Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™

Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™

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100% Achievement Guide: Shadow of Mordor
By Cynic 0055
This is a comprehensive 100% Achievement guide detailing a step-by-step walkthrough to take you from 0 all the way to 100%. If you are looking for a particular Achievement or Collectible, use Ctrl+F & type it into the search bar for more direct help.

I run support & debug help on all my guides. If you have any questions, problems, or find errors in the guide itself, do not hesitate to leave me a comment & I will get back to you as soon as I am able to. Happy Hunting!

Achievement Breakdown: (51)
Story Related: (11)
Side Quests & Challenges: (13)
Upgrades & Collectibles: (8)
Warchiefs & Captains: (12)
Beasts & Uruks: (7)

There is only 1 playthrough needed for the Base Game as well as the DLC campaigns. There are no missable Achievements, however there are certain missions that make getting Achievements a lot easier than attempting them in Free Roam. I would recommend after using a Forge Tower to unveil areas of the map to then go out & collect the Artifacts & Ithilidin Runes that become visible to save time later on. Nurn is the best area to create your Uruk army & Udun is the best area just to experiment, getting the majority of our "Uruk Kill" Achievements.

There are 21 DLC's available for this game however only the two (Lord of the Hunt & Bright Lord) have Achievements associated with them. I had them all installed so some of the Runes may have given me an easier time with some of these Achievements.

Since this is an Open World game this can't be a perfect Road Map, there is a good chance you will unlock some of the Achievements sooner or later than I did. Whatever the case, follow along & you too can achieve 100% in Shadow of Mordor.

For those interested, here is an organized list of all the Achievements/Secret Achievements. This is how I derive my Achievement Breakdowns & the first reference I create before I begin my 100% journeys.
*This guide contains major spoilers.
Sequence 1: The Fall of the Blackgate
1. Complete the Main Quests: Prologue, The Slaver, An Interested Party, Shattered Memories, The One Truth, & The Outcasts
2. Focus on upgrading all your weapons Rune Slots to 3
3. Activate all Forge Towers
4. Collect all 19 Artifacts & 16 Ithildin Runes in Udun
5. Complete the 6 Hunting Challenges & all 6 Survivalist that are available


Achievement #1 – You Will Obey: Make an Uruk yours.
This Achievement will be the first we unlock in this game. Complete the Prologue at the Black Gate, & once you take control of Talion, fight off the Uruk ambush & interrogate a survivor. Completing the Tutorial will unlock the Achievement.

Achievement #2 – Scout of Morannon: Successfully complete a Survivalist Challenge.
For this we need to collect 2 Niphredil flowers which can be found right at the starting area after the last quest. When you use a Forge Tower & unveil an area, in your Overview Map it will list all the Herbs that can be found in that region. We can complete 6/10 Survivalist Challenges in Udun. Since these are relatively easy to find, I won't do a step by step for all 10.

Hunting Challenge #1 – Spiders: Step on 3 Spiders, these can be found running around outside Uruk camps. The Black Road is a good area to find them, just chase them around & run over them. We will have to complete 10 of these challenges in total as well.

Achievement #3 – Strike True: Unlock 2 Bow Rune slots.
Purchase the first bow upgrade for 60 Mirian to unlock the Achievement.

Achievement #4 – Legend of Shadow: Complete a Dagger Mission & begin growing the legend of Acharn.
Complete The Mithril Blade Mission in The Black Gate area to unlock this Achievement.

Achievement #5 – The Cold Light: Unlock 3 Sword Rune slots.
Purchase the second sword upgrade for 180 Mirian to unlock the Achievement.

Achievement #6 – The Bright Master: Discover some of the Wraith's past.
Complete the Main Quest An Interested Party.

Hunting Challenge #2 – Hell Hawks: Shoot down 5 flying creatures, these can be found anywhere flying around in the sky. An easy way to net this Achievement is during the An Interested Party quest when you approach & leave the cave Gollum leads you to there are host of these creatures roosting above the entrance way you can shoot down. There are more arrows inside the cave.

Achievement #7 – Legend of the Maker: Complete a Bow Mission & begin growing the legend of Azkâr.
Complete the Elbereth Gilthoniel Mission to unlock this Achievement.

Achievement #8 – The Free Folk: Complete an Outcast Rescue Mission.
After completing the Main Quest The Slaver, Outcast Rescue Missions will start becoming available. When you see a white fist symbol appear on your map it means there is a slave that can be freed; kill the Uruks around him & it will unlock one of these Missions to complete.

Hunting Challenge #3 – Caragors: Kill 3 Caragors. After the Main Quest An Interested Party, Caragors will begin appearing in the game. They can either be found wandering around or in cages, simply shoot them once or twice in the head to kill them easily.

Achievement #9 – Legend of Vengeance: Complete a Sword Mission & begin growing the legend of Urfael.
Complete The Fell Beast Mission to unlock this Achievement.

Hunting Challenge #4 – Mordor Rats: Shoot 4 Mordor Rats. These fellows can be found around any Stronghold area. Scan around in wraith vision & you should find some without issue.

Achievement #10 – Thrill of the Hunt: Successfully complete 4 Hunting Challenges.
Complete the fourth Hunting Challenge to unlock the Achievement.

Achievement #11 – Unleashed: Free 5 Caragors from cages.
This Achievement is fairly straightforward, simply free 5 Caragors from their cages whenever you stumble upon them.

Achievement #12 – Paths of the Dead: Collect 25% of the Artifacts.
Finding your 11th Artifact will unlock the Achievement.

