LEGO® Batman™: The Videogame

LEGO® Batman™: The Videogame

170 ratings
BLVGH - LEGO Batman: The Videogame
By legogamesguy
This is my new and improved guide for LEGO Batman: The Videogame! In an effort to make my guides more helpful and engaging, I have decided to rework them! I would appreciate any feedback you guys have about this new format, so be sure to leave a comment or shoot me a direct message!

In this guide you will find:
-A rundown of Gameplay Basics
-A tour of the Batcave and Arkham Asylum
-How to beat each level in Story Mode
-The locations of all 10 Canisters and the Red Power Brick in each level in Free Play Mode
-The locations of all 25 Hostages in Free Play Mode
-Walkthroughs for both Bonus levels
-Full lists of Suits, Characters, Vehicles, Minikit Models, Suit Upgrades and Extras
-A full list of Cheat Codes

These guides have always been and will always be free. However, working on these guides takes considerable time and effort. If you like the guide, feel free to show your appreciation with a Steam Award! I appreciate all the points and support you guys have given me!
------------Gameplay Basics------------
Game Modes
This game has plenty of levels for you to play, with 30 story levels and 2 bonus levels. There are several different game modes you can play, which I'll describe here. I also describe how I structure the walkthroughs for each game mode.

The first time you play a story level, you will be playing Story Mode. As you might expect, you will be playing through the story of whatever chapter you select. You will only have access to the characters that the game gives you. Generally, your exploration is limited due to the characters you have, meaning you'll have to come back in Free Play Mode to unlock the collectibles you couldn't collect in Story Mode. After completing a level in Story Mode, you can select the Replay Story option to replay the level in Story Mode.

At the top of my Story Mode walkthroughs, I put the villain info/villain dialogue that appears before the opening cutscene. I then list the enemies you'll encounter and any bosses you will fight. I also list both your starting characters and any characters that are added as you progress. Finally, I list the True Hero/Villain total for that level. Each level is split up into parts, which I sometimes call areas. Each part is a distinct area of the level, separated from other areas by a screen wipe (it will be very obvious when you enter a new area). Below each part, I explain what to do in that part to progress in the level. I do not include the locations of any collectibles, even if you can collect them in the story. At the end of the walkthrough, I list any characters/vehicles/suits you unlocked. If you need to purchase them, I have also included their cost in studs.

After completing a level in Story Mode, you will be able to play it in Free Play Mode. In Free Play Mode, you can select a character/vehicle from all the ones you've unlocked to take into the level. The game will then give you a selection of other characters/vehicles to cover all of the abilities you have unlocked. In Free Play Mode, your goal is to find all of the collectibles. At any point in Free Play Mode, you can save and exit to return to the Batcave/Arkham without having to complete the level.

My Free Play Mode walkthroughs are also divided into parts, as I believe this makes them easier to navigate. At the top of the walkthrough will be a list of the abilities you'll need to collect all of the collectibles in that level. Free Play Mode walkthroughs contain the locations of all 10 Canisters and the Red Power Brick, even if they can be collected in Story Mode. Screenshots are also included to add clarity to the walkthrough. At the end of the walkthrough, I have listed the Minikit Model and the Suit Upgrade/Red Power Brick Extra you can unlock (and its cost) by collecting the Canisters and Red Brick.
Batman's enemies seem to have an infinite amount of goons at their disposal, and the GCPD seems to have a large amount of officers on duty at all times. As such, you'll be fighting large groups of enemies throughout the game. While combat is pretty simple in this game, there are few things you should know.

All characters in this game (with the exception of one) have melee attacks. Simply press the "attack" button when close enough to an enemy to hit them. Sometimes enemies will be defeated after one hit, but sometimes it will take two or three hits to defeat them. You'll notice that when you hit enemies, a little multiplier will appear (x2, x3, etc.). This combo will apply to any studs you pick up, but it will disappear very quickly. The more studs you collect with the multiplier active, the longer it will last. The max this multiplier can reach is x10, and it will stack with any Stud Multiplier Extras you have active.

If you do not have a gun as your primary weapon, you are vulnerable to gunfire. You can protect yourself against bullets by jumping and pressing the "attack" button while in the air. This will cause you to perform a lunge attack. Any bullets that hit you while you are doing this attack will bounce off of you.

Batman, Robin and some villains have special grab moves that they can perform. Walk up to an enemy and press the "special" button to grab onto them. Press the "attack" or "special" button to defeat them. You will receive a small amount of studs for doing this (usually just one silver or gold stud).

Batman and Robin can use their Batarangs in combat. Press and hold the "attack" button to bring up the targeting reticle, then move it over any enemies you want to hit. Enemies that have been targeted will have yellow or red brackets around them. Release the "attack" button and the Batarang will fly through the enemies, defeating them. While you are aiming your Batarang, you are immune to damage from melee attacks and bullets.
To get 100%, you gotta collect everything. There are lots of things to collect, so it's important to know what you are looking for! You can check your overall collectible progress by standing in front of each vehicle in the Hero/Villain Mission Room.

In my opinion, this is the most important thing to collect. Studs act as the game's currency, so you'll want to be picking up as many as you can find. The silver studs are worth 10, the gold studs 100, and the blue studs 1,000. There are even purple studs worth 10,000! You'll use studs to purchase things at the Batcomputer, so you'll want to be collecting as many as you can. You can have up to 4 billion studs at once.

True Hero/Villain
Collecting studs is essential if you want to reach True Hero/Villain status. Collecting studs in a level will reveal a stud bar in the top center of the screen. As you collect studs, the stud bar will gradually turn yellow. Once you fill the stud bar, you will achieve True Hero/Villain status. Once you achieve True Hero/Villain in a level, you cannot lose it. Even if you lose all the studs in a level after achieving True Hero/Villain, you will not lose it. Earning True Hero/Villain in a level will contribute a piece to the Super-Kit, which when completed, will allow you to access the respective Bonus level.

Most of your time in Free Play Mode will be spent going after these. Canisters appear as black cylinders with the Batman logo on them. Collecting all 10 Canisters in a level will complete a Minikit Model, as well as give you 50,000 studs (except for the last one, which will give you 500,000!).

In each level you are not in a vehicle, there will be one poor civilian being held captive by a group of goons. Defeat the goons to rescue the Hostage. You can see if you have rescued the Hostage in a level by looking at the face next to the name of the level. If the face is smiling, you have rescued the Hostage. If the face is frowning, you have yet to rescue the Hostage. Rescue all 25 Hostages to unlock a special character!

Red Power Brick
Each level has a Red Power Brick, and collecting them will unlock all sorts of cool gadgets and upgrades. Each Red Power Brick in the Hero levels will unlock Suit Upgrades, which provide new and exciting updates to your suits. Each Red Power Brick in the Villain levels will unlock Extras, which can do many useful things, from increase your stud count to make you invincible!
Character Abilities
As you play through the levels, you will notice many things that you can do. However, not all characters will be able to do them! This is because each character has certain abilities, and in order to collect all the Canisters and Red Power Bricks, you'll need to make use of their abilities to unlock new areas of the levels to explore.

Here is a quick rundown of all the abilities characters can have. For detailed information on who has these abilities, see the "Characters" and "Suits" sections towards the bottom of this guide.

This ability is unique to Robin's Attract Suit, and allows you to collect little Attract pieces, which are small yellow, green and red objects. Press and hold the "special" button to power up the vacuum, then move the reticle over the pieces to collect them. You may have to hold the reticle over the pieces for a while before they get sucked up. The amount of pieces you have is displayed on the back of your Suit.

You can deposit pieces into Attracto Machines. The number on the Attracto Machine shows you how many pieces you need to deposit to receive something. Stand in the white circle and hold the "special" button to deposit the pieces into the machine.

Characters with this ability can destroy glowing objects that are out of reach. Hold down the "attack" button, then move the reticle over the objects you want to hit. Once an object has been targeted, it will have yellow or red brackets around it. Release the "attack" button and you'll throw the Batarang. Objects that can be destroyed with a Batarang will typically flash while holding down the "attack" button.

This ability allows a character to sink to the bottom of water. This allows them to interact with objects underwater, such as levers, as well as collect underwater items. While underwater, hold the "jump" button to return to the surface.

Characters with this ability can destroy silver objects, either by planting bombs (such as the Demolition Suit) or by launching a Penguin Bomb. Be careful not to get caught in the blast!

This ability is unique to Mr. Freeze, and allows him to freeze liquids to create solid objects (usually platforms to jump to). Liquid that can be frozen will have snowflake symbols flying around it, and when you get in range (as in this screenshot) large white lights will appear. Hold the "special" button to use the freeze cannon.

Characters with this ability can glide across gaps that are too wide to jump across. Press and hold the "jump" button to glide across the gap.

Characters with this ability can use grapple points to reach new ledges or areas. Stand in the white circle and press the "special" button to latch onto the grapple point, then press up on the d-pad to move up the cable.

Green Thumb
This ability is unique to Poison Ivy, and allows her to grow plants. Certain pots and vases will have hearts floating around them. Get close to them and hold the "special" button to grow the plant.

Heat Immunity
This ability is unique to the Heat Protection Suit, and allows Batman or Batgirl to walk into hot areas. Hot areas are usually marked with a glowing red light or steam. If characters do not have this ability, they will die as soon as they enter the hot area.

Characters with this ability can also build and interact with red-hot LEGO pieces and objects. Characters without this ability will be unable to build these pieces and will take damage if they try.

High Jump
Characters with this ability can double jump to gain extra height. This allows them to reach bars and ledges that other characters cannot.

Joy Buzz
This ability is unique to the Joker, and allows him to use his Joy Buzzer to power generators. This will often open doors, power machines, or manipulate the environment in some way. Press the "special" button while standing in the white circle to power the generator.

This ability is unique to Robin's Magnet Suit, and allows him to climb up metal surfaces. Metal surfaces appear as shiny silver surfaces (they are darker than silver objects, which require explosives to destroy). Simply walk into the wall to start climbing up. While climbing up a wall, you can't attack or jump off until you reach the end.

Mind Control
Characters with this ability can take control of other people's minds! There are two ways to do this. The first is through Mind Control panels, which look like panels with a question mark on them. Stand in the white circle and press the "special" button to use the panel. These are most often used to open doors to new areas.

Characters with this ability can also take control of characters with a "?" above their heads. When blue triangles appear around a person with the "?" symbol over their head, press the "special" button to take control of them. Press the "special" button again when you're ready to return to your character.
Character Abilities cont.
An ability unique to The Penguin (surprising I know), this allows him to send Penguin Bombs through purple slots. This is often used to destroy silver objects that you can't just walk up to.

This ability allows characters to use Seduction panels, which appear as panels with hearts on them. Stand in the white circle and press the "special" button to woo the poor lonely guard inside. This will grant you access to new areas to explore.

An ability unique to Batman's Sonic Suit, this ability allows you to destroy glass objects. Glass objects are light-blue, see through, and will often flash. It may take a few seconds to destroy some glass objects.

Super Strength
Characters with this ability can use super strength handles, which are simply orange handles that appear on objects in the environment. Walk up to a super strength handle and a small blue triangle will appear over it. Hold the "special" button to interact with the handle, either throwing the object up in the air or dragging it somewhere else.

Characters with this ability can access Technology panels. This allows them to manipulate objects in the environment or take control of many different kinds of robots. Press the "special" button while standing in the white circle to activate the panel (sometimes you will have to keep holding the "special" button to manipulate the object).

Toxic Immunity
Characters with this ability can walk through toxic gas or goo without being harmed. You can tell if a character has this ability or not by watching their footprints. If they leave little green gas behind when they walk, they have this ability.
Ground Vehicle Abilities
Similar to characters, vehicles also have abilities that will help you collect hidden items in Free Play. Unlike the characters however, there aren't many abilities that vehicles can have. For a list of which vehicles have these abilities, see the "Ground Vehicles" section towards the end of this guide.

Vehicles with this ability can run into silver objects to destroy them. Simply drive into a silver object to destroy it, as well as other surrounding objects.

Vehicles with this ability can use special red panels with diamonds on them. Simply drive onto the panel to activate it.

Vehicles with this ability can use special white panels with Joker's face on them. Simply drive onto the panel to activate it.

Vehicles with this ability will be able to latch a tow cable onto bombs or other objects. When the object has blue triangles around it, press the "special" button to latch on.
Water Vehicle Abilities
Similar to characters, vehicles also have abilities that will help you collect hidden items in Free Play. Unlike the characters however, there aren't many abilities that vehicles can have. For a list of which vehicles have these abilities, see the "Water Vehicles" section towards the end of this guide.

Vehicles with this ability can dive below the surface of the water to reach new areas. Press the "jump" button to dive underwater, then press the "jump" button again to surface.

Penguin Torpedo
Penguin's Submarine has the unique ability to pick up special torpedoes from these dispensers. It can carry up to three at a time.

While carrying torpedoes, some objects will have purple triangles around them. Press the "special" button to fire a torpedo at it.

Robin Torpedo
This ability allows Robin to fire torpedoes at special green, red or yellow objects. When an object can be hit with torpedoes, it will have purple triangles around it. Press the "special" button to launch the torpedo. Robin has an infinite supply of these, and does not have to collect them from somewhere.

Vehicles with this ability will be able to latch a tow cable onto bombs or other objects. When the object has blue triangles around it, press the "special" button to latch on.

Objects that bombs can destroy will be silver and marked with yellow triangles. Drag a bomb into an object with yellow triangles around it to destroy it.

Toxic Immunity
Vehicles with this ability can drive through toxic goo without being harmed. This is often used to collect items and reach new areas.
Air Vehicle Abilities
Similar to characters, vehicles also have abilities that will help you collect hidden items in Free Play. Unlike the characters however, there aren't many abilities that vehicles can have. For a list of which vehicles have these abilities, see the "Air Vehicles" section towards the end of this guide.

Bat Torpedo
The Batwing has the unique ability to pick up special torpedoes from these dispensers. It can carry up to three at a time.

While carrying torpedoes, some objects will have purple triangles around them. Press the "special" button to fire a torpedo at it.

Fear Torpedo
Similar to Bat Torpedoes, Scarecrow's Biplane can pick up fear torpedoes from these dispensers. It can carry up to three at a time.

While carrying torpedoes, some objects will have purple triangles around them. Press the "special" button to fire a torpedo at it.

Vehicles with this ability will be able to latch a tow cable onto bombs or other objects. When the object has blue triangles around it, press the "special" button to latch on.

Objects that bombs can destroy will be silver and marked with yellow triangles. Drag a bomb into an object with yellow triangles around it to destroy it.

Toxic Immunity
Vehicles with this ability can pass through clouds of toxic green gas unharmed. Vehicles without this ability will be destroyed upon making contact.
Tour of the Batcave
The Batcave acts as the hub for the Hero characters. There are lots of things to do in here, so let's take a tour!

You'll start in the Hero Mission Room. Hop in each of the vehicles to play the 15 Hero levels. Complete Hero chapters to unlock the corresponding Villain chapters.

Head to the right and hop in the elevator to reach the Hero Trophy Room. This is where you can view the Minikit Models you have completed for the Hero levels. Once you unlock the Wayne Manor bonus level, you can access it here.

Head to the left in the Hero Mission Room and step on the lift to head down to the Batcave. Drop down and you'll find Suit Swappers for Batman and Robin. You can pull the levers to switch the suit that appears, allowing you to explore the area and grab some extra studs.

On the upper level of the Batcave is the Batcomputer. Step on the grey panel and you'll access it, allowing you to buy and view a bunch of things. Let's take a look at what the Batcomputer has to offer.

Data are facts about Batman and other characters. These will be periodically unlocked for purchase as you progress through the game, with the final one only available after you reach 100% completion. I recommend not buying these until you have plenty of studs to spare.

Characters, as you might expect, is where you can purchase characters and vehicles for use in Free Play. You can unlock more characters and vehicles for purchase by completing Story levels.

Extras can be unlocked for purchase by collecting Red Power Bricks in Villain levels. Once you collect a Power Brick, the corresponding Extra will become available for purchase here. Extras can do all sorts of cool things, so make sure to collect those Power Bricks!

Here is where you can enter any cheat codes for the game that you have found. Entering a cheat code will unlock the corresponding Character/Vehicle/Extra/Suit upgrade for purchase.

You can't purchase Story Clips, but you can view them again here after viewing them in Story levels. To unlock more Story Clips, complete more Story levels.

Similar to Extras, Suit Upgrades are unlocked for purchase by collecting Red Power Bricks in Hero levels. Once you purchase a Suit Upgrade, you can't deactivate it, but this shouldn't be an issue, as all Suit Upgrades are improvements that make gameplay more fun.

On the right side of the Batcave is a computer and a lever. Pull the lever and you'll switch over to Clayface and The Riddler inside Arkham Asylum. You can only pull this lever after completing one full Hero chapter.
Tour of Arkham Asylum
Much like the Batcave is the hub for the heroes, Arkham Asylum is the hub for the villains. Arkham Asylum can be accessed after completing one full Hero chapter. You can do some new and exciting things here, so let's take a tour!

Every time you start in Arkham Asylum, you will appear in front of a screen. Pull the lever on the right to return to the Batcave. Step on the orange panel and you'll hack the Batcomputer, allowing you to purchase and view all the things you could from The Batcave.

Head to the left and you'll find the Villain Mission Room. Here is where you'll play all 15 Villain missions. You can only play Villain chapters that you have already beaten as the Heroes. For example, if you have played 4 of the 5 levels in Power-Crazed Penguin as the Heroes, you won't be able to play any of the corresponding Villain levels until you complete the last Hero level.

Head to the right from the computer and you'll find two doors. Go through the one on the left to find the Villain Trophy Room. This is where you'll be able to view the Minikit Models you have completed for the Villain levels. Once you unlock the Arkham Asylum Bonus level, you can access it from this room.

Head to the right from the computer and you'll find two doors. Go through the one on the right to find the Maximum Security Area. There isn't much to do here except continue to the right. You can head inside the cells if you want, but it's not too exciting in there.

Continue to the right in the Maximum Security Area, then head through the door at the end of the hall to reach the Experiment Room. This is where you can create your two custom characters.
---------------Story Levels---------------
---Chapter 1 - The Riddler's Revenge---
---------------Hero Levels---------------
You Can Bank on Batman - Story Mode
Actor Basil Karlo turned into the murderous Clayface, a creature of shape-changing protoplasm. He now possesses incredible strength, and can transform his clay-like body into any form!

Enemies: Riddler Goon, Riddler Henchman
Boss: Clayface
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 38,000

Part 1 – Gotham Streets

Head to the right and you’ll find a grapple point. Use it to reach the ledge, then head to the right. Cross the tightrope, then continue to the right. Build the LEGO pieces into another tightrope, then cross it to reach a ledge with a Suit Swapper. Hop in as Batman to receive the Demolition Suit. Drop down and head to the right, then destroy the silver cement truck to clear the path ahead. Continue to the right and you’ll find a large truck with a bunch of silver containers on it. Destroy them to clear the path, then continue down the street.

Part 2 – Bank

Head to the right and you’ll notice the street splitting into two paths. Take the upper path and you’ll find yourself in a small park area. Destroy the trees and benches to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Robin to receive the Technology Suit. This will activate a tech panel in the back of the area. Use it to take control of a small car. Drive it to the right (following the stud trail) and into the building. Drive the car into each of the three switches on the back wall to open the door, allowing your characters to enter the building.

Exit control of the car, then continue to the right into the building. Smash the gate on the right, then continue to the right to reach Clayface. He will come out to fight you, so smack him to take out two hearts. He will then retreat inside the bank. You won’t be able to get him since he’s behind the bars. Fortunately, he is standing on some silver. Destroy it to take off another heart. He will then retreat to the right, hopping onto a silver safe. Destroy it to take off another heart. Clayface will then retreat onto the top of the cage. Some of the bars will also be destroyed, allowing you to head inside the bank. Head inside and use your Batarang to hit the three yellow valves above Clayface. This will push him into the cage, defeating him and ending the level.

Unlocked Characters: Riddler Goon (6,000), Riddler Henchman (7,000)

You will also unlock the Demolition Suit and the Technology Suit for Free Play if you haven't already
You Can Bank on Batman - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Batarang, Explosive, Grapple, Mind Control, Sonic, Super Strength, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Gotham Streets

Canister 1
Head into the first alley and you'll find a lever. Pull it to raise the nearby garage, revealing LEGO pieces.

Build them into a grapple point, then use it to reach the upper ledge. Head to the left and you'll find a lever.

Pull it to raise a gate on the street level, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Canister 2
After pulling the lever to raise the gate around Canister 1, head to the left and climb the ladder to reach the ledge with this.

Canister 3
There are 5 phone booths for you to destroy. 3 are in this area and 2 are in Part 2. The first phone booth is to the left of your starting point, near Canister 1.

The second phone booth is on street level just to the right of the Demolition Suit Swapper.

The third phone booth is to the right of the large truck with the silver containers.

This Hostage can be found behind a window to the left of the grapple point. Destroy the window and hop inside the room, then defeat the goon holding the hostage to rescue her.

Canister 4
This Canister can be found behind some glass to the right of the grapple point. Shatter the glass, then hop inside the room to reach this Canister.

Canister 5
Head into the toxic goo and build the LEGO pieces onto the van. Build the other pile of LEGO pieces onto the van, then hop inside and drive away.

You'll reveal a Mind Control panel. Use it to open the door on the nearby building, revealing this Canister.

Canister 6
There is a green dumpster to the left of the theater (with the Demolition Suit Swapper on top). Use super strength to toss it aside, then destroy the silver manhole cover. Drop down inside to collect this Canister.

Canister 7
There are two brown dumpsters in the alley after the silver cement truck.

Use super strength to toss them aside, revealing a grapple point. Grapple up onto the ledge, then walk across the tightrope.

Head to the left on the ledge and you'll see this Canister behind a silver window. Destroy the silver window, allowing you to collect this Canister.
You Can Bank on Batman - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 2 - Bank

Canister 3 cont.
The fourth phone booth is on the upper part of the street as it splits in two paths.

The final phone booth is to the right of the bank. Destroy all 5 to reveal this Canister.

Canister 8
Instead of taking the upper path, head down the ramp to reach some toxic goo.

Head through the goo and you'll find a Mind Control panel. Use it to open the door on the right, then head inside.

Pull the lever to open the gate on the right.

Once you open the area with the small red cars, hop in one of them.

Drive it all the way to the first gate, then park it inside. This will open the next gate.

Grab the other car and park it inside the second gate to open the gate blocking this Canister.

Canister 9
While taking the upper path, you'll notice a hatch with a super strength handle on it. Use it to toss the hatch aside, revealing an opening.

Head inside to reach this Canister on an upper balcony.

Canister 10
There is an Attracto Machine to the left of the building with the cars inside. Shatter the glass to reach it. Destroy objects in the area (there are also some pieces in Part 1) to reveal Attract pieces. Deposit 25 Attract pieces into the machine to receive this Canister.

Red Power Brick (Fast Grapple)
Once you get inside the bank, smash up the vaults on the left to reveal this Power Brick.

Minikit Model: Gold Batsuit
An Icy Reception - Story Mode
A scientist specializing in cryogenics, Dr. Victor Fries froze his wife to prevent her death from a rare disease - but he was injured in his lab, and found himself unable to survive outside a sub-zero environment. As Mr. Freeze, consumed by anger, he uses frozen weaponry in a battle against the city of Gotham, and wears a refrigerated suit which gives him remarkable strength.

Enemies: Riddler Goon, Riddler Henchman, Freeze Girl
Boss: Mr. Freeze
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 60,000

Part 1 – Parking Lot

There are two Riddler vans in the area spitting out bad guys. You don’t have to destroy them to move on, but it certainly helps. A good distance across from each van, you’ll notice a pile of boxes and trash cans. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a cannon and a valve. Hop on the valve a few times to launch a bomb at the van, destroying it.

Once both vans are destroyed, head to the left of the gate to find some glowing objects. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a Suit Swapper. Hop in as Robin to receive the Magnet Suit. Head back to the right and stand in front of the gate. You’ll notice four glowing hatches. Use your Batarang to destroy all of them, toppling the gate. Head into the alcove in front of the factory, then head to the left. You’ll see some ice cream cones. We’ll need to turn the color of the large ice cream cone the same color as the small ice cream cone. Pull the lever on the ground until the colors match, then climb the metal wall and do the same with the other lever. Once both ice cream cones match, the door to the factory will open. Head inside.

Part 2 – Factory Floor

Head to the right and destroy the various objects to reveal two piles of LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle and a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Batman to receive the Glide Suit. Turn the rotary handle to lower the jet of freezing air, then glide across the gap. Build the LEGO pieces into gears, extending a bridge so Robin can join you.

Continue to the right and you’ll see two large ice cubes. Use your Batarang to destroy the hatches holding them up, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into stairs, then walk up onto the ledge. Step on one of the yellow valves and your partner will step on the other, shutting off the freezing air on the right. Continue to the right, then climb the metal wall. Build the LEGO pieces into a grapple point, allowing Batman to join you.

Continue to the right and you’ll see a long metal pipe. Climb up it, then destroy the objects on the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the box, then push it off the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces. Drop down and build them onto the platform to get it moving. Ride it across the gap, then climb up the metal wall above the door. Pull the lever to open it, then head inside.

Part 3 – Ice Cream Storage

Head to the right and glide across the gap. Turn the rotary handle to move the grapple point across the gap, allowing Robin to latch on. When Robin attaches to the grapple point, turn the rotary handle the other way to move him over to the right. Step on the grey valve on the right to turn the ramp into stairs, allowing your partner to walk up. They will step on the other grey valve, so walk up the stairs to join them.

Continue to the right and slide down the ramp (you can pull the lever to turn them into stairs if you want). You’ll notice two empty vats. Use your Batarang to destroy the hatches above them, filling them with ice cream. Hop in the freeze cannon and use it to freeze the ice cream, creating solid platforms for you to cross. Head down the path and climb up the metal wall, then pull the lever to raise up the grapple point. Use it to reach the upper ledge, then push the box on the left to the end of the tiles. This will shut off one of the freezing air jets. Step on one of the hatches on the right and your partner will step on the other one, shutting off the rest of the freezing air. Head inside.

Part 4 – Ice to See You!

Time to face Mr. Freeze. Punch him for a bit and he will start using his Freeze Gun. There are two ways to damage him. The easiest way is to let yourself get frozen, then switch to your partner and smack Mr. Freeze. You can also run circles around Mr. Freeze until he gets tired, allowing you to hit him. Use whichever method you prefer to take him down two hearts.

He will then jump onto the back ledge, turning on a fan. Build the LEGO pieces in the center of the room into a cannon and a valve. Step on the valve a few times to fire a bomb at the fan, destroying it. Freeze will then hop back down, so use the methods you used earlier to take out two more hearts.

He will then retreat back to the ledge, pulling a lever that will fill each of the vats in the room with ice cream. Climb the metal wall in front of each vat, then hop across the platform to reach the lever. Pull it to reveal LEGO pieces in the center of the room. Once you have revealed both piles of LEGO pieces, drop back down and build them into boxes. Push them to the edge of the tiles to drop an ice cube on Freeze’s head. He will then drop back down, so take out his two remaining hearts to complete the level.

Unlocked Characters: Freeze Girl (4,000)

You will also unlock the Glide Suit and the Magnet Suit for Free Play if you haven’t already
An Icy Reception - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Explosive, Glide, High Jump, Mind Control, Seduction, Super Strength, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Parking Lot

Canister 1
In the near left corner, you'll find an ice cream truck. Destroy the small table nearby to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the truck to repair it.

Hop in and drive it to the right, where you'll find a silver street vendor cart.

Drive into it to destroy it (if you don't have your own explosives), then drive onto the large glass circle.

You will automatically hop out of the truck. Build the LEGO pieces into a lever. Pull it and the ice cream truck will disappear.

A large ice cream cone will appear in its place. Destroy it to reveal this Canister.

Canister 2
After driving off in the ice cream van, return to its original place and you'll find a panel which was hidden behind it. Use the super strength handle on it to toss it aside, revealing this Canister.

