately after opening the roll up door, you have to climb up a few objects to clamber through a broken window to progress. Dropping down is a point of no return, but you can pull Resin 211 back through the shielded doorway.
- CH7: Jeff Part 3
Resin 212:
After jumping through the window into the room with the hand crank, there is a resin inside a hole in the wall near a sink.

Resin 213:
Inside the freezer next to the hand crank, there is a resin under a plastic crate on the shelves in the dark corner.

Some time later, after solving a multitool wiring puzzle in the dark, you have to crouch down past a half open door into a pitch-black elevator lift to start another multitool wiring puzzle. Doing so closes the door and is a point of no return.
- CH7: Jeff Part 4
Resin 214:
A little while after the companionable elevator ride, you will walk down a passage flanked on both sides by fences when an annoying headcrab scuttles around above you. Just by this area, there is an open duct overhead. Climb up and peek inside the duct to find a resin hidden inside.

Resin 215 & 216:
Just past the well hidden resin in the vent, there are two resin inside the yellow supply crate on the ground by the fence.

Resin 217:
Close by, as you pass through a hole in the wall into a narrow passage, off to the right past some pipes there is a resin nestled between small parcels.

There is a drop down in the narrow corridor past some pustules. You can stack crates with a little difficulty to climb back up.

Resin 218:
Beneath the platform with the three Combine power receptacles there is a yellow storage crate with a resin inside.

Resin 219:
Just around the corner from the last location, near the closed vault door, there is another resin on top of a plastic container.

Resin 220:
Near the platform with the three Combine power receptacles, down a staircase and after shooting the lock off of a door, there is a platform with a hole in it. Pull up a resin from beneath the platform through the hole.

Resin 221:
Just after dropping down from the platform to the lower area, there is a resin past a shielded doorway. Pull it through to collect the resin.

Resin 222:
In the lower area, there is a roll-up security screen you open using a red hand crank. To the right of the door there is a resin under a plastic crate in a filing cabinet.

Resin 223:
Behind the roll-up security screen there is a resin in a bottle crate to the left.

Resin 224:
Also behind the roll-up security screen there is another resin under a pile of bottles to the right.

Resin 225:
Just behind the area with the roll-up security screen, to the left there is a little fenced area near a window. Collect the resin from amongst the bottles on the shelf.

Resin 226:
In the room that had the door jammed closed with the chair, there is a resin in the roll-up storage cabinet just across from the doorway.

Resin 227:
After inserting the three power cells into the receptables on the platform, you can enter and area through a doorway near the control panel. Find the next resin inside a yellow supply crate.

Resin 228:
Near the yellow crate, there is another resin inside a dumpster in the corner.

Resin 229:
The final resin of the level is behind the trash compacter near the yellow storage crate, in a wooden crate on the floor.

Dropping down through the open vault door is a point of no return. Proceed into the caverns to trigger the level load screen.
Chapter 8: Captivity

Chapter Summary
Captivity has 35 total resin. The guide for this chapter is divided into three sections, ending at the first difficult point of return and then the first point of no return for easy navigation.

The chapter breakdown is as follows:

Part 1:
  • 9 Total Resin (230-238)
  • One difficult point of return (at the end of the section)
  • One Combine Fabricator
Part 2:
  • 15 Total Resin (239-253)
Part 3:
  • 11 Total Resin (254-264)
- CH8: Captivity Part 1
Resin 230:
Shortly into the level, you will enter a room with a Combine Fabricator. There is a resin in the ceiling above some animal cages, resting on a ceiling tile.

Resin 231:
Nearby, there is another resin in the ceiling imbedded in Xen growth, just above the Fabricator near the refrigerator.

Resin 232:
In the same room, find another resin in the top left animal cage against the wall.

Resin 233:
Again in the same room, near where you entered, next to the closet with the power cell there is a resin on the lowest part of a shelf, hidden behind some packages.

Resin 234:
Just after using the power cell to open the gate, there is a resin by some shelves next to a dead Combine.

Resin 235:
Just past the last area, above the ramp with the illuminated posters, there is a resin on the ledge above you.

Resin 236:
Close by, in the first exhibit to the left there is a resin in the feeding trough.