Achievement #13 – Paid in Blood: Unlock 4 Dagger Rune slots.
Purchase the third Rune Slot for your dagger Acharn. It will cost 380 Mirian.

Achievement #14 – Jaws of Death: Attract Caragors with bait 5 times.
These are large torsos that are hanging up around the map after you have completed the mission An Interested Party. Simply shoot these down whenever you see them & it will unlock, you can usually find some in the Stronghold areas.

Achievement #15 – Crowned with Living Light: Collect 50% of the Ithildin Runes.
This will unlock once you find all 16 runes that are in Udun.

Achievement #16 – And it Burns, Burns, Burns: Use the Detonate ability to burn 50 Uruks.
Once you have unlocked the Detonate Ability, lure Uruks near Grog barrels or campfires & shoot them with your bow. You’ll probably unlock this naturally as you progress through Udun, whenever you have large group coming after you, find a barrel or campfire to shoot.

Achievement #17 – Fly you fools!: Make 20 Uruks flee by dropping Morgai Fly nests.
The same goes for this Achievement, whenever you come across Morgai Fly nests, lure Uruks near them & then shoot the nests down.

Achievement #18 – Black Celebration: Poison a Captain at his own Feast.
After completing the Main Quest The Outcasts, you will have unlocked the Poison Ability. Now go & find a Feast Uruk Mission. Locate a Grog barrel & poison it, luring in the Captain. When he drinks from it & gets poisoned you will unlock this Achievement. It may take a few tries but, obviously, stealth is your best friend. Poison all the barrels on the outskirts of where they gather & hopefully he will be lured to one.

Hunting Challenge #5 – Ghuls: Kill 8 Ghuls. This Challenge will become available during/after the Main Quest Shattered Memories. Ghuls can be found around Udun at night time usually in the plains or hills. The actual Main Quest they are first encountered in is an extremely easy way to complete the challenge if you have completed the first 4 challenges leading up to it.

Hunting Challenge #6 – Bats: Kill 3 Bats. This is easily enough achieved, head to any cave entrance doting the outskirts of some areas to find a host of bats roosting in the ceiling.

Achievement #19 – To Rule Them All: Witness the creation of The Rings of Power.
This will be unlocked half way through the Main Quest The One Truth after you see the next Wraith Vision.
Sequence 2: An Unlikely Warchief
1. Complete the Main Quests: The Spirit of Mordor, Climbing the Ranks, The Warchief, The Dark Monument, & The Black Captain
2. Explore all of Udun
3. Kill all 5 Warchiefs
4. Achievement Mop Up for Udun


Achievement #20 – Ratbag the Great & Powerful: Get Ratbag promoted to Warchief.
Complete the Main Quest The Warchief & get Ratbag promoted to… well… a Warchief.

Achievement #21 – A Graug’s Heel: Capitalize on a Warchief's Fear.
Use a Warchief’s Fear against them & kill them while they flee. This can be done a number of ways, when you are killing all the Warchiefs in Udun be sure to look at all their stats & more specifically their weaknesses. This could be a lot of things: Morgai Flys, Caragors, Graug’s, Fire, etc.
I unlocked this on the last Warchief when I summoned some Caragors with bait. When they become afraid & begin fleeing, chase them down & kill them to unlock this Achievement. This can be unlocked at any time throughout the game, if no Warchief has desirable traits we can purposefully turn an Uruk who does into one later.

Achievement #22 – Gorthaur the Cruel: Destroy the Monument Gate & topple the statue of Sauron.
Complete the Main Quest The Dark Monument to unlock this Achievement.

Achievement #23 – The Hammer Falls: Kill The Hammer.
Slay The Hammer, the first of the Black Captains in the Main Quest...The Black Captain.

Achievement #24 – Power Vacuum: Kill all 5 Warchiefs before any Uruk take their place.
If you had all four of the Chiefs of Udun dead, then when The Hammer kills Ratbag during the Main Quest The Black Captain, the Achievement should unlock. Otherwise you can Advance Time in Udun & wait till they are replaced & try again. This can be grinded for at any time.

Achievement #25 – Repaid In Blood: Complete a Vendetta Mission.
This Achievement used to be Online based, but was patched just before the Online Servers were shutdown to make it still obtainable.
To unlock this Achievement, you must kill an Uruk Captain in a Vendetta Mission. Vendetta Missions are created when an Uruk kills you. Simply enter the Mission that pops up on your map & avenge yourself to unlock the Achievement.
Sequence 3: Small Dwarf, Big Problems
1. Complete the Main Quests: The Messenger, Big Game, Hunting Partners, The Great White Graug, Queen of the Shore, & The Power of the Wraith
2. Explore all of Nurn
3. Complete the last Hunting Challenges
4. Complete last Survivalist Challenges
5. Collect all 23 Artifacts & 16 Ithildin Runes in Nurn

Hunting Challenge #7 – Graug: Kill a Graug. This can easily be accomplished by beating the Main Quest Hunting Partners in Nurn since you have to kill a Graug anyways in that quest.

Achievement #26 – Ranger of Ithilien: Complete all 10 Survivalist Challenges.
These are pretty straightforward. Look at each area on your map screen & it will say which plants are in each one. You can complete up to Challenge 7 in Udun & the rest have to be done once you reach Nurn. (Mushrooms tend to be found in caves or under bridges).

Achievement #27 – Memories of Eregion: Activate all Forge Towers.
There are 6 in Udun & 6 in Nurn.