On the left side of the parking lot is a Mind Control panel. Use it to open the door, then head inside.

You'll find this Hostage being held by a goon. Defeat him to rescue the hostage.

Canister 3
After rescuing the Hostage, head into the toxic goo and high jump onto the platform. From there, high jump up the bars to reach this Canister.

Canister 4
Head to the right side of the parking lot and you'll find some trashcans. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a bar.

High jump onto it, then onto the nearby ledge. High jump onto the next bar, then hop onto the next ledge to find this Canister.

Canister 5
After collecting Canister 4, you'll notice a window on the ledge.

Smash the boards on it to destroy it, revealing this Canister.

Canister 6
On the right side of the factory entrance is a bar. High jump onto it to reach the ledge.

Destroy the silver objects to reveal the Canister.

Part 2 - Factory Floor

Canister 7
Before climbing the first metal wall, you'll notice a ledge along the back wall. High jump onto the bar to reach it. Use the Seduction panel to open the door, then head inside.

You'll find this Canister behind a wall in the back of the room. Destroy the silver objects to create an opening, then head inside. Head to the right and destroy the next set of silver objects to clear the way to the Canister.

Red Power Brick (Fast Batarangs)
After climbing the first metal wall, look to the right and you'll see some platforms in the background. Glide over to them.

Use the super strength handle on the hatch to toss it aside, then drop down into the room.

You'll find this Power Brick in a cage, as well as a small ice cream cone.

Smash the ice cream cone to reveal a button. Your partner will step on it, raising the cage and allowing you to collect this Power Brick.
An Icy Reception - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 3 - Ice Cream Storage

Canister 8
Near your starting point is some toxic gas. Pass through it (you can step on the button to turn it off so your partner can join you, but there's no point to doing this) and destroy the silver object to reveal this Canister.

Canister 9
Head to the near left corner of the ledge with the exit and you'll find a ladder. Drop down and head to the left.

You'll reach a large gap. Glide across it to reach the other side.

Continue to the left and you'll find a silver panel. Destroy it, then head inside the room. Head to the left and ride the air current up to this Canister. Pull the lever to shut off the fan, allowing you to escape.

Canister 10
After collecting Canister 9, continue to the left and you'll find a vault. Mind control the man inside and pull the lever to open the vault, allowing you to head inside and collect this Canister.

Minikit Model: Ice Treat
Two-Face Chase - Story Mode
Former District Attorney Harvey Dent, AKA Two-Face, is a villain with a split personality. His every decision is dictated by a double-headed coin, scarred on one side, which he flips to decide if he’ll act for good or for evil. His truck is a heavily-armored vehicle painted with his distinctive black-and-white livery.

Enemies: Riddler Van
Boss: Two-Face’s Armored Truck
Starting Vehicles: Batmobile, Batcycle
Super Hero: 64,000

Part 1 – Gotham Streets

You will be attacked by several Riddler Vans. However, one of them will be slightly larger than the others. When you shoot the larger van enough times, it will topple over. Use your tow cable (both vehicles have them) to latch onto the van, then drag it into the bat-signal on the top of the street. A helicopter will carry the van away, and the police trucks on the right will drive off. Continue to the right.

Part 2 – Harbor

Just like the last area, you’ll be hunting more large Riddler Vans. There are three vans to grab this time, and you’ll have to drag some of them quite a distance to make it to the bat-signal in the top right corner of the area. Once all three vans have been towed away, the police trucks will drive away. Continue to the right.

Part 3 – Business Courtyard

The fight against Two-Face’s truck is pretty simple. Shoot it a bunch of times and you’ll be able to latch on with your tow cable. Do so, then drag Two-Face’s truck into the bat-signal on the right. The helicopter will drop a bomb on the truck, damaging it. Repeat this process two more times to complete the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Batmobile, Batcycle, Police Car (10,000), Police Bike (11,000), Police Van (13,000), The Joker’s Van (60,000)
Two-Face Chase - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Explosive, Harley, Joker

Part 1 - Gotham Streets

Canister 1
There are 3 street vendor carts for you to destroy, and 1 is in each area. The first is on the right side of the street.

Canister 2
There are 3 blue-and-grey dumpsters for you to destroy in this area. The first is on the left side of the street.

The second is also on the left side of the street, further down than the previous dumpster.

The final dumpster is on the right side of the street. Destroy all 3 dumpsters to reveal this Canister.

Canister 3
Destroy the manhole at the bottom end of the street to reveal this Canister.

Part 2 - Harbor

Canister 1 cont.
The second street vendor cart can be found in the top right corner of the area, right by the bat-signal.

Canister 4
When you enter this area, head down at the intersection. You'll see a small blue-and-grey dumpster on the left side of the street. Destroy it to reveal this Canister.

Canister 5
There are 3 blue-and-white cars for you to destroy. All 3 are in this area. To find the first, head down as soon as you enter the area and you'll find this car on the right side of the street.

The second car can be found on the right of the street by the bat-signal.

The final car can be found on the north side of the street at the bottom of the area, right before the ramp that launches you to the left. Destroy all 3 cars to reveal this Canister.

Canister 6
As soon as you enter this area, head right and you'll see a bunch of scaffolding.

Destroy part of the scaffolding by the fire hydrant to reveal this Canister.

Canister 7
Similar to the previous Canister, you'll find another section of scaffolding after driving over the ramp that launches you to the right.

Destroy one of the pieces on the right to reveal this Canister.

Canister 8
Drive down the ramp to the left of the bat-signal to reach the harbor. You'll see a white panel with Joker's face on it.

Drive onto it with The Joker's Van and the nearby crane will drop the box it is holding, revealing this Canister.

Canister 9
After collecting Canister 8, head towards the bottom of the harbor and you'll find a red panel with some diamonds on it.

Drive onto it with Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck and the nearby crane will drop the box it is holding, revealing this Canister.

Part 3 - Business Courtyard

Canister 1 cont.
The third street vendor cart can be found behind some silver barriers to the left of the steps. Drive into the silver barriers (you'll need a vehicle who can destroy them) to destroy them, allowing you to destroy the cart. Destroy all 3 to receive this Canister.

Canister 10
On the left side of the park, there are two phone booths next to the trees. Destroy them to reveal this Canister.

Red Power Brick (More Batarang Targets)
On the left side of the area, there are two small green boxes tucked away in a corner.

Destroy them to reveal this Power Brick hidden in the alcove. It's easiest to get this with a smaller vehicle.

Minikit Model: Batmobile
A Poisonous Appointment - Story Mode
Pamela Lillian Isley, AKA Poison Ivy, adores plants and uses plant-based toxins in her criminal activities. Her athletic build gives her the ability to jump extra high, and she can create new minions with her mutated seeds.

Enemies: Riddler Goon, Riddler Henchman, Poison Ivy Goon
Boss: Poison Ivy
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 78,000

Part 1 – Garden Entrance

Head to the right and you’ll find a large silver statue. We’ll need to find a way to destroy it. You’ll see part of a vehicle to the left of the statue. Destroy the plants near it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them onto the vehicle. Hop in and drive through the silver statue to destroy it, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Batman to receive the Sonic Suit. Head to the right and you’ll find that the doors to the building are made of glass. Use the Sonic Suit to shatter the glass, then head inside.

Part 2 – Botanical Gardens

Head to the right and you’ll find your path blocked by some plants. There are three glass vials on the back wall. Shatter each of them to destroy the plants, allowing you to continue. Continue to the right and you’ll find another set of plants blocking an alcove. Shatter the two glass valves on the sides of the alcove, then head back left. Shatter the glass wall, then shatter the third vial in the alcove behind it. This will destroy the plants in front of the alcove to the right, allowing you to head inside.

Head inside and destroy all of the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Robin to receive the Attract Suit. Destroy all of the plants in the area to reveal Attract pieces. Once you have at least 25, head to the right and you’ll find a large plant monster guarding the door. Deposit 25 pieces into the Attracto Machine and you’ll receive a bomb. The plant will eat the bomb, destroying itself and clearing the door. Head inside.

Part 3 – Cavern

Head to the right and you’ll see a large blue lock. Use your Batarang to destroy it, lowering the ladder. Climb up, then head to the right. Drop down onto the next ledge, then destroy the glowing green containers to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Batman to receive the Heat Protection Suit.

Continue to the right and you’ll see some large leaves. Wait for the pitcher plant to close, then hop onto the leaf on top of it. Bounce across the leaves to the right (hold the "jump" button to gain height), then land on the opposite ledge. Hop into the steam as Batman, then build the LEGO pieces into a tightrope. Head back left and walk across the tightrope, then continue to the right through the opening.

Part 4 – Laboratory

Head to the right and you’ll find an Attracto Machine. Destroy the objects in the room to reveal Attract pieces. Collect at least 25, then deposit them into the Attracto Machine. It will build a door on the right, allowing you to exit.

Part 5 – Toxic Goo

Destroy the cabinets to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into three flowers, then hop on each one to reveal platforms in the toxic goo. Carefully hop across, then destroy the trees to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to open the door. Head inside.

Part 6 – Making the Appointment

Time to face Poison Ivy. Don’t get too close to the front of the plant monsters, as they’ll eat you. They will spit up enemies for you to fight, as well as LEGO pieces. Defeat enemies until you can build the LEGO pieces into a bomb, destroying one of the plant monsters. Repeat this process to destroy the other two plant monsters.

When two plant monsters are destroyed, Poison Ivy will come out to play. However, you can’t damage her yet, so avoid her until the third plant is destroyed. Once all three plant monsters are destroyed, you’ll be able to damage her. Smack her around to take out her hearts, completing the level.

Unlocked Characters: Poison Ivy Goon (25,000)

You will also unlock the Heat Protection Suit for Free Play, as well as the Sonic Suit and Attract Suit if you haven't already
A Poisonous Appointment - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Batarang, Dive, Explosive, Glide, Grapple, Heat Immunity, High Jump, Joy Buzz, Magnet, Sonic, Super Strength, Tech

Part 1 - Garden Entrance

Canister 1
On the far left side of the area, you'll find a bunch of LEGO pieces on the ground.

Build them into the dirt to reveal a bunch of carrots.

Destroy all of the carrots to reveal this Canister above you.

Canister 2
To the right of the silver fountain, you'll notice some vines hanging off a platform. Use your Batarang to destroy them, revealing LEGO pieces.

Build them into a grapple point, then grapple onto the ledge.

Glide to the right across the gap to reach another platform, then high jump onto the platform with this Canister.

Part 2 - Botanical Gardens

Canister 3
One of the greenhouse entrances is covered by a heat lamp. Use a character with Heat Immunity to head inside. You can pull the lever inside to shut off the lamp if you want, but you don't have to.

Once inside, build the piles of LEGO pieces to plant them in the dirt. Once all of the seeds have been planted, the technology panel will turn on.

Use it to water each of the dirt patches, growing sunflowers. You'll have to water each patch of dirt for a few seconds before the flowers appear. Grow all four sets of sunflowers to reveal this Canister.

This poor hostage is very obviously being held behind the glass wall. Shatter it, then defeat the goon holding her to rescue her.

Canister 4
There is a large glass display case to the right of the alcove with the Attract Suit Swapper. Use the super strength handle on it to push it aside, then head into the alcove.

Ride the air current from the fan to reach the top of the large orange flowers.

Hop on each flower to raise up the next flower, allowing you to high jump up to this Canister at the end.

Canister 5
There are 3 objects you need to destroy to reveal carrots. The first carrot can be found by destroying a large plant to the left of the exit.

Canister 6
There are a bunch of plants on the far right side of the area.

Destroy some of them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a small plant. Bounce on the leaves to reach the bar on the right, allowing you to shimmy over to this Canister.

Part 3 - Cavern

Canister 7
There is a large vat of water towards the beginning of the area. Hop in and sink to the bottom, then head into the small pipe on the right.

Once you're inside the pipe, swim up and you'll be able to reach this Canister.

Canister 5 cont.
The second carrot can be found by destroying a trash can to the left of the pitcher plants.

Canister 8
While standing on the last pitcher plant, jump onto the bar on the right, then hop onto the platform.

Walk up the metal wall to reach the next ledge, then destroy all of the objects (including the silver object) to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to open the container on the left, allowing you to hop inside and grab this Canister.
A Poisonous Appointment - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 4 - Laboratory

Canister 5 cont.
The third carrot can be found by destroying the red cylinders to the left of the Attracto Machine. Use explosives to destroy the cylinders. Once you reveal all 3 carrots, this Canister will appear. You can either high jump up to this Canister, or you can destroy the carrot to reveal a fan, allowing you to ride the air current up to it.

Canister 9
There are a bunch of pipes in the near side of the area. You can hop onto them from the right side, where you'll find this Canister resting atop some hot pipes.

Red Power Brick (Flaming Batarang)
You'll find this Power Brick behind a barrier on the left side of the area. To free it, destroy the silver objects to reveal two sets of LEGO pieces.

Build them into a lever and a generator. Pull both levers and use your Joy Buzzer to power the generator.

This will raise the barrier around the Power Brick, allowing you to collect it.

Part 5 - Toxic Goo

Canister 10
This Canister is resting on a ledge in the back wall. You can dive onto the bar from one of the flower platforms. If you're having trouble with the jump, you can always just run into the goo (with someone who is immune of course) and jump onto the bar from there.

Minikit Model: Two-Face's Armored Truck
The Face-Off - Story Mode
Edward Nigma, AKA The Riddler, is obsessed with riddles, puzzles and word games. He delights in leaving clues for Batman at the scene of his crimes, which regularly leads to his downfall. Using specially-developed technology incorporated into his cane, he can take control of people's minds.

Enemies: Riddler Goon, Riddler Henchman
Boss: Two-Face, Riddler and Two-Face
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 65,000

Part 1 – Gotham Bullion Fortress

Head to the right and you’ll find your path blocked by a gate. Destroy the object next to the booth to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a small car, then smash up the large brown box to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a scanning device. This will activate both of the levers next to the gate. Pull one lever and your partner will pull the other, lowering the pylons around the area. Head back to the left and hop in the truck, then drive it underneath the scanning device. This will open the gate, allowing you to continue to the right.

Continue to the right and you’ll find a bunch of glowing objects. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a Suit Swapper. Hop in as Batman to receive the Glide Suit. Stand on the brown platform to the left, then switch to Robin. Head left to find a rotary handle, then turn it to raise up Batman on the platform. Batman will walk out onto the ledge, so switch back to him and glide to the right across the gap. Use your Batarang to destroy the glowing red-and-yellow object above the lasers, shutting them off. Pull the lever to raise up a bridge, allowing Robin to join you. Head back left and hop in the van, then drive it back to the right and onto the blue panel. This will open the gate, allowing you to continue.

Continue to the right and you’ll find a glowing booth. Destroy the objects around it, then hop in one of the blue vans. Drive it onto the "$" panel on the ground to destroy the booth. Build the LEGO pieces left behind into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Robin to receive the Magnet Suit. Head to the left of the building and you’ll see a metal wall. Climb up, then pull the lever to create a ladder, allowing Batman to join you. Glide to the right onto the bars, then shimmy and hop to the right. Hop onto the ledge when you can, then head back left. You’ll see a platform with a lever on it. Destroy the small barriers on the left side of the platform to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a tightrope, allowing Robin to join you. Destroy the small trash cans on the platform to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it. Your partner will pull the other lever, raising up the platform. Once you reach the top, smash the red grate, then head inside.

Part 2 – Vault Chamber

Time to face Two-Face. Smack him to take off two hearts. He will then retreat into the toxic goo. We need to follow him. Destroy the objects on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Robin to receive the Attract Suit. Destroy the objects in the area to reveal Attract pieces. Hop across the platforms on the right to find more Attract pieces. Collect at least 25, then deposit them into the Attracto Machine on the far right to receive a boat.

Hop in (making sure to pick up Batman) then drive it back to Two-Face and hop out. Smack him to take out two more hearts. He will then retreat into the vault. Build the LEGO pieces he leaves behind into platforms, then hop across them to the other side. Climb up the stairs on the right, then pull the lever. Glide across the gap and pull the other lever to open the vault. Head inside.

Part 3 – Laser Security

There are four large blue panels in this area. Step on all four of them to open the door. Look out for the moving green lasers, as they will kill you. Once the door on the other side is open, head on through.

Part 4 – Vault Showdown

Time to take on both Riddler and Two-Face. Two-Face will come down to fight you, so smack him to take out three hearts. He will then retreat, sending goons in. Defeat them and Two-Face will return. Take out his last three hearts and he will retreat to the upper ledge.

Riddler will then hop into a large laser gun and start shooting at you. To destroy it, destroy the red lock on one of the silver boxes on the left. Destroy the gold inside, as well as the other pile of gold on the left, to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a mirror, then stand behind it so Riddler fires at you. The mirror will reflect the blast back at Riddler. This will reveal more LEGO pieces to your right. Build them into red locks, then destroy them to open the other two silver boxes. Destroy the gold inside to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into another mirror. Stand behind it so Riddler fires at it, destroying the gun.

Riddler will then hop down to fight you himself. Smack him to take out three hearts. He will then retreat to the upper ledge and send some goons to fight you. Defeat them and Riddler will hop back down. Take out three more of his hearts, then defeat the goons and henchman that appear.

Riddler will then mind control Two-Face and send him down to fight you. Smack Two-Face a bunch and the mind control will be broken, causing Riddler to hop back down. Take one more heart off of him and Riddler will hop back up, mind controlling Two-Face again. Repeat this process to take out the Riddler’s last two hearts, ending the level.
The Face-Off - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Explosive, Freeze, Grapple, High Jump, Tech, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Gotham Bullion Fortress

Canister 1
There are five pylons by the second gate you need to open.

Hop on top of each pylon and it will sink into the ground, leaving a ring of studs around it. Do this for all five pylons to reveal this Canister.

Canister 2
On the left side of the main building entrance is a technology panel. Use it to shut off the lasers, allowing you to safely approach the entrance.

Spin the revolving door like a rotary handle to make your way around to this Canister.

Canister 3
There are a bunch of silver barriers in front of the main building entrance.

Destroy them to reveal a bunch of LEGO pieces.

Build them all into a giant $ sign to reveal this Canister.

Canister 4
Head to the far right side of the area and you'll find this Canister up on a ledge. Use the grapple point to reach it.

There is an Attracto Machine on the far right side of the area. Collect at least 25 Attract pieces from the area, then deposit them into the machine.

This will water some plants, causing them to grow.

Hop up the plants, then high jump onto the small rock ledge. From here, high jump onto the next ledge, where you'll find this hostage being held. Defeat the goons to rescue her.

Canister 5
After rescuing the Hostage, look to the left to find this Canister.

Part 2 - Toxic Goo

Canister 6
Head into the toxic goo to the left of the stairs where Two-Face stands to find a small pipe. Head into the opening to collect this Canister.

Canister 7
Instead of building the platforms to cross the toxic goo, hop in and head towards the screen to run into this Canister.

Red Power Brick (Slam)
After hopping across the platforms, head into the toxic goo and go to the left. You'll find a bunch of objects.

Destroy them all to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into buttons.

Step on them in the order that is on the side of the safe (red, blue, green, purple) to open it, then head inside to reach this Power Brick.

Canister 8
After hopping across the platforms, head into the toxic goo on the right. You'll find a place you can freeze. Freeze the liquid to make a platform, allowing you to high jump up to this Canister.

Part 4 - Vault Showdown

Canister 9
There are 5 large treasure chests for you to destroy. The first is on the left side of the room.

The second is in the near center part of the room.

The third and fourth are behind bars on the left side of the room. Smash the bars to reach them.

The final treasure chest is behind bars on the right side of the room. Destroy all 5 to reveal this Canister.

Canister 10
This Canister is sitting out in the open on the right side of the area.

Minikit Model: The Gold Reserve
--------------Villain Levels--------------
The Riddler Makes a Withdrawal - Story Mode
When is a safe not a safe? When THE RIDDLER'S in town! No safe is safe - and you, my Face of Clay, you will be my right-hand... well, for want of a more accurate term, my right-hand MAN.

Once we've made it to the bank vault, nothing matters but the key.

PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER, and stay focused on the job!

Enemies: Police Officer, Security Guard
Starting Characters: Clayface, The Riddler
Super Villain: 45,000

Part 1 – Parking Garage

Head to the right and you’ll see a small security booth. Destroy the objects to the left of it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to open the blinds on the security booth, revealing a guard inside. Use mind control to take control of the guard, then turn the rotary handle to open the gate on the right.

Take back control of your character, then continue to the right up the stairs. You’ll find a small parking garage, with a garbage truck against the back wall. Use the super strength handle to pull the truck to the left, revealing two levers. You’ll have to pull the handle twice to reveal both levers. Pull one and your partner will pull the other, opening the elevator. Head inside, then step on one of the buttons. Your partner will step on the other, sending the elevator up.

Part 2 – Gotham Streets

Head to the left and you’ll see an elevator. You can pull it to open the elevator if you want to return to the previous area. To the left of the elevator is a bar. Double jump onto it to create a platform. Hop up onto the platform, then high jump onto the next ledge. High jump to the left to grab the bar on the ladder, lowering it down. Climb up the ladder, then head to the left on the ledge.

Part 3 – Scrapyard

Drop down and you’ll see a bunch of trucks. Use the super strength handles on them to toss them aside (you’ll have to build the super strength handle onto one of the trucks). You’ll reveal an orange vehicle. Use the super strength handle on it to pull it to the left. You’ll park it on an orange panel, revealing a lever in an alcove above you. Use mind control on the man in the alcove, then pull the lever to place the crane arm on the vehicle. Build the LEGO pieces next to the vehicle onto it, then destroy the pile of tires on the right side of the vehicle to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them onto the vehicle and you’ll have a small crane with a wrecking ball attached. Hop in and drive it to the right through the silver gate.

Part 2 – Gotham Streets

Continue to the right through the silver gate, then keep going to the right. You’ll find a bunch of silver scaffolding. Drive through it to destroy it, revealing a panel on the wall. Use the super strength handle on it to pull it off the wall, revealing an opening. Head inside.

Part 4 – Gotham Bank

Head down the alley and you’ll find the bank. Smash the phone booth on the right side of the area to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, then climb up. Build the LEGO pieces on the ledge into a tightrope, then walk up it. Mind control the person inside the building, then grab the bar in the back of the room. This will knock down the large gargoyle, revealing LEGO pieces on the ground.

Drop down and build them into a bomb, then destroy the blue benches to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a box, then hop in the police car on the left. Drive to the right through the silver object to destroy it, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a detonator, then hop on the platform to set off the bomb, ending the level.

Unlocked Characters: Clayface, The Riddler
The Riddler Makes a Withdrawal - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Batarang, Explosive, Grapple, High Jump, Magnet, Mind Control, Sonic, Super Strength

Part 1 - Parking Garage

Canister 1
You can see this Canister hiding behind a dumpster to the left of your starting point. Use the super strength handle on it to toss it aside, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 2
You'll find this Canister floating in the air above the parking lot.

To reach it, head to the left and you'll find a white van. Use the super strength handle on it to pull it to the right, then high jump on top of it and over to the Canister.

Canister 3
There is a small booth in the near right corner of the parking lot. Hop in a small car and drive straight into the booth to destroy the front wall, revealing this Canister on top of it.

Part 2 - Gotham Streets

You'll find this Hostage being held behind a glass window to the left of the elevator. Smash the glass, then hop inside the alcove and defeat the goon to rescue the hostage. If you position yourself just right, you can also defeat the goon without shattering the glass!

Canister 4
This Canister can be found behind a silver window near the entrance to the scrapyard. Destroy the window, then hop inside the room to collect this Canister.

Canister 5
You'll see this Canister inside a room on the second floor of the building, to the right of the elevator. Use your Batarang to destroy the window, then grapple up to the room to collect this.

Canister 6
After smashing through the silver gate on the right, you'll find this Canister behind some glass. Shatter the glass and you'll be able to collect it.

Part 3 - Scrapyard

Red Power Brick (Score x2)
To collect this Power Brick, you'll actually start in Part 2. After smashing the silver fence on the right, you'll notice a metal wall.

Climb up and head to the left and you'll find a sign with a bar on top of it.

High jump onto the bar to knock the sign down, revealing LEGO pieces below you. Drop down and build them into a car, then hop in and drive it into the scrapyard.

Park the car in the crusher on the right side of the area. This will activate the other lever on the ledge with the man you mind control.

To gain access to the lever, use your Batarang to hit the top of the hatch, knocking it down and clearing the way to the lever.

Mind control the man inside the alcove and pull the lever on the right to turn on the compactor, crushing the car.

Smash the block left behind to reveal the Power Brick.

Part 4 - Gotham Bank

Canister 7
As soon as you enter the area, you'll see a bar on the left wall. High jump onto it, then high jump up the bars on the right to reach this Canister.

Canister 8
This Canister is in the alley on the left side of the bank. Destroy the barrels to reveal it.

Canister 9
Destroy the silver gate to the left of the bank, then head into the room to find this Canister.

Canister 10
After climbing up the ladder on the right, you'll find this Canister behind a glass window. Shatter the glass, then hop inside to collect this Canister.

Minikit Model: Clayface's House of Gold
On the Rocks - Story Mode
Freeze, I'm taking you out for ICE CREAM. I know it's your favorite.

We need your FREEZE CANNON, and it's deep-frozen in your old factory.

Come on now-I hope you're not getting COLD FEET. HA!

Enemies: Police Officer, Construction Worker, S.W.A.T.
Starting Characters: Mr. Freeze, The Riddler
Super Villain: 58,000

Part 1 – Factory Exterior

We need to get inside the factory. Head to the left and you’ll see a large pipe. Use the super strength handle on it to toss part of it aside, then hop in the steam jet to be carried onto the upper ledge. Head to the right and you’ll see two small ice cream cones on the lower ledge. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into levers. Pull each lever to open the door below you, allowing you to head inside.

Part 2 – Ice Cream Vat

Head to the right and you’ll see a blue object in the wall. Use the super strength handle on it to pull it out of the wall, then hop up on top of it and grab the bar. Shimmy to the right to reach the ledge, then continue to the right.

Follow the stud trail and hop onto the blue platform, then use Freeze’s gun to create frozen platforms. Hop across them until you get close to the security guard with the “?” over his head. Use Riddler to mind control the security guard on the ledge above you, then head to the left. Build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle, then turn it to fill the vat with ice cream, raising up the platforms.

Take back control of your character, then hop onto the opposite ledge. Destroy the objects to the left of the blue gate to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a drill, revealing more LEGO pieces. Build them onto the gate, then use the super strength handle to push it open. Head up the stairs.

Part 3 – Vault Approach

Head to the right and you’ll find your path blocked by a wooden post. We’ll have to take care of that. Head back to the left and you’ll find a person with a “?” over their head. Mind control them, then destroy the yellow basket next to them. Build the LEGO pieces into a lever, then take back control of your character. Switch to Mr. Freeze and stand on the blue platform next to the box, then switch back to Riddler. Mind control the person again, then pull the lever to raise up the platform.

The box on top will move onto the ledge on the right. Switch back to Freeze, then use the super strength handle on the box to push it to the right and off the ledge. This will create an opening in the floor, so drop down and continue to the right. Head through the toxic gas (Freeze is immune) and use the super strength handle to topple the wooden post blocking your way earlier. Climb up the ladder to the right and Riddler will join you.

Step on the grey valve, then mind control the guy in the room across the gap. Have him step on the grey valve next to him to create stairs. Switch back to your character, then head up the stairs to the right. Hop up the bars, then continue to the right. Drop down onto the next ledge, then destroy the yellow basket to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to fill the vat next to you with ice cream. Freeze it to create a platform, then continue to the right. Use the mind control panel to open the vault, then head inside.

Part 4 – Cold Storage

There’s a lot of cops on the back ledge shooting at you, but you can’t reach them yet. Destroy the objects in the center of the room to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a cannon, which will destroy the fan. This will allow you to approach the back ledge.