Resin 237:
Past the door that is inside the first exhibit, there is a resin nestled in a hole in some Xen growth.

Resin 238:
In the adjacent exhibit, there is a resin behind some metal bars in the bunker.

Near the two exhibits there is a small amphitheater overlooking a large outdoor exhibit. You must drop down past the missing railing to proceed, but you can return by placing a single barrel near the ledge.

- CH8: Captivity Part 2
Resin 239:
Just after dropping down from the amphitheater, there is a resin to the right on a ledge past a dead Combine soldier draped over a rock.

Resin 240:
At the end of the open area, there is a resin up high on a ledge near some Antlion hive material

Resin 241:
Past the health station, after opening the rolling door, there is a resin in the big exhibit to the right with the overgrown corpse.

Resin 242:
Nearby, there is a resin in a small exhibit with some coral-like Xen flora.

Resin 243:
After crouching through the crawlspace in the exhibit, off to the left past two chain link gates there is a resin in a feeding trough.

Resin 244:
Returning back to the room with the crawlspace, off to the left of the barnacles there is a roll-up door. Past the door you will find a resin hidden amongst some mannequins.

Resin 245:
Past the cluster of barnacles there is a resin in one of the animal cages on the wall.

Resin 246:
Just outside the last area, in the large vegetated atrium there is a prominent arch bridge and a Xen grenade dispenser. Down past the bridge to the right is a well-lit area behind some windows. Find the next resin inside an overturned trashcan.

Resin 247:
To the left of the arched bridge there is another resin in a feeding trough, near a windowed area with a gorilla statue.

Resin 248:
A bit later, after passing under the bridge through a Xen tunnel, you walk up a collapsed ramp. There is a resin inside a bird exhibit by the ramp.

Resin 249 & 250:
Shortly later, as you walk through a broken wall and see a lit aquarium sign, there are two resin in a box at the top a red-lit set of stairs just before the aquarium sign.

Resin 251:
Just around the corner to the left of the aquarium sign, there is a resin inside a tank to the left of a green exit sign.

Resin 252:
Inside the big tank to the right of the aquarium sign with the dead Combine Heavy and two crates there is a resin sitting between the crates.

Resin 253:
Just past the aquariums, there is a hole in the wall leading to a new area with a banner draped across some fences. Look to the right past some Antlion hive growth to find a resin on the ground.

Immediately after the last area as you exit the aquarium, you will enter an open area with a manned Combine watchtower and a view of the Vault looming overhead in the distance. You have to crawl through a wrecked van to the right and drop down to proceed.
This point of no return is somewhat unique, since you can actually return. However, returning after dropping down is not very reliable. Any barrels you bring to this area do not permit you to climb them, and while you can teleport back into the van it is a tricky body and teleport placement to achieve. Furthermore, you may encounter uncommanded player movements in the areas you return to.
- CH8: Captivity Part 3
Resin 254:
After dropping down from the van, there is a resin perched on some rocks beneath the Combine watchtower platform.

Resin 255, 256, & 257:
Just across from the watchtower, there is an entrance into the building behind some wooden posts up a ramp. Climb up and crawl through the entrance to find three resins in some animal cages.

Resin 258:
Returning to the open area with the watchtower, there is a resin high above and just to the right of the exit to the area hidden in some Antlion hive buildup.
This resin may fall into the hive and become unreachable if your Gravity Glove grab is unsuccessful. Recommend saving before making the attempt.

Resin 259:
Just past the last area you enter across from a large barred sewer pipe. There is a resin just inside the pipe mouth.

Resin 260:
Next to the large sewer pipe, on the left there is a resin on a ledge past some pale blue pipes.

Resin 261:
A short distance later, past a passage with a hole in the ceiling and through a broken tiled wall there is a resin on a chair with a dead Combine sitting in a small room.

Resin 262:
A good while later, after using the multitool to open a roll-up garage door past a shielded doorway, there is a resin on some shelves at the end of the passage near the tiger.

Resin 263:
Immediately to the left of the last location, there is a resin on some shelves in a kitchen area.

Resin 264:
The last resin of the level is in the cupboard just beneath the prior resin location.