Hunting Challenge #8 – Dire Caragor: Kill a Dire Caragor. After the Main Quest Hunting Partners, Dire Caragors should start spawning randomly throughout Nurn. Ride around till you find one, you will know it is one because it will have a special health bar that appears over it. They are the white, spiny looking Caragors. They also appear red while looking at them in Wraith Vision.
If you complete the Main Quest The Great White Graug you will end the quest on the back of one which counts too if you kill it. But it is best to save that mission for the last Hunting Challenge if possible...

Hunting Challenge #9 – Ghul Matron: This will be the trickiest of the Hunting Challenges, killing a Ghul Matron. Unless you managed to get this far without completing the Main Quest The Messenger or saved the Urfael Sword Mission Nameless Things.
To lure one out in the main world, you need to be travelling at night till you see Ghuls on your map. Then fight them until some start to run away, let them, they will return with more Ghuls. Repeat this two or three times in the same area & hopefully a Ghul Matron will spawn in one of the returning groups. It can be very annoying to pull off & may take several tries.

Achievement #28 – The White Rider: Liberate 30 slaves in 180 seconds while riding a caragor.
This sounds harder than it is. During the day, if you start around the Tirith Mesas area & ride north up to coast & back in a big circle you should be able to stumble across enough slaves to liberate. Just keeping riding around that circuit until it unlocks. This technically can be done in Udun as well, but I find it is easier to unlock in Nurn. You do not even need to fully kill the Uruks guarding them. Just ride into a cluster of Uruks that have slaves with or working around them. There is a counter in the corner that will give you XP when the slaves start running away so you will know if they are liberated or not.

Achievement #29 – Height of Despair: Use Strike From Above while at least 60 feet above your target.
Kill an Uruk with a drop assassination from 60ft above them. This can be done at any really high point in the game, usually in Strongholds. I completed this from the highest tower in the Maw of Hope Stronghold in Nurn. Naturally, you have to be undetected otherwise you will only knock them over which doesn't count.

Achievement #30 – Bearer of the Shining Lamp: Collect 100% of the Ithildin Runes.
There are 16 Runes in Udun & 16 Runes in Nurn, they show up on your Overview Map after you have activated that Forge Tower in their region. They are not hard to find, just time consuming.

Achievement #31 – Shadows of the Ancient Past: Collect 100% of the Artifacts & listen to their memories.
There are 19 Artifacts in Udun & 23 Artifacts in Nurn.

Hunting Challenge #10 – Horned Graug: Kill a horned Graug. You can finish this challenge by beating the Main Quest The Great White Graug. Otherwise, horned Graugs will start spawning after that quest. There is a cave in the north part of Celon Poros in Nurn where one can sometimes be found, or outside the North West most Stronghold by the sea. They are very difficult to defeat, be sure you have the Dominate Graug ability so you can simply execute it.

Achievement #32 – Master of the Wilds: Complete all 10 Hunting Challenges.
After the final Hunting Challenge is complete, the Achievement will unlock. The hardest Challenge in my opinion is finding a Ghul Matron, the other creatures aren’t too hard to stumble upon.

Achievement #33 – For My Brother: Kill the Great White Graug.
Complete the Main Quest The Great White Graug to unlock this Achievement.

Achievement #34 – The Last Shadow: Complete all 10 Acharn Dagger Missions.
There are 5 in Udun & 5 in Nurn, though some can only be unlocked as you progress through the Main Quests & receive new abilities. After you get the Brand Ability we can complete all these Missions.

Achievement #35 – A New Master: Brand a Captain while in combat.
This can be done any time after unlocking the Brand Ability. I completed this during the Main Quest Power of the Wraith when branding Grublik. Simply initiate battle with an Uruk Captain & instead of killing him just Brand or Interrogate him to unlock the Achievement.

Achievement #36 – The White Wizard: Lift Lady Marwen's Curse.
Complete the Main Quest The Power of the Wraith. This will open the game up for us to start branding Warchiefs where we will focus on earning all the miscellaneous Achievements before beating the game
Sequence 4: Lord of Mordor
1. Complete the Main Quests: The Cure, The Rescue, Lord of Mordor, & Mordor in Flames
2. Brand all 5 Warchiefs in Nurn
3. Complete all the Urfael, Azkar, & Acharn weapon Missions
4. Mop Up any missing Achievements in the Main Game


Achievement #37 – Stinking Rebels: Brand 5 Bodyguards of a Warchief, turning them against him in combat.
Brand 5 Uruk Captains, then dominate them & command them to become the Bodyguards of a single Warchief. Activate the Warchief Mission that lures out that Warchief with his 5 sleeper agent Bodyguards. In combat, activate your 5 Bodyguards to betray the Warchief & the Achievement should unlock.

If you are having trouble getting all 5 of your Bodyguards to show up with the Warchief:
1.First make sure they are in fact linked to that Warchief.
2. Try having all 5 of them Branded & initiated into the Warchief's service personally to guarantee they will be there.
3. Finally, make sure none of those Bodyguards are in an Event such as Feast, Duel, Execution, etc. or they may not show up. Advance Time or complete them personally to end them, though be careful as there is a chance they might get killed in the process if they fail.

Achievement #38 – The Spirit of Mordor: Start a Riot by commanding a Warchief to attack another Warchief.
Once you have one or two Warchiefs branded, Dominate one & command them to cause a Riot by attacking another Warchief. Easily done, after commanding them to do so the Achievement will unlock.

Achievement #39 – Iron of Death: Issue a Death Threat, & then successfully kill the target.
Purchase the Death Threat Ability & find a Worm or Uruk Captain. Dominate them & issue a Death Threat on another Captain or on a Warchief. Track down who you delivered the threat to & make good on the promise. The Achievement will unlock after you deal the killing blow.

