The Banner Saga

The Banner Saga

141 ratings
A Pilgrim's Guide to the Apocalypse
By Bindlespin
A traveler's guide for sightseeing in style while the sky is falling.
Rakish Relics
Enhance your journey by donning relics of pilgrims past.

Market Items
  • Eitrfang, Lvl 4 (20R): +3 WILL per kill
  • Charm of Wandering Mind, 3(15): 20% dodge str attacks
  • Haldan's Razor, 4(20): +3 WILL on rest
  • Namej's Ring, LVL 5 (25R): 2 STR deflected, +1 WILL per kill
  • Dragon Stone, LVL 3 (15R): +3 WILL
  • Lightning Runestone, LVL 2 (10R): 10% chance 2x STR damage, +1 drawing aggro
  • Valka Thread, LVL 4 (20R): 1 Armor per turn
  • Bail's Locket, LVL 2 (10R): +2 Will
  • Svalinn Dust LVL 3 (15R): +2 Armor
  • Horseskor: LVL 3 (15R): +1 Move, 10% dodge STR attacks
  • Warrior's Oath, 1(5): +1 Willpower
  • Ring of the Wolf, 3(15): Protects from death unless STR is 1
  • Bloodshed Coins, 1(5): +1 will per kill
  • Worldhook, 2(10): +2 Armor Break
  • Skjule, 2(10): -1 drawing aggro
  • Sun Stone, 3(15): Attacks never deflected
  • Studded Pommel, 3(15): Knockback on STR attacks of 5
  • Björg av Leander, 5(25): 2 armor per turn
  • Obsidian Bell , 5(25): +3 armor on rest, +2 drawing aggro, +1 STR
  • Narwhal Horn, 1(5): +1 Armor Break
  • Leather Flask 1(5): +1 will on rest
  • Eyeliss Rift 4(20): Attacks never deflected, +10% chance 2x STR DAM
  • Singing Stone 2(10): +2 will per kill
  • Iron Bands 1(5): +1 STR
  • Padded Undercoat 1(5):+1 armor
  • Statue of Sightless Man 5(25): 20% dodge STR attacks, +2 STR
  • Obsidian Powder 4(20): knockback on STR attack of 4
  • Comb of Loom Mother 3(15): -2 drawing aggro
  • Spurddekki Bur 3(15): +2 draw aggro, 5% dodge STR attacks
  • Tistelberry: +2 will on rest
  • Jarl's Seal 3(15): 1 will per turn
  • Whalebone needle 1(5): +1 armor on rest
  • Serpent Earings 1(5): 10% Dodge STR attacks
  • Tortoise Band +2 armor on rest

Godstone Items
  • Bjarken Rune, LVL 2: 15% dodge STR attacks
  • Gullinfyre, 3: +15% chance 2x STR damage
  • Godscale, 5: +3 armor, +1 drawing aggro
  • Vadrun Silver Brooch, 3: 1 STR deflected
  • Puzzle Box of Twin Rivers, 4: +1 WILL per turn, +3 Willpower
  • Five Ring Necklace, 5: +1 drawing aggro, +1 STR, +1 armor, +1 Willpower, +1 Armor Break
  • Stavh's Whetstone, 5: +20% 2x STR damage
  • Bjorulf's Blessing, 5: knockback on 3 STR attacks, +1 STR

Encounter Items
  • Shepersky Stone, 5: 2 STR deflection, +2 drawing aggro
  • Dundr's Hand, 5: +3 STR
  • Scarlet Feather, 5: +2 movement, -1 drawing aggro (might be 2)
Meals on Wheels
Supplies and travel times for eating on the run.

Buy just enough food to get along without starving in Chapter 2. Chapter Four starts about 25 days after you end Chapter Three. I think this also sets supplies to three days so stockpiling supplies is wasteful. Stockpile your reknown, instead. If I am wrong about the automatic food reset send me a message to let me know.