Just after the Combine area you enter after opening the shielded doorway, you must proceed through a cluttered sewer to progress. Doing so triggers the level load screen and ends this level.
Chapter 9: Revelations

Chapter Summary
Revelations has 21 total resin. The guide for this chapter is divided into three sections, ending at the first three points of no return for easy navigation. The third section contains two points of no return, but there are no resins located between them.

The chapter breakdown is as follows:

Part 1:
  • 4 Total Resin (265-268)
Part 2:
  • 7 Total Resin (269-275)
  • One difficult point of return
Part 3:
  • 10 Total Resin (276-285)
  • One difficult point of return
  • One specially noted point of no return
  • One Combine Fabricator
- CH9: Revelations Part 1
Resin 265:
A while after the start of the level, after climbing up the ladder and opening the large Combine door, you drop down in front of an immobile yellow car. The first resin is right in front of the car on the ground.

Resin 266:
In the same open area, past the gap between the buildings on the right, there is a resin on the ground by some garbage bins just past the van.

Resin 267:
Moving up a set of stairs from the area with the cars, there is a resin in the dumpster to the left before you enter the building.

Resin 268:
On the lowest level of the building before you climb up some stairs, in the corner opposite the entrance there is a gated elevators shaft. Pull up a resin from the bottom of the shaft through the bars.

Just after climbing up a ladder following the last area, you have to navigate through some cramped passages before facing a short drop down to a broken wall. Getting back after dropping down is not an option.
- CH9: Revelations Part 2
Resin 269:
A short while later, there is a health station near an elevator shaft overgrown with Xen flora. There is a resin resting in a glowing alcove in the wall of the shaft.

Dropping down the elevator shaft may be intended as a point of no return, but you can teleport back with some patient aiming. There is no need to stack objects.

Resin 270:
Just past the bottom of the elevator shaft, there is a fissure in the wall around the corner to the left. Peek through the opening into the center of the building to collect a resin from a broken toilet.

Resin 271, 272, & 273:
Just beyond the last location, you pass through a door to find a wall of crates on your right. Squeeze by past the crates to find a hideout with three resin stacked on a makeshift table.

Resin 274:
Near the last location, there is a boarded window that you have to climb through. Before dropping down, pull the resin that is imbedded in the glowing orange Xen growth out from above the window.

Dropping down from the window after removing the boards to proceed, you can return using the traffic barrel to teleport back

Resin 275:
Just after dropping down, there is a resin in the overturned outdoor toilet you jumped down onto.

Immediately later, you must drop down past some mangled fences to a drainage area below. Once you do, you cannot return.
- CH9: Revelations Part 3
Resin 276:
After dropping down, around the corner to the left, at the far end of the area there is a large, barred sewer pipe. Find the next resin inside the yellow supply crape in the pipe mouth.

Resin 277:
The next resin is up on a platform across from the lift platform that you use to get up out of the drainage area. Pull the resin over after riding up on the lift platform. Note that you can teleport back down to ride the lift back up again if needed.

Resin 278 & 279:
Immediately to the left after jumping off of the lift platform, there are two resin inside a yellow barrel behind the fences.

Resin 280:
As you make your way across the pipe by the fences, turn around to spot a resin on the back of the lift platform. Pull it out of the blue plastic crate from across the gap.

Resin 281:
A while later, after climbing up a ladder and crossing a bridge that you crank into place, there is a resin in a dark corner of the building you cross in to.

Resin 282:
In the same room, you may see a resin jammed underneath a grate in the floor. You must head down the elevator shaft to shoot off a lock beneath the grate to collect the resin.

Resin 283:
After setting off the explosives, to the left of the elevator shaft there is a resin on a ledge by a window, next to the desk with the Combine power cell.

Resin 284:
Just down the hall, there is a resin in a cardboard box near the power cell receptacle past the medical station.

Resin 285:
Just through the Combine door you open using the power cell there is a Combine Fabricator. There is a resin to the left above the Fabricator. This is the last resin in the level.

Stepping through a door from the last area, you have to drop down to a trainyard covered in Antlion hive material. You can return by stacking barrels.

Immediately after the drop off, you have to walk over a ramp and a car to go deeper into the trainyard. The game eventually disables your ability to teleport back after dropping down.