Achievement #40 – Liberator: Complete all Outcast Rescue Missions.
There are 12 Missions in Udun & 12 in Nurn. All of the Liberation Missions will become available after you receive the Uruk Brand Ability. These Missions are tedious to track down but they are not very hard. The Achievement will unlock after you complete the final Liberation mission

Achievement #41 – Lord & Master: Brand all 5 Warchiefs.
Straight forward enough, either lure out the existing Warchiefs & Brand them or kill them & have one of your Branded Captains take their place. Once you control all 5 Warchiefs, the Achievement will unlock.

Achievement #42 – No Power In Numbers: Help a Captain survive a Recruitment Power Struggle, & then kill him & all his new recruits.
Wait around & look on your Overview Map for one of your Branded Uruk Captains to have a Recruitment Mission. Help them complete it, & once they finish: kill all his new recruits & then the Captain himself. This is easiest done when you have the Dispatch Ability but it isn’t necessary. Make sure to kill all of his recruits, arrows or your sword, before killing the Captain. After the Captain is dead the Achievement should unlock.

Achievement #43 – Burning Vengeance: Perform an Execution on a flaming Berserker.
The scenario can provide itself at random, but the easiest method is to find a Berserker near a campfire. Work your combo multiplier up then throw him through the fire, quickly follow up & perform the Execution. I found shooting him with a Fire Arrow kills them faster then I can Execute him, but it is another method. The “how” he gets on fire is less important as making sure it doesn’t kill him before you can Execute him.

Pharthrax came up with a great strategy to unlock this with zero stress involved. First, find a Berserker next to a campfire (killing all other Uruks surrounding him) then use the Storm of Urfael Ability unlocked from the Rising Storm Rune or purchasing it for 2500 Mirian. Grab the Berseker & throw him through the fire, then execute him. Simple.

Achievement #44 – Beyond Hope: Save Lithariel's life.
Complete the Main Quest The Rescue. Upon returning Lithariel to her people you will unlock this Achievement.

Achievement #45 – Fire of Justice: Complete all 10 Urfael Legend Missions.
There are 5 in Udun & 5 in Nurn. After you purchase the Dispatch Ability you should have access to all of the Missions. After completing the final Mission, the Achievement will unlock.

Achievement #46 – The Maker’s Bow: Complete all 10 Azkar Legend Missions.
There are 5 in Udun & 5 in Nurn. After you purchase the Fire Arrow Ability you should have access to all of the Missions. After completing the final Mission, the Achievement will unlock.

Achievement #47 – Divide & Conquer: Eliminate the bodyguards of two Warchiefs, then draw them out & kill them.
This is when I returned to Udun to get the rest of the random Achievements. Choose two Warchiefs & then systemically track down & kill each of their Bodyguards. Highlighting the Warchief in Sauron’s Army will show you who & how many Bodyguards they have. After the Bodyguards are all killed, lure out the Warchiefs & kill them. After the last Warchief is dead the Achievement should unlock. They need to have Bodyguards for this to work. You can technically fight the Warchief & his Bodyguards at the same time, killing the Bodyguards first, but this method is a lot trickier.

Achievement #48 – Rise & Fall: After an Uruk kills you to become a Captain, help him become a Warchief, then kill him.
In Udun or Nurn, get yourself killed by a random Uruk & have him be promoted as a Captain. Now track him down & Brand that Uruk & command him to become a Bodyguard of a Warchief. To make things simple, kill all of that Warchief’s Bodyguards except for your Uruk so that he is guaranteed to become Warchief when this one dies. Command your Captain to Betray his Warchief & enter that Mission. Kill the Warchief, & your Captain should ascend to that vacant position. Once he has become Warchief, walk up & kill/dispatch him to earn this Achievement. Just not his day...

Achievement #49 – A Mighty Doom: Acquire a level 25 Rune.
This Achievement will take some setup to accomplish, we need to get a level 25 Rune from killing an Uruk. First we need an Uruk to be level 20, this can happen a few ways. Let him kill you a bunch of times or Advance Time until he completes enough Uruk Missions to become level 20. The Rune cannot be an Epic Rune, so do not use Death Threat. If you are struggling, I discovered a good method for getting a max level Rune. Scroll down to my walkthrough for the Beyond Epic Achievement in the Brightlord DLC, the same strategy will work for the Main Campaign.

To go from Level 20 to 25 we need these conditions to apply:
Warchief (+2 Bonus)
Know Their Weakness (+1 Bonus)
Let them kill you for a Vengeance Bonus (+1 Bonus)
Exploit a weakness (+1 Bonus)

This Achievement can also be unlocked very easily in the Brightlord DLC if you are still having troubles. The Uruk level cap has been increased from 20 to 30, so getting a level 25 Rune is pretty straightforward. Chances are you may even get the Achievement naturally as you playthrough the DLC Campaign or the Test of the Ring.

Special thanks to Enderborn01 for confirming this for me!

Achievement #50 – The Tower Crumbles: Kill The Tower.
Now it is time to beat the game. Head to the final Main Quest marker Lord of Mordor. Defeating the second Black Captain, The Tower, will unlock the Achievement.

Achievement #51 – The Hand is Severed: Kill The Black Hand.
This is the final Achievement of the Base Game & will be earned after our... underwhelming boss battle with the Black Hand.

