Melvor Idle

Melvor Idle

37 ratings
A First Shot at the 12bHCCO Challenge
By TrueXenocide
As I go through this challenge, I will update this guide with what i've learned as i go. Therefore it is a WiP.

What is 12bHCCO?

12bHCCO is a self imposed challenge that is comprised of three restrictions.

"12b" represents 12 bank slots. A participant in this challenge may not purchase additional bank slots.

"HC" represents Hardcore. When creating your character, this is the option that must be chosen. If you die, your character gets deleted and you will have to start again. It comes with a couple other relevant difficulty modifiers ranging from "no hp regeneration" and enhanced combat triangle bonuses. This means that damage taken is enhanced if you are melee, receiving magic damage as an example.

"CO" represents combat only. This means that you cannot use your skills aside from Attack, Strength, Defense, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic, Prayer, and Slayer.

Getting Started
To preface this guide, there are several themes that tend to reoccur throughout this guide.

They can be broken down into 3 types of hurdles.

Combat Skill Levels
These are your character's base stats. They govern your damage, defense, health, and gear restrictions. To progress into now content, your stats will typically need to hit certain thresholds before you can access new monsters and hope to survive.

This is the equipment that you give your character. Depending on the pieces, they can give a variety of bonuses to augment your stats, allowing you to kill and survive fights against enemies that are much higher in combat level than you are. Most gear will take a vast amount of time to obtain, given the idle nature of this game and our combat only restriction.

While grinding for levels and gear, you will take damage. You will need to heal or lose your character, and food is our way to do that. Since we don't have access to fishing or farming, the only food we can obtain is drop only.

The largest inconvenience with 12bHCCO that i have experienced so far is the lack of AutoEat at the beginning of the game. This means that you cannot idle, until you get it and it costs 1M at the shop for tier 1. With that in mind, we are racing to get both AutoEat T1, and Amulet of Looting. Both of these combined enable a significant amount of idle capability for your character and QoL improvements.

If at any time, you run out of food, go back to grind food for your appropriate tier.

Lvl 1 Plants = 7.5 hp/kill
Lvl 27 Sweaty Monster = 18.5 hp/kill
Lvl 125 Raging Horned Elite =450 hp/kill
1) Kill Plants until 10 Att, 10 Str, and 10 Def.
Plants drop potatoes, a valuable source of healing. They can be found at level 1 in the Farmhouse.

1 potato drops 75% of the time, and heals for 10 hp.

This means each kill is worth about 7.5 hp in food.
2) Kill Golbins until Bronze Battleaxe and Bronze Shield
Statistically this should take your about 14 kills. It took me 64 but who's counting.

The axe is pretty important as it increases your attack speed by about 30%
3) Kill Plants until 15-20 Att, Str, Def.
Builds up more food. You can never have enough food.
4) Kill Steel Knights for Steel helmet, shield, platebody, platelegs, sword, scimitar, and boots.
This might take a moment. The wiki tells us that it will take on average 134 kills to get all of the desired drops. It took me 51 with a little luck.
5) Kill Mummies until Amulet of Strength and Gold Emerald Ring
Amulet of Strength is a straight damage upgrade for the neck slot, and the Gold Emerald Ring increases combat XP gained by 7%

The wiki tells us that we should have get both items in 11 kills. It took me 30.
6) Kill Cows/Plants until 30-40 Att, Str, and Def.
Plants to build up food.

Cows to sell the hides. This gets us closer to AutoEat, but it will cost food. The choice is yours.
Vodka Fields V 20 Mar @ 6:08pm 
I've got a question here. What's the goal of the challenge? Because you can't finish the tasks if you cannot use all your skills. Is the goal getting 99s combat skill only? In that case I could just kill plants indefinitely.
Vodka Fields V 20 Mar @ 6:04pm 
Fun idea, but I'm out. As much as I love the game I'd have to be way, way much younger to play this type of challenges. This takes much more time than typical hardcore game with skills, and multiple attempts I assume, since I can't believe anyone could do it on a first go.
Le Doctor Bones 4 Jan, 2022 @ 1:03pm 
@Brother Rod

Plants drop more than 1 potato per kill on average hence the average of 7.5hp per kill.
Sweaty monsters drop both Salmon, Lobsters and Sharks, all of which can be eaten without cooking. I can confirm that combat only is 100% doable since I did it in adventure mode, though, without the additional 12 bank slot and hardcore challenges.
Cliff 21 Dec, 2021 @ 7:30pm 
there is a much more detailed and extended version of this guide here
SleepyTotem 22 Nov, 2021 @ 5:50am 
neat Idea, but I think there may have been some update after you released this as potatoes only heal for 3 hp and I'm not seeing anything edible from the sweaty monster w/o cooking
Keene 12 Apr, 2021 @ 3:05pm 
Started my run and just playing it on the side, I like the idea!
Huckleberry Hank 15 Feb, 2021 @ 4:40pm 
I must of got extremely lucky just finished steel knights collection within 20 kills o.O
Huckleberry Hank 15 Feb, 2021 @ 4:26pm 
Following your guide for my own 12bHCCO, I'm just about to start steel knights :)

Any more to this guide for after 30 - 40 ASD?
Bold&Brash 15 Feb, 2021 @ 5:57am 
This is a fun challenge but man it is unfortunate not being idle.
Grinding 1M in hides will be one heck of a grind.
I was working on taking out knights but RNG is not on my side.
I did get probably the worst Black Knight drop I could get being black 2H sword. So there is that.
Thanks for the suggestion OP
Gene 26 Nov, 2020 @ 7:51am 
"can you use stuff the guys drop like >>>>>>cooking<<<<<< shrimps and >>>>>>smelting<<<<<< ores?"

Do you not SEE the issue? Combat Only means Combat Only. As stated in the opening. '"CO" represents combat only. This means that you cannot use your skills aside from Attack, Strength, Defense, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic, Prayer, and Slayer.'