There are no more resin in the following area, but the next point of no return is provided for reference as this trainyard area is somewhat large.

Finally, solving the multitool puzzle to open the door at the end of the trainyard, you will trigger the level load screen by walking through the door into the next level.
Chapter 10: Breaking And Entering

Chapter Summary
Breaking And Entering has 13 total resin. The guide for this chapter is not divided as there are no points of no return.

The chapter breakdown is as follows:
  • 13 Total Resin (286-298)
  • Two difficult points of return
  • One Combine Fabricator
- CH10: Breaking And Entering
Resin 286:
A short distance into the level, after traversing an open pit and climbing up a ladder, you enter a corridor with spores on the wall. There is a resin in a yellow supply crate near the spores.

Resin 287:
Just across a fenced-off gap behind the crate, there is a resin at the bottom of an open electrical cabinet. Pull it across through the hole in the fence to retrieve it.

Resin 288:
Near the yellow supply crate, there is a wall vent on the right. Remove the vent grate and pull across a resin from a shelf on the other side of the vent.

Resin 289:
Just past the last location, you step through a door onto a broken catwalk into a large room. There is a resin on a ledge across the gap in the catwalk, up high to the left.

In the big room, you have to drop down from the catwalk to proceed into the level. You can return to the prior area by stacking a few barrels.

Resin 290:
As you drop down from the catwalk, there is a resin partway down next to a dead zombie.

Resin 291:
After dropping all the way down from the catwalk, there is a resin beneath a set of wooden stairs that leads to another large open pit.

Resin 292:
Just past the last location by the wooden stairs, there is a resin hidden in a dark corner beneath the control platform that overlooks the pit.

Resin 293:
After walking up some metal stairs and through a boarded door to get to the control platform, turn around to pull a resin through a chain link fence.

Resin 294:
Returning to cross the pit, you can drop down to the right to a lower level by a platform guarded by a barnacle. From there, climb up a ladder to get into an area with some toolboxes and a computer. There is a resin on the desk next to the computer.

Resin 295:
Just above the computer, there is another resin resting on top of a ventilation duct.

Resin 296:
In the same room as the prior resins, just to the left of the padlocked door there is a vent in the wall. Remove the grate to collect the resin hiding just inside the duct.

Resin 297:
For those with determination, there is a second resin deep inside the same duct. Even with a large play area you will likely need to rotate your VR view 180 degrees a time or two to double back in your real play area to get all the way down the duct. About 2.5 meters forward and 2 meters to the left you can stand up and reach above you to collect the penultimate resin.

After using the controls in the control room and returning to the large pit, you must jump across the pit to a platform below. You can return by stacking a tower of barrels and teleporting onto the top of the stack from the floor above to return to the prior area.

Resin 298:
The last resin of the game is located beside the fabricator that is hidden behind two large industrial tanks, beneath the stairs you climb to exit the large area.

A long, long time later, after you climb up several areas and across a few Combine catwalks, you get to the end of a walkway and see a Combine control panel through a doorway. Entering this area will automatically close the door behind you preventing your return.
August 5, 2020:
  • Changed the Difficult Point of Return from CH6 Part 2 between Resin 173 and 174 to a Tricky Point of Return following a user comment. Apparently I cannot open doors.
  • Added a Tricky Point of Return to CH6 Part 2 between Resin 176 and 177 following a user comment. Pallet cart handle not an obvious teleport target.

January 26, 2021:
  • Updated the Intro section to mention that only 270 resin are needed for all weapons upgrades. Some people may not have seen waltonwings's upgrade guide.
  • Updated the Intro section to add reference to the 4 Bonus Resin in CH2: Quarantine Zone. All credit to Kimiko's comment in this thread.
  • Updated the Intro section to add reference to the 1 Bugged Resin in CH6: Arms Race. Huge credit to this user and to Kimiko.
  • Updated the Intro section to add reference to Tricky Points of Return from the August 5, 2020 update because I am obviously a little anal.
  • Updated CH2: Quarantine Zone - Parts 1 & 2 to include the 4 Bonus Resin and fix a missing image from Resin 4. Fun with buckets.
  • Updated CH6: Arms Race - Part 3 to include the 1 Bugged Resin. Valve please fix.
  • Added a note to Resin 258. It seems that David Quigg and I both screamed in horror when the resin fell into the unreachable clutches of map geometry after a failed grab attempt.