68% Complete
Sequence 5: The Bright Lord
1. Complete the DLC Quests: Lawless Disorder, Hearts & Minds, Servants In Chains, The Dark Lord Answers, & The True Lord of the Rings
2. Activate all 3 Forge Towers
3. Complete all 4 One Ring Missions
4. Uruk Branding Achievements (Stealth Brand an Uruk Captain)
5. (There is no Achievement for finding all 6 War Letters)

DLC – Achievement Breakdown: (10)
Story Related: (2)
Side Quests & Challenges: (1)
Upgrades & Collectibles: (1)
Warchiefs & Captains: (1)
Beasts & Uruks: (3)
Test of the Ring: (2)

Achievement #52 – The Scouring of Mordor: Challenge the Dark Lord in Mordor.
Complete the first Main Quest of the DLC after defeating or Branding the Uruk Captain Thrakrak Black-Thorn & earn this Achievement.

Achievement #53 – The Silver Fist: Brand 20 Uruks in 60 seconds.
Sounds challenging however if you go to the Forge Tower Quest, Press the Advantage, you have to Brand 15 Uruks then maintain at least 10 as you fight off a horde of incoming enemies. Since you have endless Uruks & are forced to Brand as many as you can this is the perfect time to try for this Achievement.
(The Uruk Captain that appears is always vulnerable to stealth which is a guaranteed way to earn the From Shadow to Shadow Achievement if you stealth brand him). Another good quest is the Strength in Numbers One Ring Mission. Undoubtedly you will unlock the next Achievement doing this quest as well, if you haven’t already.

Achievement #54 – Dominion: Wraith Flash Dominate 50 Uruks.
If you don’t unlock this Achievement by the time you complete the Forge Tower Quest Press the Advantage, then you will at some point during this DLC. Just remember, if you have a group of Uruks around you & your combat multiplier has reached a charge, Wraith Flash.

Achievement #55 – Eregion Reforged:Build all the Forge Towers in Udun.
There are four Towers to activate in this DLC, one of which is unlocked after the very first Mission. Simply complete the next three Tower Missions which involve an initial challenge then a battle with an Uruk Captain. The Achievement will unlock after the final Mission is completed.

Achievement #56 – Burning Shadow: Shadow Brand 20 Uruks.
This will come over natural progression through the DLC if you occasionally use the ranged Shadow Brand Ability. A good time to unlock this is through the One Ring Mission Silver Persuasion.

Achievement #57 – Battle Forged: Maximize the power of the Ring by completing all 4 of the One Ring missions.
These vary in difficulty, but the ranged Shadow Branding plus the One Ring Ability make them not too bad. After the final Mission is complete, the Achievement will unlock.

Achievement #58 – From Shadow to Shadow: Stealth Brand a Captain.
To Stealth Brand a Captain, they must be vulnerable to stealth. The perfect mission for this is the Press the Advantage Forge Tower Mission as the Captain that shows up is guaranteed to be vulnerable to stealth attacks.
If you have already completed it, then be sure to use Worms identifying Uruk Captains weaknesses to find an Uruk that has this vulnerability. If you are unsure, always try to Stealth Brand encountered Captains to be on the safe side until it is unlocked.

Achievement #59 – Betrayed: The One Ring has returned to it's Maker.
Complete the final Main Quest The True Lord of the Rings & have your well deserved epic boss battle with Sauron.
Sequence 6: Test of the Ring
1. Complete all Objectives
2. Create a level 30 Rune

In the Trials of War tab in your Main Menu, there will be the Mission, Test of the Ring. There are two Achievements relating to this, completing all the Objectives & collecting a level 30 Rune. I would suggest dong these in two separate runs.

Achievement #60 – Beyond Epic: Get a Level 30 Rune in Test of the Ring.
The prerequisites for this Achievement are the same as for the A Mighty Doom Achievement in the Base Game:
1. A level 25 Uruk Captain (The new maximum base level they can achieve)
2. Warchief (+2 Bonus)
3. Weakness/Strength known (+1 Bonus)
4. Vengeance (+1 Bonus)
5. Exploited a weakness (+1 Bonus)

If you are lucky & can get a Warchief in power that has an exploitable Fear/Weakness, definitely do so. Some good ones are: Vulnerable (Combat/Stealth Finishers, Mounted Beasts, Ranged Attacks), Fear (Betrayal, Burning, Caragors, Morgai Flies, Gravewalker – Fear of Talion himself). There is also the Clumsy Trait which will allow you to just walk up & grab an Uruk, but I am unsure if that actually counts as a +1 Point. It should since it is very exploitable, but since it is a permanently applied effect & not activated, it may not. Hates also technically count as a +1 when they are activated as well, but since this usually makes the Warchief a lot harder to defeat, I would not recommend it...

BiggDope from True Achievements had a good strategy for this Achievement (which I used myself). Find a Worm or a Captain then use them to find intel on any Warchief. Lure that Warchief out & let them kill you. Now find an Uruk Captain & dominate them, commanding them to issue a Death Threat to your chosen Warchief. Before fighting him, it helps having three or four Captains Branded (can be made into Bodyguards as well) to be summoned in the fight to come.

When you do end up fighting him, make sure he is killed by a Branded Uruk & not you. If Talion kills him the Death Threat will kick in & you are almost guaranteed to get an Epic Rune not a Level 30 Rune. If you follow these steps & one of your Branded Uruks (Captain or Grunt) delivers the killing blow you should be guaranteed to get a Level 30 Rune.

Achievement #61 – Lord of the Ring: Complete all objectives in the Test of The Ring.
Any Runes collected during the Bright Lord DLC Campaign will transfer over when you start this Trial. For this Achievement we have to complete all objectives in the Test of the Ring.

