Serious Sam 4

Serious Sam 4

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■ How to Configurate "Serious Sam 4" to fix some bugs!
By ovd_masterkey
I tested all combinations of InGame and Nvidia Profilinspector, Limit 60 FPS and VSync Adaptive!!

PC Specs (CPU, GPU, RAM, OS):
Operating System Name: Windows10 x64, Service pack 0, (Build 19042.928)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Processor Cores: 4
Processor Threads: 4
Physical Memory Total[GB]: 8
GPU 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, driver 465.89
Tearing with Vulkan
Originally posted by DEN CT:
Limiting fps to 60 and at the same time wait for v-sync can induce tearing.

LOL!! I first tested all combination of limiting to 60FPS. I mean only limiting with Ingame 60FPS and then limit over Profilinspector V2 and V3!!

It was the last Hope to use 60FPS and VSync! (90 FPS + VSync InGame = fail)

Originally posted by DEN CT:
Anyhow, can you please set console variable vlk_bVSyncTearing to 0 and then gfxRestart() (also from console), and report back here.
Thanx in advance.

Can I use UserCFG.lua or autoexec.cfg to set CVar?


  • Limit to 90 FPS and VSync on
  • gfxRestart()
  • vlk_bVSyncTearing
  • ---> true
  • vlk_bVSyncTearing=0
  • vlk_bVSyncTearing
  • ---> false
  • gfxRestart()

I think Picture has less "stutter" with VSync on and vlk_bVSyncTearing=0, if you rotate fast on your own axis, maybe it was more stutter than tearing!!

Turning quickly makes a shaky picture, so I switched on the blur of motion and I reduced the mouse sensitivity!

Only 60 FPS Limit has tearing!

With 90 FPS Limit ( ~75 FPS without Limit) and VSync on and vlk_bVSyncTearing= false, I think it is ok!

More FPS!
[/h1]------> To get more FPS!
Originally posted by NVIDIA Driver Setting!:
NVIDIA User´s should use Low Latency Mode on Ultra with VSync/GSync ON!!!

  • Use Dx11 instead of Vulkan or Dx12
  • Use LLM in the Nvidia Driver Setting
  • Try VSync InGame Off and Adaptive VSync Driver On
  • Frame Limit InGame Off and 75 FPS Limit Driver On
    • Ambient Occlusion / Off
    • Anisotropic filtering / Application-controlled
    • Antialiasing - FXAA / Off
    • Antialiasing - Mode / Application-controlled
    • Antialiasing - Setting / Application-controlled
    • Antialiasing - Gamma correction / On
    • Antialiasing - Transparency / On - recommended by nvidia
    • Background Application Max Frame Rate / 75
    • Max Frame Rate / 75
    • Triple buffering / On
    • Power management mode / Prefer maximum performance
    • Sharpening / Off
    • Low Latency Mode / Ultra
    • Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization / On
    • Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias / Allow
    • Texture filtering - Quality / High performance
    • Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization / On
    • Threaded optimization / Auto
    • Vertical sync / Adaptive

    This is for 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 with 60 Hz !!

  • Originally posted by Kemichar:

    Here, some options that usually work are GPU Speed -> Customize:
    - set "Rendering LOD Bias" to the middle (default) if higher
    - reduce "Max Shadow Size" by as much as you want while paying attention to the shadows on the ground (they'll get really blurry on minimum so adjust it as you will)
    - disable "Ground Casts Shadows" if not already disabled
    - "Particles Density" to minimum

    If Your CPU is the weakest link so definitely try CPU Speed -> Customize:
    (- "Prebaked Lighting" will give you basically infinite FPS, but will look significantly worse)
    - set "Rendering Distance" to middle (default) if higher
    - reduce "Dynamic Shadows Distance" for as much as you can until you notice shadows disappearing in the distance (and it bothers you)

    Most of these shouldn't have a significant visual trade-off. We'll keep optimizing things and adding new options, especially for CPU customization.

