Manifold Garden

Manifold Garden

64 ratings
Honey I Shrunk Myself!
By The Sojourner
How do you get this simple achievement? Read this guide if you're stuck.
The Discovery
The first thing to notice is that in every space where there is a God Cube (a.k.a. "Mandala Rooms" since after placing the God Cube you see a mandala floating in the sky in the same space) there is also a tree that looks like this:

I recommend you find all 7 of them before moving on — they are not as useless as you might think. Inside you'll find one of those infinitely repeating hallways with a map that looks like this:

The other thing to take note of is your reticle. Apart from changing colors to indicate that you can change gravity and in which direction, any time you can interact with an object your reticle will have a pair of hexagons like this (which become filled in whenever you're holding an object):


If you see any darkness obscuring any part of the map, you'll only see one hexagon on your reticle, which means that the object is interactive, but nothing can be done yet. To get this achievement, you'll need to clear the darkness, which means... need to plant the cubes to grow all 7 worlds!

Only then can you interact with the map to get this achievement. And fast travel too!

DiamondRhino64 4 Sep, 2022 @ 9:28pm 
THANK YOU FOR THIS! And thank you Anubis for sharing that video!!!
gg.nadrewod 30 Aug, 2022 @ 9:22pm 
@PDV, no, you can keep playing on the old save, although it takes some backtracking from the final save point to get back to a nexus/mandela fast travel point.

@PlayerZero, I personally wasn't able to interact with the fast travel map until after I beat the game the normal "Dark Cube placement in Dark Tree" way (not the hidden methods for that "The Game Is Not Enough" achievement), and I got the "Honey I Shrunk Myself" achievement to pop not when I first teleported, but when I returned to the fast travel map after teleporting.
Anubis 18 Jan, 2022 @ 7:22pm 
This video shows you how to get to a Mandala room after beating the game
PlayerZERO 14 Jan, 2022 @ 7:45pm 
I feel that this guide isn't quite as informative as it should be.
Lev 6 Dec, 2021 @ 5:51am 
Thanks heaps for this.
PDV 7 Oct, 2021 @ 2:11pm 
Once you've planted all the God Cubes and turned them into mandalas, do you have to start a new save to get this?
AvianFlu 4 Feb, 2021 @ 3:46am 
Thank You.
CindyK_JA 20 Nov, 2020 @ 8:07pm 
Thanks for this info... I had seen these maps along the way but did not realize they had a function other than a display!