These objectives are:
1. Kill all 5 Warchiefs
2. Kill 12 Captains
3. Have at least 8 Captains
4. Have 50 Grunt Uruks Branded
5. Finish within 60 minutes

The hardest part about this is the time limit, we only have one hour to do all of this. Start by killing the 5 Warchiefs; between destinations & during Uruk Missions scan around in Wraith Vision. If you see any Captains, kill or Brand them.

Branding Warchiefs can be a waste of time, as they cannot be Commanded. You can technically use them to gain Intel, but you have to be sure to select "Kill" afterwards. If you do not instantly kill them while they are Dominated, you have to manually beat them to death afterwards. Which takes time. As well, we must have all 5 Warchiefs dead, a Branded Warchief will not count which means you have to re-track them down & kill them. If it can be helped, use the Warchiefs Bodyguards to gain Intel on the other Warchiefs.

To quickly dispatch a Warchief in combat, try always having a full charge of your One Ring Ability on hand. In between/during fighting the Warchiefs, brand as many Uruks as you can to recharge the One Ring. This will also help you towards the 50 Grunt Uruks Branded Objective as well.

After all 5 of the Warchiefs are dead, run around killing or Branding the last Captains. Using Caragors or Fast Traveling will help getting around the map faster. Try not to die if you can help it, it is faster running away & grabbing herbs to heal then dying & have more Captains spawn or them becoming Warchiefs. Look for Uruk Missions that have two Captains in them like Ambush, Execution, or Duel to save yourself some.

I was able to complete this in 44 minutes so it can’t be that bad. This will be the second hardest Achievement we have to earn in this game...

Special thanks to EliteGunm4n for a more accurate description for this Achievement.

82% Complete
Sequence 7: Lord of the Hunt
1. Complete the DLC Quests: Swift Tracking, Unwarranted Aggression, Matrons Rising, & Hypocritical Oath
2. Kill all 5 Warchiefs
3. Beast Brand Achievements
4. Catch a Ghul Matron on fire! (Matron Rising Quest)
5. Complete all 5 Legend of the Hunter Quests
6. (There is no Achievement for finding all 10 of Torvin’s Journals)

DLC – Achievement Breakdown: (13)
Story Related: (2)
Warchiefs & Captains: (2)
Beasts & Uruks: (8)
Test of the Wild: (1)

This is the final DLC Campaign from Shadow of Mordor. The Campaign is straight forward & recommended to be done prior to trying the Test of the Wild as all your Runes will transfer over.
It is a really good idea skimming over this guide before completing any Main Quests as a lot of the really annoying Achievements can be earned very easily in some of them.
That being said, a lot of these Beast Brand/kill Achievements can be unlocked during the Test of the Wild as well. Complete the Lord of the Hunt Campaign & unlock what you can, then just load up Test of the Wild & mop up whatever Achievements you are missing.

Achievement #62 – A Short Introduction: Begin a new hunt with Torvin.
Complete the very first Main Quest of Lord of the Hunt DLC.

Achievement #63 – I Had to Put Him Down: Kill a Caragath with an Execution.
Caragaths are new stealth based Caragors in this DLC. You will start out on one after completing the first Main Quest of this DLC. Simply Brand one & then Execute it while you are riding it. Poor guy...

Achievement #64 – Jaws of Shadow: Complete 25 Caragath Stealth Kills.
As you move throughout the DLC from place to place, always try travelling by Caragath. As you go, Stealth kill Uruks along the way, this should come naturally as you play through the DLC.

Achievement #65 – Wretched Retch: Use a Wretched Graug's Projectile Vomit on an Uruk Captain or Warchief.
Wretched Graug’s can be summoned by bait scattered around Nurn. The Warchief Mission No Rest For the Wretched is the perfect time to try for the two Graug related Achievements.
When you finish the Torvin Quest Unwanted Aggression, you will end the mission on a Wretched Graug as well. Now turn on Wraith Vision or open up Sauron’s Army & track down a Captain. Shoot your Graug shloop at it & it will unlock this Achievement.
*Easily gotten in Test of the Wild.

Achievement #66 – Nom Nom Nom!: Eat a captain with a Wretched Graug.
While you are trying for the Wretched Retch Achievement, now is a good time to get this one as well. After tracking down an Uruk Captain, chase him & keep trying to eat him. I don't think you can grab them while they are dazed on the ground, wait till they are standing or fleeing.
*Easily gotten in Test of the Wild.

Achievement #67 – Hot Flashes: Catch a Ghûl Matron on fire during the Lord of the Hunt Campaign.
This will be a tricky Achievement if you do not complete this during the Matron Rising main Quest where there are three Matrons guaranteed. When you encounter one, build up a combat multiplier & quickly switch to your bow to it with a Fire Arrow.

If you can’t get a Ghul Matron during the Missions you will have to lure one out the old fashion way by having Ghuls retreat & return. Search for roaming Ghuls at night time (A good place is between the Eregion Tower & the orc fortress in the North-East corner of Núrnen). Kill only a couple Ghuls so that they retreat underground. When they return, a Ghul Matron may be present; if not, kill a couple more Ghuls so they go back underground. Rinse & repeat until a Matron arrives to blsat with a Fire Arrow.

Achievement #68 – Rattle the Hive: Bait 10 Ghul mounds.
This ability is unlocked after completing the Matron Rising Main Quest. Now whenever you see a Ghul mound, shoot it. This should come naturally as you play through the DLC.
*Easily be gotten in the Test of the Wild.