Walk up to the ledge and mind control one of the guys with the “?” over their heads, then push the box off the ledge to reveal some LEGO pieces. Switch back to your character, then build the LEGO pieces into a ladder. Climb up and take out the rest of the cops, then step on the buttons in the order the colors appear in the center (blue, green, yellow, red) to complete the level.

Unlocked Characters: Mr. Freeze

Unlocked Vehicles: Mr. Freeze’s Kart (25,000), Mr. Freeze’s Iceberg (23,000)
On the Rocks - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Explosive, Glide, Magnet, Mind Control, Sonic, Super Strength

Part 1 - Factory Exterior

Canister 1
On the left side of the area, you'll find a broken ice cream truck. Destroy the fire hydrant next to it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the truck to repair it.

Hop inside and drive it towards the blue garage to the left of the factory entrance. The garage door will open, revealing a bunch of cops.

Park the truck in the garage and this Canister will appear on the ledge above you.

Canister 2
After riding the steam jet to the upper ledge, you'll see a grate on the wall.

Use the super strength handle to tear it off the wall, revealing an opening. Head inside and to the right to reach this Canister.

Canister 3
There are 3 snowmen you have to reveal. The first can be found by destroying the large plant in the near right corner.

To find the second snowman, shatter the glass door on the right, then head inside.

Head to the left and mind control the man behind the counter. Pull the lever to reveal the second snowman.

The third snowman can be found by destroying the large plant on the ledge above the factory entrance.

Reveal all 3 snowmen and this Canister will appear in the air above the entrance.

Part 2 - Ice Cream Vat

Canister 4
After hopping across the frozen platforms, you'll find a ledge with a silver manhole cover on it.

Destroy it, then head into the opening to reach the room on the right, where you'll find this Canister.

This Hostage is odd, as it can appear in two locations. Sometimes they will appear in the room with Canister 4, other times they'll appear on top of the room with Canister 4 inside. Either way, you'll find this Hostage close to Canister 4.

Red Power Brick (Score x4)
After rescuing the hostage, drop down into the room on the right. Destroy the ice cream cone to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a lever. Pull it to lower the panel in the wall, allowing you to continue to the right.

You'll find this Power Brick inside a container. Build the nearby LEGO pieces onto the wall to open the container, allowing you to collect this Power Brick.

Canister 5
There is a metal wall on the far left side of the area.

Walk up it to reach the ledge with this Canister on it.

Part 3 - Vault Approach

Canister 6
After riding the blue platform onto the ledge, head to the left and drop down. You'll see this Canister by some bars below you. Drop down the bars to reach it.

Canister 7
There is an Attracto Machine to the left of your starting point.

Collect 25 Attract pieces around the area, then deposit them into the machine to receive this Canister.

Canister 8
After walking up the stairs, destroy the silver manhole cover to reveal an opening. Drop down into the room with the person you mind controlled earlier, then destroy the silver container to free this Canister.

Part 4 - Cold Storage

Canister 9
Climb up the metal wall on the left side of the area, then glide across to the other side to reach this Canister.

Canister 10
This Canister is on the left side of the ledge with the buttons.

Minikit Model: Super Freeze Cannon
Green Fingers - Story Mode
I never really liked you, Ivy. But YOU’RE GROWING ON ME! HA HA! Oh, that one’s good enough for the Joker.

Those mutant vine seeds in the Botanic Gardens will give us the lift we need.


Enemies: Police Officer, Groundskeeper, Scientist
Starting Characters: Poison Ivy, The Riddler
Super Villain: 88,000

Part 1 – Greenhouse Exterior

Head towards the greenhouse and to the left. You’ll see a large group of boxes and other objects. Destroy them all to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a flower car. Hop in and drive it into the silver gates on each side of the greenhouse to destroy them, allowing you to head inside the alcoves.

Head into the alcove on the right and smash the flowers on the ground to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to start the brown platform moving. Ride it up, then hop onto the ledge. High jump onto the bar, then shimmy to the left. Destroy the statue to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a tightrope, allowing Riddler to join you. Head to the left through the toxic goo, then pull the lever. Riddler will pull the other lever, opening the door to the greenhouse. Drop down and head inside.

Part 2 – Toxic Pit

Head to the left and use Poison Ivy to grow the plant, creating a platform. Hop across, then grow the next plant. Hop on it to reach the other side, then grow the plant to the right of the cage. Bounce up the mushrooms to reach the upper ledge, then head to the left through the toxic goo. Push the statue off the ledge to destroy the cage. The plant monster will move away, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a mind control panel, then use it to open the door. Head inside.

Part 3 – Garden Courtyard

Head to the right and you’ll find a large silver gate. Next to it is a large group of plants. Smash them all to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into part of a plant monster. For the final set of pieces, mind control the guy in the room behind you. Pull the lever to reveal the final set of LEGO pieces. Build them onto the plant monster, then hop on. Head to the right and attack the silver gate to destroy it. Hop off the plant monster, then continue to the right.

Part 4 – Lake

Destroy the boxes near you to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a swan vehicle. Hop in and drive it to the right, then smash through the gate. Hop off, then continue to the right. Use mind control on one of the scientists, then smash both sets of gas cylinders to shut off the toxic gas. You will also reveal a valve and a pile of LEGO pieces. Step on the valve to open the door, allowing your characters to enter the alcove. Switch back to your character, then head into the alcove and build the LEGO pieces into a lever. Pull it to open the door on the right. Head inside.

Part 5 – Garage

Head to the right through the toxic goo, then destroy all of the boxes and other objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a small tractor, then hop in and drive it to the left. Hop out, then hop in as Riddler. Drive it to the right to safely cross the toxic goo, then use the mind control panel to open the door. Head inside.

Part 6 – Tunnels

Head to the right through the first bit of toxic gas, then step on the red button to shut it off. Climb up the ladder, then step on the red button to shut off the other stream of toxic gas. Pull the lever to open the hatch, then drop down and head inside.

Continue to the right, then destroy all of the objects on the ground to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the lift, then grow the plants on the right. High jump up them to reach the upper ledge, then smash the valves to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them onto the lift. Drop down and head into the lift. Step on one of the buttons and your partner will step on the other, lifting you up.

Part 7 – Greenhouse Approach

Simply head to the right and through the door.

Part 8 – Greenhouse

You need to power up three heating lamps. This is done by stepping on the red switches in the center of the area. Unfortunately, only one is powered up at the moment. Step on the center switch to turn on the first heating lamp.

For the second, head to the left and mind control the guy on the upper ledge. Push the statue off the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces. Switch back to your character and build them into a generator, powering up the switch on the left. Step on it to turn on the second heat lamp.

Head to the right and destroy the red plants in the toxic gas to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a pump, then hop on top of it a few times to raise up the generator. Once it's in place, the switch on the right will be activated. Step on it to activate the final heat lamp, completing the level.

Unlocked Characters: Poison Ivy
Green Fingers - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Dive, Explosive, Grapple, Heat Immunity, High Jump, Magnet, Sonic, Tech

Part 1 - Greenhouse Exterior

Canister 1
Head to the near right corner of the area and you'll find a Technology panel. Use it to raise the barrier, then continue down the road.

You'll find a small racetrack. Hop in one of the cars and drive it along the track.

Pass through all of the flags to turn them green, revealing this Canister in the center of the grass.

Canister 2
Destroy the silver gate to the left of the building, then head into the alcove. Hop up the bars to reach this Canister.

Canister 3
Inside the alcove on the right, you'll notice another silver gate. Destroy it, then head inside.

You'll find a grapple point next to a tree.

Grapple up, then high jump up the platforms to reach this Canister.

Part 2 - Toxic Goo

While on the top ledge, head to the left to find a silver gate. Destroy it, then head inside.

You'll find this Hostage in the center of the room. Defeat the goon holding him to rescue him.

Red Power Brick (Score x6)
After rescuing the Hostage, you'll notice an Attracto Machine in the left corner. Smash up the objects in the room to reveal Attract pieces (there are also lots of pieces back in the main area).

Deposit at least 25 into the machine to receive a cake robot. The Technology panel on the left wall will turn on.

Use the Technology panel to drive the robot into the oven in the back right corner, revealing this Power Brick.

Part 3 - Garden Courtyard

Canister 4
You'll find a silver door in the back left corner of the area. Destroy it, then head inside.

You'll find three colored blocks. There are also three colored panels on the tiles. Push the blocks onto the panel that matches their color. Do this for all three blocks to reveal this Canister.

Part 4 - Lake

Canister 5
While swimming in the lake, you'll notice a yellow opening in the center.

Dive down inside it and you'll pop out in an alcove on the left side of the lake. Shatter the glass around the lever, then pull it.

This will turn on all of the fountains, allowing you to ride the water jet up to this Canister.

Part 5 - Garage

Canister 6
Shatter the glass case on the left side of the area to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a metal wall, then walk up it to reach the ledge with this Canister.
Green Fingers - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 6 - Tunnels

Canister 7
When you enter the area, head to the left and you'll find a silver door. Destroy it, then head inside.

You will find a large generator. Destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a metal wall.

Before you walk up it, use the super strength handle to push it into position.

Walk up the metal wall, then drop down into the alcove with this Canister inside.

Canister 8
Use the grapple point to grapple up onto the red-hot pipe, then head to the right and go through the opening.

You'll end up on the ledge with this Canister.

Canister 9
Head to the right of the lift to find a glass door. Shatter it, then hop into the water.

Sink to the bottom, then step on the button to drain the water. This will also reveal an opening on the right, so head through it.

Step on the button inside to fill the containers back up with water. Swim back to the surface, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Part 8 - Greenhouse

Canister 10
Destroy the small silver greenhouse on the left, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Minikit Model: Plant Minion
An Enterprising Theft - Story Mode
It’s just you and me now, HARVEY. The perfect match! My endless questions and your coin to answer them.

So flip one for me, old pal. Shall we break in to Wayne Tech and steal their SUPER LASER?

Not sure? I’ll give you a CLUE.

Enemies: Police Officer
Starting Characters: Two-Face, The Riddler
Super Villain: 48,000

Part 1 – Lobby

Head to the right and you’ll see two escalators. The stairs are moving down, so you can’t head up them just yet. Destroy the benches across from the escalators to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to reverse the direction of the escalators.

Walk up, then head to the left. You’ll find a door blocked by lasers. To shut them off, destroy the benches and safes to the left of the door, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into buttons, then step on them in the correct order (blue, red, yellow, green) to open the door. Head inside.

Part 2 – A Toxic Swim

Head to the left and climb up the ladder, then hop onto the bar on the right. Hop onto the next ledge, then build the LEGO pieces into a button. Hop on it to flood the room with toxic waste.

Hop in as Two-Face, then swim to the left. Hop onto the ledge, then smash the green wall panel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, sending some power to the door on the right. Swim to the right and hop onto the other ledge, then smash the cabinet to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then push it to the end of the tiles. This will send more power to the door, opening it. Swim over to it, then head inside.

Part 3 – Laser Hallway

Build the pile of LEGO pieces by your starting point, then head up the small ramp. Build the LEGO pieces in the toxic goo to create a robot. Mind control the scientist in the room behind you to take control of the robot. Walk to the right through the lasers and run into the tan fuse box to destroy it, shutting off the lasers.

Switch back to your character, then continue to the right. You’ll find a large dome in the center of the room. Large laser gates will then appear, trapping you in this section of the area. Head over to the back wall and hop up the bar to reach the ledge. Head to the left in the toxic goo, then smack the yellow panel on the machine to shut off the lasers below you. Drop down and pull the lever to open the garage, revealing a floor sweeper. Hop in and ride it over all of the red panels around the large glass dome.

Once all of the panels have turned green, the door to the interior of the dome will open. Head inside and turn the rotary handle to extend a bridge on the back ledge. Return to the back ledge, then head to the right. Smack the yellow panel on the other machine to shut off the lasers on the right, allowing you to continue. Drop down and head through the opening.

Part 4 – Laser Chamber

Head to the right and three colored buttons will appear in the center of the area. Step on them in the order that appears on the large computer screen (yellow, red, green) to reveal the frame of a mech. Destroy the two large boxes near it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them onto the mech.

Head to the back left corner and you’ll see a scientist with a “?” symbol over his head in the alcove. Mind control him, then pull the lever to reveal more LEGO pieces. Head to the back right corner and destroy the door (it looks like glass but you can punch it to destroy it), then enter the alcove. Walk through the toxic goo, then pull the lever to reveal more LEGO pieces. Return to the mech and build the two piles of LEGO pieces onto it.

Once the mech is complete, hop inside. Walk up to the eight large red nodes and smack them to destroy them. Once all eight nodes are destroyed, the force field around the laser will be lowered. Walk up to the laser to complete the level.

Unlocked Characters: Two-Face, Scientist (6,000)

Unlocked Vehicles: Two-Face’s Armored Truck (24,000)
An Enterprising Theft - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Explosive, Heat Immunity, High Jump, Mind Control, Sonic, Tech, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Lobby

Canister 1
Head to the left and you'll see three display cases.

Shatter the glass on each of them to reveal two piles of LEGO pieces.

Build them into levers, then pull them to raise one of the display cases and lower another one, allowing you to high jump up to this Canister.

Head to the right past the escalators and you'll see this hostage inside the first room. Shatter the glass door, then head inside and defeat the goon to rescue the hostage.

Canister 2
After rescuing the Hostage, continue to the right and you'll find another room. Shatter the glass door, then head inside.

Destroy all of the objects inside to reveal two piles of LEGO pieces.

Build the pile on the left into a mouse robot, then hop on.

Ride it to the left and you'll find an opening to the left of the escalators.

Park the mouse inside the alcove to open the door on the left. Head inside.

Once inside, head to the right and you'll find a Technology panel.

Use it to take control of the robot in the maze. Drive over each of the red buttons until you reach the top left corner, then drive to the right underneath the pipe.

This Canister will then be sucked up and appear in the room where you rescued the Hostage.

Canister 3
Destroy the silver safe on the right side of the upper ledge to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a button, then hop on it a few times to open the elevator doors, revealing this Canister.

Canister 4
You can find this Canister behind glass to the right of the exit. Simply shatter the glass and hop into the alcove to collect it.

Part 2 - A Toxic Swim

Canister 5
There is a scientist in the room on the back ledge. Once you flood the room with toxic waste, this room will drain, allowing the scientist to walk around. Mind control him, then pull the lever.

This will open a container on the right side of the room. Hop in the toxic goo and swim to the right, then hop inside the container to collect this Canister.

Canister 6
You'll find some silver bars on the left side of the upper ledge.

Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a helicopter. This will activate the nearby Technology panel.

Use it to take control of the helicopter, then fly up and to the right to reach this Canister.
An Enterprising Theft - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 3 - Laser Hallway

Canister 7
After passing through the first set of lasers, you'll find a grey panel on the wall. Shoot it to destroy it, revealing this Canister. High jump into the alcove to reach it.

Canister 8
Head to the left side of the main area and you'll find a glass door. Shatter it, then head inside.

You'll find a pile of LEGO pieces inside. Build them into a weight.

This will reveal this Canister up on the upper ledge.

Red Power Brick (Score x8)
You'll find a silver door on the left side of the main area. Destroy it, then head inside the room.

Head to the left in the toxic goo and destroy the chemical vats to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a projector, which will reveal a door on the back wall. Head through the opening.

Once inside, head to the right and enter the room. Hop on the button in the back three times to reveal a dance floor.

A pattern of lights will appear on the dance floor. Match the pattern (if the squares on the top row, from left to right, are numbered 1-3, the middle row 4-6, and the bottom row 7-9, then the pattern is 6, 2, 8, 7, 4, 3, 9, 5, 1) to reveal this Power Brick behind Bruce Wayne's portrait.

Canister 9
Hop up the red hot pipes in the right side of the main area to reach a yellow valve.

Smack it to create an air current, then ride it up to this Canister.

Part 4 - Laser Chamber

Canister 10
BEFORE lowering the force field around the laser, head towards it to find this Canister just to the right. Approaching the laser while the force field is down will end the level, so make sure you collect this Canister as soon as you enter the area.

Minikit Model: Bruce Wayne's Portrait
Breaking Blocks - Story Mode
The FREEZE CANNON, the VINE SEEDS, the SUPER LASER and THE KEY; all pieces of a glorious puzzle. Put them together, and what have we got?


Our prize awaits!

Enemies: S.W.A.T., Security Guard
Starting Characters: The Riddler, Two-Face
Super Villain: 71,000

Part 1 – Gotham Bullion Fortress

Well that didn’t go according to plan. There is a helicopter flying around the area. Step into the spotlight and it will fire at you, so be careful. Head to the right and you’ll see a man with a “?” over his head. Mind control him, then destroy the large yellow light to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into dynamite and a plunger, then step on the plunger to detonate the dynamite, allowing your characters to access the area.

Switch back to your character, then destroy the objects by the excavator to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the excavator to repair it, then hop in and drive it to the left. Run into the silver shipping crate on the small ledge on the left to destroy it, revealing bars.

Hop up them to reach the upper ledge, then destroy the light to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a battery, then push it into the slot on the tiles. This will power up the lever, so pull it to send power to the machine in the center. Build the pile of LEGO pieces on the left into a tightrope, then slide down it.

Continue to the left past the machine and you’ll see a large grey lock. Shoot it to destroy it, lowering the ladder. Climb up, then destroy the light to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a battery, then push it into the slot on the tiles. This will power up the lever. Pull it to send power to the machine in the center.

Once both levers have been pulled, LEGO pieces will appear in the center. Head back to the center and build the LEGO pieces into a mind control chair. Hop in and you’ll take control of the police helicopter flying around. Shoot at the silver door to destroy it, then switch back to your character. Drop down and head inside.

Part 2 – Lobby

Head to the right and you’ll see a guy in the back alcove with a “?” over his head. Before mind controlling him, destroy the red chairs across from the alcove to reveal two sets of LEGO pieces. Build them into rotary handles, then turn each of them to raise up the walls in the alcove. Once both walls have been raised, mind control the guy in the alcove, then head left. Pull the lever to open the gate on the right. Continue through the opening.

Part 3 – Laser Hallway

Head to the right and you’ll see a gate. Shoot the green fuse box near it to open the gate, then destroy all of the objects in the alcove to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a box, then push it all the way to the end of the tiles. This will shut off the lasers, allowing you to continue.

Destroy the boxes and other objects near the toxic goo to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle. This will open the elevator, so head inside as Two-Face. Switch to Riddler and turn the rotary handle to send Two-Face to the upper ledge, then switch back. Destroy the lock on the door to the left to reveal a lever. Pull it to lower a ladder, allowing Riddler to join you. Head to the left and mind control the guy in the room, then pull the lever to open the door. Switch back to your character and head inside.

Part 4 – Vault Approach

Shoot the two green fuse boxes next to the lasers to open up the panel on the left. Destroy the fuse box inside to shut off the lasers. Head into the next room, then pass through the toxic gas. Pull the lever to open the garage, revealing a box. Push it onto the red slot on the tiles to open the gate. Destroy the machine inside to shut off the toxic gas, allowing Riddler to join you.

Head to the left and step on one of the red buttons. Your partner will step on the other, lowering the lasers. Continue down the hallway, then shoot the green fuse box on the wall to shut off the lasers. Head through the opening.

Part 5 – Vault

Head into the toxic goo in the alcove on the left, then pull the lever to open the vault. This will reveal two sets of LEGO pieces. Build the LEGO pieces in the center of the room into part of a robot, then build the LEGO pieces on the right into a trampoline. Use it to bounce up onto the ledge, then push the box off to reveal more LEGO pieces.

Build them into a lever, then use it to raise the silver barriers on the right. Mind control the guy in the alcove, then smash the boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, then climb up. Smash the boxes on the left to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a rotary handle. Turn it to raise the gate on the left, then head into the next room and climb down the ladder. Pull the lever to reveal more LEGO pieces.

Switch back to your character and build the LEGO pieces into the rest of the robot. Hop in and shoot the barrier in the vault to destroy it, then hop inside to complete the level.

Unlocked Characters: S.W.A.T. (10,000)

Unlocked Vehicles: Riddler’s Jet (17,000)
Breaking Blocks - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Batarang, Explosive, High Jump, Joy Buzz, Magnet, Mind Control, Sonic, Super Strength

Part 1 - Gotham Bullion Fortress

Canister 1
Look towards the screen to the right of the entrance and you'll see part of a ladder.

Drop down and you'll land on a leaf, where you'll find this Canister. Build the LEGO pieces onto the ladder so you can climb back up.

Canister 2
There are 3 silver security cameras that you can only destroy while you are controlling the police helicopter. The first is on the far right, inside of the alcove with the excavator.

The second camera is to the left of the bars you hop up to reach the upper ledge.

The third camera is to the left of the entrance to the fortress.

Once you destroy all 3 cameras, this Canister will appear on a ledge by the mind control chair. High jump onto the ledge to reach it.

Part 2 - Lobby

Canister 3
Shatter the glass along the back wall, then hop into the alcove.

Destroy the objects in the alcove and around the main area to reveal Attract pieces.

Deposit 25 pieces into the Attracto Machine to receive a metal wall.

Walk up it to reach the ledge with this Canister on it.

Canister 4
On the right side of the area are three portraits. Use your Batarang to target the red lights under them, revealing some LEGO pieces.

Build them into a lever, then pull it to reveal this Canister behind one of the portraits.

Part 3 - Laser Hallway

Canister 5
There is a book shelf on the right side of the toxic goo.

Use the super strength handle on it to reveal a wall, then smash it to reveal this Canister.

Head to the left of the exit to find a silver door. Destroy it, then head inside.

You'll find this hostage in the center of the room. Defeat the goons holding him to rescue the hostage.

Canister 6
After rescuing the Hostage, head to the back right corner to find this Canister in a silver cage. Destroy the cage to collect the Canister.

Red Power Brick (Score x10)
After collecting Canister 6, shatter the glass on the right to reveal the fuse box.

Head to the near left corner and destroy all of the objects to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a gold block, then push it to the end of the tiles. High jump onto the ledge and destroy the fuse box.

This will shut off the lasers on the left, allowing you to destroy the silver door, revealing this Power Brick.

Part 4 - Vault Approach

Canister 7
There are 4 gold pigs for you to destroy. The first can be found by destroying a panel on the left wall. High jump into the alcove to reach the pig.

The second pig can be found on the right side of the area. Use your Joy Buzzer to charge the generator on the right, opening the gate and revealing the pig.

The third pig can be found in the alcove with the generator. It is easier to see after you smash the generator.

The fourth pig can be found to the right of the exit. Destroy all 4 pigs to reveal this Canister.

Canister 8
After pulling the lever to reveal the box, you'll find this Canister inside a silver cage. Destroy the cage to collect the Canister.
Breaking Blocks - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 5 - Vault

Canister 9
Shatter the glass case to the left of the vault to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a metal wall, then walk up to find a cage. Push it to the end of the tiles and off the ledge to reveal this Canister back on the ground.

Canister 10
Destroy the silver door to the right of the vault, then head inside the room. Climb the ladder, then destroy the silver cage with this Canister inside to collect it.

Minikit Model: Defence Robot
---Chapter 2 - Power Crazed Penguin---
---------------Hero Levels---------------
There She Goes Again - Story Mode
Selina Kyle, AKA Catwoman, is an accomplished cat burglar with a taste for luxury. She is extremely agile and acrobatic, and deadly with her whip.

Enemies: Penguin Goon, Penguin Henchman
Boss: Catwoman
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 110,000

Part 1 – Alley

Head to the right and you’ll find an alley with glowing objects inside. Smash them up to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a Suit Swapper. Hop in as Robin to receive the Magnet Suit. Continue to the right and walk up the metal wall, then pull the lever to lower two ladders, allowing Batman to join you. Climb up the next ladder, then walk across the tightrope. Grapple up onto the next ledge, then build the LEGO pieces into another tightrope. Cross to the right, then build the LEGO pieces into a ladder. Climb up.

Part 2 – Rooftops

Head to the right and climb up the ladder, then grapple up onto the ledge to find a Suit Swapper. Hop in as Batman to receive the Glide Suit. Drop back down and continue to the right, then glide across the gap. Build the LEGO pieces into a bridge, allowing Robin to join you. Continue to the right and climb up the metal wall, then build the LEGO pieces into a grapple point, allowing Batman to join you.

Glide across the gap to the right, then turn the rotary handle to rotate the crane to the left. Switch back to Robin, then hop onto the metal wall and cross to the right. Drop down and continue to the right. You’ll have a mini skirmish with Catwoman. Simply smack her to take out her hearts.

Once her hearts are gone, she will flee to the right. Head right and glide across the gap, then build the LEGO pieces into a tightrope, allowing Robin to join you. Before hopping in the Suit Swapper, walk up the metal wall, then pull the lever to lower the ladder on the right. Drop back down and hop in the Suit Swapper as Robin to receive the Technology Suit. Climb the ladder as Batman to reach the upper ledge, then hop in the Suit Swapper to receive the Demolition Suit.

Continue to the right, then destroy the silver cylinders to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a small car, then use the technology panel to take control of it. Drive the car over each of the red switches to reveal more silver cylinders. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into the Whirly-Bat.

Hop in and your partner will grapple onto it. Fly to the right, then hop out. Destroy the trash cans and vents to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into levers. Pull one and your partner will pull the other, opening the hatch. Drop down inside.

Part 3 – Cat Fight

Smash the windows to destroy them, then hop out onto the ledge. Build the LEGO pieces into a tightrope, then walk across it.

After the cutscene, destroy the windows, then head inside the room and go to the right. It’s time to face Catwoman. She likes to hop around a lot, so just keep up the pursuit and eventually you’ll land some blows. Destroy the trash cans on the right side of the area to reveal LEGO pieces you can build into a ladder, allowing you to reach the upper ledges. Take out all of her hearts to end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Fishmonger (4,000), Penguin Goon (3,000), Penguin Henchman (5,000)

You will also unlock the Magnet Suit, Glide Suit, Technology Suit and Demolition Suit for Free Play if you haven’t already
There She Goes Again - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Dive, Explosive, Glide, Grapple, Magnet, Seduction, Sonic, Super Strength, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Alley

Canister 1
Head to the far left side of the area and you'll find a purple box in front of a garage. Destroy it and the object next to it to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to open the garage door, revealing more LEGO pieces.

Build them into a vehicle, then hop in and drive to the alley with the Magnet Suit Swapper. You'll find a large blue dumpster on the left side.

Use super strength to pull it aside, revealing another garage.

Park the vehicle inside the garage to reveal this Canister on top of the dumpster.

Canister 2
Head into the toxic goo on the far left side of the area to find some LEGO pieces.

Build them into a lever, then pull it to open a gate underwater. Dive down and head into the alcove to reach this Canister.

Canister 3
There are 3 carrots for you to reveal. The first can be found in the alley to the left of the metal wall. Use super strength to pull the blue dumpster aside.

This will reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into seeds, revealing some flowers. Destroy them to reveal the first carrot.

The second carrot can be found by destroying one of the silver objects next to the toxic goo.

The third carrot can be found by destroying one of the silver objects across from the Magnet Suit Swapper. Reveal all 3 carrots to reveal this Canister.

Canister 4
There is a metal wall on the left side of the area. Climb up, then carefully walk on the narrow ledge so you're standing in front of the window.

Your goal is to reach the ledge with the small trash cans. To reach it, smash the window in front of you, then head inside the building. Walk over to the window in the center, then smash it up and hop out onto the ledge.

Destroy the trash cans to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a grapple point, then use it to reach the ledge. Use the Seduction panel to open the garage on the right.

Climb up the ladder inside to reach this Canister.

Canister 5
On the far right side of the area are some silver trash cans. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a phone, then destroy it.

This will reveal a lever.

Pull it to open another gate underwater. Dive down and swim into the alcove to collect this Canister.
There She Goes Again - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 2 - Rooftops

Canister 6
After crossing the bridge you build, drop down onto the bottom ledge. You'll find three greenhouses.

Smash them up and you'll reveal LEGO pieces.

Build each of them to plant some flowers. Once you plant all three sets, a small garage door on the left will open, revealing a lawnmower.

Hop inside and drive over all of the flowers to destroy them, revealing this Canister above you. It's easiest to reach it by gliding from the upper ledge.

