GunZ 2: The Second Duel

GunZ 2: The Second Duel

90 ratings
Basic Guide to GunZ 2: The Second Duel
By Marquez
Welcome to GunZ 2: The Second Duel Basic Guide! Since this game is still in early access a lot of the material covered in this guide will mostly be a rough outline of the game just to give beginners the general idea of the game and it's mechanics. It will cover content such as the playable characters, game modes, weapons, shops, and so on.
Table of Contents
I: The Characters

II: The Menu Interface

III: The Menu Tabs

IV: The Modes

V: The Gameplay

VI: Notes
I: The Characters

There are currently only 4 available characters to play as and since the game is still in early access I will only give an overview of each character and what makes them unique. All the characters have a unique set of skills suited for their capabilities. When you reach a certain level and unlock a skill, the skill is active from then on all the time and can be used using the special key assigned to that skill. When you first begin GunZ 2 you will be asked to choose one of the 4 characters to begin with. Before you choose, consider which of the characters matches your play style best since they only have a select amount of weapons, skills, and capabilities. All the characters have a level cap of 20

Ivan The Silent Avenger

Ivan is a sword wielder who uses a Submachine Gun and a Sniper as ranged weapons. Compared to the other characters he is the most versatile and well-rounded. The swords are well-balanced with good range and power, the submachine gun is ideal at close to medium ranges, and for enemies at farther distances the sniper is the best hands down. In terms of speed and usage he is moderate in the sense that he is not the slowest of all the characters but also not the fastest which makes him some what easy to use a character and a decent starter character for most beginners. As the picture suggests, he is currently priced at 10,000 gold if you wish to purchase him as a secondary character.

For an in-depth Ivan guide:

Rena The Shadow Dancer

Rena is a dagger wielder who also uses a Submachine Gun along with Dual Pistols. She is the fastests of all the characters and requires some level of expertise to properly use. The daggers are weak in power but very quick and usually strike first, the submachine gun was already described under Ivan and the dual pistols deal effective damage and accuracy but require proper handling and aim. Most of her skills and weapons require careful aiming and timing to truly utilize her capabilities and she is a little challenging to use as a starter character if you are truly new to GunZ so she is ideal for more experienced players who prefer speed over power. She is currently the priced at 10,000 gold.

Elena The Gunslinger

Elena is a bat wielder who uses Assault Rifles and Grenade Launchers. She is primarly a marksman but still effective at close range with her bats. Although not as fast Rena and Ivan, she is not difficult to use and ideal for ranged-weapon minded players as her assault rifles are effective at longer ranges along with her grenade launchers to expose hidden enemies and keep them at bay. She is currently priced at 10,000 gold.

Max The Shield Trooper

Last but not least is Max, other wise known as the tank of the game. Max is a shield wielder who mainly uses a Minigun and Flamethrower. He is the slowest of all the characters but also one of the biggest damage dealers. The minigun makes him strong at various distances and the flamethrower makes him a headache for enemies at close range. Although the shield has little range for damage, it is ideal for protecting teammates and himself. He is one of the easier characters to use and ideal for players looking to deal serious damage without taking much themselves. He is also priced at 10,000 gold.

For an in-depth Max guide:

II: The Menu Interface

The menu interface in GunZ 2 is very different from the original GunZ. Here I will cover the various buttons and interfaces and their uses.

The Interface

  • a - Allows for matchmaking preference by choosing which area you prefer other players to be in to prevent getting matched with users with higher pings or to find players outside your normal area so quicker matchmaking.

  • b - Chat lobbies for public use.

  • c - The various mode catagories for matchmaking.

  • d - Chat box for chat among your current team members.

  • e - Friend tab, for viewing your friend list and seeing whose online and whose offline.

  • f - Clan tab, for creating a clan and seeing clan notifications.

  • g - System tab, for seeing system notifications and messages.

  • h - Team Lineup, for seeing your current team for matchmaking.

  • i - Current character selected.

  • j - Clan and Ranking boxes, the box on the left indicates whether you are in a clan and the right box indicates your ranking for ranked matches ( bronze, silver, or gold trophy)

  • k - Item slots, displays current items being used by the player ( i.e. EXP Boosts)

  • l - Current level and experience points

  • m - Supply status, shows the time in which you can collect supplies for current game session. Green gives average qualities items but after winning a game mode it upgrades to a Blue supply crate for higher quality items.

  • n - Menu tabs for navigation and info (in-depth explanation later)
III: The Menu Tabs

There are currently 7 menu tabs in the game which include 2 shops. Here I will cover the regular shop along with the Tesla shop, the inventory tab, Gear upgrading, and minor explanations on achievements and personal info.

Regular Shop

The regular shop is where you buy the various necessities for all your characters. The top four character tabs navigate you to the items exclusive to your characters only. The bundle tab is currently used for clothing while the gear tab is where you buy Optimite Gears for special character enhancements. Hovering over the items displays their statistics and allows for easy comparison between your equipped weapon. All of these items are permanent and just need repairing when their durability gets too low. Here you can also buy cash shop items located in the Bundle, Accessories and Item tabs.