Achievement #69 – O Mother, Where Art Thou?: Have 20 Ghuls Branded at one time. An easy way to get this Achievement is during the Main Quest Hypocritical Oath where we gain the ability to Brand Ghuls. We have so many Ghuls thrown at us, especially at the end, that it is the perfect time. In fact it is worth restarting the Mission if you do not get it as it will be very difficult trying for this in Free Roam on our own.

Achievement #70 – Ghuls Gone Wild: Kill a Graug by dispatching Ghuls on him.
This can also be Achieved during the Hypocritical Oath Quest. Shoot the Graug that appears/any Graug in the head twice & let your Branded Ghuls climb on top of him to attack. Once five or six are on him, use your Dispatch Ability & they will blow up dealing a lot of damage killing the Graug. This move has to deal the finishing blow or the Achievement will not unlock.

Achievement #71 – The Collector: Have a dominated Caragath, Wretched Graug & Spitter Ghul simultaneously.
This sounds harder then it will be. In Test of the Wild or the DLC Campaign, search around for a Wretched Graug & Brand them. Then in the immediate area search for Caragaths & Brand a couple of them. Above your compass, it will tell you how many beasts you have Branded currently. After you have a few Caragaths, stay in the vicinity of your beasts. Search around for a Ghul mound to go & bait, ideally when there are Uruks around to build up a combat multiplier. Bait the nest & build up a multiplier to be able to use the Wraith Fire Ability (not Wraith Flash). With a high multiplier move in towards the Spitting Ghuls that crawl out of the mound & spam Wraith Fire & it should unlock. Might take a few tries getting the Ghul Spitter, but that is the process anyways.
*Easily gotten in Test of the Wild.

Achievement #72 – The Flames Make It Go Faster: Activate the Blazing Steed.
This ability is unlocked from beating all 5 Legend of the Hunter Side Quests in the DLC. This ability is a lot like your unlimited Execution or Arrow Ability, this is now a chargeable ability for riding a Caragath or Caragor. Wait till your charge gauge is full then activate the ability to light your Caragor aflame in Wraith Fire unlocking the Achievement. You should actually get this Achievement in the fifth Legend of the Hunter Quest as it gives you a Tutorial on how to use it.

Achievement #73 – The Most Dangerous Game: Defeat all the Beastmaster Warchiefs.
Kill all 5 Warchiefs in the Lord of the Hunt DLC through the Main Quests. The Achievement will unlock after the DLC is complete & the last Warchief is dead.

We are now able to Free Roam & mop up any missing Achievements. It should also be mentioned again that any Runes we have in the campaign transfer over when we enter the Test of the Wild so we can make our Talions as over powered as we can. We will need the edge.
Sequence 8: Test of the Wild
1. Complete all Objectives

Achievement #74 – The Hunt Is My Mistress: Complete all objectives in the Test of the Wild.
This Achievement is borderline impossible. The objectives are not too bad… except for the part where we need to complete the Test in under 40 minutes. You will need to play at your best. Runes are everything in Test of the Wild. Equip your best. Depending on how many attempts this takes you... your map may fill up with Runes. Sometimes it is good just doing a bum run collecting them all to see what is there. If nothing else, it reduces clutter. There is nothing more annoying then trying to grab your Warchief & grabbing 3 Runes in a row instead....

The Objectives for Test of the Wild are:
1. Kill all 5 Warchiefs
2. Kill all 20 Captains (Cannot have them Branded or they won’t count)
3. Earn 13,000 Points
4. Have 10 Captains be killed by Monsters
5. Finish within 40 minutes

This took me days straight, pouring over video & written guides. But eventually, I came up with a strategy that will reliably give you 5-8 minutes leftover for error. I was able to complete Test of the Wild in 33:28 minutes with over 15,000 points. The first 5 minutes of the run are the most essential. If you cannot Brand your Warchief in under that time you probably won't make it. Unless of course you have gotten Beast Kills during this time. The 10 Beast Kills are of the highest priority. If a Captain flees, chase them down with a Caragath or Graug & kill them with it. As well, if you see a Captain off in the distance after an event while still riding a Graug, run over & kill them. These runs are very fluid, & you must be as flexible as possible.

Memorize the locations of all the Graug Bait. They are absolutely essential for Test of the Wild. Check out this Steam Guide by Jon.Topps for a map of them all. If you can help it, always Fast Travel to & from Eregion Towers to reset the Graug Baits.


Your first matter of business: Find a Worm or Captain to get Intel on the Warchief Ugakuga Graug Rider. If you are lucky, a Worm will spawn directly left of you at the start. If you are unlucky, you will have to search for one. If you have to search, always mount a Caragath for speed. You should try finding Ugakuga's location in under 2 minutes. If you cannot, or the first two Warchiefs you find or not him, you will probably want to restart. Easier restarting now, then 30 minutes into the Test...

When you find Ugakuga, head to his event & lure him out. He will most likely spawn with Bodyguards. If possible, kill them all with a Graug while they are here before Branding the Warchief. As well, when Ugakuga's health gets low, refrain from using Executions & just whittle down his health with your sword so you don't accidentally kill him. Brand him & immediately Command him to Riot with the next Warchief. Try doing this by 5 minutes, granted if you have gotten Beast Kills this will outweigh the 5 minute constraint since that will ultimately save you time.