Canister 7
After collecting Canister 6, climb back up the ladder to find a blue dumpster.

Use super strength to toss it aside, revealing a grapple point. Use it to reach the upper ledge, then smash the windows. Hop inside the room, then start wrecking the furniture inside to reveal this Canister.

Canister 8
After scaring Catwoman off, you'll notice yet another blue dumpster in front of a small shed. Use super strength to toss it aside, revealing an opening.

Head down the opening and to the left to end up underneath the large silver fan. Use an explosive to destroy it, allowing you to hop up to this Canister.

In the near right corner of the rooftop with the Technology Suit Swapper, you'll find a bar.

Drop down and head to the right and you'll find this hostage. Defeat the goons harassing her to rescue her.

Canister 9
Once you're in the Whirli-Bat, fly to the left of the large greenhouse (where you drove the car around) and you'll see a small glass greenhouse on the roof. Hop onto the ledge, then shatter the glass to collect this Canister.

Canister 10
While flying the Whirli-Bat to the right, you'll notice two more glass greenhouses. You can either hop off the Whirli-Bat onto the ledge on the left, or simply climb the ladder to reach the one on the right.

Shatter either of the greenhouses to reveal an opening. Drop down inside, then dive down to the bottom of the water to reach the pipe with this Canister inside.

Part 3 - Cat Fight

Red Power Brick (More Detonators)
As soon as you hop out onto the first ledge, look to the left to see this Power Brick behind glass. Shatter the glass, then hop inside to collect this Power Brick.

Minikit Model: Robin's Watercraft
Batboat Battle - Story Mode
The Penguin’s special submarine allows him to commit crimes from beneath the waters of Gotham Docks. He can dive below the surface to sneak up on his enemies and fire torpedoes at them.

Enemies: Penguin Goon Submarine
Boss: Penguin’s Submarine
Starting Vehicles: Batboat, Robin’s Watercraft
Super Hero: 19,000

Part 1 – Harbor

Head to the right and grab a bomb, then tow it into the silver gate to destroy it. Continue to the right, then jump the ramp with the Batboat. Head back towards the screen and destroy the red objects to destroy the silver gate, allowing Robin to join you. Head to the right and torpedo the green wall to destroy it, then grab a bomb and tow it into the silver gate. Head through the opening.

Part 2 – Wharf

Defeat the enemies that are harassing you and more will crash through the gate on the right. After taking care of them, continue to the right along the path. You’ll eventually reach a large area of open water.

There are four red lights you need to shoot to open the gate on the right. Torpedo the multi-colored barrier in the back left corner to reveal the first light. Tow a bomb into the silver barrier in the back right corner to reveal the second light. The third and fourth lights are out in the open on the right. Once you shoot all lights to turn them green, the gate will open. Continue to the right.

Part 3 – Submarine Battle

Time to take on Penguin’s Submarine. The fight is incredibly simple. Simply grab bombs and drag them into the submarine. You’ll have to hit various parts of the submarine to damage it. First hit the left side, then the right side, then the back and front. Once it’s down to two hearts, simply shoot it a bunch to destroy it, ending the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Batboat, Robin’s Watercraft, Robin’s Submarine (30,000), Penguin Goon Submarine (15,000), Harbor Helicopter (16,000)
Batboat Battle - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Dive, Penguin Torpedo, Robin Torpedo, Tow, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Harbor

Canister 1
There is a lighthouse right by your starting point. Latch onto the switch on it with your tow cable, then drive away to turn on the lighthouse.

This will reveal this Canister up in the air by the large boat. Drive over the ramp to launch yourself up to this Canister.

Canister 2
Use Robin's torpedoes to destroy the red and green panels to the right of the large boat.

This will drop a silver box into the water. Tow a bomb into it to destroy it, revealing this Canister.

Canister 3
There are 3 multi-colored buoys that you can destroy using Robin's torpedoes. 1 is in this area and the other 2 are in Part 2. The first buoy is just to the left of the exit.

Canister 4
After passing through the first gate, you'll notice two yellow switches underwater.

Dive below the surface and hit them to reveal two red-and-yellow objects.

Use Robin's torpedoes to destroy them, revealing a red-and-yellow boat. Hit it twice with Robin's torpedoes to sink it, revealing this Canister.

Canister 5
There is a grate on a pipe to the right of the exit. Latch onto it with your tow cable, then drive away from the pipe to pull off the grate, revealing this Canister.

Part 2 - Wharf

Canister 3 cont.
The second buoy is close to your starting point.

The third buoy is in between the two back alcoves with red lights. Destroy all 3 buoys to reveal this Canister.

Canister 6
You'll find this Canister above some ice in the back of the first part of the area. Dive underneath the ice, then surface to break it up, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Canister 7
Across from Canister 6 is a silver box in some toxic goo. Tow a mine and release it so it destroys the box, revealing this Canister. Head into the toxic goo to collect it.

Canister 8
In the area with the red lights, there is a pipe with silver grates around it in the near left corner. Drag a bomb into it to reveal this Canister.

Part 3 - Submarine Battle

Canister 9
In the back right corner of the area is a Penguin torpedo dispenser. Pick some up, then head to the left.

You'll find a white-and-purple barrier. Launch a Penguin torpedo at it to destroy it, then continue down the path.

You'll find this Canister floating above some ice. Dive down and surface underneath the ice to break it, collecting this Canister.

Canister 10
After collecting Canister 9, head to the left and you'll see some silver boxes floating in the toxic goo. Tow a bomb from the main area into the silver boxes to reveal this Canister, then head into the toxic goo to collect it.

Red Power Brick (Armor Plating)
After collecting Canister 10, head back to the right and you'll see a wooden barrier. Dive down underneath it to reach the little alcove.

You'll find four targets. Shoot them all and the crane will drop this Power Brick into the water, allowing you to collect it.

Minikit Model: Batboat
Under the City - Story Mode
Waylon Jones, AKA Killer Croc, was born with a terrible medical condition that has warped his body into reptilian form. Having turned against humanity, he possesses extraordinary strength and is immune to toxins.

Enemies: Penguin Goon, Penguin Henchman, Crocodile
Boss: Killer Croc
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 59,000

Part 1 – Sewer Entrance

Head towards the back wall and destroy the objects by the glowing light to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Robin to receive the Magnet Suit. Climb up the metal wall, then pull the lever to lower the ladder on the right. Climb up as Batman, then hop in the Suit Swapper to receive the Demolition Suit. Drop down and head to the right, then destroy the silver gate.

Continue to the right, then head all the way to the right in the large room. You’ll see a red valve on a pipe. Destroy the objects to the left of it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then hop onto the red valve as Robin. Switch to Batman and turn the rotary handle to raise up the valve. Switch back to Robin, then hop in the Suit Swapper to receive the Water Suit.

Head back to the left and grapple up to the ledge, then hop in the water to sink down to the bottom. Head to the right and climb the ladder, then build the LEGO pieces into a valve. Hop on it a few times to drain the water, allowing Batman to access the silver hatch in the center. Destroy it, then head through the opening.

Part 2 – Sewer

Head to the right and drop down into the water. Swim to the right, then head up the small staircase. Climb up the ladder to reach the roof (you can also get here by hopping across the small pipes with silver studs on them), then destroy the silver fan to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then grapple onto the ledge. Hop in the Suit Swappers to receive the Magnet Suit and Glide Suit, then drop back down.

Hop onto the small pipe, then onto the nearby ledge. Walk across the metal wall or glide across the gap, then destroy the debris to reveal two buttons. Step on one and your partner will step on the other, creating a bridge back to the left. Head back to the left and grapple onto the ledge, then hop in the Suit Swapper as Batman to receive the Demolition Suit. Return to the right, crossing the bridge, then destroy the silver manhole cover. Drop down inside.

Part 3 – Drainage

Head to the right and slide down the slope. Destroy the boxes and shopping cart to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into gears, then use your Batarang to hit the two glowing valves on the back wall. This will fill the opening with water. Swim across to the back ledge, then build the LEGO pieces into a lever. Pull it to turn the sides of the slopes into stairs.

Swim back to the main path, then head to the right up the stairs. Head up the next set of stairs, then destroy the brown box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to reveal some LEGO pieces. Drop down and hop into the water, then swim to the right. Hop onto the ledge, then build the LEGO pieces into a metal wall. Walk up it, then hop in the Suit Swapper to receive the Water Suit. Drop back down into the water, then pull the lever at the bottom to fill the opening on the right with water. Climb back onto the ledge, then continue to the right, hopping across the platforms. Climb up the ladder.

Part 4 – Prison Cell

Time to face Killer Croc. His fight is rather straightforward. He’ll come out to fight you, so smack him to take out five hearts. He will then retreat into the toxic goo, where the sewer drain will cough up some trash. He will throw stuff at you, so keep running around to dodge them. After a while, he will come back to fight you some more. Repeat this process to defeat him, ending the level.

You will unlock the Water Suit for Free Play
Under the City - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Dive, Explosive, Glide, High Jump, Joy Buzz, Mind Control, Sonic, Super Strength, Tech, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Sewer Entrance

Red Power Brick (Sonic Pain)
There is a Technology panel by the silver gate.

Use it to take control of the boat. You have to run into all three buoys to knock them underwater. Do it fast, or the buoys will resurface!

Quickly knock down all three buoys to reveal this Power Brick.

Canister 1
After using the grapple point to reach the ledge, high jump onto the bar on the left to reach the ledge with this Canister.

Canister 2
While standing on the ledge with the Water Suit Swapper, look to the right and you'll see a ledge.

Glide across the gap to reach it, then use the Mind Control panel to open the gate.

Head inside the alcove and you'll find this Canister in a cage in the toxic goo. Use the super strength handle to toss the cage aside, allowing you to collect this Canister.

This poor hostage is being held to the right of the Water Suit Swapper. Defeat the goons harassing her to rescue her.

Part 2 - Sewer

Canister 3
Drop down from your starting point and you'll find a blue dumpster.

Use the super strength handle on it to move it aside, then head in the building. Shatter the glass, then destroy the pillars to reach this Canister.

Canister 4
While on the ledge with the Suit Swappers, look to the left to find a bar.

High jump onto it to reach the ledge, then head to the left to find this Canister. Carefully hop or glide around the pipe to reach it.

Canister 5
Hop up the bars on the back wall by the exit to reach an Attracto Machine.

Collect Attract pieces from around the area. Deposit at least 25 into the machine to receive a boat.

Hop in the boat and drive it into the water below you. Quickly drive into all five buoys to knock them underwater. Do it fast, or the buoys will resurface! Once all five buoys have been knocked down, this Canister will wash out of a nearby pipe.

Part 3 - Drainage

Canister 6
Head into the toxic goo to the right of your starting point and pull the lever to reveal a ladder. Climb up to reach the ledge with this Canister.

Canister 7
After climbing up the slope, you'll find three trash cans.

Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a toilet.

Use the super strength handle on it to push it to the right, allowing you to high jump up onto the ledge with this Canister.

Canister 8
After climbing up the metal wall, you'll notice a valve and a platform underneath a pipe.

Step on the platform and your partner will step on the valve, raising the platform up. Destroy the silver manhole cover, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Canister 9
After filling the pit on the right with water, the three manhole covers will float up to create platforms. Hop into the water and head to the right, where you'll find this Canister where a manhole cover used to be.

Canister 10
Head to the right of the exit and you'll find this Canister on a platform. Destroy the two trash cans surrounding it to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into gears, activating the generator on the right. Use your Joy Buzzer to charge it up. This will start a platform moving, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Minikit Model: Killer Croc's Swamp Rider
Zoo's Company - Story Mode
Doctor Kirk Langstrom, AKA the Man-Bat, was an expert in mammalian biology who tested a serum on himself to try to cure his growing deafness. Unfortunately, the serum turned him into a man-sized bat, making him super-strong and giving him the ability to fly.

Enemies: Penguin Goon, Penguin Henchman
Boss: Man-Bat
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 58,000

Part 1 – Zoo Entrance

Destroy the garage doors in the back of the area to reveal a little alcove. Destroy the objects inside to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a Suit Swapper. Hop in as Batman to receive the Glide Suit, then smack the garage doors on the left to open them. Head inside.

Part 2 – Gift Shop

Hop in the Suit Swapper as Robin to receive the Magnet Suit, then head back outside.

Part 1 – Zoo Entrance

Climb up the metal wall on the left side of the area, then head to the right. Destroy the first window on the left to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a grapple point, allowing Batman to join you. Glide across the gap, then continue to the right. Drop down behind the gate, then build the LEGO pieces into a bulldozer. Hop in and drive through the gate, then continue to the left and drive into the next gate to destroy it. Continue on.

Part 3 – Animal Enclosures

Head to the right down the path. Smash the gate at the end, then continue to the right. Destroy the glowing objects on the left side of the building to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Robin to receive the Technology Suit. Destroy the street vendor cart on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Technology panel, then head to the right.

Glide across the gap, then destroy the objects to reveal two piles of LEGO pieces. Build a rotary handle, then turn it to extend the bridge. Build the other set of LEGO pieces into a turtle, then head back to the left. Destroy the brown panels next to the Technology panel, then use it to take control of the turtle. Walk to the left and head inside the building, then step on the red button to open the door.

Switch back to your character, then hop in the Suit Swapper as Batman to receive the Sonic Suit. Head back to the right across the bridge, then shatter the glass around the lever. Pull it to open the gate, allowing you to continue.

Part 4 – River Boat

Head to the right and destroy all of the objects on the boat to reveal a silver panel, as well as some LEGO pieces. Build them into a diving board, then bounce on it. Follow the stud trails that appear to bounce across the lily pads. You’ll end up on the far right side of the area.

Head to the right on the land, then destroy the objects near the glowing light to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Batman to receive the Demolition Suit. Head back to the boat, then destroy the silver panel. Drop down inside.

Part 5 – Boat Interior

Smack Man-Bat to take out three hearts. He will then start flying around the area. He will be dropping bombs, so watch out for them. Build the LEGO pieces on the left, then destroy the objects on the left to reveal two more piles of LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle and a megaphone, then turn the rotary handle to play the record.

This will knock Man-Bat back to the ground. Smack him to take out some more hearts. He will destroy the record player and start flying around again. Simply rebuild the record player and turn the rotary handle to knock Man-Bat back down. Repeat this process as many times as you need to defeat him, ending the level.

Unlocked Characters: Zoo Sweeper (12,500)

You will also unlock the Sonic Suit for Free Play if you haven’t already
Zoo's Company - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Dive, Explosive, Freeze, Glide, Green Thumb, High Jump, Seduction, Super Strength, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Zoo Entrance

Canister 1
Head to the left side of the area and you'll find a Seduction panel. Use it to open the gate on the left, then head into the alcove.

Destroy the silver objects to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a boat, then hop in and run into the ten buoys to knock them underwater. Do it quickly, or they'll resurface!

Once all ten have been knocked down, this Canister will appear on the center island.

Canister 2
On the right side of the area, you'll find a gate. Use the super strength handle on it to toss it aside, then head inside the room.

Head through the toxic goo and you'll find some LEGO pieces.

Build them into a platform, then ride it up, allowing you to high jump up to this Canister.

Part 2 - Gift Shop

Canister 3
There is an Attracto Machine on the left side of the gift shop. Collect Attract pieces from this area (there are also a ton in Part 1) and deposit at least 25 into the machine to receive this Canister.

Canister 4
High jump onto the vending machine on the left, then high jump onto the ledge. Destroy the silver objects to reveal this Canister.

Part 3 - Animal Enclosures

Red Power Brick (Area Effect)
There is a broken set of stairs in the back of the area. High jump up them to reach the ledge.

Destroy the silver covering to reveal some water.

Hop in and sink to the bottom to force up some LEGO pieces. Build them into this Power Brick.

Canister 5
Destroy the sign and the two benches surrounding it to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a totem pole, revealing this Canister floating in the air. Grow the plant, allowing you to high jump up to the Canister.

Canister 6
Destroy the silver gate to the lion enclosure, then head inside.

Glide to the left across the gap, then destroy the silver rocks to reveal this Canister.

Canister 7
Destroy the silver gate to the elephant enclosure, then head inside.

This Canister is hidden in the back right corner behind the elephants.

This hostage is being held in the same room as the Sonic Suit Swapper. Defeat the goons holding him to rescue him.

Part 4 - River Boat

Canister 8
Instead of bouncing on the lily pads towards the ledge on the right, follow the other stud trail that appears and you'll end up bouncing towards the screen, revealing this Canister.

Canister 9
While hopping across the lily pads, head to the back left corner by the waterfall. Freeze a platform, then hop on, allowing you to hop behind the water and grab this Canister.

Canister 10
Destroy the objects to the right of the Demolition Suit Swapper to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, then climb onto the ledge.

Use the super strength handle to toss aside the statue, revealing this Canister.

Minikit Model: Elephant
Penguin's Lair - Story Mode
Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, AKA the Penguin, is a devious crime boss who is seldom seen without one of his trick umbrellas. He can use an umbrella to glide, and keeps penguin bombers under his hat, which can be dispatched at will.

Enemies: Freeze Girl, Penguin Minion
Boss: Catwoman and Penguin
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 26,000

Part 1 – Ice and Snow

Destroy the trees and benches against the back wall to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, then climb up onto the ledge. Hop in the Suit Swapper as Batman to receive the Glide Suit, then glide across the gap to the right.

Destroy the objects near the red pump to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the pump, then hop on the green button a couple of times to inflate a raft, allowing Robin to join you. Use your Batarang to take out the icicles on the building in the back to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a heater, melting the ice in the front of the building. Hop in the Suit Swapper as Robin to receive the Water Suit, then hop into the water to the right. Pull the lever underwater to raise up a bridge, allowing you to cross. Continue to the right across the bridge, then head through the opening.

Part 2 – Stopping the Machine

Catwoman will hop down to fight you, so smack her until she retreats. She will keep doing this throughout the boss fight, so make sure to smack her around so she doesn't annoy you too much. Use your Batarang to hit the two glowing parts of the machine by Penguin. This will shock Penguin, taking out one heart.

He will then send Penguin Bombs at you. Turn the rotary handle in the center so that the bomb bounces off and walks into one of the four treadmills. Once a treadmill is destroyed, Penguin will pull a lever, reactivating the machine. You can now use your Batarang to hit the machine again, so repeat this process until all four treadmills are destroyed.

Penguin will then start gliding around on his umbrella. Hit him with your Batarang to knock him down, then smack him to take out two hearts. He will then start gliding again. Repeat this process until he is defeated.

Unlocked Characters: Man-Bat (40,000), Yeti (9,000), Penguin Minion (30,000)
Penguin's Lair - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Batarang, Dive, Explosive, Freeze, Glide, Grapple, Heat Immunity, High Jump, Penguin, Sonic, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Ice and Snow

Canister 1
Destroying 3 trees in the area will reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the ground to reveal carrots. The first bunch of LEGO pieces can be found by destroying the trees to the left of your starting point.

The second bunch of LEGO pieces can be found by destroying the trees across from the frozen shed.

The third bunch of LEGO pieces can be found by destroying the trees on the far right side of the area. Build all 3 piles of LEGO pieces to reveal this Canister.

Canister 2
You can find this Canister underneath some ice right by your starting point. Shatter the ice using the Sonic Suit, then drop down inside to collect this Canister.

Canister 3
In the first small pond you cross, you'll notice this Canister behind a silver barrier.

Freeze a platform in front of it, then hop on and destroy the silver barrier, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Canister 4
There are some bars on the left side of the shed with the Water Suit Swapper. High jump up them, then onto the roof, where you'll find this Canister.

This poor hostage is being held right out in the open shortly before the exit.

Canister 5
There is a small bunch of trees to the left of the exit.

Destroy them to reveal a grapple point. Grapple up, then glide to the left to land on the ledge with this Canister.

Part 2 - Stopping the Machine

Canister 6
Head towards the screen in the center of the area and you'll see a stud trail. Glide across it to reach a small island with this Canister on it.

Canister 7
Head to the left from your starting point and you'll find some toxic goo. Send a penguin bomb through the toxic goo to destroy the silver object, revealing this Canister. Walk through the toxic goo to collect it.

Canister 8
Head to the far right side of the area and you'll see this Canister up on a ledge. High jump up to it.

Red Power Brick (Bats)
On the right side of the area is a glass panel. Shatter it to reveal an opening, then head inside.

Once inside, head to the right and you'll find a grapple point. Grapple up, then hop onto the bar to drop two penguins on the treadmills.

Hop onto the other treadmill and run on it until the lights turn green.

This will activate the grey button on the right. Step on it to reveal this Power Brick.

Canister 9
After collecting the Red Power Brick, destroy the two objects in the back of the room to reveal red-hot LEGO pieces.

Build them into this Canister.

Canister 10
After destroying the treadmills, you'll be able to destroy the small transformers above them. Use your Batarang to destroy the 4 transformers (the grey boxes with the red lights), revealing this Canister in the center of the room.

Minikit Model: Penguin Army
--------------Villain Levels--------------
Rockin' the Docks - Story Mode
BANE? It’s PENGUIN here. The satellite dish we need for the Penguin Transmitter has just been delivered to THE DOCKS.

With your fists and my brains, nothing can stop us.

Tear down the city for all I care – just get me the dish!

Enemies: Police Officer, Sailor, S.W.A.T.
Starting Characters: Bane, The Penguin
Super Villain: 71,000

Part 1 – Docks Entrance

Destroy the silver gate on the right, then head down the ramp. Use the super strength handle on the police truck to toss away the trailer, then hop inside the truck. Drive it to the right and through the gate, then hop out. Use the super strength handle on the large booth to toss it out of the way, revealing an orange button. Park the truck on the orange button to open the door. You can also destroy the silver trash cans on the right and park the truck on that orange button. It doesn't matter which button you park on. Head inside.

Part 2 – Shipyard

Destroy the boxes and cylinders by your starting point to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a fan, then ride the air current up to the ledge. Glide across the gap, then continue to the right. Destroy the red chains to lower a ladder, allowing Bane to join you. Use the super strength handle on the dumpster to toss it aside, then continue to the right. Hop across the gap and continue to the right, then smash the next set of red chains to lower another ladder (in case you fall).

Drop down, then continue to the right. Head into the toxic goo and use the super strength handle on the manhole cover to toss it aside. This will drain the toxic goo, allowing Penguin to join you. Continue to the right and you’ll see a large ship. Destroy the silver cylinders next to it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a super strength handle, then use it to pull the boat out into the water. This will lower the boarding ramp, so walk up and continue to the right.

Destroy the silver gate, then head inside the alcove. Use the super strength handles to start tossing aside the containers. You’ll reveal a door on the right (under the stairs). Head inside.

Part 3 – Shipping Area

We’ve found the satellite dish that we need, now we just have to get it down. There are two levers you’ll have to pull. The first one is simple. Head to the right to find some toxic goo. Head into the toxic goo and pull the lever. This will partially power the elevator.

Head back to the left and pull the lever to send the crane arm across the water. This will bring a box back across the gap. Destroy it to reveal smaller boxes, then destroy those to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wire, then glide to the left across the water. Pull the lever to send the rest of the power to the elevator.

Return to the center of the area, then ride the elevator to reach the upper ledge. Send a Penguin Bomb through the slot to knock the satellite dish to the ground. Drop down and assemble it to complete the level.

Unlocked Characters: Bane, The Penguin, Sailor (5,000)
Rockin' the Docks - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Explosive, Glide, Green Thumb, High Jump, Joy Buzz, Penguin, Seduction, Sonic, Super Strength, Tech

Part 1 - Docks Entrance

Canister 1
There are 3 carrots for you to reveal by destroying red cylinders. The first is right next to your starting point.

The second can be found by the building housing one of the trucks. You'll find a bunch of boxes on the right side of the shed.

Smash them to reveal LEGO pieces (one of the boxes is well-hidden behind the shed), then build them into a fan. Ride the air current to reach the top of the building, where you'll find the second red cylinder.

The third red cylinder can be found on top of the red shipping crate to the left of the exit. You can either high jump up here, or just hop out of a truck. Destroy all 3 red cylinders to reveal this Canister.

You can find this Hostage inside a building. Shatter the glass, then hop inside and take out the goon to rescue him.

Canister 2
After rescuing the Hostage, high jump up the bars in the room to reach this Canister above you.

Canister 3
There is a small shed with silver doors towards the beginning of the area.

Destroy the doors to reveal a truck.

Use the super strength handle on it to pull it out of the shed, then destroy the nearby wooden pallets to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them onto the truck, then hop in and drive to the right. To open the door to the next area, you need to park a truck on one of the orange buttons. To get this Canister, you need to park a truck on both buttons. Since I parked the truck on the left to open the door out of here, I'll need to park this truck on the right. Destroy the silver objects to reveal the button, then park on it.

Parking a truck on each button will open up the red shipping crate on the left, revealing this Canister inside.

Canister 4
You'll notice that the docks continue to the right past the exit to this area.

Continue to the right and glide across the gap, then continue to the right to find a boat. Use the super strength handle on it to toss part of it away, revealing this Canister.

Part 2 - Shipyard

Canister 5
While on the upper ledge, you'll see a pot where you can grow a plant.

Grow the plant to create a ladder, then climb up. Head to the right and hop across the ledges to reach this Canister.

Canister 6
There are 5 cannons for you to smack, making them shoot out bubbles. They can all be found towards the screen near the water. The first can be found after dropping down from the upper ledge.

The second can be found before the puddle of toxic goo.

The third can be found just before the large silver gate.

The fourth is directly across from the silver gate.

The final cannon can be found to the right of the silver gate. Smack all 5 to reveal this Canister.

Red Power Brick (Stud Magnet)
There is a Seduction panel to the left of the large puddle of toxic goo. Use it to open the door, then head inside.

Head to the left and destroy the silver objects to reveal a purple slot.

Destroy the nearby box to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a rotary handle. Turn it to rotate one of the panels on the other side of the fence. The goal is to rotate the panel so a Penguin bomb bounces off of it directly to the right.

Angle the panel at approximately 45 degrees and the Penguin Bomb will eventually destroy the silver box, allowing you to enter the alcove and collect the Power Brick.
Rockin' the Docks - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 3 - Shipping Area

Canister 7
You'll see a lily pad in the water on the left. If you look carefully, you can see this Canister glowing underwater. Hop into the water on top of the lily pad to collect this Canister.

Canister 8
After riding the elevator to the upper ledge, you'll notice you can head to the left.

Head to the left and you'll find a small ledge.

Carefully walk across it to reach this Canister at the end.

Canister 9
There is a Seduction panel near the lever on the left. Use it to open the door, then head inside.

You'll find yourself in a seaside restaurant. There is an Attracto machine on the left side.

Collect at least 25 Attract pieces from the area, then deposit them in the machine to receive a jukebox. Smash it to reveal this Canister.

Canister 10
Use your Joy Buzzer to charge up the generator on the far right side of the area.

This will activate the Technology panel.

Use it to take control of a boat. Drive it to the left in-between each set of barrels to receive this Canister.

Minikit Model: Penguin's Submarine
Stealing the Show - Story Mode
CATWOMAN, my sweet, would you care to join me? I need your help in acquiring something nearly as beautiful as yourself.

Yes, the magnificent GOTHAM DIAMOND.

A quick jaunt across the rooftops and the next stage of our brilliant plan will be complete.

Enemies: Police Officer, S.W.A.T., Janitor, Security Guard
Boss: Police Helicopter
Starting Characters: Catwoman, The Penguin
Super Villain: 63,000

Part 1 – Rooftops

Ride the air current from the fan to reach the upper ledge, then head to the right. Build the LEGO pieces into part of a tightrope, then glide across the gap. Build the LEGO pieces into the rest of the tightrope, allowing Catwoman to join you. If you try to continue to the right, the fans will blow you right off the roof! Instead, look towards the near left corner to find a ladder. Climb down, then glide across the gap. Pull the lever to shut off the fans, allowing Catwoman to continue to the right.

