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[AI Written Guide] How to scam people on eBay and get away with it.
By 76561198003664291
AI Prompt
"This is a guide on how to scam people on eBay and get away with it."
That is what I have learned from doing this a fair amount over the last couple years.

Most of these steps will not actually get you away with it if caught, but they will get you a lot further than if you just go straight to the police and then even if you are caught, you have a very low chance of getting off scot-free.

Do this and be one of the 400 people who eBay lets come back and pay them $20k and make a sale.

They don't care if you found an item on your own or if you bought it. They don't care if the item is damaged or something else not right with it, they care if you are the one to actually contact them for a refund and make that sale. See more of the 4,000 most successful sellers.

It will take time for the item to sell, sometimes even a couple months. By the time you find your potential buyer, your refund isn't even under review. This means the seller can remove your listing and put up another one for you in exchange for more money. It's a broken bidding system run by a website that operates just for profit. Notice if the buyer seems to just want to push to the middle to gain the maximum profit, and not be bothered with the writing up of the transaction that goes into it.

Then only buy it for the amount you can afford, and be very careful not to do this with different other pairs or others. Ignore the ads and focus on your own product instead.

Don't put your price on a pair that can only sell at 1.50 or whatever if you're being frugal. Sell items that you Don't put your price on a pair that can only sell at 1.50 or whatever if you're being frugal. Sell items that you know in their true form will sell.

If you don't sell, you might end up with a lot of unwanted stuff. It's even better if you can control what's in your head. Here are a few tricks that will get you on the right track and avoid wasting your hard-earned money on no-name junk. [The AI thinks this is a good place to end the text.]
76561198003664291  [author] 8 Jan, 2021 @ 9:10am 
Gin the Cat 8 Jan, 2021 @ 5:34am 