Now, eliminate the Warchiefs one by one. At every Riot location, there is a Graug Bait. Try using Graug Vomit first to eliminate the Bodyguards. If that doesn't work, run up & eat them. This strategy will work for all Warchiefs EXCEPT Zugor Beast Butcher. His exploding crossbow can easily kill Ugakuga & yourself. He also Hates when his Bodyguards Suffer, so if he has any Bodyguards & they get hurt... you are pretty much done for. To avoid this, as soon as you regain control of Talion, headshot him to death with your bow. When you are about to run out of Focus, use Shadow Kill to finish him off. One of his Bodyguards will get promoted to take his place, but this is STILL faster than dying or having Ugakuga die. This will also reset some Warchiefs Bodyguards giving you another opportunity for chaining Beast Kills.

After every Riot when you Command Ugakuga to the next Warchief, use Dispatch to kill all remaining Uruks to net you some extra points. Be sure your Warchief has left before you do this though! It is unfortunately possible to complete Test of the Wild & be short a few hundred points if you do not Dispatch your men as I found out the hard way... Also kill the Graug you ride every time as well before leaving. Try having all Warchiefs, but yours, dead by the 20 minute mark. It is also good having around 6-8 Beast Kills & 6-10 Captain kills. But that is a pretty fluid number, & in the next step I will tell you why.

This is the secret to this method. After the Warchiefs are dead, now use Ugakuga to Riot with every single remaining Captain. It sounds crazy, but this is so much faster than manually searching for them all. This also eliminates having to gain Intel to find all of them. As I said above, at every Riot location there will be a Graug Bait, so you can attempt to kill all the Captains with Beast Kills till you get 10. Even afterwards, if they cannot be shot to death with your bow, it is usually fastest to kill them with a Graug anyways. Just Riot, Kill Captain, Command Ugakuga to the next, Dispatch Grunts, Fast Travel, Riot, Kill Captain... you get the idea. You can usually kill a Captain between 1-2 minutes a piece this way.

You will probably end the Test with 10-12 Beast Kills. Just literally Riot your way to victory. I consistently finished with many minutes to spare, but failed due to points before I started Dispatching Grunts or Ugakuga dying. The biggest thing is keeping Ugakuga alive, everything hinges on him. After the last Captain has been killed, Dispatch Ugakuga & claim this abysmal Achievement. You do need at least 11,000 points before you kill Ugakuga, anything short will not be enough. Completing 10 Beast Kills & finishing in 40 minutes will earn you the extra 2,000 points for 13,000.

For an alternate strategy, EliteGunm4n created another step by step walkthrough for the Test of the Wild. If you are struggling to unlock this Achievement, this guide could be your golden ticket.
If you can somehow complete The Hunt Is My Mistress Achievement, well hats off & a big round of applause for you my friend. It is one of the worst Achievements I have earned in a game, the kind of Achievement to have you literally shaking in its final minutes.

If this guide helped you achieve 100%, rate the guide or let me know in the comments. Helps me know if I am doing things right!

100% Complete!
Thank you for choosing Cynical Guides, & I will see you in the next one!

If you are interested in a little bit of patronage, support my projects & consider buying me a coffee. If not, no worries; my guides are, & will always be free content. Achievement Hunting is my passion, & writing these guides is a way for me to give meaning to a life long hobby!

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SarusMindfury 11 Mar @ 3:21pm 
In my first attempt i got no bait on my first Riot, and another time i got only 1k points for completing the 40min time limit AND the beast kills, idk why.
A good tactic tho, i will keep trying.
Aeonitas 24 Jan @ 6:36am 
One of the best guides, I ever read! Thanks a lot! :)
iGPN 17 Jan @ 11:57am 
Thank you for the guide, especially the for "The Hunt is my Mistress" section. Managed to do it in 2h. The hardest part was to get a worm to point for Ugakuga, after that it was a breeze.
THE_psycho 16 Jan @ 6:46am 
Thank you so much for this guide. I just finished the "The Hunt is my Mistress" achievement and you helped a LOT. Comments on what went wrong and how I kept going in my run:
- if Ugakuga dies (I killed him instead of branding him, oops) Just use another chief if you have the time
- there is one of the revolt location where you can't reach a bait from. Just start the event and run away, this will stop the event. You will have to call your chief again and tell him to start a revolt again, but it saves more time than trying to salvage the cursed spot (right next to the tower in the south-west)
- another location the bait (one of the two next to the fortress) didn't reliably spawn a Graug. idk why, but it would take at least a minute to show up. Valuablöe time, maybe you also want to skip that location by starting the event and running.

These are just my unfortunate events that I still managed to get me the achievement
HeroAxis84 20 Nov, 2024 @ 2:23am 
For Test of the wild, Ghul-Lover is the problem, He can spawn in the fortress in the top right of the map which has no grugs to speed kill him with it. Happend to me and it was an insta loss as Ghuls and Caragors do zilch to him, with the cherry on top being him immune to any dmg but monsters, 10/10 game design
KOtheRipper 11 Nov, 2024 @ 3:37pm 
Looking through the strategy for The Hunt is my Mistress, was another 0 added to the end in the description? The optional objective 13,000 points so you'd only need 11,000 points prior to the 2,000 bonus you get for objective 1 & 2.
TYTANOS 9 Nov, 2024 @ 5:29pm 
Thank you man with your help I managed to get 100% and managed to do hunt is my mistress at the second attempt with your strategy. THANKS!
Straszny 4 Nov, 2024 @ 2:24am 
for some reason i got only 10k points and fail challange short 304 points / i didnt get points for time for some reason i guess i had 3 minutes spare (with kills with monster + time) just fyi
AVENIX 9 Sep, 2024 @ 5:55am 
Again, Thanks so much for the guide Cynic! I followed the exact strategy on the test of the wild and managed to complete it on my first try :haedir:
Mink 9 Jun, 2024 @ 8:42am 
thank you <3