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How To Create a Non-game Steam guide
By BlackSyX
This guide will provide information about how to create non-game guides
♕ Introduce
This time I will provide a guide for those of you who want to make a guide that is not for a specific game on Steam, Looking for a direct button to make a non-game guide will be useless because steam does not provide it. even so, you can still make a guide for non-steam games without having to connect to one of the game hubs.
● Explanation About Guide Linkin or Not
Basically there are 3 types of Linked guides that I explained at this time, please read carefully so that there are no misunderstandings.

» Linkin With Game
This guide is one of the most common guides used by most guide makers to connect and explain the guide to the game, Game linked guides go into that game's guide hub. In this case, my Hearts of Iron IV guide as shown, you can tell it's linked because of the "Store Page" icon and the link within the game hub as shown: "Hearts of Iron IV > Guides > BlackSyX's Guides"

» Linkin With Steam
Non-game but steam linked guides will not appear in one of the game hubs and are not connected anywhere. This can really help you to make steam related guides that aren't specific game. In this case, My symbol and character guide is directed towards a user's profile and username, not any game. Having it linked to an arbitrary game hub wouldn't be helpful to anyone. As shown below, this game has no linked hub, like this guide.

Steam Guide Without Games: ( Steam > Guide > Your Guide )
Note: You can edit all of these guides in detail and they are easy to find in the steam community guide (Very Recommended)

» Linkin Without Game or Steam
This guide will not be connected to specific games or steam, This can be especially helpful for guides about other things outside of steam or specific games guides. In this case, your guide does not have any links but is directly a guide. As shown below, this guide has no linked specific games or steam hub.

Guide Without Steam or Games: ( > Guide > Your Guide )
WARNING: You cannot change the title, branding image, description and category of your guide and hard to find by others people (Not Recommended)
✎ How to Create
Before creating a non-game guide you must log in steam through your browser and, after logging in, click the link provided above. You will be taken to the Basic Guide Information screen where you can begin creating whatever guide you want. Enjoy!

Tip: You can make a guide directly from the steam application or from steam website
☏ Misc
» Quick QnA
Q: Why did you make this guide?
A: I made this guide which aims to educate prospective guide makers so that they can make guides properly and correctly and help creators not to make mistakes when they want to make guides for games and not.

Q: Is it difficult to make a guide like this?
A: In my opinion, it is not too difficult to make this, I made my first guide by making improvements every time to achieve perfection. I think it is a very fun process.

Q: What's benefit of making a guide?
A: The main purpose of the guide itself is actually to make it easier for you in a game beyond that the guide also helps you to do a trick to beautify your Steam profile or find out how to buy cheap games on Steam, besides that you will get new friends from visitors who has the potential to subscribe to your account if you make a guide very well and the last thing is that you will get steam points if someone gives you this award you can use to buy cosmetics at the point shop in the form of animated frames, badges and stickers.

» My Another Guide
» Status
Attention: This guide will continue to grow, This guide that you see today will change at any time without notice
◉ Credits
This is the end of the guide that I made thank you for taking the time to read my guide I hope you helped by this guide, I'm sorry if a lot of strange words because I only translate from my language to English using google translate.

Contact me if you have other & further questions about this guide and how to make a guide properly via:

Discord[] Instagram[] Steam chat

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