Tesla Shop

The Tesla shop allows players to use Purified Ores or Crystals in exchange for rare and unique items for your character. Purifed Ores are used in the Normal Tab while Purified Crystals are used in the Premium Tab. The numbers next to the items (100/200) indicate how many attempts have been made to acquire the item by the players. So if a player makes an attempt to get an item with 143/200 and doesn't obtain it, the number goes down to 142/200. The lower the left number is, the greater chance there is of obtaining the item. Once the item has been obtained by any player, the number resets back to 200/200. Using the Normal Tesla shop is a gamble though because most of the items in the shop have a time limit on them and are not permanent, except for the truly rare items. In addition, some of the items you receive might not even be for your specific character. Also, the rarer items have a much lower chance of being obtained as opposed to lesser items such as regular Ores and weapons. The Premium Tesla Shop offers even greater items but is also gamble and much harder to obtain. The more you attempt the Premium Shop, the higher the Fever rating goes up which increases the chance for obtaining a rare item with added effects.

Inventory Tab

The inventory tab is pretty self-explanatory and is basically your storage space. It displays all your gears, weapons, clothing and items. It is possible to expand your slots with the use of cash. Here you can also repair certain items using the middle button on the bottom right hand of the inventory screen, convert items such as regular ores into purified ores using the left button, and disassemble items such as expired weapons or clothing in exchange for materials using the right button.

Gear Upgrading

Gear Upgrading is what allows you to buff your characters with special characteristics. Once you buy a gear from the shop, you may upgrade that gear to provide a bigger effect once equipped by your character. Gear Upgrading increases in price the more you successfully upgrade a selected gear and each upgrade has a lesser success rate the higher it is upgraded. Failing to upgrade does not destory your gear but there is a possibility the gear may be downgraded 1 level. You can also wear more than one of the same gear for added effects. The current gear cap is +5.

Remaining Tabs

The Events tab displays special events currently in session by the developers for special prizes while the Achievements tab displays the various achievements and allows you to collect rewards from completed achievements. The Personal Info tab just displays you personal bests in both PvP and PvE along with other personal info.

IV: The Modes

There are currently 7 playable modes under 3 categories. I'm sure more modes will be implemented as the game develops but for now I will cover the ones available. Currently, you can not exit a game mode while in game without closing the client. Also, instead of using the main severs, the games are randomly hosted by the players themselves which can cause lag issues should the host player have bad internet or live further away. In such cases, the host player has the option to change the host by pressing the 'Esc' key and choosing the "Change Host' tab in order to allow the other players to enjoy the game.

Normal Games

There are 3 modes on the Normal Game tabs which are pretty standard in most shooting games.
  • Team Deathmatch is self-explanatory, you join a team of 4 players and the goal is to kill the opposing team until the score limit is reach or until time expires. The score limit is 450 and each kill is worth 15 points.

  • Team Elimination is the same 4-man team but instead of reaching a score limit per individual kill your team has to win 5 rounds before the other team. In order to win a round you must kill the entire opposing team within the time limit.

  • Time Assault is a special kind of mode in which one team has to defend certain objectives while the other team tries to destroy them. Destroying the objectives allows the team to progress through to the next objective until the final objective is destroyed giving the attacking team victory. If the defending team successfully defends the final objective when time expires, the defending team is given victory.

Ranked Games

Ranked Games are the same games as listed above, but you must be at least level 20 to participate in them and you will be pitted against other players of similar ranking (i.e. bronze, silver, gold) based on previous game performances. If you are looking for a more competitive experience or a difficult challenge, these modes are the way to go.


Campaign is essentially story mode in which you, or with 3 other players, are pitted against NPCs in order to progress through the story line. In campaign mode, the objective is to defeat all enemy NPCs to continue with the mission until you reach the end. There are regular NPCs and occassional mini-bosses/bosses. Should a teammate die, he/she can be revived with Revival Coins used by either the user themself or another teammate to continue. Teammates will NOT be revived in between rendevouz points so use the Coins sparingly.
V: The Gameplay

Most of what is covered here is covered in the game tutorial. The biggest disctinction between GunZ 2 and the original GunZ is there are no more bugs or exploits therefore styles heavily dependent on those exploits, such as K-Style, are pretty much extinct. The game does retain a lot of its free running and gravity defying moves so the gameplay does contain part of its roots.

The UI

The User Interface contains various things.
  • On the bottom-left corner is the Z-Gauge, the gauge has a maximum of 3 Z-Points (ZP) for skill use and once the meter is filled, the user's character will glow for everyone to see and allow them to use their respective "Ultimate Skill". It is filled by landing combos, killing opposing players, and getting killed. Certain skills require certain ZP so it is advised to keep an eye on the gauge.

  • On the bottom-middle is your health points (red) and armor points (blue).

  • On the bottom-right are your weapon slots.

  • On the top-left is your minimap/compass.

  • On the top-middle is the game progress and time limit.

  • The grey box on the left hand side is the chat box and can be accessed by pressing 'Enter'.