Climb the ladder to meet up with Catwoman, then have her use the Seduction panel to open the door. Continue to the right, then high jump onto the ledge. Destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a box. Push it off the ledge on the tiles to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into fan blades, creating an air current. This will allow Penguin to reach the next ledge. Destroy the silver objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a platform, then ride it up to the next ledge. Continue to the right to trigger a brief cutscene.

Time to take on a police helicopter! This fight is pretty simple. The helicopter will first drop a flare, then a bomb. You’ll notice that there are four red buttons around the area. Stand by a button and the helicopter will drop a flare nearby. When the helicopter drops a flare, step on the red button to reveal an air current. This will blow the bomb back up at the helicopter, damaging it. Repeat this process until the helicopter is destroyed, revealing LEGO pieces on the right. Build them into a ladder, then climb up.

Continue to the right, then climb down the ladder. Head to the left on this ledge and you’ll see two buttons. Step on one and your partner will step on the other. This will power up the fan on the right. Head to the right and ride the air current onto the platform. High jump onto the next ledge, then destroy the nearby boxes and trash can to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to raise up the platform, allowing Penguin to join you.

Continue to the right and you’ll find another fan. Follow the yellow wire next to it and you’ll see a ledge below you. Drop down and smash the window, then hop inside the room and pull the lever. This will rotate the fan so it is facing upwards. Climb up the ladder, then ride the air current onto the ledge. Head to the left and pull one of the levers. Your partner will pull the other, lowering the tiles around the gargoyle. Push the gargoyle off the ledge to break through the skylight below you. Drop down inside.

Part 2 – Museum

Head to the right and high jump onto the bars. Hop over the lasers, then destroy the brown fuse box to shut them off, allowing Penguin to join you. Send a Penguin Bomb through the purple slot to destroy the silver object inside the room. Head inside and pull the lever on the left to shut off the lasers around the dinosaur fossils.

Head back to the left and hop on one of the fossils, then walk to the right. Smash through the large boxes, then continue to the right. Hop up the bars to reach the staircase, then walk up and continue to the left.

You’ll run into some more lasers. Destroy the large brown display case to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to move the statue to the left. Once it is blocking the first set of lasers, wait for your partner to pass through them. They will step on a button, permanently shutting off the first set of lasers. Continue turning the rotary handle so the statue blocks the next set of lasers, then continue to the left. High jump over the next set of lasers, then destroy the large generator to shut them off.

Continue to the left and you’ll find the Gotham Diamond. Head to the left and high jump onto the ladder. Climb onto the ledge, then destroy the blue panel in front of you to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the rest of the ladder, allowing Penguin to join you. Destroy the next blue panel to reveal a lever. Pull it to raise up a panel inside the display case with the diamond. Glide across the gap to the right, then pull the lever to raise up another panel inside the display case. Drop down and send a Penguin Bomb through the purple slot to destroy the silver display case, completing the level.

Unlocked Characters: Catwoman, Catwoman (Classic) (67,000)

Unlocked Vehicles: Catwoman’s Motorcycle (23,000)
Stealing the Show - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Batarang, Green Thumb, High Jump, Magnet, Sonic, Super Strength, Tech

Part 1 - Rooftops

There is a large brown box right by your starting point. Use the super strength handle to toss it aside, revealing LEGO pieces.

Build them into a metal wall, then walk up.

When you reach the top, you'll see a ledge on the left.

Hop over to it and you'll see this hostage inside the building. Smash the windows, then hop in and defeat the goons to rescue the hostage.

Canister 1
After rescuing the Hostage, look to the left to see this Canister just floating there.

Canister 2
There are two potted plants to the left of the large fans.

Grow them to create platforms, then high jump up them to reach the rooftop with this Canister.

Canister 3
There are 3 neon signs with martini glasses on them for you to destroy. The first can be found on the left side of the roof with the large fans. You can either shoot it from across the gap, or walk carefully around to it.

The second can be found underneath the platform you reach by riding the air current from a fan. You'll have to hit it with a ranged weapon.

The final sign can be found up on the wall to the right of the exit. Destroy all 3 to reveal this Canister.

Canister 4
This Canister can be seen hiding behind the large glass skylight. Walk up and over the glass to reach it.

Canister 5
On the ledge across from the buttons, look towards the screen and you'll see another small ledge with this Canister on it. Drop down to collect it. Build the LEGO pieces into a ladder so you can climb back up.

Canister 6
Head to the left side of the rooftop with the gargoyle to find a metal wall. Climb up it to reach the rooftop with this Canister.

Part 2 - Museum

Canister 7
To the left of your starting point you'll find a display case. Use the super strength handle on it to push it to the left into the lasers, allowing you to continue.

You'll find a large blue panel.

Smash it to reveal another display case. Use the super strength handles on it to pull it out of the alcove, then to the left into the lasers.

Hop on top of the display case, then hop over the final set of lasers. Pull the lever to periodically turn the lasers off.

Shatter the glass display case to collect this Canister.

Canister 8
After hopping in one of the dinosaur fossils, destroy the boxes on the right side of the alcove to reveal this Canister.

Red Power Brick (Character Studs)
There is an Attracto Machine in the room you enter by sending a Penguin Bomb inside. Collect Attract pieces from around the area, then deposit at least 25 into the machine to receive a helicopter.

This will activate the nearby Technology panel. Use it to take control of the helicopter.

Land on each of the helipads, then hover over the Power Brick. Press the "special" button to drop a bomb on the case, destroying it and the barrier, allowing you to collect this Power Brick.

Canister 9
After climbing the stairs, you'll find a small statue. Use the super strength handle on it to toss it aside, revealing a ladder.

High jump onto it, then climb up onto the top of the canopy. Head to the left to reach this Canister.

Canister 10
On the right side of the top level, you'll notice some glass display cases. Shatter them to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a catapult, then pull the lever to fire at the cage with this Canister inside, allowing you to collect it.

Minikit Model: Police Helicopter
Harboring a Grudge - Story Mode
The BIRD and the CROC, together at last.

What? You want me to CLEAN YOUR TEETH? Ugh!

Wait. What’s this? Cops! You hear them? Ha! They forget, we’re creatures of WATER. Let’s get out of here!

Enemies: Police Boat, Police Watercraft
Boss: Police Watercraft
Starting Vehicles: Killer Croc’s Swamp Rider, Penguin’s Submarine
Super Villain: 31,000

Part 1 – Port

Head towards the left to find a purple panel on the wall. This is a dispenser for Penguin torpedoes. Pick some up, then fire one at the silver turret on the right to destroy it. This will open the gate, so drive on through and towards the gate in the back. Launch a torpedo at the turret to destroy it, lowering the gate. Continue on through.

Part 2 – Waterfront

Head towards the purple gate in the back, then dive under it. Surface on the other side, then hit the red button to open the gate. Head into the toxic goo as Croc and hit the other red button. This will activate the penguin torpedo dispenser. Pick some up, then fire them at the barrels of toxic goo to clear the water. Continue to the right, destroying the other barrels, and you’ll be faced with two turrets. Use penguin torpedoes to destroy them, lowering the gate.

Continue to the right and you’ll see two red buttons. Hit them (they can be picky, just keep at them and you’ll turn them green eventually) to open the gate. Continue on, then use penguin torpedoes to destroy the three turrets, lowering the gate. Press on.

Part 3 – Police Battle

Head into the toxic goo in the back left corner and hit the red button. This will activate the penguin torpedo dispenser. Pick some up and keep launching them at the watercraft to take it down to one heart.

It will then destroy your source of torpedoes, so we’ll need to find another way to damage it. There are several searchlights in the water. Drive into one and you will be targeted by a missile. Lead the missile over to the watercraft so it locks onto it, destroying it and ending the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Killer Croc’s Swamp Rider, Penguin’s Submarine, Police Watercraft (12,000), Police Boat (13,000)
Harboring a Grudge - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Penguin Torpedo, Robin Torpedo, Tow, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Port

Canister 1
There are 3 large orange structures in the water for you to destroy. The first is to the left of your starting point.

The second is on the far right side of the area.

The third is towards the center of the area, before the exit gate. Destroy all 3 to receive this Canister.

Canister 2
Fire a torpedo at the barrel of toxic goo on the right to clean up the toxic goo. When all of the goo has disappeared, you will receive this Canister.

Canister 3
There are two silver hatches on the right side of the area. Tow a bomb into each of them to destroy them, lowering the gate.

Head into the alcove to find this Canister.

Part 2 - Waterfront

Canister 4
There are 5 small orange buoys that you need to destroy. The first is immediately to the right of your starting point, at the bottom of the first patch of toxic goo.

The second is right in front of the second patch of toxic goo.

The third can be found to the right of the first red light.

The fourth can be found to the right of the second red light.

The final buoy can be found to the left of the exit gate. Destroy all 5 to reveal this Canister.

Canister 5
There are several boats docked to the right of the purple gate. Shoot them a few times and they will start to sink.

Wait for the boats to finish sinking, then destroy the docks behind them to reveal this Canister.

Canister 6
You'll find a ramp shortly after the first patch of toxic goo. Drive onto it and you'll launch yourself up to this Canister.

Canister 7
There is a boat in some toxic goo to the right of the first red light. Shoot the boat a few times to sink it, revealing this Canister. Drive into the toxic goo to collect it.

Canister 8
There are two silver hatches by a crane to the right of the exit.

Tow a bomb into each of them and the crane will drop a box in the water. Shoot it to reveal this Canister.

Part 3 - Police Battle

Canister 9
There are two barrels of toxic goo on the left side of the area.

Use torpedoes to destroy them to clean up the toxic goo, allowing you to see this Canister underwater by the dock. Drive over it to collect it (you don't have to dive to reach it).

Canister 10
There is a red-and-yellow wall on the right side of the area. Fire a Robin Torpedo at it to destroy it, allowing you to enter the alcove.

You'll find this Canister in a corner soon after entering.

Red Power Brick (Minikit Detector)
After collecting Canister 10, shoot up the small barriers in the water, then enter the back alcove to reach this Power Brick.

Minikit Model: Police Boat
A Daring Rescue - Story Mode
Bah! My beloved feline companion, stolen!

What’s that: RESCUE HER? But – the operation! My. . . my beautiful machine! Risk it all?

Yes, yes, of course she is worth it. I was just waiting for the right moment.

Enemies: Sewer Worker, Police Officer
Starting Characters: Killer Croc, The Penguin
Super Villain: 60,000

Part 1 – Sewer

Head to the left and use the super strength handle on the door to toss it aside. Continue to the left and glide across the gap, then pull the lever to send some power to the gate on the right. Return to the right and you’ll find some toxic goo. Walk through it and destroy the objects at the other end to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator and a lever. Pull the lever to turn on the generator, sending more power to the gate on the right. Once you’ve pulled both levers, the gate will open. Continue to the right.

Part 2 – Pipe Dream

Hop into the yellow pipe and you’ll appear on the ledge above you. Build the LEGO pieces into part of a tightrope, then glide across the gap to the left. Build the LEGO pieces into the rest of the tightrope, allowing Croc to join you. Hop into the green pipe to reach the next ledge, then smash the brown brick wall to reveal a red pipe. Hop inside to appear on the ledge across from you, then continue to the right. Use the super strength handle to pull the panel off of the wall, then head inside.

Part 3 – Drainage

Drop down and you’ll find a whole bunch of objects. Destroy them all to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a large crocodile, then hop on. Ride it to the right, smashing through the barricade, then continue. Head all the way to the right and you’ll find a blue door. Head inside.

Part 4 – Sewage

Use the super strength handle to clear up the purple slot, then destroy the grey manhole cover. Drop down into the water, then head to the right. Swim to the surface, then climb up the ladder to reach a ledge. Head to the left and hop across the gap, then use the super strength handle to clear off the other purple slot. Send a Penguin Bomb through the slot to destroy the silver beams, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a fan, then ride the air current up to a ladder. Climb up.

Part 5 – Restroom

Head through the door on the right.

Part 6 – Lobby

Head to the right and smash the brown wall to reveal a safe. Use the super strength handle on it to drag it to the left, then hop on top of it. Hop over the bars, then step on the valve to lower the bars around you. This will also lower the bars around the door on the right, allowing you to head inside.

Part 7 – Lockup

Head to the right and use the super strength handle to toss away the cell door. Destroy the objects inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a fan, then ride the air current onto the next ledge. Pull the lever up here to open the cell doors if you want. Destroy the silver elevator door, then head inside. Step on one of the buttons and your partner will step on the other.

Part 8 – Solitary

Well we’ve found Catwoman, so now we need to bust her out. Head up the stairs to the left and climb the ladder, then glide across the gap to the left. Pull the lever to reveal some LEGO pieces below you. Drop down and build them into a bomb, then push it to the right on the tiles. This will destroy the door to Catwoman’s cell, completing the level.

Unlocked Characters: Killer Croc
A Daring Rescue - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Explosive, Freeze, Glide, Grapple, Heat Immunity, Joy Buzz, Magnet, Mind Control, Sonic, Super Strength, Tech, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Sewer

Canister 1
There is a silver manhole cover to the left of your starting point. Destroy it, then drop down inside.

Head to the right through the toxic goo and you'll find this Canister.

Part 2 - Pipe Dream

Use your Joy Buzzer to charge up the generator on the ground level, opening the nearby gate. Head inside.

Inside, you'll find this Hostage being held by some goons. Defeat them to rescue her.

Canister 2
After rescuing the Hostage, destroy all of the garbage laying around to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into instruments and a band will appear to bust out a funky tune, revealing this Canister.

Canister 3
While on the upper ledge, you'll find an opening blocked by steam on the left.

Head inside, then push the water jet to the upper right corner. Turn the rotary handle to turn it on, then quickly run over to it and ride the water jet up to this Canister.

Part 3 - Drainage

Canister 4
After destroying the barricade, there are 5 TVs on the path that you need to destroy. The first and second are shortly after the barricade.

The third TV is further down the path towards the screen.

The fourth TV is towards the end of the path towards the screen.

The final TV is in the final part of the area, to the left of the exit. Destroy all 5 to reveal this Canister.

Canister 5
Before heading out the blue door, head up the stairs in the back left to find a glass door. Shatter it, then pull the lever inside.

This will turn the ramp on the right into stairs, allowing you to walk up and head into the room with this Canister.

Part 5 - Restroom

Canister 6
Smash the stall door on the far left, as well as the toilet inside, to reveal this Canister in the ground. Drop down to collect it.

Red Power Brick (Power Brick Detector)
Smash the stall door and toilet on the far right to reveal LEGO pieces.

Shatter the glass dome on the water cooler, then destroy it and the nearby locker to reveal more LEGO pieces.

Build them into a cannon, which will destroy the mirrors on the left. Head through the opening.

Once inside, head to the far left side of the area to find a large blue platform. Use the super strength handle on it to pull it all the way to the right.

Once the blue platform is in place, grapple onto the ledge.

Glide left onto the blue platform, then glide to the left again.

You'll land on a platform with a Technology panel.

Use it to raise up a platform on the left, then glide onto it.

Glide to the left again to reach the ledge with this Power Brick.
A Daring Rescue - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 6 - Lobby

Canister 7
There is an Attracto Machine in the near right corner of the lobby. Collect pieces from Part 5 (there are also a bunch in the room with Canister 8), then deposit at least 25 into the machine to receive this Canister.

Canister 8
Use the Mind Control panel in the back left corner to open the doors, then head inside.

Your goal in this area is to park three police vehicles in their respective areas.

You'll find a broken police car on the left. Destroy the objects around it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them onto the car to repair it. Drive it into the middle slot.

There is a broken police van on the right side of the area. Destroy the objects around it (including the stuff on the ledge) to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them onto the van to repair it. Drive it into the slot on the left.

In the near left corner is a pool of water.

Freeze it to reveal a police bike, then park it in the slot on the right. Repair and park all three vehicles to receive this Canister.

Part 7 - Lockup

Canister 9
Climb up the metal wall on the left to reach the nook with this Canister inside.

Part 8 - Solitary

Canister 10
Head to the far right side of the area and you'll find this Canister inside a cell. Use the super strength handle on the door to toss it aside, allowing you to collect this.

Minikit Model: Crocodile
Arctic World - Story Mode
The time has come. Our perfect team has built my perfect dream. Brick by brick – a tower into the sky, unleashing PENGUINS across the city.

DON’T SNICKER! Let’s just say, they’ll be A BLAST!


Enemies: Police Officer, S.W.A.T.
Starting Characters: The Penguin, Catwoman
Super Villain: 42,000

Part 1 – Winter Wonderland

Head to the right and you’ll come upon a large block of ice. High jump up it to reach the upper ledge, then destroy the benches on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, allowing Penguin to join you. Continue to the right, then glide across the gap.

Continue to the right (watch out for the falling platforms), then glide to the right to land on the large fan. Switch to Catwoman, then pull the lever to turn on the fan. Switch back to Penguin and ride the air current up onto the ledge. Send a Penguin Bomb through the slot to knock down a snowball, revealing some LEGO pieces on the ground. Head to the right and high jump up the ledges. Push both ice blocks off the edge to reveal more LEGO pieces and a silver bomb. Destroy the silver bomb to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a vehicle, then drive it to the left.

Run into the ice blocks to destroy them, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a valve, then hop on it a few times to inflate a bridge. Hop back in the vehicle and drive to the left. Drive through the ice to destroy it, revealing LEGO pieces. Park the vehicle on the panel, then build the LEGO pieces into a lever. Pull it to raise the vehicle up. Climb up the ladder, then hop in the vehicle. Drive through the ice in front of the building to destroy it, allowing you to head inside.

Part 2 – Visitor’s Center

Head into the room and to the left to find a dining area. Smash up the tables and stools to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the tiles, then push the lamp to the end of the tiles. This will melt the ice, revealing a Seduction panel. Use it to open the door. Head inside.

Part 3 – Ice Slide

Simply walk forward onto the panel and you’ll be dropped onto an ice slide. Enjoy the ride.

Part 4 – Penguin’s Machine

Turn the rotary handle in the center of the area to move the laser to the left. After charging the first treadmill, keep pushing it to the left to charge the other treadmill. Some S.W.A.T. guys will then appear, dropping a bomb on the ice block to your right. Build the LEGO pieces left behind into a rotary handle, then push it to the right to charge the other two treadmills. This will power up both levers on the machine.

Head to the right and high jump onto the bar to create platforms. Switch to Penguin and hop up to reach the ledge, then head all the way to the left. Destroy the purple objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a tightrope, allowing Catwoman to join you. Pull one of the levers and your partner will pull the other one, turning on the machine and ending the level.
Arctic World - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Dive, Explosive, Freeze, Grapple, High Jump, Joy Buzz, Magnet, Seduction, Sonic, Super Strength, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Winter Wonderland

Hop in the water to the left of your starting point and you'll find some toxic goo.

Swim through it to the left and hop back onto land, where you'll find this Hostage. Defeat the goons holding her to rescue her.

Red Power Brick (Always Score Multiply)
After rescuing the Hostage, destroy the objects around you to reveal Attract pieces.

Collect at least 25, then deposit them in the Attracto Machine. The machine will assemble a fishing game.

Hop in the crane, then use the "special" button to grab/release the fish. Place 5 blue fish in the blue bowl to receive a blue stud. Place 5 red fish in the red bowl to reveal this Power Brick.

Canister 1
As you head to the right, you'll notice a building with this Canister inside. To the right of the building is a patch of ice.

Walk on the ice to shatter it, then hop in and dive underwater.

Pull the lever to open the door to the building, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Canister 2
Climb up the metal wall to the right of the exit to reach a ledge.

You'll find a panel in the center.

Use the super strength handle on it to toss it aside, revealing a generator.

Use your Joy Buzzer to charge it up, revealing a grapple point on the right. Grapple up to be carried around the neon sign, eventually collecting this Canister.

Canister 3
You'll find this Canister behind glass next to one of the falling platforms. Shatter the glass, then carefully hop into the alcove to collect it.

Canister 4
High jump onto the ledge on the far right side of the area to find some ski gates.

Destroy the silver phone booth to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a super strength handle, then use it to toss aside the panel.

This will reveal a Seduction panel.

Use it to power the ski lift on the left. Grapple on and ride it up to the top of the slope. Quickly slide through all six ski gates to reveal this Canister.

Part 2 - Visitor's Center

Canister 5
On the left side of the area, there is a circular glass window. Fire your sonic gun at it to send a pulse through the water. A shark will then come to peek in at you, revealing this Canister.

Canister 6
There is a bunch of toxic goo to the right of the exit.

Walk through it and hop onto the ledge, then use the super strength handle to pull the ice block onto one of the buttons. Step on one button and your partner will step on the other, lowering the force field around this Canister.

Part 3 - Ice Slide

Canister 7
This is the most difficult Canister to collect in this game, as you only have one shot at this each time you play this level. You need to go through all 5 ski gates while sliding down the slide. If you miss one, you'll have to restart the level to try again. The first ski gate is on the right side of the slide.

Keep to the right and you'll find the next gate.

After going through the second gate, quickly switch to your partner and hug the left to find the next ski gate.

Keep sliding to the left and you'll find the fourth gate, with the fifth one not long after it.

Once you go through the final ski gate, this Canister will appear in the path. Be careful not to miss it! If you are having trouble with this Canister, consider bringing a friend along to help you. You can also send a Penguin Bomb onto the panel in the beginning to drop it down without you. You can then spam Penguin Bombs down the slide, which will possibly go through some of the gates.
Arctic World - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 4 - Penguin's Machine

Canister 8
On the left side of the area, you'll find a pipe with a silver casing on it.

Destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a trampoline, allowing you to bounce up to this Canister.

Canister 9
Hop into the water towards the screen and swim to the left. You'll notice this Canister inside an iceberg. Dive underwater and surface underneath the iceberg to collect this Canister.

Canister 10
Head to the right side of the area and you'll find a puddle of water.

Freeze it to make an ice pillar, then push it to the left along the tiles.

High jump on top of it and pull the lever to lower the silver cage to the ground. Destroy it and you'll be able to collect this Canister.

Minikit Model: Walrus
-----Chapter 3 - The Joker's Return-----
---------------Hero Levels---------------
Joker's Home Turf - Story Mode
Jervis Tetch, AKA the Mad Hatter, is a crazed villain whose criminal identity is inspired by the lunacy of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. He uses his mind control technology to bend people to his will, and he is never seen without a large and fantastic hat.

Enemies: Joker Goon, Joker Henchman
Boss: Mad Hatter
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 60,000

Part 1 – Ace Chemicals Exterior

Joker and the Mad Hatter are at Ace Chemicals, and we have to stop them! Head towards the gate, watching out for the toxic goo. Smash up the gate to destroy it, then beat up the goons that come to harass you. You’ll see two Joker Henchman firing at you, so use your Batarang to take them out.

Above them are two glowing objects. Use your Batarang to destroy them, revealing LEGO pieces on the ground. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Robin to receive the Attract Suit. Destroy the various objects in the area to reveal attract pieces, then collect them with the Attract Suit. Once you have 25 pieces, deposit them in the Attracto Machine and you’ll receive a vehicle.

This vehicle can be used to clean up toxic goo, so hop in and head to the right. Drive over the goo to suck it up, allowing your partner to join you. Continue to the right and you’ll find some yellow boxes and red barrels. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into bars. Hop up them to reach the ledge, then grapple up to reach the next ledge.

Destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a Suit Swapper. Hop in as Batman to receive the Glide Suit, then drop down to the left. Build the LEGO pieces into a valve, shutting off the toxic gas. Continue to the left and build the next valve. Continue to the left and you’ll reach a gap. Glide across as Batman, then build the LEGO pieces into a tightrope so Robin can join you.

Climb up the ladder, then grab onto one of the bars on the platform above you. Your partner will grab onto the other one, causing the barrels to crash through the panel in the floor. Drop down inside, then smash the lock on the left to open the gate. Head to the left.

Part 2 – Factory Entrance

Head down the stairs and you’ll be greeted by more goons. Beat them up, then destroy the objects in the area to reveal more attract pieces. Collect them and deposit 25 in the Attracto Machine to receive a bomb launcher. This will fire bombs at the door on the right, destroying it. Head back through it to reach Part 1.

Part 1 – Ace Chemicals Exterior

You’ll find the vehicle from earlier nearby, so hop in and drive back to the left.

Part 2 – Factory Entrance

Drive the vehicle over the toxic goo to clean it up, then head back up the stairs on the right. Push the box off the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces on the ground below you. Before dropping down, glide across the gap to the left to land on the opposite ledge. Push that box off the ledge to reveal more LEGO pieces. Drop down and build both piles of LEGO pieces into gears. This will activate the levers by the door. Pull one lever and your partner will pull the other, opening the door to the factory. Head inside.

Part 3 – Chemical Vats

Head to the right and walk up the stairs. Push the two boxes off of the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces, then glide to the ledge on the right with the last box on it. Push that off the ledge, then drop down and build the LEGO pieces into a forklift. Before hopping in, continue to the right to find some red and green barrels. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a platform. Step on it to shut off the toxic gas above you.

Head back to the left and hop into the forklift, then drive through the silver objects near the back wall to destroy them. Build the LEGO pieces they leave behind into a ladder, then climb up onto the ledge. Head to the right, then glide across the gap. Step on the small red platform to shut off the toxic gas below you, then drop down.

Head back left and hop in a forklift, then drive it to the right and destroy the silver objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle. You can’t turn it just yet though. Grab the bar to the right and hop up onto the ledge. Hop across the gap to the left, then build the LEGO pieces onto the machine. Drop back down and turn the rotary handle to move the machine to the right. Once the machine is in place, hop back onto the ledge and pull the lever to fill the gap next to you with toxic goo.

Carefully hop across the platforms to the right, then glide onto the bars. Hop up onto the ledge, then pull the lever to extend a bridge below you. Drop down and head back to the left, then hop in a forklift. Drive it to the right across the bridge, then continue to the right and drive onto the orange panel. This will lower a lift to your left. Hop on the lift to reach the next ledge, then head to the right. Head through the opening.

Part 4 – Factory Interior

Head to the right and you’ll see a bunch of glowing red objects on the wall. Use your Batarang to destroy them, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Robin to receive the Magnet Suit. Continue to the right, then walk up the metal wall. Build the LEGO pieces onto the box, then push it to the end of the tiles to power up the generator. This will extend some platforms to the right.

Drop down and head to the right, then glide across the gap. Build the LEGO pieces onto the bridge to complete it, allowing Robin to join you. Continue to the right and walk up the metal wall, then turn the rotary handle to slowly open the door. Head inside.

Part 5 – Mad as a Hatter

Time to take on the Mad Hatter. Smack him to take off two hearts. He will then retreat to the upper ledge. Head to the right and walk up the metal wall, then walk onto the catwalk on the right to lower it into a ramp, allowing Batman to join you. Step on the red buttons and your partner will join you, dropping the hatch below Mad Hatter and sending him into the toxic goo.

He will then hop back out to fight you, so walk up to him. He will use mind control to take over you, so switch to your partner and smack him. Do this twice and he will run off again. Head to the left and destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the lift, then ride it onto the ledge. Step on the red buttons and your partner will join you, dropping the hatch below Mad Hatter and sending him into the toxic goo. He will then jump back up to fight you, so smack him one more time to defeat him.

Unlocked Characters: Mad Hatter (35,000), Joker Goon (7,000), Joker Henchman (9,000)

Unlocked Vehicles: Mad Hatter’s Steamboat (23,000), Mad Hatter’s Glider (18,000)

You will also unlock the Glide Suit, Magnet Suit and Attract Suit for Free Play if you haven’t already
Joker's Home Turf - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Explosive, Freeze, Glide, Heat Immunity, High Jump, Joy Buzz, Mind Control, Sonic, Super Strength, Tech, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Ace Chemicals Exterior

Canister 1
Before dropping down inside the building on the left, look to the left on the roof to find two silver cylinders.

Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a fan. Ride the air current up to this Canister.

Canister 2
Use the vehicle you receive from the Attracto Machine to clean up every bit of toxic goo (including the toxic goo in Part 2). When you do, the game will show you this location on the right side of Part 1.

Drive the vehicle over to it and park it on the grey panel. The machine will then drain the toxic goo from the vehicle, revealing this Canister.