June 11, 2021
  • Added a link to the awesome Resin Detector campaign addon by kanastika in the Intro. A fine piece of work!
  • Added note to CH2 for the elusive, irretrievable bugged resin. We are denied forbidden fruit. Suggested by user man.crtn.
  • Corrected image for Resin 126 in CH2 Part 2. Explosions move things. Credit to user man.crtn.
  • Revised a Point of no Return to a Tricky Point of Return at the beginning of CH7. User man.crtn is an adventurous sleuth with teleport targets.
  • Updated an error in the resin count in Chapter 10 summary. Copy-paste will kill you one day. Again, user man.crtn is a legend!

August 8, 2021
  • Fixed missing image on Ch7 and Ch10 intros. I believe something broke, the images used to be present. Not sure that this was my fault, maybe Steam cannot handle all these pictures. If anyone notices any missing images in the guide, let me know. I have all the original images.

March 16, 2022:
  • Thanks to Piankhi for finding a creative way back in The Northern Star Part 8! One less Point of No Return!
Martin the Kiteboy  [author] 14 Jan @ 8:15pm 
@ Glimmer (And the rest) : Reason I find the shotgun laser sight is the best upgrade is because it makes the shotgun grenade launcher something that is actually good to use. Not only is storing a grenade on the shotgun useful, but the laser sight shows the grenade's arc so that you can actually aim and hit targets with accuracy. I made this guide on a play-through where I upgraded nothing (hence the counter) and the upgrade I missed the most was the shotgun laser sight. I am damned good at reloading the pistol now though...
Glimmer 12 Jan @ 9:00pm 
Shotgun laser sight is important?

Crap, okay, I know my next upgrade, thanks. You're the best.
Martin the Kiteboy  [author] 12 Jan @ 8:43pm 
@ Glimmer : Glad to help. There are essentially 28 extra pieces of resin in the game, so you can still fully upgrade all weapons even though you have already missed a few, but it's not a big deal, weapons upgrades are for plebs. Except shotgun laser sight, that one is special.
Glimmer 12 Jan @ 9:58am 
WOW, I missed a lot of Resin. According to your guide, I should have 45 by now, but I've only collected around 20.
plashenkov 15 Oct, 2023 @ 4:12pm 
Hi Martin! A point of no return after the resin 268: no, you can easily return by climbing a set of shelves on the side of the blue toilet room, then jumping into it and then jumping to the first floor. No special tricks needed.
Martin the Kiteboy  [author] 11 Oct, 2023 @ 5:21pm 
Thanks OZZO! The bugged resin is after resin #24, see CH2: Quarantine Zone - Part 2. If you have the editor open or can wrangle the console commands, the resin is located at map coordinates: -1952.780, 518.526, 385.113
OZZO 11 Oct, 2023 @ 4:58am 
Thank you for this tremendous work!

Where is that "bugged resin which cannot be accessed without cheating". Could you please explain and maybe give a screenshot? Perhaps it is fixed by now...
Exyn 8 Sep, 2023 @ 6:23pm 
i cant believe you did this what the hell thank you so much
SkullFire58 24 Apr, 2023 @ 1:56pm 
Thank you so much for this amazing guide!

I'd like to let you know I figured out a method to obtain the resin under the geometry in Chapter 2. With the accessibility setting to let you crouch by clicking the joystick in your off hand, you can go just past the resin until the headcrab pops out of the floor tube in the next room. Crouch yourself in front of the tube, then crawl down to the floor in real life so you can stick your head inside it. Move your head through the sides of the tube and you can squeeze under the level, stay on the floor and move to the resin with continuous movement on, might need to wiggle a little to get unstuck on some parts. Once you're under the geometry the resin is in, you can roll onto your back and look for a faint white line near an orange glow. Grab the line and you'll grab the resin through the ground, wiggle the joystick a bit to get it unstuck, and then you can move back and click the joystick to stand up again and you'll pop back into the world.
A_random_idiot 24 Dec, 2022 @ 7:06pm 