  • In the middle of the screen is the user list with current game info and can be accessed by pressing 'Tab'.

The Gameplay Mechanics

  • Jump - Space

  • Move - W (Forward), A (Left), S (Back), D (Right)

  • Shoot/Slash - Left Mouse Click

  • Melee Move - Right Mouse Click

  • Reload - R

  • Skills - Q, E

  • Weapons - Middle Mouse Roller or 1, 2, 3

  • Block - Shift (only with melee weapon)

These are the most basic controls and are completely changable through the Settings. In order to run up and along side walls you to move your character along or towards the wall and press 'Space' on your keyboard while moving. To continue running on the wall you have to keep pressing 'Space', holding it won't allow your character to continue running. Double pressing the directional buttons (W,A,S,D) allows your character to dash in that particular direction, this can be done while in mid air and while knocked down on the ground, plus you can also slash or shoot immediately after dashing which makes for quick and unexpected moves.

Here is some gameplay footage of me in Team Deathmatch.

The Gameplay is a little difficult to get accustomed to at first but with a little practice you will be a force to be reckoned with in no time. Each character is unique so take the time to play around with your character and figure which play style is suited best for you. GunZ 2 is a team based based game so take the time to make some friends, join a clan, and dominate the playing field.

For a more in-depth gameplay guide check out Gauze's Beginners Guide


  • If you are new to the GunZ franchise, try playing campaign mode a couple times before jumping into the PvP modes. Its a good opportunity to get the mechanics of the gameplay down and a good source of gold for new gear.

  • In campaign mode, don't rush to a new area blindly as the NPCs tend to come from behind corners and overwhelm you which almost always leads to death.

  • Time Assault is about team work, don't try to complete your objective alone or stray away from your teammates. A united team that works as a group can overcome any individual player.

  • If you are looking for a campaign group, friends, or clan, don't be shy to use the public channels. Its an easy way to overcome the challenges you can face in the world of GunZ 2.
VI: Notes
  • This game is still in its early stages so some of the content may or may not be up to date and as things come along I will update this guide to make GunZ 2 a better experience for the most important people, the players.

  • Current Server Capacity :18,000

  • Some maps tend to cause frame skips for some players despite graphic settings or computer specifications. This is a game specific issue that the developers have to resolve.

  • Some players may have a more difficult time finding matches than others, this is mainly due to the host system the game uses to create matches between players within the same general area to minimize lag. If you are having a difficult time finding matches, it could be due to a lack of players within your area and the system has to search farther in order to pair you up with players.

  • Currently, campaign mode is the only mode with a fully functional lobby that allows you to ready willingly, exit to the lobby in-game, and contains a back button to return to the menu.

  • For future reference, should you enter a ghost lobby ( a lobby with a "fake" player that prevents the game from playing i.e Exellion) do not press ready and do not talk, the system will kick you out of the lobby and back to the menu to prevent you from having to close and re-open the entire client.

  • For a complete list of bugs and issues refer to this discussion by Guntrix

    ~ If you happen to notice a bug or issue in the game, please feel free to message me or leave a comment so that I may post it in this Notes section of the guide to allow other players to be aware of ongoing bugs or issues and prepare for them ahead of time.
76561198127902435 19 Sep, 2019 @ 2:02pm 
i really want this game to come back to life....please people let's work on that! ik ik it has many problems...but i miss playing with people 2 vs 2 and coop with people
ParrotMan01 25 Jun, 2014 @ 11:19am 
What about Wayne?
ㄚ 卂 爪 丨 8 May, 2014 @ 9:52am 
How do you create normal rooms for 5vs5 matches, there are only 1vs1 rooms which sucks.
The fenc 21 Mar, 2014 @ 7:08am 
Where is guide for rena or elena???
Marquez  [author] 25 Feb, 2014 @ 12:24pm 
@King Pescado, Default weapons are there just in case, for some crazy reason, you lose all your other weapons so at least that way you always have a way to play no matter what happens.
Ragged Penguin 25 Feb, 2014 @ 12:41am 
You seem the most knowledgable about this game. Is there a reason default weapons can't be deleted? I already own weapons that better than the defaults that are not on a time limit.
Marquez  [author] 24 Feb, 2014 @ 8:13pm 
@Lurkette, That's interesting Lurkette, we'll see if this keeps up after tonight's patch, if not i'll post it in the notes section.
Star 24 Feb, 2014 @ 8:11pm 
just to clear up the 20k "bug", the same thing happened to me, but it said "Strider" instead. someone on my friends list also had "Valkyrie" appear. these three names are apparently unreleased classes that are hidden in the client.
Marquez  [author] 24 Feb, 2014 @ 7:58pm 
@Monstrance, That is strange lol, thankfully there was an easy fix and no one got screwed over :P
Wayne 24 Feb, 2014 @ 7:56pm 
So uhh, I clicked purchase when it said 20k and it said "Purchase the selected character, RocketTrooper?" in red font instead of Rena or Elena.

Restarted the client and everyone is back to 10k again..not sure what was going on, especially since none of the characters have that title.