Part 2 - Factory Entrance

Canister 3
Use your Joy Buzzer to charge up the generator on the left, lowering the ladder. Climb up to reach the upper ledge.

Once on the ledge, high jump onto the bar to reach the alcove with this Canister inside.

Canister 4
Use the Mind Control panel on the far left side of the area to open the door. Head inside.

Once inside, you'll see a large generator. Push the object on the tiles so it's underneath the pipe, then destroy the two groups of silver boxes on the left to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build the red-hot LEGO pieces on the right onto the pipe.

Build the LEGO pieces on the left onto the generators. Once both sets of LEGO pieces are built, the generators will run for a few seconds before exploding, revealing this Canister between them.

Part 3 - Chemical Vats

Canister 5
Use the Technology panel in the first part of the area to take control of the crane inside the room. Grab bombs from the top left corner and drop them on the three large vats to clear the toxic purple gas.

Once the gas is gone, the door to the left will open, allowing you to head inside the room.

Once inside, build the piles of LEGO pieces into two buttons. Hop on one and your partner will hop on the other one, raising the gate around this Canister.

Canister 6
Hop into the first vat of toxic goo as you head to the right and you'll find a lever. Pull it to shut off the toxic gas in the right pipe. Climb the ladder to reach this Canister inside.

Canister 7
After riding the lift, head to the left to find a gate. Use the super strength handle on it to toss it aside, then head into the alcove.

Build the LEGO pieces into a bar, then high jump onto it. High jump up the bars to reach the ledge with this Canister on it.

Canister 8
Shortly before the exit, you'll notice a ladder.

Climb down it to reach a small platform in the toxic goo.

Hop and glide across the barrels to reach the platform with this Canister on it. You can also just swim through the toxic goo to reach this Canister.
Joker's Home Turf - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 4 - Factory Interior

Red Power Brick (Freeze Batarang)
As soon as you enter this area, look to the left and you'll find some water.

Freeze the water to create two platforms, then hop across and high jump onto the other side.

Continue to the left and you'll find a glass door.

Shatter it, then head towards the levers. Your goal here is to pull the levers of the appropriate primary colors to make the secondary colors in the back. The first color is purple (red and blue), then green (yellow and blue) and orange (red and yellow).

Mix all three colors to reveal this Power Brick.

Head to the right past the exit and you'll find a lift. Use your Joy Buzzer to charge the nearby generator, powering up the lift. Step inside to reach the upper ledge.

Head to the left and you'll find this Hostage. Defeat the goons holding her to rescue her.

Canister 9
After rescuing the Hostage, turn the rotary handle to send the toxic goo into the vat on the left.

This Canister will then appear in the vat on the right.

Part 5 - Mad as a Hatter

Canister 10
Destroy the silver containers on the right to reveal this Canister behind them.

Minikit Model: Mad Hatter's Hat
Little Fun at the Big Top - Story Mode
Dr. Harleen Quinzel was the Joker's psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, until she fell in love with him and reinvented herself as the madcap villain Harley Quinn. She is an accomplished acrobat, who will do anything to demonstrate her adoration of the Clown Prince of Crime.

Enemies: Joker Henchman, Joker Goon, Jack-in-the-box
Boss: Harley Quinn
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 68,000

Part 1 – Carnival Boardwalk

Head to the right past the carnival booths. You’ll eventually see a boarded up door. Destroy it, then head inside the booth to find a Suit Swapper. Hop in as Batman to receive the Demolition Suit. Exit the booth and continue to the right, where you’ll see two gates. Destroy the objects in front of the gate on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into silver objects, then destroy them to blow a hole in the gate. Head on through.

Part 2 – Amusement Mile

Head to the right and you’ll find a Suit Swapper in the alley. Hop in as Batman to receive the Sonic Suit. Head back to the left, then shatter the glass doors to the building. Head inside and build the LEGO pieces into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Robin to receive the Magnet Suit.

Head out of the building and to the right. You’ll notice some LEGO pieces up on a ledge. Destroy the objects close to the water on the right side to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to raise up a metal wall. Climb up, then build the LEGO pieces into a grapple point. Use it to scale the fence, then continue to the right.

You’ll see a glowing light by some tables and chairs. Smash the objects nearby to reveal LEGO pieces for a Suit Swapper. Build it, then hop in as Robin to receive the Attract Suit. You’ll need to collect at least 25 pieces to deposit into the Attracto Machine. Destroy the objects around this area to reveal the pieces. There are lots of pieces inside the building on the right, which you can reach by shattering the glass windows. There are also pieces behind the glass doors behind the teacups.

Once you have at least 25 pieces, deposit them in the Attracto Machine to build the ladder on the left. Climb up, then head inside the building to the right.

Part 3 – Head over Heels

Head to the right and you’ll find a gate. Destroy the nearby objects to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a rotary handle. Turn it to open the gate, then head through. Head towards the tiled floor to trigger a cutscene.

After the cutscene, it will be time to face Harley Quinn. She is pretty easy to defeat. Walk up to her and she will start back flipping away from you. Keep following her and eventually she will get dizzy, allowing you a free shot at her. Every two hearts you take off, she’ll jump away and send some goons down for you to fight. Defeat the enemies and she will appear again. Repeat this process to take out her hearts, defeating her.

Unlocked Characters: Clown Goon (100,000)

You will also unlock the Demolition Suit and the Sonic Suit for Free Play if you haven’t already
Little Fun at the Big Top - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Batarang, Dive, Explosive, Glide, Grapple, High Jump, Joy Buzz, Sonic, Super Strength, Tech, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Carnival Boardwalk

Canister 1
Head to the left from your starting point to find a bus blocking your path. Use the super strength handle to push it out of the way, then head into the parking lot.

Head all the way to the left to find a dumpster. Use the super strength handle on it to drag it back to the right.

Hop on top of it, then high jump onto the platform above you.

Build the LEGO pieces into a tightrope, then walk across it to reach the ledge with this Canister on it.

Canister 2
While crossing the boardwalk, you'll notice one of the booths has glass windows.

Shatter the glass, then use your Batarang to destroy the five moving objects.

This Canister will then appear on top of the booth.

To reach it, destroy the pinwheels to the left of the exit to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, then climb up to reach the top of the far right booth.

Head left and hop onto the second booth, then continue to the left. Glide across the gap to reach this Canister.

Canister 3
One of the booths has silver barriers in front of it. Destroy them and you'll see this Canister inside.

You can collect this Canister on the way to Canister 2. On top of the second booth, destroy the silver hatches to reveal openings. Drop down into the center opening, then dive to the bottom of the water to reach this Canister.

Canister 4
Use the Technology panel to the right of the exit to open up the booth.

Use your Batarang to destroy the four ducks, revealing this Canister.

Red Power Brick (Decoy)
Head to the far right side of the area and you'll notice a gap. Glide across it.

Pull the lever inside the small shack to open the gate on the right. Head inside.

You'll find a claw game. Use the Technology panel on it to take control of the claw. Grab a pink stuffed animal, then drop it in the bottom right corner so it exits the machine. Destroy it, then repeat this process for the other 2 pink figures.

Once all 3 pink stuffed animals have been destroyed, this Power Brick will appear in the machine. Pick it up using the claw and drop it in the bottom right corner so you can collect it.

Part 2 - Amusement Mile

Canister 5
In the back left corner of the area, you'll find a red window with this Canister behind it. On the ground by the window is an object with a small glass dome on it.

Shatter the glass dome, then destroy the object to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a grapple point, then destroy the window and grapple up to reach this Canister.

This poor Hostage is being held by three Joker Goons right out in the open by the tea cups. Defeat the goons to rescue her.

Canister 6
Use your Joy Buzzer to charge the generator by the teacup ride, powering it up. This Canister will appear in one of the teacups.

Canister 7
After climbing up the ladder, look to the left and you'll see this Canister on a slide. Walk into the opening at the base of the slide and you'll appear at the top, where you'll slide down to this Canister.
Little Fun at the Big Top - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 3 - Head over Heels

Canister 8
Use the Technology panel by the toxic goo to take control of a blue boat.

Drive the boat into the blue shed. You'll then take control of the remaining boats.

Drive them into the shed that matches their color. Park all four boats to reveal this Canister. Hop into the toxic goo to reach it.

Canister 9
Use the super strength handle on the gate to the right of the toxic goo to toss it aside, then head inside.

Hop in one of the bumper cars and your partner will hop in another. Three Joker Henchmen will hop in the other three. Hit each of the bumper cars driven by Joker Henchmen three times to stall them. Stall all three bumper cars to reveal this Canister.

Canister 10
On the right side of the area is a large puddle of toxic goo. Walk through it to reach the poles in the back.

Grapple onto the ledge, then build the LEGO pieces into a tightrope. Walk across it to reach the ledge with this Canister.

Minikit Model: Pinball Machine
Flight of the Bat - Story Mode
Professor Jonathan Crane, AKA The Scarecrow, is a twisted scientist whose fear toxin stimulates the phobias of his victims. He uses his biplane to rain terror on the citizens of Gotham City from the skies, causing havoc with his scare gas bombs.

Enemies: Goon Helicopter
Boss: Scarecrow’s Biplane
Starting Vehicles: Batwing, Batcopter
Super Hero: 29,000

Part 1 – Gotham Skies

Scarecrow will shoot down a billboard, blocking the path to the right. To destroy it, head back left and destroy the white building to reveal a torpedo dispenser. Fly close to it as the Batwing to pick up some torpedoes, then fly back to the right. Launch a torpedo at the missile launcher and it will fire into the billboard, destroying it.

Continue to the right and you’ll see Scarecrow flee behind a silver pipe. A helicopter will then shoot the pipe, creating jets of flame that will block your path. Continue to the right and fire a torpedo at the missile launcher on the train track. This will destroy the track.

Head back to the left and you’ll see two missile launchers in the background. Destroy them if you want, then destroy the building between them to reveal a bomb dispenser. Grab onto one with the Batcopter and drag it to the right. Launch it into the silver pipe to destroy it, then head through the opening.

Part 2 – Industrial Facility

Scarecrow will fly to the right. Electricity will then appear, creating a barrier that you can’t pass. To shut it off, destroy the white structure to reveal a bomb dispenser. Grab a bomb and tow it into the silver object in front of you to reveal a torpedo dispenser. Shoot it, then grab torpedoes and launch them at the missile launchers on the right. Once they’re destroyed, the electricity will shut off, allowing you to pursue Scarecrow.

Part 3 – Trouble in the Sky

Time to take on Scarecrow’s Biplane. The fight is simple. Switch to the Batcopter, then latch onto Scarecrow’s Biplane. Once your tow cable is attached to the biplane, switch to the Batwing and hit Scarecrow with a torpedo (there is a torpedo dispenser in the far right side of the area if you need torpedoes). Do this three times to complete the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: Batwing, Batcopter, Bruce Wayne’s Private Jet (15,000)
Flight of the Bat - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Bat Torpedo, Tow, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Gotham Skies

Canister 1
There are 6 missile turrets you need to destroy with Bat Torpedoes. The first is right next to the Scarecrow billboard. You need to destroy this turret to progress in the level.

The second and third are shortly after the Scarecrow billboard, next to the building you destroy to reveal the bomb dispenser.

The fourth is on the train tracks. You need to destroy this turret to progress in the level.

The fifth and sixth are on the far right side of the area, near the silver pipe. Destroy all 6 missile turrets to receive this Canister.

Canister 2
This Canister is floating on the north side of the train tracks.

Canister 3
This Canister is to the right of the silver pipe, just floating in the air.

Canister 4
Grab a bomb and drag it all the way to the right. Drag it into this silver box to knock this Canister loose.

Part 2 - Industrial Facility

Canister 5
Grab a Bat Torpedo and fire it at this grey pipe in the back left corner of the area to reveal this Canister.

Canister 6
Drag a bomb into each of the 3 silver valves to reveal this Canister.

Canister 7
Grab a Bat Torpedo, then fly to the left. Fire it at the large grey cylinder to destroy it.

This will reveal a lever.

Shoot it to reveal a small blue object. Latch onto it with your tow cable, then fly forward to pull it onto the conveyor belt.

Follow it to the right, then latch on again and drag it onto the orange panel to reveal this Canister.

Red Power Brick (Fast Walk)
Destroy the objects behind the toxic gas to clear the alcove, then fly inside.

Fly on the left to reveal a rotary handle.

Shoot the green side a bunch of times to reveal another rotary handle on the right. Shoot the green side a bunch of times to reveal a red barrel in the center of the alcove. Shoot it to receive this Power Brick.

Part 3 - Trouble in the Sky

Canister 8
This Canister is floating between four small water towers.

Canister 9
There is a large cloud of toxic gas in the back of the area.

Fly through it, then fly over the helipad to reveal this Canister.

Canister 10
After collecting Canister 9, there are 3 gargoyles for you to shoot. The first 2 are right next to the helipad.

The other gargoyle is on the left side of the area shortly after the toxic cloud. Destroy all 3 to reveal this Canister.

Minikit Model: The Scarecrow's Biplane
In the Dark Night - Story Mode
Drury Walker took on the persona of Killer Moth to fight the Dark Knight, and developed Batman-like equipment to assist him in his criminal activities. His Flight Suit enables him to glide silently over the streets of Gotham.

Enemies: Joker Goon, Joker Henchman
Boss: Killer Moth
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 73,000

Part 1 – Gotham Streets

Head to the right and you’ll see Killer Moth glide across some toxic goo. Destroy the boxes by the goo to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a platform, which will lower. Build the other LEGO pieces into a bar, then grab onto it and hop onto the platform. Hop over the fence to the right, then continue all the way to the right to reach a nightclub.

Killer Moth will run inside. A van will then crash in front, blocking the entrance. We’ll need to find a way to destroy it. Destroy the ATM on the left to reveal a lever, then destroy the objects in the alley to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a fan, then pull the lever to activate it. Ride the air current onto the ledge, then head to the left.

Hop across the gap onto the next ledge, then smash up the boards. Head inside the room and destroy the objects inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then have Batman stand on the lift. Turn the rotary handle as Robin to raise Batman up to the ledge, then switch back to Batman and hop in the Suit Swapper to receive the Demolition Suit. Head back to the nightclub, then destroy the silver van to clear the entrance. Head inside.

Part 2 – Nightclub

Head to the right and destroy the pool table and surrounding chairs to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the structure on the tiles, then push it along the tiles and into the wall. That will power up the lever, but we still need to get the other one working. The tiles are missing some pieces, so we’ll need to find them.

Destroy the objects to the left of the bar on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into part of a tightrope, then head to the left. Destroy the arcade machine with the green lights, as well as the chairs by the bar, to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to reach the upper ledge. Head to the right and build the LEGO pieces into the rest of the tightrope, then walk across to reach the opposite ledge. Destroy the two silver lights to reveal LEGO pieces on the ground.

Drop down and build them onto the tiles, then push the other lever into the wall. Pull one lever and your partner will pull the other, opening the elevator. Head inside.

Part 3 – Dance Floor

Head to the right and destroy the silver statue to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Robin to receive the Technology Suit. Build the two piles of LEGO pieces on the right to create speakers, then head onto the dance floor. Destroy the silver box to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a disco ball. This will turn two lights on the dance floor white.

Step on one and your partner will step on the other, turning them green. Two more lights will then turn white. Repeat this process until all of the lights are green (you’ll have to be quick, as the lights will reset eventually). This will reveal a robot in the center of the dance floor. Use the technology panel on the back wall to take control of the robot, then walk it into the red, green and yellow rubble in the right side of the back wall to destroy it. Head through the opening.

Part 4 – Back Alley

Drop down off the ledge and you’ll find a glowing section of the alley. Destroy the objects nearby to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a Suit Swapper. Hop in as Robin to receive the Magnet Suit, then continue down the alley. Walk across the metal wall to cross the toxic goo, then build the LEGO pieces into a pump. This will drain the toxic goo, allowing Batman to join you.

Destroy the silver boxes, as well as the object to the left of the pump, to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a metal wall, then walk up it. Cross the tightrope to reach the opposite ledge, then pull the lever to lower a ladder, allowing Batman to join you.

Destroy the silver gate, then destroy all of the objects on the roof (including the two blue lights above you, which you can destroy with your Batarang) to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the pump, then step on the grey buttons. Your partner will join you, putting out the fires below you. Drop down and destroy the silver objects, then proceed down the alley into the abandoned building.

Part 5 – Abandoned Building

Time to face Killer Moth. Walk up to him and smack him to take out two hearts. He will then retreat to an upper ledge. We’ll need to get those generators powered up. Destroy the silver boxes on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the generator, powering it up. Destroy the silver gate in the back left corner, then hop in the Suit Swapper as Robin to receive the Technology Suit. Use the technology panel on the generator (you'll have to hold the "special" button for a while) to send power to both levers. Pull one lever and your partner will pull the other, turning on the large light bulb in the center.

Killer Moth will fly down and get damaged by the light bulb, and will then attack you some more. Smack him to take out two more hearts, then build the LEGO pieces onto the other generator. Smash the red cylinders on the right, then head inside the alcove. Push the object along the tiles and into the slot on the wall to activate the technology panel by the right generator. Use it to send power to the levers. Pull one and your partner will pull the other, turning the light bulb back on. Killer Moth will fly into it, damaging himself and ending the level.

You will unlock the Technology Suit for Free Play if you haven’t already
In the Dark Night - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Dive, Explosive, Glide, Grapple, Green Thumb, Heat Immunity, High Jump, Joy Buzz, Magnet, Mind Control, Sonic, Super Strength, Tech, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Gotham Streets

Canister 1
Use the super strength handles on the gate to the first building to toss it aside, then head in.

Shatter the glass around this Canister, allowing you to collect it.

Canister 2
Use your Joy Buzzer to charge the generator to the right of the toxic goo.

This will lower a ladder. High jump onto it, then climb up to reach the ledge.

Destroy the glass, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Canister 3
You need to reveal and destroy 3 cakes. All 3 are in this area. For the first cake, mind control the scientist inside a building.

Have him pull the lever to reveal a silver box next to you. Switch back to your character and destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into super strength handles, then use them to toss the gate aside. Enter the building.

Destroy the silver objects to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into the first cake, then smash it.

The second cake can be found inside the building with the silver bars. Destroy them, then head inside the building. Destroy all of the objects inside to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into an oven, which will bake the second cake. Smash it.

The third cake can be found on the way to the Demolition Suit Swapper. High jump onto the ladder, then climb up.

On the ledge, you'll find a large black object on the left.

Smash it to reveal the third cake, then destroy it. Destroy all 3 cakes to reveal this Canister.

Canister 4
While on the ledge with the Demolition Suit Swapper, look to the left to see a small ledge.

Carefully glide onto it, then onto the next ledge on the left.

From here, look to the left and you'll see a bar. Your goal is to glide onto the ledge just above the bar. Be careful and watch out for the small pipe running horizontally just above the bar. If you grab the bar, the pipe will prevent you from reaching the ledge.

Once on the ledge above the bar, grapple up to reach the rooftops.

Head all the way to the left to find this Canister tucked in the corner.

Part 2 - Nightclub

Canister 5
There is an Attracto Machine behind the bar on the left. Gather Attract pieces from around the area, then deposit at least 25 into the machine to receive a small helicopter.

This will activate the Technology panel on the right.

Use it to take control of the helicopter, then fly it towards the screen to find some lights.

Fly in front of each disc to turn it green. Turn all ten discs green to reveal this Canister.

Canister 6
There is a fish tank against the back wall with three pots in front of it.

Grow each of the plants, then hop up them. High jump into the fish tank, then dive to the bottom to reach this Canister.
In the Dark Night - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 4 - Back Alley

This Hostage can be found in the near right corner of the alley. Defeat the goons holding him to free him.

Canister 7
After dropping off the ledge, head back down the alley to find a garbage truck on the left side.

Destroy the shopping cart near it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them onto the truck. Use the super strength handles to pull it to the left, revealing an alcove.

Destroy the silver box inside to reveal this Canister.

Canister 8
You'll find this Canister to your left after climbing up the metal wall past the toxic goo.

Red Power Brick (Faster Pieces)
After passing through the fire, you'll find two blue dumpsters on the left. Destroy them to reveal red-hot LEGO pieces.

Build them into a ladder, then climb up to reach the ledge. Glide across the gap onto the next ledge, then high jump onto the ledge with this Power Brick.

Canister 9
Just before the stairs leading to the abandoned building, you'll find a silver manhole cover. Destroy it, then drop down the hole to collect this Canister.

Part 5 - Abandoned Building

Canister 10
Destroy the glass window in the back, then hop inside the alcove.

Destroy the objects inside to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a gauge.

Use your Joy Buzzer to charge up the generator, destroying the gauge and revealing this Canister.

Minikit Model: Clown Walker
To the Top of the Tower - Story Mode
The Joker's clown-like appearance and big smile hide a devious mind bent on creating as much trouble as possible for his archenemy Batman. His array of weapons includes an electric hand buzzer, deadly machine guns, and laughing gas.

Enemies: Joker Henchman, Jack-in-the-box
Boss: Harley Quinn, The Joker’s Helicopter, The Joker
Starting Characters: Batman, Robin
Super Hero: 96,000

Part 1 – Cathedral Parking Lot

Head to the right and you’ll see two police vans. Destroy the objects behind them to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a Suit Swapper, then hop in as Batman to receive the Demolition Suit. Head to the right and grab onto the bar on the back ledge, then destroy the silver gate to reveal a Suit Swapper. Hop in as Robin to receive the Magnet Suit, then head back to the left.

Push the statue to the right along the tiles, then destroy the silver gargoyle on the ground to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a metal wall, then walk up to reach the ledge. Hop to the right on top of the statue, then onto the next ledge. Turn the rotary handle to open the window on the ledge above you, revealing Harley Quinn.

After the cutscene, it'll be time to face Harley. Head over to the two police vans in the center of the area. You’ll notice that they have bubble cannons on them. Hop in one and shoot Harley when she stops moving to damage her. She will then throw a bomb, destroying the van. Hop in the other van and shoot her again to take out another heart. She will destroy the other van as well.

Build the LEGO pieces each van left behind into another bubble cannon, then shoot her one final time to take out her last heart. She will then retreat into the cathedral, knocking down a gargoyle. Build the LEGO pieces in front of the doors into a fan, then ride the air current onto the ledge. Head inside.

Part 2 – Catwalks

Head to the right and you’ll see Harley. She will jump across the gap and out of your reach. Defeat the jack-in-the-box, then build the LEGO pieces behind it into a lever. Pull it to lower the statue on the right, allowing you to cross the ledge. Continue to the right, then head up the stairs. Build the LEGO pieces into a metal wall, then climb up to reach the upper ledge. Head to the right and pull the lever to move the chandelier into place.

Head back to the left and down the metal wall, then hop onto the chandelier and onto the ledge on the right. Head up the short flight of stairs to find a Suit Swapper tucked into the wall. Hop in as Batman to receive the Glide Suit, then climb up the ladder. Glide across the gap, then turn the rotary handle to move a bar to the left. Robin will grab on, so turn the rotary handle the other way to move him across the gap.

Head to the right and destroy the chemical vats to reveal a button. Climb up the metal wall and Batman will step on the button, lowering the statue and allowing you to hop across to the left. Build the LEGO pieces into a grapple point, allowing Batman to join you, then continue to the left on the ledge. Pull a lever and your partner will pull the other one, opening the door. Head inside.

Part 3 – Bell Tower

Joker and Harley are hiding in the bells, and we need to get them out. Let’s start with Harley. Head down the stairs to the left and build the LEGO pieces into an anvil. This will raise up the grapple point, so use it to reach the upper ledge. Glide across the gap, then build the LEGO pieces into a bar, allowing Robin to join you. Step on the orange buttons and your partner will join you. This will ring the bell, forcing Harley out. She will then hop onto the upper platform.

Now for Joker. Head to the right and build the LEGO pieces onto the tiles, then push the statue to the other side of the tiles. Climb up the metal wall, then build the LEGO pieces into bars so Batman can join you. Hop across the gap to the left, then step on the orange buttons. Your partner will join you, ringing the bell and forcing Joker out. He will then jump onto the upper platform.

Once both Joker and Harley are on the platform, Joker will call in his chopper. It will occasionally fly in front of the hole in the wall, shooting at you. Build the LEGO pieces into bubble cannons, then hop in and shoot at the chopper when it appears. Do this to take out all five hearts.

Once the chopper is trashed, Joker will hop down to face you himself. Smack him to take off three hearts. He will then jump away. Walk up to him and you’ll get joy buzzed. Switch to your partner and smack Joker, taking out a heart. He will then continue to punch you as normal. Repeat this process to drain his hearts and complete the level.
To the Top of the Tower - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Explosive, High Jump, Joy Buzz, Magnet, Sonic, Super Strength

Part 1 - Cathedral Parking Lot

This poor Hostage is being held on the left side of the parking lot. Defeat the goons harassing her to free her.

Canister 1
Destroy the flowerbed against the wall on the left to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a ladder, then climb up onto the ledge. Step on one of the buttons and your partner will step on the other, opening a secret compartment with this Canister inside.

Canister 2
There are 3 silver gargoyles for you to destroy. The first is on the far left side of the area.

The second is on the ledge on the left, to the left of the glass. The gargoyle on the ground does not count.

The third gargoyle is on the ledge on the right. Destroy all 3 to reveal this Canister.

Canister 3
Shatter the glass on the ledge on the left, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Canister 4
While standing on the ledge on the right, look to the left to find a stud trail. High jump across the gap to reach the ledge on the cathedral.

Pull the lever to extend a platform underneath this Canister. Stand on the edge of the ledge and you'll be able to high jump onto the platform underneath the Canister.

Canister 5
There is an Attracto Machine on the far right side of the area.

Gather Attract pieces from the area, then deposit at least 25 into the machine to receive a mine. Destroy it to blow a hole in the wall, revealing this Canister.

Part 2 - Catwalks

Canister 6
Head left from your starting point to find a generator. Use your Joy Buzzer to charge it up, lowering a platform above you.

Climb up the nearby ladder, then hop across the platforms to reach this Canister.

Canister 7
After climbing up the metal wall, hop onto the ledge on the left and carefully head left to reach this Canister.

Canister 8
This is literally just to the right of the lever you pull to move the chandelier into place. It's hiding behind the pillar.

Red Power Brick (Piece Detector)
On the ledge with the button you press to lower a statue, look down below you to see a ledge.

Drop down onto it, then use the super strength handle on the organ to push it to the right, connecting it to the valve.

Hop on the valve a few times to prep the organ. Someone will then come to play it and you will be rewarded with the Power Brick.

Part 3 - Bell Tower

Canister 9
This Canister is high in the air above the left platform by the bell. High jump up to reach it.

Canister 10
Destroy the silver box on the right to reveal this Canister.

Minikit Model: The Joker
--------------Villain Levels--------------
A Surprise for the Commissioner - Story Mode
Harley, can I tell you a joke?

COMMISSIONER GORDON. He... He thinks he runs the city! HA HA HA!

But Gordon can get us the Batman. He'll run straight into our trap. Be sure to shout "SURPRISE!"

Enemies: Police Officer
Boss: Commissioner Gordon
Starting Characters: The Joker, Harley Quinn
Super Villain: 57,000

Part 1 – Amusement Mile

We’ve got Joker and Harley, and we need to get to the right. High jump onto the bar as Harley, then onto the ledge on the right. We’ll be doing things to progress both characters to the right, with Harley on the upper ledge and Joker below.

First, turn the rotary handle to rotate the cage Joker is standing in, allowing him to continue. Switch to Joker and stand on the elevated yellow platform. This will raise a barrier above you, allowing Harley to continue. Step on the yellow platform to your left to raise the other barrier, allowing Harley to continue. Switch to her and smash the panel on the wall to shut off the electricity, allowing Joker to continue. Build the pile of LEGO pieces on each ledge, then step on the detonator as Harley to detonate the dynamite, destroying the barrier and allowing Joker to continue. Step on the yellow panel as Harley to lower the object in Joker’s way, allowing him to continue. Switch to Joker and step on the yellow panels, allowing Harley to continue. Once Harley is past the red-and-yellow spring things, switch to her and drop down the opening to be reunited with Mr. J.

