

184 ratings
How to keep your steam account safe
By C4T4⁧⁧ Bluestreak and 3 collaborators

Hello folks , in this guide I will try to present why is important for you to keep your profile secure against the hackers / scammers .
Good to know about secure on steam

share your account credentials, including your sign-in name and authenticator codes.

A Valve employee
or Steam moderator will NEVER add you as a friend to talk to you about ANYTHING pertaining to your account or items.

log into Steam via the store page or community page before you log into a 3rd party site. You are logging into a phishing site if the 3rd party site still asks for your username and password after you've logged into Steam via the store/community page.

                       Quick Reference for Common Scams
A Steam/Valve administrator/employee/moderator will never add you as a friend to talk about any of the following things. If Valve needs to talk to you about something they will contact you through an account alert. Here are some examples of what an account alert might look like:

A Steam/Valve administrator/employee/moderator will never send you a picture, gif, video or any other form of media as proof or information about anything. Any pictures, gifs, etc. sent to you that look like your account is being viewed by someone with special permissions are fake.

A Valve employee will always have a Valve Employee Steam profile badge and a Steam moderator will always have a Steam Community Moderator Steam profile badge on their profiles. Check it yourself, never trust ANY form of picture or media sent to you.

  • There's no such thing as appealing a pending or false report or ban.
  • There's no such thing as a pending ban.
  • There's no such thing as a pending report.
  • There's no such thing as a false report.
  • There's no such thing as item verification or item scanning.
  • There's no such thing as a Certificate of Eligibility.

There's no such thing as an accidental report, and if someone truly did accidentally report you, Valve will see that the report is not valid and nothing will happen, you would never be contacted about it in such a manner.

Someone representing Valve or Steam will never ask you for your items, money or other monetary commodity such as gift cards, account credentials, this includes your log-in name and authenticator codes. Do not share them with anyone.

Someone's account age, profile level, high amount of friends, or high amount of comments on a profile is NOT a way to verify someone's legitimacy. Scammers purchase old accounts, it costs a few dollars to get a high profile level, friends can be farmed through malicious groups and comments can also be farmed or bought.

You cannot trade Steam wallet funds or CD-keys via Steam, and there's no way for it to be automatically added to your account when a trade is completed.

If a person sent you a steam link and it's not like the one below, give him a report and a block because he tried to trick you by using his own link compared to the official steam one

Example of scam link :

Also you can check my friend L I S T of S C A M M E R S who try to scamm him !
SteamAPI Scam

                 SteamAPI Scam (Phishing)

This is functionally a sub-set of Phishing and Trading, but because its extremely common we're outlining it here.

In order to trade items, a user must initiate the trade and confirm it in the Steam Mobile Authenticator. There is no way for a scammer to bypass this. However they can trick users into approving the 'wrong' trade via this scam. It effectively tricks a user into approving a bad trade without them knowing via the SteamAPI.

  • User logs into a fake website - This is PHISHING. YOU ALREADY SCREWED UP, you are essentially just giving away your log-in credentials and authenticator code.
  • The attacker then logs into your account.
  • They add a SteamAPI key to your account.
  • The attacker waits, this is the insidious part, because you dont know you've been compromised.
  • You get a legitimate trade from someone.
  • The attacker detects this via the SteamAPI key they created on your account.
  • The attacker then immediately cancels that trade, creates another account that looks exactly like the account from the original trade, and sends you that trade instead. They can do this automatically via the SteamAPI key by way of programs, scripts and bots.
  • You look at your trades, and at first glance everything looks fine as the profile at first glance looks the same as the one from the legitimate trade.
  • You approve the trade in your Steam Mobile Authenticator.
  • Your stuff is now gone.
Functionally this is a phishing scam. You logged into a phishing site to get free money or whatever and gave away your steam credentials.

If you believe you have been a victim of this scam you should look in your account and see if the attacker has created a SteamAPI key:

Scams via impersonation :
There are several scam variations of essentially the same concept of impersonation. This is usually done with the intention to scam valuable items, but doesn't have to.
Always verify that people are who they claim to be, for example if they claim to be from Valve, visit this page click on the person in the list and see if you have them added as a friend (very unlikely).
Give your friends nicknames so you can easily distinguish them from impersonator and also better remember them (open the Friends window, right click on the person and select Add Nickname).

Third person scam
A random guy adds you. He makes an offer (CS:GO/TF2 keys for a high-priced item for example) for you via steam chat, usually an overpay. He then says that he doesn't know if he can trust you, so he asks you if you have a trusted friend. Then the guy wants you to tell him the friends name/link to his steam profile. He then adds your friend and asks him some useless questions about trust (and invites your friend to a chatroom with another account).
After that he will ask you if you can trade your expensive item to your friend to see it really is your friend ("you trust your friend so it should be no problem"). After you've given your item to your friend, the scammer's second account will come into play. Now that your friend probably accepted the chatroom invite, he will change his second account's name similar to yours (usually adding a . (dot) into the end of your name so that there wont be YOURNAME when trading).
And after that, he will send a trade invite to your friend and your friend will probably give the item back to "you" (the scammer's 2nd account with a name similar to yours).

