The Shivah

The Shivah

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A brief Achievement guide for Shivah. Containing everything you need to know to obtain all 10 in-game achievements in Wadjeteye's classic Point & Click Adventure remake. Avoids spoilers. Asks you questions.
Is this what happens when you combine two clues together?

Yiddish Dictionary: Smart or Clever
Why should you AVOID using a Rabbinical Response on Mrs. Lauder?

Yiddish Dictionary: Polite
Do you feel better after interrogating a fellow rabbi's involvement?

Yiddish Dictionary: To get on someones nerves
Why wouldn't a rabbi always choose a Rabbinical Response for every response?

NOTE: Not using the Rabbinical Response with Mrs. Lauder does NOT count against you.

Yiddish Dictionary: Expert; Connisseur
In your first fight, wouldn't it be a good idea to always respond with a question? In your second fight, wouldn't it also be a good idea to punch your attacker when he doesn't respond with a question?

Yiddish Dictionary: Fighter
A decent fellow would not kill his first attacker, would he not?

Yiddish Dictionary: A decent fellow, a decent human being
Wouldn't a crazy person throw his first attacker onto the train tracks?

Yiddish Dictionary: Crazy person
Do you want to be the better man by sparing BOTH of your attackers?

Yiddish Dictionary: Overman, Overhuman, Above-human, Superman
Shonda for the Goyim
Would you spare your second attacker after allowing a hostage to be murdered?

Yiddish Dictionary: Do something shameful, publicly witnessed by non-Jews, thus bringing shame upon Jews
Wouldn't a sad sack kill his second attacker?

Yiddish Dictionary: Sad sack or a loser
Link  [author] 13 Jul, 2023 @ 7:28am 
Those are just the achievement icons that were publicly listed on the achievement page a decade ago. If they've since been hidden, I apologize, but these images were public knowledge at the time of this guide's creation.
Julia 12 Jul, 2023 @ 9:22pm 
No spoilers my ass dude. Those pics gave shit away, why would you do that? Now I know what's gonna happen, which is exactly what I didn't want.
playing with crayons 16 Jan, 2016 @ 9:18am 
ummm, alright.
booshmee 29 Apr, 2014 @ 10:32am 
Why do you think there aren't more achievement guides likes this?
MSaint 9 Apr, 2014 @ 12:03pm 
oy vey
redefine 9 Apr, 2014 @ 9:55am 
This achievement guide is the best! :ghlol:
GrumpyArab 9 Apr, 2014 @ 5:13am 
An Achievement Guide with no spoilers? Really?