With your party together, continue to the right and you’ll find a Ferris wheel. To the left of the Ferris wheel is a small building. Use the Joker’s Joy Buzzer to power the generator, blowing the door off the building. Hop into the red cart on the Ferris wheel and your partner will step on the button in the building, raising you up. Hop onto the tracks, then head to the left to find a small button. Your partner will run into the red cart, so step on the button to raise them up. Continue to the right on the tracks.

Part 2 – Roller Coaster Tracks

Head to the right and you’ll slide down the tracks. High jump onto the ladder, then climb up and pull the lever to lower the ladder, allowing Joker to join you. Hop to the right across the gap, then use the Joker’s Joy Buzzer to power the generator. This will start moving the yellow platform, so hop on and ride it to the upper tracks.

Smash through the boards, then build the LEGO pieces into a platform and a tightrope. Hop onto the platform to reach the tightrope, then cross to the right. Drop down onto the ledge, then destroy the four box-like objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into bars, then hop up them to reach the next ledge. Climb the ladder onto the next ledge, then high jump up the ledges to reach the lever. Pull it to lower a ladder, allowing Joker to join you.

Hop across to the right, then use the Joy Buzzer to power the generator. This will send a roller coaster down the tracks, clearing the rubble at the end. Drop down to the tracks, then continue to the right.

Part 3 – Food Court

Head to the right on the tracks and drop down, then continue to the right. You’ll see a large gate with an ice cream truck near it. Hop in the truck and drive it away so you can see the colored buttons. You need to input the correct code to open the gate. While it is possible to guess (there are only 6 possible combinations), let’s find the code so we can get it right first try.

To the left of the buttons is a silver gate. Destroy the objects across from the silver gate to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a cannon, which will destroy the gate. Head inside the building and smash the cabinet on the wall to reveal the code (each time you play this level, the code may be different). Step on the buttons in the correct order to power up the lever on the right. Pull it to open the gate. Head inside.

Part 4 – Springing the Trap

Looks like Gordon came after all! Punch Gordon to take out three hearts. He will then retreat to the upper ledge and send in a police van with reinforcements. Use the Joy Buzzer on the generator to power up the crane, then climb the ladder and hop in. Pick up one of the pink dolls (which are actually explosives) and drop it on the police van to destroy it. Gordon will then hop down to face you again. Repeat this process two more times to defeat Gordon, completing the level.

Unlocked Characters: Harley Quinn, The Joker, Commissioner Gordon (25,000)

Unlocked Vehicles: Harley Quinn’s Hammer Truck (80,000)
A Surprise for the Commissioner - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Dive, Explosive, Freeze, Glide, Grapple, High Jump, Magnet, Sonic, Super Strength, Tech

Part 1 - Amusement Mile

Canister 1
Right by your starting point is a large block.

Use the super strength handle on it to push it to the left, then high jump onto it to reach the alcove with this Canister.

Canister 2
Before dropping down from the top ledge (the one where you switch back and forth with your partner to progress), you'll see this Canister in a room. Shatter the glass, then head inside to collect it.

Canister 3
There are 3 puddles of water you need to freeze to reveal ice cream cones. 2 are in this area and the other is in Part 3. For the first puddle, after exiting the ledges where you alternate with your partner to progress, head towards the screen and to the left to find the puddle.

The second puddle can be found in a corner to the left of the ferris wheel, shortly after passing the arcade.

To the left of the arcade is a boarded up room. Smash the boards, then head inside.

Destroy the silver gate on the left, then head inside the room.

You'll find this Hostage inside. Defeat the goons to rescue him.

Canister 4
After rescuing the hostage, you'll find this Canister in a vending machine.

Build the nearby LEGO pieces into a lever, then pull it to open the vending machine, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Canister 5
There is a metal wall to the left of the ferris wheel. Climb up to reach the ledge (you can also just head left from the tracks).

Head to the left and you'll find a lever.

Pull it to open the two doors to the right. Head inside each room and pull the lever.

Pull both levers to open a door on the left, revealing this Canister inside. Use the grapple point underneath it to reach it.

Canister 6
You'll find this Canister up on the tracks near the end. Walk up the tracks as far as you can, then high jump to reach the Canister.

Part 2 - Roller Coaster Tracks

Canister 7
In the first set of ledges, climb the ladder to reach the top. Destroy the silver object to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a grapple point, then use it to reach the ledge above you.

Climb the metal wall to reach the ledge with this Canister.

Red Power Brick (Fast Build)
While on the ledge above the exit tracks, look to the right to see another platform. Glide over to it, then grapple up to reach the top of the tracks.

Head to the left and destroy the silver barrier, allowing you to reach this Power Brick.
A Surprise for the Commissioner - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 3 - Food Court

Canister 3 cont.
After dropping off the tracks, head to the left and you'll find a brown gate. Smash it, then enter the small courtyard.

You'll find a bunch of objects in the center. Destroy them, as well as a trash can on the left, to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a water cannon, then hop on the valve a few times to create a puddle of water.

Freeze it to reveal the third ice cream cone. Freeze all 3 puddles of water to receive this Canister.

Canister 8
There is an Attracto Machine near the entrance to the courtyard with the third puddle of water. Collect Attract pieces from the area, then deposit at least 25 into the machine to receive a green car. This will activate the Technology panel on the right.

Use it to take control of the green car.

Drive the car around the map and park it into the green slot. You will then take control of a red, blue and yellow car. Park each car in the section that matches the color of the car to receive this Canister.

Canister 9
This Canister can be seen in the water tank. Simply hop in and dive down to reach this.

Canister 10
There is an ice cream truck on the far right side of the area. Hop in and drive it into the garage to the left of the merry-go-round. This will open the door, allowing you to collect the Canister inside.

Minikit Model: Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck
Biplane Blast - Story Mode
When will that caped goon learn to LIGHTEN UP?

I do love an evening flight over the city. Don't you, Scarecrow?

So many obstacles to send Batman crashing to the ground. I'm... I'm so EXCITED!

Enemies: Police Helicopter
Boss: Police Battle Helicopter
Starting Vehicles: The Scarecrow’s Biplane, The Joker’s Helicopter
Super Villain: 28,000

Part 1 – Gotham Skies

Your path ahead is blocked by a silver object. Destroy a building in the back left corner to reveal a bomb dispenser. Use Joker’s Chopper to grab a bomb, then drag it into the silver object on the right. This will clear the path ahead, allowing you to continue.

Continue to the right and a missile turret will appear. You’ll need to destroy it to proceed. There is a torpedo dispenser in the area to the left of the turret. Grab a torpedo using Scarecrow’s Biplane, then launch it at the turret. The turret will go haywire and destroy the barrier on the right, allowing you to continue.

Part 2 – Skyscrapers

Head to the right and your path will be blocked by a clock tower. Shoot it a bunch of times to destroy it, then continue to the right. Shoot up the brick wall to reveal a large silver barrier. Head back left and destroy the tan building in the near left corner to reveal a bomb dispenser. Grab a bomb, then tow it into the barrier to destroy it, allowing you to continue to the right.

Part 3 – Police Battle

Time to take on the Police Battle Helicopter. You can’t damage it by shooting at it, and it will also be shooting missiles at you, so it’s best to avoid the helicopter. Head to the left and you’ll see a Riddler billboard. Shoot it down, then fly into the alcove. Grab a bomb from the bomb dispenser, then fly back to the right.

You’ll see two silver objects, one on each side of the Police Helicopter. Drag a bomb into each of them to reveal missile turrets. Grab a torpedo from the torpedo dispenser and fire at each of the missile turrets to confuse them. This will cause them to fire at the Police Helicopter, damaging it. This will take two hearts off the helicopter. The Police Helicopter is now weakened, so shoot it a whole bunch to take out its remaining hearts, completing the level.

Unlocked Vehicles: The Scarecrow’s Biplane, The Joker’s Helicopter, Police Helicopter (14,000), Goon Helicopter (11,000)
Biplane Blast - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Bat Torpedo, Tow

Part 1 - Gotham Skies

Canister 1
There are 10 large brown water towers for you to destroy. 4 are in this area, 4 are in Part 2, and the last 2 are in Part 3. The first water tower can be found on the left side of the first part of the area.

The second water tower can be found on the left side of the second part of the area.

The third water tower can be found in the back part of the second part of the area.

The fourth water tower can be found on the right side of the second part of the area.

Red Power Brick (Immune to Freeze)
There are 5 police helicopters on landing pads. 2 are in this area and the other 3 are in Part 2. You need to destroy each helicopter before it takes off. They will only start to take off when you fly close to them, so make sure you prioritize them when you get close. The first landing pad is towards the middle of the first part of the area.

The second landing pad is on the right side of the second part of the area.

Canister 2
Use a Bat Torpedo to destroy the bat-symbol on a metal beam, destroying it.

Fly into the alcove, then shoot the four red towers to turn them green.

Turn all four towers green to reveal a clasp. Latch onto it with your tow cable, then fly away to reveal this Canister.

Canister 3
Use your tow cable to latch onto the top of this building, then fly to the left. This will pull the building down, allowing you to collect this Canister inside.

Canister 4
Grab a bomb and drag it into the silver gate to the left of the missile turret.

This will release 3 balloons. Quickly shoot them all before they float away to reveal this Canister.

Part 2 - Skyscrapers

Canister 1 cont.
The fifth water tower can be found on the left side of the first part of the area.

The sixth water tower can be found on the right side of the first part of the area.

The seventh water tower can be found on the left side of the second part of the area.

The eighth water tower can be found on the right side of the second part of the area.

Red Power Brick (Immune to Freeze) cont.
The third landing pad is on the left side of the first part of the area.

The fourth landing pad is on the right side of the first part of the area.

The fifth landing pad is towards the middle of the second part of the area. Destroy all 5 helicopters before they take off to reveal this Power Brick.

Canister 5
Drag a bomb into the silver object on the left side of the first part of the area to destroy the vent to the left. This will lower this Canister, allowing you to collect it.

Canister 6
There are 3 large purple panels in this area. Shoot the left side of each of them to reveal a Joker face. The first is on the left side of the first part of the area.

The other two are in the back of the second part of the area.

Once all three panels have been rotated, a cylinder will appear in front of each one. Shoot all 3 cylinders to receive this Canister. If you have rotated all three panels and the cylinders haven't appeared, keep shooting the left side of each panel, as sometimes they are not turned around fully.

Canister 7
Use a Bat Torpedo to destroy the bat-symbol on a box, revealing a clasp on the crane.

Latch onto it with your tow cable, then fly away to rotate the crane, allowing you to fly into the alcove with this Canister.
Biplane Blast - Free Play Mode cont.
Canister 8
There is a large Scarecrow billboard in the near right corner of the second part of the area. Fire a torpedo (any kind of torpedo works here) to knock it down.

Fly into the alcove and you'll find this Canister on the right side.

Part 3 - Police Battle

Canister 1 cont.
The ninth water tower can be found on the left side of the main area.

The tenth water tower can be found by the location of Canister 10. Destroy all 10 water towers to reveal this Canister.

Canister 9
Use a Bat Torpedo to destroy the bat-symbol on the crane in the background, dumping debris on the track.

This will cause a train to crash. Drag a bomb into the silver train car to reveal this Canister.

Canister 10
Use a Bat Torpedo to destroy the bat-symbol on the billboard on the right, knocking it down.

Tow a bomb into the silver building inside the alcove, allowing you to collect this Canister.

Minikit Model: Batwing
The Joker's Masterpiece - Story Mode
Well, that PLANE CRASH was quite a thrill, don't you think?

Now, where are we? Ah! GOTHAM ART GALLERY. Beautiful, Scarecrow. Just beautiful!

No, no, no-not the paintings. My lovely grinning face! He he he!

Enemies: S.W.A.T., Security Guard, Police Officer, Janitor, Police Marksman
Starting Characters: The Joker, The Scarecrow
Super Villain: 81,000

Part 1 – Art Gallery

Alright. We need to get onto the ledge in the back of the area. Head to the left and build the LEGO pieces into a generator. You can't charge it up just yet, so push the two small pillars to the left along the tiles. This will create some platforms above you, as well as reveal a lever. Stand on the platform in front of the generator as Joker and Scarecrow will pull the lever, lifting you up. Use your Joy Buzzer to charge up the generator, which will raise you up even more. Hop across the platforms to the right, then continue on to reach the back ledge.

Destroy the two gargoyles to drop the chandelier to the ground, revealing LEGO pieces. Drop down and build them into a ramp, allowing Scarecrow to join you on the upper ledge. Use the Mind Control panel to open the door, then head up the stairs.

Your path ahead is blocked by a laser gate. To shut it down, head to the right and build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle. Turn it to raise up the painting on the wall next to you, revealing a generator. Use your Joy Buzzer to charge it up, opening the gate. Head through the opening.

Part 2 – Central Staircase

When you enter this area, security cameras will activate, dispensing toxic gas. Thankfully, Joker is immune! Have him walk up the stairs and to the left. Pull the lever to open the hatch next to you, then punch the wiring inside to shut off the lasers below you. Drop down and smack the two blue-and-white panels to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them onto the tiles, then push the object to the other side of the tiles. This will allow Scarecrow to join you on the ledge.

Hop back onto the ledge, then destroy the table and chairs on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a bar, then hop up onto the top of the pillar. Switch to your partner and push the pillar to the right, then switch back and hop onto the ledge. Head to the right and build the LEGO pieces into a fan, partly clearing the toxic gas.

Head back to the right through the toxic gas and up the stairs, then build the LEGO pieces into another fan. Once both fans have been built, the gas will be cleared and the door will open. Head inside.

Part 3 – Basement Access

Head to the right and smash the three small paintings to the left of the elevator. This will activate a lever on the upper ledge. Destroy the small gargoyles in the back of the room to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to lower the platform. Hop on the platform, then destroy the gargoyle on the right side of the toxic gas to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a bar, then hop on and across to the next ledge. Pull the lever to reveal LEGO pieces below you. Drop down and build them into a generator, then use your Joy Buzzer to power it, opening the elevator. Head inside.

Part 4 – Basement

Head to the right and destroy the brown boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a wooden pallet, then hop on top of it. Hop onto the boxes and over the fence, then continue to the right.

We need to find two boxes to place on the orange panels across the gap. Pull the lever on the right to reveal a box. Push it to the end of the tiles, then use your Joy Buzzer to power the generator. This will turn on the conveyor belt, sending the box across the gap. Hop in the toxic goo and head to the left. Destroy the objects by the lever to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into another box. Pull the lever to raise the box onto the ledge.

Hop in the crane in the back left corner and use it to place both boxes on the orange panels. This will extend a bridge, allowing Scarecrow to join you. Use the Mind Control panel on the right to open the door. Head inside to complete the level.

Unlocked Characters: The Scarecrow
The Joker's Masterpiece - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Batarang, Explosive, Heat Immunity, High Jump, Joy Buzzer, Mind Control, Sonic, Super Strength

Part 1 - Art Gallery

Canister 1
There are 3 large display cases for you to destroy. One is in this area and the other two are in the next area. To find the first display case, destroy a display case on the right side of the room to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a fan, then ride the air current onto the ledge, where you'll find the first display case.

Canister 2
There are two columns on the right side of the ground floor. One of them has a gargoyle on top of it. Use your Batarang to destroy it, revealing LEGO pieces.

Build them into a lever, then pull it.

This will lower the column on the right, allowing you to hop on top of it.

The top of each column is a button. Stand on one and your partner will stand on the other. This will raise up the nearby painting, revealing this Canister.

While on the top ledge, head all the way to the right. You'll see another ledge with a silver door on it. High jump onto it, then destroy the silver door.

You'll reveal a red-hot pipe, with steam covering an opening. Walk inside.

Inside, you'll find the Hostage in the center of the room.

Red Power Brick (Regenerate Hearts)
After rescuing the Hostage, you'll notice three colored blocks on the tiles. Towards the end of each branch of the tiles is a picture of a colored fruit.

Push each block in front of the matching colored fruit to reveal this Power Brick in the center of the room.

Canister 3
You'll find this Canister behind some lasers on the right side of the stairs. Destroy the large fuse box (either by shooting it or with a Batarang) to shut off the lasers, allowing you to collect it.

Canister 4
High jump onto the ledge to the left of the exit, then push the statue to the end of the tiles and off the ledge to reveal this Canister.

Part 2 - Central Staircase

Canister 1 cont.
The second display case can be found on the right side of the ground floor.

The final display case can be found on the left side of the area, behind the large pillar on the tiles.

Canister 5
This Canister is inside a glass display case in the center of the area. Shatter the glass, then hop inside to collect this Canister.

Part 3 - Basement Access

Canister 6
There is a brown panel on the left side of the room. Use the super strength handle on it to push it into the wall, revealing this Canister in a nook.

Canister 7
There is a large display case in the center of the area. Destroy the small silver gates around it to reveal a metal cage around the glass.

Head to the right side of the area and pull the lever in the steam to lift the metal cage up.

This will allow you to shatter the glass. Do so, then smash up the weird sculpture inside to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them onto the Joker mosaic, revealing this Canister.
The Joker's Masterpiece - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 4 - Basement

Canister 8
There is a bar to the left of the elevator. High jump onto it to reveal a room on the left.

Mind control the guy inside, then step on the button to raise the barrier. Pull the lever to lower a box on the left.

Switch back to your character, then destroy the box to reveal this Canister.

Canister 9
Hop up the boxes in the near right corner, then high jump into the box with this Canister inside.

Canister 10
After sending the first box along the conveyor belt, pull the lever again to reveal another box.

Push it along the tiles and into the slot, then use your Joy Buzzer to power the generator, sending the box to the other side. When the box reaches the other side, it will explode, revealing this Canister.

Minikit Model: Tyrannosaurus Rex Fossil
The Lure of the Night - Story Mode
Gah! This is NOT FUNNY! If we don't make it to Gotham Cathedral, this joke will never get its PUNCH LINE!

Hey, moth man! What's the biggest moth in the world?


Enemies: Police Officer, Police Marksman, S.W.A.T.
Boss: Commissioner Gordon
Starting Characters: Killer Moth, The Joker
Super Villain: 86,000

Part 1 – Gotham Streets

Head to the right and you’ll find three small boxes by a dumpster. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a fan. Ride the air current up onto the ledge, then climb up the ladder. Head to the right on the ledge.

Continue to the right and you’ll see two police marksman shooting at you. Take them out, then glide across the gap to land on the ledge where they were standing. Destroy the flower bed to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a tightrope, allowing Joker to join you. Cross the next tightrope, then smash the boards and head inside the alcove. Use your Joy Buzzer to power the generator, raising up a platform.

Continue to the right, then hop or glide onto the next ledge. Push the green-and-purple box off the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces below you. Drop down and build them into a detonator and a bomb. Step on the detonator to destroy the barrier to the right, allowing you to proceed.

You’ll find a massive brawl going on between Joker Goons and the cops, so join in! Once the enemies are defeated, head to the left and you’ll find a small blue dumpster underneath a ladder. Destroy the dumpster to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into the rest of the ladder. Climb up, then use your Joy Buzzer to charge up the generator. This will start a platform moving. Hop on and ride it to the upper ledge, then head to the right. Hop across the platforms and head through the opening.

Part 2 – Slums

Head to the right and destroy the objects in the back alcove. You’ll see a purple button and a bar on the wall. Grab the bar as Joker and Killer Moth will step on the button, raising you up. Grab the next bar, then hop over the fence to the right. Use your Joy Buzzer to power the generator, opening a garage and revealing LEGO pieces. Hop up the bars and over the fence, then build the LEGO pieces into a small vehicle.

This vehicle has some heavy weapons, so hop in and head to the right. Destroy the silver bars to clear the path to the right, then continue. Destroy the silver gate to the playground, then head inside and go to the back left corner. You’ll see a green-and-purple cage. Destroy the small plants in front of it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a ladder.

Climb up, then hop up the bars to reach the upper ledge. Head to the right across the bridge, then glide across the gap onto the next platform. Smash the ladder to lower it down (in case you fall), then push the gnome off the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces below you. Drop down and build them into a rotary handle, then step into the toxic goo and turn it to open the gate. Continue through the opening.

Part 3 – Clowning Around

Head to the right and you’ll see a large puddle of toxic goo. Head into the goo and build the three piles of LEGO pieces onto the box. Step on the switch on the front of it to reveal a clown walker. Hop in and head to the right, then smash through the silver barrier. Continue to the right to trigger a cutscene.

After the cutscene, it’ll be time to face Gordon. Do you think he’s still mad about being captured earlier? There are three police trucks for you to destroy. Defeat the enemies that come at you and eventually the trucks will open up to release more policemen. When a truck opens its hatch, step on it to destroy it. Destroy all three trucks to complete the level.

Unlocked Characters: Killer Moth

Unlocked Vehicles: Garbage Truck (99,000)
The Lure of the Night - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Attract, Dive, Explosive, Glide, Green Thumb, High Jump, Magnet, Mind Control, Sonic, Super Strength

Part 1 - Gotham Streets

Canister 1
Use mind control on a man inside a building, then smash the boxes in the room to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a bar, then hop up into the other side of the room. Push the box all the way to the edge of the tiles.

Destroy the silver box to reveal this Canister.

Before gliding onto the final ledge, look in the background to see some LEGO pieces. Carefully hop over to them, then build them into bars.

High jump up to reach them, then hop up onto the ledge, where you'll find this Hostage. Defeat the goons to rescue him.

Canister 2
After rescuing the Hostage, you'll notice two silver trash cans on the ledge.

Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into seeds and a valve.

High jump onto the valve to water the seeds, revealing flowers. Destroy the flowers to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a "?" to reveal this Canister.

Canister 3
After collecting Canister 2, look to the right to see another ledge. Glide over to it.

Build the LEGO pieces into a battery, then push it to the end of the tiles to reveal this Canister.

Canister 4
There are a bunch of large shipping crates by the water. Use the super strength handles on them to toss them aside, revealing a boat and LEGO pieces.

Build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle, then turn it to lower the boat into the water.

Hop in the boat, then drive it through the gate 3 times to receive this Canister.

Part 2 - Slums

Canister 5
There are 5 silver fire hydrants to destroy. The first is on the left side of the area.

The second is to the left of the barrier you have to destroy.

The third fire hydrant is on the back side of the street shortly after the barrier.

The fourth fire hydrant is to the left of the start of the playground fence.

The final fire hydrant is immediately to the left of the entrance to the playground.

Canister 6
Destroy the silver boxes by the barrier of burning garbage to reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a metal wall, then walk up it to reach the fire escape with this Canister.

Canister 7
While on your way to the playground, you'll notice a large building with a silver door. Destroy it, then head inside the room.

You'll find two generators with yellow valves on them.

Step on each valve to lower a ladder, allowing you to climb up to this Canister.

Red Power Brick (Extra Hearts)
There is an Attracto Machine in the near left corner of the playground.

Collect Attract pieces from around the area, then deposit at least 25 into the machine to receive two pots.

Grow the plants, then high jump up the leaves to reach this Power Brick.

Canister 8
This Canister is hiding behind the pillar behind the green-and-purple cage in the playground.
The Lure of the Night - Free Play Mode cont.
Part 3 - Clowning Around

Canister 9
On the way to the location of the clown mech, you'll see a silver door. Destroy it to open it, revealing this Canister inside.

Canister 10
While fighting the police trucks, head to the left and destroy the silver gate.

Head to the right in the alcove and climb the ladder to hop into the water tank.

Sink to the bottom and step on the two red buttons.

This will drain the water, allowing you to walk up to this Canister against the back wall. Shatter the glass around it so you can collect it.

Minikit Model: Police Car
Dying of Laughter - Story Mode
If only all of Gotham could be this beautiful, Harley - so HOLLOW and EMPTY.

We've had some laughs, haven't we? But the biggest one tonight will be on Gotham City.

It'll be. A GAS! Ahoo Ahoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Enemies: Police Officer, S.W.A.T., Police Marksman
Starting Characters: The Joker, Harley Quinn
Super Villain: 86,000

Part 1 – Pews

Head up the staircase in the back and you’ll find a generator on the right. Use your Joy Buzzer to charge it, destroying the box next to you. Build the LEGO pieces it leaves behind into a small car, then push it to the left along the tiles. It will then raise up a small platform. Hop on top of the platform, then high jump onto the statue on the left.

Hop onto the ledge, then hop across to the next ledge. Build the LEGO pieces into a tightrope, then walk across it to the right. Continue to the right and smack the ladder to lower it, allowing Joker to join you. Use your Joy Buzzer to charge up the generator, revealing a platform. Step on one button and your partner will step on the other, raising you up.

Part 2 – Catwalks

Head to the right and carefully cross the gap on the boards (they will collapse if you linger too long). High jump onto the ledge with the officers, then head to the right. Build the LEGO pieces into a tightrope, allowing Joker to join you. Use your Joy Buzzer to charge up the generator, lowering a platform. Step on one button and your partner will step on the other, raising you up.

Continue to the right, then walk carefully across the boards. Head up the stairs, then build the LEGO pieces onto the ceiling. High jump across the gap, then smash the boards on the door to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a platform, allowing Joker to join you. Use your Joy Buzzer to charge up the generator, opening the door. Head inside and climb up the ladder.

Part 3 – Bell Tower

We need to build our devious machine. Head to the left and high jump onto the ledge with the brown object on top of it. Smash it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into bars, allowing Joker to reach the ledge. High jump onto the platform by the bell, then smash the chemical vats to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to lower a platform, allowing Joker to join you. Step on the orange buttons and your partner will join you, ringing the bell. This will destroy one of the statues, revealing LEGO pieces.

Build them into part of the machine, then head to the right. High jump onto the ledge on the right (the one with the metal wall on the side of it) and destroy the chemical vat to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a platform, then hop on it to raise up the other platform, allowing Joker to reach the ledge by the bell. High jump onto the ledge to join him, then step on the orange buttons. Your partner will join you, ringing the bell and destroying the other statue. Build the LEGO pieces left behind onto the machine. Once both sets of LEGO pieces have been built, the level will end.

Unlocked Characters: Police Marksman (5,000), The Joker (Tropical) (30,000)
Dying of Laughter - Free Play Mode
Required Abilities: Batarang, Explosive, Freeze, Glide, Green Thumb, High Jump, Magnet, Sonic, Super Strength

Part 1 - Pews

Canister 1
There are three pots in the near left corner of the area.

Grow the plants inside, then hop up the leaves and high jump onto the tightrope. Walk over to the ledge with this Canister.

Canister 2
Hop on top of a fallen pillar on the right, then high jump onto the nearby ledge. Shatter the glass around this Canister, allowing you to collect it.

Red Power Brick (Invincibility)
There is a spiral staircase on the right side of the area.

Walk up it, then use your Batarang to knock down the two chandeliers.

This will reveal LEGO pieces.

Build them into a floor cleaner, then drive it over each of the yellow-and-purple paint stains on the floor. You'll have to drive up the two boards on the left to reach some paint by the large yellow lights.

Once all of the paint has been cleaned up, this Power Brick will appear at the top of the spiral staircase.

Canister 3
Use the super strength handles on each side of the altar to open it, revealing this Canister.

Part 2 - Catwalks

Canister 4
Head to the left from your starting point and you'll find a silver gate.

Destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a ladder. Climb up to reach the nook with this Canister inside.

Canister 5
After riding up the lift, head to the left to find this Canister inside a cage. High jump onto the yellow buttons and your partner will join you, lowering yourself down and allowing you to collect the Canister.

After collecting Canister 5, look to the left and you'll see a ledge. Glide over to it and you'll find the Hostage. Defeat the goon holding him to rescue him.

Canister 6
This can be found immediately to the left of the Hostage.

Canister 7
Before crossing the rickety bridge, climb up the metal wall to reach the nook with this Canister inside.

Canister 8
After climbing the spiral staircase, you'll find a puddle of water.

Freeze it to create a statue, then smash it to reveal this Canister.

