Untitled Goose Game

Untitled Goose Game

141 ratings
Hidden Task Guide [To-Do As Well]
By tasselfoot
A guide to complete all 15 hidden tasks / achievements
After you complete the game, you'll gain access to a list of 15 hidden / additional tasks to complete. Each of these 15 is tied to a Steam Achievement. Here is how to complete them all.

Note: You do NOT need to complete the game in order to earn any of these
Garden Hidden Tasks
There are 3 hidden tasks mostly associated with the Garden, the first area of the game:

Lock The Groundskeeper Out Of The Garden - The easiest way to do this is to turn on the water and wait for the groundskeeper to run out of the garden. Close the gate. Steal his keys and run away so that he stops following you. Wait a bit and you'll trigger this achievement. Then return his keys to him so that he'll open the gate.

Cabbage Picnic - Take a cabbage from the garden and roll it to the picnic blanket. This is tricky for 2 reasons; first, the area outside of the garden is sloped and second, the hitbox of the cabbage is both a sphere and a cube... meaning it will roll pretty much wherever it wants when you push it. If the cabbage falls in the lake, it may be easier to get another cabbage and try again; up to you.

Make Someone From Outside of High Street Buy Back An Item - You will need to take the groundskeeper's spade / trowel (small shovel) item and drop it in the shopkeeper's area. She will place it for sale in her shop. Take any item from the garden and use it to lure the groundskeeper to high street and drop the item near the shop, so that he can see his spade for sale. He will then buy it back from the shopkeeper.
High Street Hidden Tasks
High Street has 4 tasks solely associated with its area!

Trip The Boy In The Puddle - The puddle is by the car, on the left side of high st. Honk and scare the boy near the puddle, then untie his shoes and honk again. He will trip and fall into the puddle.

Ding The Scales - Place 3 items (tomatoes work really well) onto the scale in the shop, directly to the left of the produce. After placing the third item, move forward into the scale and duck; this should add some weight to the scale, causing it to ding. You can also try and place a 4th item on the scale. I recommend doing this while the shopkeeper is distracted with selling an item (either the plane or the spade). Locking the shopkeeper in the garage is another option to make this easier.

Open An Umbrella In The TV Store - This can be tricky, stealing the umbrella from the shopkeeper. I recommend waiting until she is sweeping on the right side of her store, then stealing it and dragging it near the TV shop. Then honk the boy into the phone booth and wait for the TV shop owner to leave. The entire umbrella does not need to be in the shop; the handle can be outside of it.

Trap The Boy In The Garage - This is pretty easy; honk the boy to the garage, or steal his plane and lure him to the garage. Then close the garage.
Back Garden Hidden Tasks
There are a few tasks that involve the back garden, but only 1 that can be done with only back garden items:

Catch An Object As It's Thrown Over The Fence - Take any item from the messy neighbor's side (or from outside of back garden) and leave it on the bottom part of the tidy neighbor's side. Honk the tidy neighbor to the bottom part of his backyard, so that he sees the item. Get into position and catch the item before it hits the ground. This may take you a few tries to learn where to correctly stand and when to press grab. I recommend using the soap, as it's easy to catch. Any flower, hat, or glasses from outside of back garden also work well.
Pub Hidden Tasks
We're almost done!

Sail The Toy Boat Under A Bridge - There is a main task to grab the toy boat. Instead of leaving it behind, grab it and take it to one of two locations: either the bridge over the canal between the pub and the well hub OR to the model village. If you go right, towards the well, make sure to drop the boat off to the north side of the bridge and NOT the south side. If you go to the model village, drop the boat before going under the bridge and push it with your body.

Steal The Old Man's Woolen Hat - After pulling out his stool and making him fall on his butt (main task), you can then grab his hat. Hold it for three seconds and you'll trigger this task.
Multi-Area Hidden Tasks
The final 5 tasks are multi-area.

Collect The Five Flowers - Each area has 1 flower. You will need to grab each one and bring it into the basket that is to the left of the well in the central hub of the game. The location of each flower is:
  • Garden - The tulip is all by itself, planted in the garden
  • High St - The lily is tucked in the back of the shop, between the glasses and the scale
  • Back Garden - The prized rose is clipped as the final main task
  • Pub - The daisy is given to you as a reward for performing
  • Model Village - The chrysanthemum is near the start of the model village, in the front of the model garden, next to the model shovel

Get Thrown Over The Fence - You will need to take the box that is outside of pub, next to the van, and drag it into Back Garden, through the main fence opening. It's a tight fit, so wiggle wiggle. Drag it near the tidy neighbor and then get inside. Honk to get his attention if needed. Wait to be thrown over the fence. Make sure you do not exit the box until after you hit the ground on the other side, or the task will not trigger.

Score A Goal - Push the soccer ball from high st to back garden, through the main fence opening. Let the tidy neighbor throw it over the fence. Get it on the messy neighbor's side and push it up to the exit in the upper left corner, that goes into the 3rd neighbor's backyard. That's where the goal is located. Note that most of the path is sloped and up hill. This is a frustrating task. Also note that the ball can sometimes get stuck in corners or against walls; duck and peck to free it from these confines.

Perform At The Pub Wearing A Ribbon - Have the messy neighbor put the ribbon on you. Exit the back garden through the front, main fence opening. If you try to leave through the exit to the 3rd neighbor's backyard, a bush will remove the ribbon. Go to the pub and perform. Make sure that the two ladies have their daisy, or they can not award it to you and the task will not trigger. If the daisy is at the basket, you will need to bring it back to them.

Dress Up The Bust With Items From Outside The Back Garden - Instead of using the tidy neighbor's hat, glasses, and pipe, you need to get items from elsewhere! There are many items that will work for each:
  • Head - groundskeeper's jeff cap, groundskeeper's sun hat, hairbrush, old man's hat, or the traffic cone
  • Glasses - any pair of glasses from high st, stereoscope (aka the viewmaster)
  • Mouth - any flower, toothbrush, harmonica, knife, fork, pacifier
Video [Speedrun]
Here a video of me getting all 15 hidden tasks as fast as possible. I do NOT recommend following this route, as it involves a handful of hard glitches. Consider this for entertainment purposes. This video is 19:48. World Record is 19:14 by me, but it's not on YouTube.

RainbowLlamaUnicorn 2 Jan @ 9:40am 
I found score a goal easy
gotgreenfleas 13 Aug, 2024 @ 4:15pm 
These aren't hidden you unlock the to do as well list after you beat the game
tasselfoot  [author] 27 Apr, 2024 @ 4:34am 
That's the normal task for High Street; the hidden task is to have someone from outside of High Street buy back an item.
wookieelover101 26 Apr, 2024 @ 11:47am 
I got the boy to buy back his toy plane
tasselfoot  [author] 11 Feb, 2024 @ 2:47pm 
If you want a REAL challenge, try scoring a goal with a cabbage. We have a speedrun category for it... cursed stuff.
Tigoisbetter 11 Feb, 2024 @ 2:38pm 
i cried over the score a goal task
Bing Soy 3 Dec, 2023 @ 4:10am 
soxx 16 Dec, 2021 @ 8:50am 
For cabbage picnic, behind the crate in the cabbage crop there is a hole in the hedge. Also use this for other things.
CHEESE 12 Dec, 2021 @ 2:59am 
Thank you for this Nice Guide!:ah3saki:
tasselfoot  [author] 13 Oct, 2021 @ 6:56pm 
Yes. You can (and should) pull his chair out as soon as he's turned around. If you do it at the last second, he'll turn around. It's counter-intuitive.