The Age of Decadence

The Age of Decadence

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Endings guide
By uanime5
A list of all endings and how to get them.
No one reigns
Player flees
  • In the Ziggurat don't open the sarcophagus and instead leave.
Achievement: Sleeping Dogs

Player kills Agathoth
  • Kill Agathoth via combat or by blowing up the Ziggurat.
Achievement: Godless World
NPC reigns
All unlock achievement: Novus Ordo Seclorum

Antidas reigns
Awaken Agathoth in the Ziggurat and convince Antidas to be his servant.

Serenas reigns
Awaken Agathoth in the Ziggurat and convince Serenas to be his servant.

Meru reigns
Awaken Agathoth in the Ziggurat and convince Meru to be his servant.

Paullus reigns
Awaken Agathoth in the Ziggurat and convince Paullus to be his servant.

Miltiades reigns
  • In Teron complete all Miltiades' side quests, which start in the Market. This ends with Miltiades standing opposite Feng's house, where he gives the player several hundred gold.
  • In Maadoran complete all Miltiades' side quests, which start in the Slums. This ends with Miltiades in a villa in the Trade district, where he gives the player several thousand gold.
  • In Ganezzar save Elias, agree to Lord Darganus' quests, and kill Pancratius and his followers.
  • Convince Lord Darganus to contact Miltiades.
  • Agree to Miltiades' plan and talk to Hector. This ends with Miltiades in Lord Darganus' house.
  • Awaken Agathoth in the Ziggurat and convince Meru to be his servant. Miltiades should be in Meru's court.
  • Convince Meru to bring Miltiades with him to Agathoth.
Achievement: Checks and Balances
Player reigns
Player reigns
  • In Teron convince the preacher by the fountain you're the Chosen One.
  • In Teron kill Cassius for Feng.
  • Ensure Meru remains in control of Ganezzar as you're the Chosen One in his religion.
  • Awaken Agathoth in the Ziggurat and convince him to make you his servant.
  • Go to Ganezzar and kill Meru.
  • Convince everyone to make you the new leader. Feng will vote against you if you betrayed him in Teron.
Achievement: The Chosen One, Novus Ordo Seclorum

Player ascends

Requires perception 8, constitution 7, and intelligence 7
  • In Teron get the Grooved Sphere from Gracius. You can also get if at Harran's pass from Bass' dead body.
  • In the Library of Saross' secret room use the Grooved Sphere to get the surgical kit (requires perception 8).
  • Find the Monastery's Medical Chamber either using the sewer in Maadoran or the tower at Zamedi.
  • Go to Al-Akia. If Meru is with you either sabotage the ritual or kill him after the ritual.
  • At Hellgate find and give the The Divine Spear to Bentanagbal. Ask about the Surgical Kit and agree to him performing the ritual on you (requires constitution 7 and intelligence 7).
Achievement: Take Heed And Bear Witness, The One God
Balezaar endings
Requires Constitution 7 and Intelligence 7.

Do the following:
  • Talk to Meru in Castle Ganezzar.
  • Take the seat in the Ganezzar Star Room.
  • Help Meru complete the ritual at Al-Akai.
  • Ally with Balezaar.

Then perform the following steps for each ending.

Balezaar reigns
  • Go to the Ziggurat.
  • Kill Agathoth via combat or by blowing up the Ziggurat.
  • Return to Balezaar.
Achievement: Godless World, Kingdom of God

Balezaar defeated by Agatoth
  • Go to the Ziggurat and ally with Agatoth.
  • Return to Balezaar and endure his attacks.
Achievement: Novus Ordo Seclorum

Balezaar defeated by spear
  • Go to Hellgate and get the spear artifact.
  • Go to the Ziggurat and ally with Agatoth.
  • Return to Balezaar and use the spear on him.
Achievement: Desperate Times
Destruction ending
Requires perception 8, intelligence 7, constitution 7, and strength 7
  • Join Imperial guards and kill Antidas.
  • In Maadoran go to the abyss (requires perception 8, intelligence 7, constitution 7, and strength 7) and power up the machine (lore 8).
  • In Ganezzar go with Meru to Al-Akia and sabotage the ritual.
  • Go to Ziggurat and awaken Agatoth.
  • Talk to Paullus.
Achievement: Kingslayer, Great Vengeance and Furious Anger, Burn it
AnkDraig 6 Dec, 2023 @ 6:27am 
Thank You for clarifying! Gonna try it! Thanks!
uanime5  [author] 6 Dec, 2023 @ 4:14am 
You need to visit Meru before going to Al-Akia. If Gaanezar is under siege then the Legion will blow up Al-Akia after the siege ends.
AnkDraig 5 Dec, 2023 @ 10:14pm 
I dunno how to make Meru travel to Al-Akia. I have grooved sphere, visited Al-Akia (during Legion or commercium main quest). I have surgical kit and unlocked way to Chamber through Zamedi tower but after returning from Al-Akia i found that Gaanezar under siege and...what next? After siege broke my supervisior tell me to find Tor-Agoth's temple that actually game's end.
uanime5  [author] 13 Jan, 2023 @ 10:46am 
Feng isn't mandatory if you have enough streetwise/charisma/persuasion to convince 3 people to side with you.

Player reigns and player ascends are 2 different endings. You don't need to do one to get the other.
Gaming Dealer 12 Jan, 2023 @ 7:54pm 
Is feng mandatory to get the player reigns ending? Because I didnt kill Cassius for him.

Also, do I need to go throught the player reigns to get to the player ascends ending?
uanime5  [author] 10 Jan, 2023 @ 11:16am 
I didn't realise Meru would send you there alone if you survive his basement room.
A Big Larry 9 Jan, 2023 @ 2:50pm 
For "Player Ascends" You only need to go to Al Akia in either the Preator, merchant, or legionnaire questlines, you don't need to kill Meru.