  • Originally posted by Kemichar:
    Here's a few things to try, in this order:

    1. (Options) Switch your graphics API to D3D11. Some users experienced frame drops when using Vulkan and we maybe haven't solved all of those issues yet.
    2. (Options) (CPU Speed -> Max Debris) to Medium, (CPU Speed -> Max Debris Per Model) to Medium, (GPU Speed -> Particles Density) to the lowest you can. These should help with stuttering / frame drops and you shouldn't notice any visual impact (easy to undo if you do).
    3. (Options) (GPU Memory -> Streaming buffer size) to Ultra. This should help with textures popping in. For the shadows part, the best you can currently try is blurring them a bit by reducing (GPU Speed -> Max Shadow Size), which should also get you some decent FPS.
    4. (Console) Set
    , these are the cvars behind (CPU Speed -> Rendering Distance) and (GPU Speed -> Rendering LOD Bias), but it's easier to set precise values this way.

    There are definitely some content and code issues we have yet to diagnose and fix and we always appreciate any clue that could help us find the cause. If you alter these options and still find a stutter please provide a screenshot so we can try to reproduce it ourselves. :D

  • Originally posted by Kemichar:
    Here's a few things that should improve your overall FPS and/or solve stuttering without a significant visual trade-off. These can be changed through the options, but it'll be easier if I just give you a copy-pasteable string for the console (everything will get saved into the options and your options' "customized" counts will change).
    I've also written down their "user-friendly names" for reference if you decide that you dislike the visual changes.
    (Max Debris Per Model)(Particles Density)(Rendering Distance)(Rendering LOD Bias)(Streaming buffer size)(Max Shadow Size)(Ground Casts Shadows)

    Also, DX11 should be more stable than Vulkan when it comes to stutters, so I suggest changing that too.

    If you could recall a specific situation where you experienced stuttering / FPS drops, it could help us diagnose and solve the issue in general. We have some fixes ready for the next patch, but there are still known and unknown issues to solve, unfortunately. :P

  • Originally posted by Filip Kowalski:
    Performance and shutter fix
    I discovered something today that finally let me play the game pretty smoothly, which was impossible task before due to being shuttery mess all over the place even on Vulkan API.

    1. Run your game once to create default config.
    2. Go to your Steam folder, then find the following path .\userdata\*Your_Steam_Id*\257420\local\SeriousSam4.ini
    3. Open the game config file, find the following commands inside and change them as following

    sim_fWorldPrecachingStreamingLoadingDoneThreshold = -1;
    texs_ctMaxUnloadsPerFrame = -1;
    texs_ctTooMuchLoadingTextures = -1;
    texs_fTooMuchToLoadAtOnceMB = -1;
    gfx_strAPI = "Vulkan";

    Then save the file and start your game as normal.

    Those settings made my game from barely holding on Medium with massive shutters to going on everything Ultra with playable smooth 70+ FPS on RX 580 8 GB.

    - Additional Note -

    Extra settings you can also try to improve performance is forcing in the game config the cpu threads you have, for example if you have 8 core 16 threads processor, force those commands as follows:

    ren_iMaxRenderThreads = 16;
    thr_iMaxWorkerThreads = 16;

Gray Window at Start or 2 x Window/Processes Problem ?

This is my second Problem, always if I start I get a grey Monitor and it will stand still until I use

  • 1 x
    "Alt" + "Enter".
    to get the Window

  • 1 x
    "Alt" + "Enter".
    to get Full Screen

If I use "Alt" + "Tab" I can see 2x Windows of SS4!!.

Command line parameters
+gfx_strAPI VLK
+gfx_strAPI Vulkan
+gfx_strAPI Direct3D11
+gfx_strAPI Direct3D12

+gfx_bFullScreen 0

I use:
+gfx_strAPI Direct3D11 +gfx_bFullScreen 0

-----> and then I use "Alt + Enter" to get Fullscreen, only this way it will load without stop!??
^==Accelerate=CryEngi=^ 2 Jun, 2023 @ 12:50am 
Thank you! :wantTOeat: