The Banner Saga

The Banner Saga

190 ratings
Basic tips for Beginners.
By Mars
This guide aims to provide some basic tips for new players.
Basic Tips
Be very careful when making choices in dialogue, as you can lose important characters (like the ones you've put the most work into) easily, sometimes without a hint as to what will happen.

If you play on easy mode, characters do not receive injuries, and you can skip War battles by overseeing them.

Renown is used to level up your characters, purchase supplies, and buy items to equip. Be sure not to spend it all in one place, as each of those areas are important. You can usually avoid purchasing items, as they drop at Godstones and through War battles.

Characters get their abilities to the next rank at levels 3 and 5.

The maximum level for each character is 5. They need 2 kills and 5 renown to get level 2, 5 kills and 10 renown to get level 3, 9 kills and 15 renown for level 4, and 14 kills and 20 renown for level 5. Each level gives 2 stat points to spend.

To survive in the game, you'll need to keep an eye on your supplies count. Once you hit 0, Varl, Fighters, and Clansmen will start to desert the caravan, leaving you with less to help out during wars.

Morale affects Willpower in battle. Lowest morale will give -2, low will give -1, normal +-0, Good will give +1, and the best Morale will give +2. This can turn the tide of battle in your favor quickly, as you'll have extra to spend. Be sure to rest up in camp to keep it high if you notice it dropping.

Don't try to level everyone up equally. Choose a few favored characters and stick with those, it's difficult (if not impossible) to get enough kills and renown to level all the characters available to 5.

Make good use of the Training arena in camp. You don't get injured or lose anything if you lose a battle in there, and it's great battle practice if you receive a new unit to test out.

Be careful with your choices in game, Most characters can die through your choices, or leave. It's possible to end Chapter 3 with only 1 character left in your party.

Inspect all the godstones, most will give you a chance at an item.

Don't ignore Armor Break, Exertion, and Willpower when assigning stats to characters. Strength and Armor will only get you so far. The abilities of the characters, if used correctly can give you a significant advantage.

After defeating the first wave in a War battle, if you choose to kill more dredge and win the battle, your caravan will receive a boost in Morale.

Playing the "good guy" type in all situations and choices will end up with many getting hurt or dying. Be sure to be prudent with your help, as times are dire for all.
tina.caldo 19 Dec, 2017 @ 1:13pm 

Witch difficulty you play? I played on normal and every time i finshed the secound wave i got an item only one time i got none. I even got 2 lvl 5 in my first 2 wars but thats seems to be just luck.
anthracite 17 Dec, 2015 @ 7:37pm 
How do you get items from War? I finished my third war but have yet to see any loot recovered. I fought the second wave in War 1/3 but not 2.
PerryTheQuad 15 Jun, 2015 @ 6:05am 
Thank you for this information!! Was thinking, that it is my crappy knowing about battle system of such games makes my characters dead like a flies.
alpasy 3 Mar, 2015 @ 1:51am 
i'd say Armor Break, Exertion, and Willpower (in that order) are the most important stats on almost every warrior (apart from mender, who needs Willpower only but maxed out). :ninja:
General Batou 25 Jul, 2014 @ 4:47pm 
Thanks for the info.
Scarkrow 29 Jun, 2014 @ 12:18pm 
thanks. :Raider:
cgngreenbadass007 22 Jun, 2014 @ 10:22pm 
I sent Ludin to safety now I am screwed with four members against 10-12 dredge not fair
SgtCupCake 11 Mar, 2014 @ 6:44pm 
Needs more cowbell
s1DX1jMZ 29 Jan, 2014 @ 10:34am 
For those who played FTL, be prepared to adopt a similar mindset in this game. As OP said, attempts to be the "good guy" and save everyone will often result end up badly :( You'll have to take unpleasant decisions, and live with the consequences.
Mars  [author] 26 Jan, 2014 @ 1:34pm 
Renown is different between the caravans. Rook's Caravan and Hakon's caravan have separate renown until Boersgard, then they add together.