Rocket League
"After 1k hours I hit GC! Brain melted after 4 hours trying to get rewards but was worth. I'd like to thank my Coach Jimmy for helping me too"
4 comentarios
76561198424019297 16 JUN 2021 a las 8:10 p. m. 
Accept friend request on discord and add me on steam ( Goga#5912 )
Ccraftin 11 SEP 2020 a las 5:14 p. m. 
It's true, I saw the clips.
Zhacie 10 SEP 2020 a las 11:01 a. m. 
Well well well Huntiar. Just checked my PayPal and I see you charged back my boosting service. Guess its time to expose you. Huntiar is a boosted monkey who had a hard time getting out of gold in 1v1, you really think he could hit GC in 3s? I mean cmon look at his 2s rank, DIAMOND 3??? Boosted to diamond 3 by me BTW. Huntiar wanted to show his "friends" he did it all on his own so I had to carry this trash to Champ 3 Div 4 1 game away from promotion 7 times, COUNT IT, 7 times before he finally won a game to put him into the finals. Lets not talk about the fact that shrike on the other team was throwing and own goaled to give Huntiar the win. Hey at least we know you wont get rewards without me. Keep dreaming kid, stay bad.
Upset 10 SEP 2020 a las 4:58 a. m. 
Damn congrats man. Carry me?