Part 3 - Bell Tower

Canister 9
After ringing the bell on the left, hop on the orange buttons to keep ringing the bell. Eventually, this Canister will fall out.

Canister 10
There are a lot of small silver objects in the center of the area. Destroy them all to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into two turrets.

Hop in one. Your goal is to shoot the two bells in the foreground at approximately the same time. This is easiest with two people, but if you just spam fire back and forth between the bells, you'll get this in no time.

Minikit Model: The Joker's Helicopter
--------------Bonus Levels--------------
Wayne Manor
In the LEGO Universe, anything is possible. Bruce Wayne appears to have left one million studs lying around Wayne Manor. Collect them all as fast as possible!

This bonus level can be unlocked after completing the Hero Super-Kit, which is done by earning Super Hero in all 15 Hero levels. After completing the Super-Kit, head into the opening on the left side of the Hero Trophy Room to start this level.

While this is a "collect one million studs" level, it is different from all the others in that there are exactly 100 purple studs for you to collect. I'll let you know how many studs you should have after each section so you don't have to backtrack. If I don't explicitly state it in the text, look at the screenshots to see how many studs I have at each stage.

Required Abilities: Batarang, Explosive, Magnet, Sonic, Technology, Toxic Immunity

Part 1 - Manor Grounds

You'll start outside Wayne Manor. Head into the grass and you'll notice a bunch of small rocks. Destroy them all.

After destroying all of the rocks, a garage will open up on the right side of the area. There is a lawnmower inside. Flowers will also appear on the ground.

Destroy all of the flowers (you can use the lawnmower if you want) and the first purple stud will appear in front of the garage.

With a whopping 10,000 studs in your possession, head to the left side of the grounds. You'll find a bunch of trash cans.

Destroy them all to reveal a bunch of LEGO pieces. Build them into a Technology panel and a computer.

Use the Technology panel to turn on the computer (press the "special" button), then hop in the chair. Wait a few seconds and you'll enter the next area.

Part 2 - 2D Platformer

You are now in an area that resembles the style of a certain Italian plumber. There are several blocks in here for you to destroy. The black boxes can be destroyed by simply hitting them, either with melee or ranged attacks. The brown blocks can be destroyed by jumping up underneath them (just like in Mario games). Each box will yield a purple stud when destroyed.

Continue to the right a bit and you'll see a silver box. This can also be destroyed to reveal a purple stud. Those blue blocks will disappear after you stand on them, so be quick while running across them.

Continue to the right and you'll find a moving orange block. These cannot be destroyed, but you can hop on them to reach new areas.

After riding the first orange block, destroy the glass block to reveal a trampoline.

Bounce up on it and land on top of the silver block on the left so you can destroy it.

Continue to the right and you'll come across a silver block and a blue block. Destroy the silver block, then push the blue block to the right on the tiles.

This will turn it into a button. Before stepping on it, collect the purple studs and destroy the silver block on the bottom level. Step on the button and blue blocks will appear. They'll disappear in a few seconds, so quickly hop up them!

At the top, step on the next button to turn the platforms next to you into a ramp.

Slide down, then destroy the silver block and collect the purple stud in the toxic waste. Climb up the metal wall on the right.

Continue to the right and you'll find a trampoline. Bounce up onto the blocks above you. Destroy the glass block, but don't forget about the three black blocks at the same level as the block you are standing on. Use a Batarang to destroy them easily.

Continue to the right and you'll find some orange blocks. Ride them to collect the purple studs at the top, while also moving to the right.

Eventually, you'll find a pipe. Destroy the glass block next to it (I've already done so in this screenshot). If you have 480,000 studs, hop inside the pipe. If not, carefully back track to see what you missed.

Part 1 - Manor Grounds

We're back outside, this time on top of the manor itself. Grab the purple stud nearby, then hop in the chair. Press the "special" button to turn on the computer.
Wayne Manor cont.
Part 3 - Bombs and Fans

You are now in an area with a bunch of orange fans. There are also several large bombs scattered throughout the area. You need to use the bombs to destroy the fans. There are two ways to do this.

The first way is by hopping in any of the vehicles and towing the bombs around. Each bomb will destroy several fans before finally detonating. The downside to this is that it is difficult to execute careful maneuvers with the bombs. You can also push the bombs by hand, but they tend to explode after hitting one fan.

After destroying all of the fans, you should have 990,000 studs. to exit this area, pull the lever in the center.

Part 1 - Manor Grounds

You'll be back outside the manor, with the final purple stud next to you. Once you collect it, you should have 1 million studs and complete the level!
Arkham Asylum
In the LEGO Universe, anything is possible. A criminal mastermind has left one million studs lying around Arkham Asylum for some other lucky criminal to find. Collect them all, before someone else does!

This bonus level can be unlocked after completing the Villain Super-Kit, which is done by earning Super Villain in all 15 Villain levels. After completing the Super-Kit, climb the ladder on the left side of the Villain Trophy Room to start this level.

Your goal in this level is to collect 1 million studs, and unlike Wayne Manor, this level has studs all over the place. This level is actually rather easy, but I'll highlight some of the things you can do below.

Part 1 - Prison Yard

Hop up the bars in the back corner and slide down the tightrope for a nice amount of studs.

Punch each of the punching bags a few times to reveal purple studs.

You can grapple up by the scoreboard to reach the studs on top of it.

You can also score some goals to reveal purple studs. Push the ball into a goal to score, revealing a purple stud in the center. Before you can score again, you'll have to roll the ball over the green button to reset. You can score up to two goals in each goal.

Once you're ready to move on, head through the opening in the back corner.

Part 2 - Arkham Maze

This area is where you'll find a bulk of your studs. Hop in the various vehicles to reveal long stud trails you can collect. There are plenty of studs out in the open for you to collect as well. Watch out for the Freeze Girls, as they'll constantly harass you (it helps to have Invincibility). You can use the mech or plant monster to defeat them, but they just respawn, so I suggest avoiding them as best you can.

Once you collect 1 million studs, the level will end and your best time will be recorded.
100% Completion Bonus
Once you achieve 100%, you will able to buy some new things from the Batcomputer.

For 500,000 studs, you can purchase the last remaining character, Ra's al Ghul.

You can also purchase the last few pieces of Data, with the final one costing a whopping 4,000,000,000 studs! What does it mean? Perhaps there will be a sequel...
Batman is known for his wide array of gadgets, and him and Robin have plenty of them in this game. These gadgets are in the form of Suits. Suits can be unlocked for Free Play by completing Hero Story levels. Once you unlock a Suit, it will be available to use in Free Play Mode as a character you can toggle to. You can switch between Suits in Free Play Mode simply by toggling through your party. Each Suit will grant your hero a new ability, and many Suits have abilities unique to them!

Batgirl and Nightwing also have access to Suits. Batgirl can use all the Suits that Batman can, and Nightwing can use all of the Suits that Robin can.

Below I'll list each Suit, including who can wear it, the abilities that each Suit grants your heroes and how to unlock them for Free Play.

Heat Protection Suit

For: Batman/Batgirl
Abilities: Heat Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete A Poisonous Appointment

Glide Suit

For: Batman/Batgirl
Abilities: Glide
How To Unlock: Complete either An Icy Reception, There She Goes Again or Joker's Home Turf

Demolition Suit

For: Batman/Batgirl
Abilities: Explosive
How To Unlock: Compete either You Can Bank on Batman, There She Goes Again or Little Fun at the Big Top

Sonic Suit

For: Batman/Batgirl
Abilities: Sonic
How To Unlock: Complete either A Poisonous Appointment, Zoo's Company or Little Fun at the Big Top

Water Suit

For: Robin/Nightwing
Abilities: Dive
How To Unlock: Complete Under the City

Technology Suit

For: Robin/Nightwing
Abilities: Tech
How To Unlock: Complete either You Can Bank on Batman, There She Goes Again or In the Dark Night

Magnet Suit

For: Robin/Nightwing
Abilities: Magnet
How To Unlock: Complete either An Icy Reception, There She Goes Again or Joker's Home Turf

Attract Suit

For: Robin/Nightwing
Abilities: Attract
How To Unlock: Complete A Poisonous Appointment or Joker's Home Turf
There are a grand total of 46 characters (not including the 2 custom characters) that you can play as in this game. I have listed them all below in the order that they appear on the character selection screen. Next to each character I list their weapon and abilities. I also list how to unlock them and any other interesting things about them.


Weapon: Melee
Abilities: Batarang, Grapple
How To Unlock: Create a new game


Weapon: Melee
Abilities: Batarang, Grapple
How To Unlock: Create a new game

Bruce Wayne

Weapon: Suitcase
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete 1 full Hero chapter, then purchase at the Batcomputer


Weapon: Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete 1 full Hero chapter, then purchase at the Batcomputer


Weapon: Melee
Abilities: Batarang, Grapple
How To Unlock: Complete 1 full Hero chapter, then purchase at the Batcomputer


Weapon: Batons
Abilities: Batarang, Grapple
How To Unlock: Complete 1 full Hero chapter, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Commissioner Gordon

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete A Surprise for the Commissioner, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Police Officer

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete 1 full Hero chapter, then purchase at the Batcomputer


Weapon: Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete There She Goes Again, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Military Policeman

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete 1 full Hero chapter, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Security Guard

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete 1 full Hero chapter, then purchase at the Batcomputer


Weapon: Machine Gun, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Breaking Blocks, then purchase at the Batcomputer


Weapon: Melee
Abilities: Tech
How To Unlock: Complete An Enterprising Theft, then purchase at the Batcomputer


Weapon: Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Rockin' the Docks, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Police Marksman

Weapon: Rifle, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Dying of Laughter, then purchase at the Batcomputer


Weapon: Melee, Clay Balls (press the "special" button)
Abilities: High Jump, Super Strength
How To Unlock: Complete The Riddler Makes a Withdrawal

Mr. Freeze

Weapon: Melee, Freeze Gun (hold the "special" button)
Abilities: Freeze, Super Strength, Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete On the Rocks

Poison Ivy

Weapon: Melee, Poison Kiss (press the "special" button)
Abilities: Green Thumb, High Jump, Seduction, Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete Green Fingers


Weapon: Pistols, Melee
Abilities: Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete An Enterprising Theft

The Riddler

Weapon: Melee, Mind Zap (press the "special" button)
Abilities: Mind Control
How To Unlock: Complete The Riddler Makes a Withdrawal


Weapon: Melee
Abilities: Super Strength, Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete Rockin' the Docks


Weapon: Melee, Whip (press the "special" button)
Abilities: High Jump, Seduction
How To Unlock: Complete Stealing the Show

Catwoman (Classic)

Weapon: Melee, Whip (press the "special" button)
Abilities: High Jump, Seduction
How To Unlock: Complete Stealing the Show, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Killer Croc

Weapon: Melee
Abilities: Dive, Super Strength, Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete A Daring Rescue


Weapon: Melee
Abilities: Glide, Super Strength
How To Unlock: Complete Penguin's Lair, then purchase at the Batcomputer

The Penguin

Weapon: Umbrella Gun, Melee
Abilities: Explosive, Glide, Penguin
How To Unlock: Complete Rockin' the Docks
Characters cont.
Harley Quinn

Weapon: Pistol, Melee, Hammer (press the "special" button)
Abilities: High Jump, Seduction
How To Unlock: Complete A Surprise for the Commissioner

The Scarecrow

Weapon: Melee, Fear Gas (press the "special" button)
Abilities: Mind Control
How To Unlock: Complete The Joker's Masterpiece

Killer Moth

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: Glide
How To Unlock: Complete The Lure of the Night

Mad Hatter

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: High Jump, Mind Control
How To Unlock: Complete Joker's Home Turf, then purchase at the Batcomputer

The Joker

Weapon: Pistols, Melee, Joy Buzzer (press the "special" button)
Abilities: Joy Buzz, Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete A Surprise for the Commissioner

The Joker (Tropical)

Weapon: Pistols, Melee, Joy Buzzer (press the "special" button)
Abilities: Joy Buzz, Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete Dying of Laughter, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Poison Ivy Goon

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete A Poisonous Appointment, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Zoo Sweeper

Weapon: Broom, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Zoo's Company, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Freeze Girl

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete An Icy Reception, then purchase at the Batcomputer


Weapon: Pistol, Mele
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Penguin's Lair, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Riddler Goon

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete You Can Bank on Batman, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Riddler Henchman

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete You Can Bank on Batman, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Penguin Goon

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete There She Goes Again, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Penguin Henchman

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete There She Goes Again, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Penguin Minion

Weapon: Pistol
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Penguin's Lair, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Joker Goon

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Joker's Home Turf, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Joker Henchman

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Joker's Home Turf, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Clown Goon

Weapon: Pistol, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Little Fun at the Big Top, then purchase at the Batcomputer


Weapon: Pistols, Melee
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Rescue all 25 Hostages, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Ra's al Ghul

Weapon: Batons
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Achieve 100%, then purchase at the Batcomputer
Ground Vehicles
There are a grand total of 12 ground vehicles that you can play as in this game. I have listed them all below in the order that they appear on the vehicle selection screen. Next to each vehicle I list their abilities. I also list how to unlock them and any other interesting things about them.

Abilities: Tow
How To Unlock: Complete Two-Face Chase

Abilities: Tow
How To Unlock: Complete Two-Face Chase

Police Car
Abilities: Explosive
How To Unlock: Complete Two-Face Chase, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Police Bike
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Two-Face Chase, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Police Van
Abilities: Explosive
How To Unlock: Complete Two-Face Chase, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Abilities: Tow
How To Unlock: Complete all 15 Hero levels, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Catwoman's Motorcycle
Abilities: Tow
How To Unlock: Complete Stealing the Show, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Two-Face's Armored Truck
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete An Enterprising Theft, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Mr. Freeze's Kart
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete On the Rocks, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck
Abilities: Explosive, Harley
How To Unlock: Complete A Surprise for the Commissioner, then purchase at the Batcomputer

The Joker's Van
Abilities: Explosive, Joker
How To Unlock: Complete Two-Face Chase, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Garbage Truck
Abilities: Explosive
How To Unlock: Complete The Lure of the Night, then purchase at the Batcomputer

While it's not particularly exciting, you can hold the "special" button while driving the garbage truck to dump garbage on the street!
Water Vehicles
There are a grand total of 10 water vehicles that you can play as in this game. I have listed them all below in the order that they appear on the vehicle selection screen. Next to each vehicle I list their abilities. I also list how to unlock them and any other interesting things about them.

Abilities: Tow
How To Unlock: Complete Batboat Battle

Robin's Watercraft
Abilities: Robin Torpedo
How To Unlock: Complete Batboat Battle

Robin's Submarine
Abilities: Dive
How To Unlock: Complete Batboat Battle, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Police Watercraft
Abilities: Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete Harboring a Grudge, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Police Boat
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Harboring a Grudge, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Penguin's Submarine
Abilities: Dive, Penguin Torpedo
How To Unlock: Complete Harboring a Grudge

Killer Croc's Swamp Rider
Abilities: Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete Harboring a Grudge

Penguin Goon Submarine
Abilities: Dive
How To Unlock: Complete Batboat Battle, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Mr. Freeze's Iceberg
Abilities: Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete On the Rocks, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Mad Hatter's Steamboat
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Joker's Home Turf, then purchase at the Batcomputer
Air Vehicles
There are a grand total of 10 air vehicles that you can play as in this game. I have listed them all below in the order that they appear on the vehicle selection screen. Next to each vehicle I list their abilities. I also list how to unlock them and any other interesting things about them.

Abilities: Bat Torpedo
How To Unlock: Complete Flight of the Bat

Abilities: Tow
How To Unlock: Complete Flight of the Bat

Harbor Helicopter
Abilities: Tow, Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete Batboat Battle, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Police Helicopter
Abilities: Tow, Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete Biplane Blast, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Bruce Wayne's Private Jet
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Flight of the Bat, then purchase at the Batcomputer

The Joker's Helicopter
Abilities: Tow, Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete Biplane Blast

The Scarecrow's Biplane
Abilities: Fear Torpedo, Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete Biplane Blast

Goon Helicopter
Abilities: Tow, Toxic Immunity
How To Unlock: Complete Biplane Blast, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Riddler's Jet
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Breaking Blocks, then purchase at the Batcomputer

Mad Hatter's Glider
Abilities: None
How To Unlock: Complete Joker's Home Turf, then purchase at the Batcomputer
Minikit Models
There are a total of 30 Minikit Models in the game, as well as 2 Super-Kits. Minikit Models are completed by collecting all 10 Canisters in a level, while the Super-Kits are completed by achieving Super Hero/Villain in all of the Hero/Villain levels. Completing the Hero Super-Kit will allow you to play the Wayne Manor bonus level, and completing the Villain Super-Kit will allow you to play the Arkham Asylum bonus level. You can view your Minikit Models in the Hero/Villain Trophy Room.

Suit Upgrades
There are 15 Suit Upgrades in the game, and they can be unlocked by collecting the Red Power Bricks in Hero levels. Below, I list each Suit Upgrade and how to unlock them. I also list which suits each particular suit upgrade affects, as well as what each upgrade does.

Once you purchase a Suit Upgrade, you cannot turn it off. However, all of the Suit Upgrades are improvements, so you really shouldn't want to deactivate them. There is a glitch where sometimes your purchased Suit Upgrades will not be active. To activate your Suit Upgrades, enter the "Batcave" area of the Batcave (the room with the Batcomputer). Then, enter a level and your Suit Upgrades will be working as intended.

Fast Grapple
Suits Affected: All Suits
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in You Can Bank on Batman, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: As its name suggests, this makes you grapple faster, allowing you to ascend and descend more quickly.

Fast Batarangs
Suits Affected: All Suits
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in An Icy Reception, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This increases the speed at which Batarangs travel, allowing them to destroy objects and defeat enemies quicker.

More Batarang Targets
Suits Affected: All Suits
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Two-Face Chase, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This increases the number of objects you can target with your Batarang from 5 to 10, making it even easier to take out large groups of enemies from a distance.

Flaming Batarang
Suits Affected: Heat Protection Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in A Poisonous Appointment, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This gives the Batarang a flame effect. While it certainly looks cool, it sadly will not set enemies on fire.

Suits Affected: Glide Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in The Face-Off, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: While gliding, press the "attack" button to drop straight down and slam into the ground. This won't do any damage to objects or enemies, but it is a great way to quickly engage enemies that are shooting at you. Interestingly, this only works for Batman.

More Detonators
Suits Affected: Demolition Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in There She Goes Again, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: As its name suggests, this increases the number of explosives you can have active at one time from 3 to 6.

Armor Plating
Suits Affected: Demolition Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Batboat Battle, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This one is pretty handy. This makes the Demolition Suit bullet proof, as bullets that hit you will simply bounce off! However, you will still be vulnerable to melee attacks, so watch out for those.

Sonic Pain
Suits Affected: Sonic Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Under the City, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Using the sonic gun will damage enemies as well as shatter glass. Aim the sonic gun at an enemy and it will periodically do one hit of damage.

Area Effect
Suits Affected: Sonic Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Zoo's Company, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Instead of firing the sonic gun forward, you will now fire it straight up over your head. This will give the gun greater range, making it easier to destroy glass objects.

Suits Affected: Sonic Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Penguin's Lair, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Using the sonic gun will summon a group of bats who will attack nearby enemies

Freeze Batarang
Suits Affected: Water Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Joker's Home Turf, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This gives the Batarang a freeze effect. Hitting enemies with it will freeze them in a solid block of ice, making them easier to defeat.

Suits Affected: Technology Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Little Fun at the Big Top, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Press the "special" button to drop a decoy version of yourself. Enemies may attack this decoy instead of you, and it will blow up after taking around 7-12 hits. You can only have one decoy active at a time.

Fast Walk
Suits Affected: Magnet Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Flight of the Bat, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This doubles the speed at which you walk up metal walls, which makes the longer ones much less frustrating.

Faster Pieces
Suits Affected: Attract Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in In the Dark Night, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This increases the speed at which you suck up Attract pieces. This also seems to increase the range of the suction effect.

Piece Detector
Suits Affected: Attract Suit
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in To the Top of the Tower, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Red, green and yellow arrows will point to the locations of Attract pieces. Very helpful if you're looking for a few remaining pieces.
Red Power Brick Extras
There are a total of 21 Extras available in this game. The first is unlocked automatically, and there are 5 more for purchase at the Batcomputer. The other 15 you'll have to unlock by collecting the Red Power Bricks in the Villain levels. Below I've listed each Extra in the order they appear in the menu. I have also listed what they do, and how to unlock them.

Adaptive Difficulty
How To Unlock: Create a new game
What It Does: This Extra is always on by default. With Adaptive Difficulty on, you will lose different amounts of studs depending on how often you die. If you die a lot, you will only lose 1,000 studs. If you don't die very often, you'll lose 4,000 studs. With Adaptive Difficulty off, you'll lose 2,000 studs every time you die, regardless of how often it is.

How To Unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This will turn all characters into black silhouettes of themselves.

Beep Beep
How To Unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Press the "attack" button while in a vehicle without weapons and it will honk its horn!

Ice Rink
How To Unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This will make the floor super slippery, and it will take longer for your characters to change direction.

How To Unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This gives all characters fake noses and moustaches.

Extra Toggle
How To Unlock: Create a new game, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This simply increases the number of characters in your party during Free Play.

Score x2
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in The Riddler Makes a Withdrawal, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Multiplies the value of all studs collected by two. This stacks with all other stud multipliers.

Score x4
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in On the Rocks, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Multiplies the value of all studs collected by four. This stacks with all other stud multipliers.

Score x6
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Green Fingers, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Multiplies the value of all studs collected by six. This stacks with all other stud multipliers.

Score x8
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in An Enterprising Theft, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Multiplies the value of all studs collected by eight. This stacks with all other stud multipliers.

Score x10
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Breaking Blocks, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Multiplies the value of all studs collected by ten. This stacks with all other stud multipliers.

Stud Magnet
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Rockin' the Docks, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This increases the range at which you can pick up studs. This only really works on studs that have "settled" on the ground, not ones that are still bouncing.

Character Studs
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Stealing the Show, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Defeating enemies will cause them to drop a small amount of studs.

Minikit Detector
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Harboring a Grudge, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Arrows will point you to the locations of Canisters in Story levels. This will not show you how to collect them, as the arrows only point to where the Canister will appear.

Power Brick Detector
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in A Daring Rescue, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Arrows will point you to the locations of Power Bricks in Story levels. This will not show you how to collect them, as the arrows only point to where the Power Brick will appear.

Always Score Multiply
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Arctic World, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: When you beat up a bunch of enemies in quick sequence, you'll notice a little score multiplier. This Extra allows you to collect this multiplier simply by walking through some studs. It can go up to a max of x3, and stacks with the other stud multipliers!

Fast Build
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in A Surprise for the Commissioner, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This increases the speed at which you build LEGO pieces.

Immune to Freeze
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Biplane Blast, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: Makes you immune to freeze, specifically Mr. Freeze's cold gun. Useful when fighting him, or when he's your partner and he decides to go crazy and freeze everybody.

Regenerate Hearts
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in The Joker's Masterpiece, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: If you are missing any hearts, you will regenerate one every few seconds

Extra Hearts
How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick Extra in The Lure of the Night, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: With this active, you will have six hearts instead of the usual four

How To Unlock: Collect the Red Power Brick in Dying of Laughter, then purchase at the Batcomputer
What It Does: This will make you immune to damage from most sources. Enemy attacks will not damage you, but you will still die from falling and other environmental hazards such as hot steam and toxic goo
Cheat Codes
This is a list of the Cheat Codes available to use in the game. As mentioned in the "Tour of the Batcave" section, these Cheat Codes can be entered in the Batcomputer.

I have personally checked all of these codes and I can vouch for their authenticity. If you have any other Cheat Codes that you wish to share, please message me and I will check them. If they work, I will add them to this list and give credit to you.


ZAQ637 - Alfred
JKR331 - Batgirl
BDJ327 - Bruce Wayne
M1AAWW - Catwoman (Classic)
HJK327 - Clown Goon
DDP967 - Commissioner Gordon
HGY748 - Fishmonger
XVK541 - Freeze Girl
UTF782 - Joker Goon
YUN924 - Joker Henchman
JCA283 - Mad Hatter
NYU942 - Man-Bat
MKL382 - Military Policeman
MVY759 - Nightwing
NKA238 - Penguin Goon
BJH782 - Penguin Henchman
KJP748 - Penguin Minion
GTB899 - Poison Ivy Goon
HKG984 - Police Marksman
JRY983 - Police Officer
CRY928 - Riddler Goon
XEU824 - Riddler Henchman
HTF114 - S.W.A.T.
NAV592 - Sailor
JFL786 - Scientist
PLB946 - Security Guard
CCB199 - The Joker (Tropical)
NJL412 - Yeti
DWR243 - Zoo Sweeper


KNTT4B Bat-Tank
HPL826 Catwoman's Motorcycle
DUS483 Garbage Truck
RDT637 Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck
BCT229 Mr. Freeze's Kart
LJP234 Police Bike
KJL832 Police Car
MAC788 Police Van
JUK657 The Joker's Van
EFE933 Two-Face's Armored Truck
M4DM4N Mad Hatter's Steamboat
ICYICE Mr. Freeze's Iceberg
BTN248 Penguin Goon Submarine
PLC999 Police Boat
VJD328 Police Watercraft
TTF453 Robin's Submarine
LEA664 Bruce Wayne's Private Jet
GCH328 Goon Helicopter
CHP735 Harbor Helicopter
HS000W Mad Hatter's Glider
CWR732 Police Helicopter
HAHAHA Riddler's Jet


YK4TPH - Silhouettes
RAFTU8 - Beep Beep
KLKL4G - Ice Rink
GEC3MD - Disguise
EWAW7W - Extra Toggle
N4NR3E - Score x2
CX9MAT - Score x4
MLVNF2 - Score x6
WCCDB9 - Score x8
18HW07 - Score x10
LK2DY4 - Stud Magnet
DY13BD - Character Studs
ZXGH9J - Minikit Detector
MMN786 - Power Brick Detector
9LRGNB - Always Score Multiply
GHJ2DY - Fast Build
JXUDY6 - Immune to Freeze
HJH7HJ - Regenerate Hearts
ML3KHP - Extra Hearts
WYD5CP - Invincibility

Suit Upgrades

RM4PR8 - Fast Grapple
JRBDCB - Fast Batarangs
XWP645 - More Batarang Targets
D8NYWH - Flaming Batarang
BBD7BY - Slam
TNTN6B - More Detonators
N8JZEK - Armor Plating
THTL4X - Sonic Pain
TL3EKT - Area Effect
XFP4E2 - Bats
XPN4NG - Freeze Batarang
TQ09K3 - Decoy
ZOLM6N - Fast Walk
EVG26J - Faster Pieces
KHJ544 - Piece Detector
legogamesguy  [author] 24 Nov, 2022 @ 2:27pm 
Nice catch! I made the edit.
Jarhead 23 Nov, 2022 @ 2:49am 
KJP748 - Penguin Minion

You were missing the '8'...
azortics 16 Apr, 2022 @ 6:33pm 
jesus christ i think this is the longest guide ive ever seen, this is impressive man. and your knowledge of the game? wow. keep up the good work
DrOfProfessor 12 Mar, 2022 @ 10:16pm 
This is insanely thorough, thanks for taking the time because I probably wouldn't have gotten 100% without it :steamthumbsup:
IronAidan07 28 Feb, 2022 @ 4:21pm 
You're the best :)
legogamesguy  [author] 24 Sep, 2021 @ 7:07am 
Are you sure it was the Riddler Henchman? Cause I just went back in the game to check, and he definitely can't double jump...
DAS 24 Sep, 2021 @ 4:49am 
Found out that Riddler Henchman can double jump. Surprisingly helpful as he seems to be the first available high jumper.
legogamesguy  [author] 6 Aug, 2021 @ 8:30pm 
You is smart. You is kind.
hot 6 Aug, 2021 @ 6:48am 
i love you
Funky 8 Jul, 2021 @ 6:57pm 
Thank You! This is a super helpful guide :steamthumbsup: