Risk of Rain 2

Risk of Rain 2

424 ratings
How to Check the Risk of Rain in Your Area
By Data
A lot of people have been asking if it's going to rain in their local area lately so I decided to make a simple three step guide.
Step 1
Step 1: Make sure you're in the "IRL" gamemode and have acquired the "Literate" item (Preferably a stack of 4)
Step 2
Step 2: Load up your preferred web browser on either the 'Smartphone' or 'Computer' equipment.
Step 3
Step 3: Very important step, type "will it rain today" into the search bar.
Well Done!
And there you go! You should now be aware of the risk of rain in your area. If you don't see the local weather then you may need to just add on your location to the end of the search. (Bonus! You can use this to also see the risk of rain in other areas! Very useful if you're planning a trip out)
green bean 9 Jan, 2024 @ 7:58am 
uhh guys what does "acid rain" mean? it says im getting it in uhh... 2.3 seconds.
gunderpants 4 Oct, 2023 @ 1:58pm 
instructions unclear, i ate the rain
FF 28 Dec, 2021 @ 3:03pm 
TITOMOSQUITO187 26 Apr, 2021 @ 7:01am 
Apparently, there is a new, more dangerous, and more powerful rain accumulating over certain areas around the "Earth Spawn" with no reliable method to predict it called "AIDS rain".

My theory is that this is just Big Pharma sponsored propaganda to sell us AIDS pills. The pills GIVE you AIDS, rather than protect you from the AIDS rain itself. Taking the pills decimates your immune system, which makes you more susceptible to being killed by everything. They have more pills for everything, however. This is considered their most successful "gateway" drug to much more expensive pharmaceuticals to prevent death due to their pills that cause death. IF you stop taking the pills you will die, but if you take them the side effects most common to the drug is: death.
Astolfo_ 5 Mar, 2021 @ 10:34pm 
But anyways, yeah, this guide really cleared up everything surrounding the "Risk of rain" meter in the top-right of the screen. really helpful, especially in the "USA ----> FLORIDA" Area.
Astolfo_ 5 Mar, 2021 @ 10:33pm 
I also think the Devs (Still waiting for the next update or contact from them, haha) should nerf the "Born rich" buff just because it really makes it unfair for people who have a low spawn rating.
Astolfo_ 5 Mar, 2021 @ 10:31pm 
The guide was very good. However, can you adjust for the unlucky spawn areas of the "Earth" map? I keep spawning in the "America" Region and I keep getting killed by the "Paid Healthcare" Debuff. A good way to get past this is to go into the game files, find the "spawn_rating" and put the number to 700. This will give you the best spawn for your selected character. I prefer using the "Fit" buff with the "Free healthcare" and "Born Rich" Buff. The worst Buff you could choose is the "Stock-Market Savvy" Buff. It's pretty garbage, especially considering the time cycles the Markt has where it is set to break every 40-70 in-game years.
Niggbert 28 Nov, 2020 @ 6:21am 
Thank you for this excellent guide. Unfortunately i live on the moon so this dosen't really help
G G4ming 10 Nov, 2020 @ 2:00pm 
Instructions unclear. Somehow water is pouring out of my "computer" equip.
Quinnternet_Explorer 12 Oct, 2020 @ 10:10pm 
Instructions still unclear, accidentally googled weather porn.