Chapter One: The Sun Has Stopped
Strand to Vedrfell ~3 days

Chapter Two: Cut With Keen-Edged Sword
Hunting grounds to Skogr~1 day; Market: 45 available supplies @ 3 for 1 Renown
Skogr to Hridvaldyr~1 day, rest 1 day
Hridvaldyr to village~1 day; Market: 24@3:1
village to Frostvellr~2 days, add 1 day rest if you side with Hogun and Mogun; Market: 21@3:1
*From outside Frostvellr to inside the city varies depending on your choices: I started Chapter Three on Day 11 by storming the gates with Iver; I tried to take a screenshot but steam got wacky on me.

Chapter Three: Little Did They Sleep
Vedrfell to village~5 days: 4@1:1
village to Dengler Godstone~3 days, forced to camp + ~1 day
Dengler to Ridgehorn~3 days
*By the end of Chapter Three I had traveled 26 days with good/great morale in normal mode, but the Chapter didn't end until Day 50. So Chapter Four started for me on Day 51.

Chapter Four: Lest They Not Come Home
Frostvellr (74@1:1) to Wyrmtoe (76@4:1)~8 days
Wyrmtoe to Marek Godstone~2 days
Marek Godstone to Hadrborg~5 days
Hadrborg to Einartoft Village (160@4:1)~2 days
Einartoft Village to Einartoft (63@3:1)~5 days

Chapter Five: Weary the Weight of the Sun
Einartoft (63@3:1)~3 days

Chapter Six: Of Our Bones the Hills
Einartoft to village (84@6:1)~6 days
Village to Dundr Godstone~2 days
Dundr to Haukstorp~2 days
Haukstorp to Ingrid~1 day
Ingrid to Sigrholm (84@3:1)~4 days
Sigrholm to village (95@5:1)~6 days
village to Bjorulf's Godstone~2 days
Bjorulf to Reynivik~2 days
Reynivik to Boersgard~4 days

Chapter Seven: The Slayer and the Slain
Boersgard~4 days
Impale w/ forced movement
Impale forces the enemy to lose 1 health for every hex of movement that unit makes until the end of its next turn. If you impale a unit and then hit him with Battering Ram then you are doing damage for the Spearmaster's STR attack + dmg for every hex the impale moves the unit + dmg for every hex of battering ram movement + dmg for every hex the unit moves during its next turn. With one combo you can cripple high armor dredge w/o needing armor break. Equip your other units with items that give knockback for similar effect. Slinger dredge will walk themselves to death trying to get close enough to retaliate.
Porky 17 May, 2019 @ 2:14pm 
thanks for the info:cozyovercooked2:
6ap6apblckaAa 14 Nov, 2018 @ 2:06pm 
Confirm Haukstorp 50@10:1
ThatSisyphean 10 Oct, 2018 @ 5:37pm 
Did a second playthrough on normal mode and Haukstorp had the same 50 supplies at a 1:10 ratio.
ThatSisyphean 8 Oct, 2018 @ 7:27am 
I know this is a dead thread but going to Haukstorp and winning the fight gave a merchant with 50@1:10 supplies for me. Idk if its random or what
Aleonymous 27 Mar, 2014 @ 1:41am 
Thanks for the guide, Grak. Really helpful, especially for the supplies checkpoints.

My "fastest" playthrough was like 106 days ( ), to the end of the game. I think that is pretty much confirmed by your figures too; I was too lazy to do the sums though! :Arberrang:
Bindlespin  [author] 13 Feb, 2014 @ 2:37am 
And done mostly, travel times depend on a lot of factors including random encounters, whether you care about morale, and how often you hit the camp button and when you hit the camp button. Happy travels pilgrims! Suggestions and corrections are welcome.
Bindlespin  [author] 19 Jan, 2014 @ 7:15pm 
Will do. I've gathered a lot more data. Just need to double-check it and type it up. The game is so complex that you can actually travel faster by keeping morale up by making smart, brave, generous decisions during random encounters that keep you from having to rest or you can let your morale bottom out and if a fight comes along be ready for a shitty time. Maybe on easy this is not so bad, but on hard mode fighting with low morale is very difficult for me, almost everyone gets injured and it is a time sucking downwards spiral from there.
Axl Trauts 19 Jan, 2014 @ 7:04pm 
When I got to the last city in the game, seconds before, my supplies dropped to zero and lost people. That sucked, specially when I found out there was an achievement. So yes, keep working on this guide!
Bindlespin  [author] 16 Jan, 2014 @ 10:21pm 
A work in progress