Middleman Injection
After a trade that takes place partially outside Steam has been agreed to, a middleman needs to be chosen. The scammer will suggest a trusted middleman that checks out correctly on SteamRep. However, once the victim agrees to the middleman a fake account pretending to be that middleman adds the victim. Once the unaware victim completes their side of the transaction, believing that they are using a trusted middleman, both the scammer and accomplice will delete and block them while keeping the stolen goods. Make sure you personally add the middleman yourself, and independently verify the identity of the person who added you using the instructions above (look up both accounts on SteamRep and compare). If you're not listed in the friends list of the actual trusted middleman, you're dealing with a scammer. You need to check the MM out yourself - that means you click on the MM's profile and copy/paste their profile URL into SteamRep and verify that it's the person they say they are.

Valve Impersonation
Some people will try to scam items by telling you that they're an employee and that you got reported for duping/scamming/... and/or that they want to "scan" your items. Valve will NEVER trade or participate in trading. Do not trust anyone who claims otherwise, even if they go so far as to threaten with some kind of ban. Everyone claiming to be from/involved with Valve and is trying to trading with you or threatening you is lying.
Everyone associated with Valve is listed here. If the person actually worked for Valve, they would be listed on that page and have a badge that says "Valve Employee" or "Steam Community Moderator".
This scam method can also include spoofed emails from Valve or Steam Support. Please keep in mind that neither of them will ever send you emails with attachments.

Trade scams
There are many trade scams ranging from pathetic to very sneaky.
You should always keep all aspect of a trade within a single trade. Avoid all external trades such a game keys or money, especially if you're inexperienced. Otherwise you could end up trading your goods first and when it's your trading partner's turn, they'll simply block you and walk away with your items.
There are a few things that are always a scam:
Trading Steam Wallet funds: Steam Wallet funds can not be transferred or added to a trade
Item verification: There is no such thing as item verification. Valve will never ask you for items
Borrowing an item: This can by a teammate begging for items, or sometimes even an impersonator of popular individuals (e.g. YouTube) who claims to "borrow" your items for a few matches.

This involves the victim thinking they're getting one item but gets another instead. While in a trade, a scammer will put up the desired item. Without the victim noticing, he'll quickly switch it to another item of less value that looks similar. A common attempt is switching an expensive unusual hat with a much cheaper unusual version of that hat; the item will look the same in the trade window but have a different effect. The item might also be renamed so that chat window of the trade that updates when items are removed/added looks less suspicious. After trading, the victim is left with the switched item. This scam often involves misdirection; they'll ask a question in Steam chat so the victim switches windows and then the scammer will swap the item while the victim is typing. They might also ask the victim to add another item or remove one of them, or add and remove many items themselves to mask the visible chat log from showing that they've switched the item. With updates to Steam trading this has become easier to notice. Any change in items is shown in the trade chat log and any change after you have readied up on the trade will stop you from accepting the trade.
Fake Gambling Sites

                    Fake Gambling Sites

There are many different methods that involve a fake gambling site and all of them are centered around 2 things, phishing you and/or stealing your skins by baiting you into using the fake gambling site. In this section we will go over a few known methods.
Because all of them can be centered around phishing you we will not mention this in every method.
All of these sites also present themselves to be real by having a fake chat where there are bots saying things, usually in conjunction with a fake jackpot. For example when someone wins big the bots will spam about that specific big win. All of the events are scripted, and if you stay long enough you will start to see the events repeating themselves, think of it like a video playing over and over.
It can also be ran through an API where the bots basically have a library of things they can say with a time limit that controls how often the bots can say something, and trigger events as to when they say some specific things, like when someone wins/loses a jackpot.

The Common Scams
A common method is that you're just being phished, the gambling site is just to bait you. Phishing is something you should always be wary of, it can happen anywhere or anytime with any link or website.
Read this section for further information on phishing scams.
Another common method is that you're presented with a fake gambling website that uses the real Steam API. It has a jackpot that is seemingly active with real players in it, but you will simply never win the jackpot because the website is just a facade, the chat and the jackpot is simulated, no matter how much you deposit, no matter how big of a chance you have to win, you will never actually win.

The Deposit Scam
A scammer will add you and tell a story about how they won a lot of skins on a gambling site, but they are having issues with withdrawing them. That's where you get asked the help them out, and they will promise you a nice reward for helping them.
In this stage of the scam many different things can happen, but in short they try to convince you through one way or another of social engineering that to help them you need to withdraw the skins for them; this is where the scam kicks in.
To withdraw the skins you need to make a first-time deposit onto the gambling site. If you do this you will lose those skins and you've been scammed. There is no skins to withdraw, there's no one who needs help and there's definitely no reward at the end of it for you.

Steam Gifts Scam
In this method, a scammer will try to trade your expensive items in exchange for gifts and sometimes even offer to go first. Usually the person asks you to add their "alt account" from which they want to send you them. This should already raise red flags. Everything might look fine at first, you usually even receive your gifts.
However these games were purchased with stolen credit cards or compromised accounts and the owner will do a chargeback when they notice the transaction.
Since you were involved in this fraud, all games will be revoked and your account may even be suspended. Yes, redeeming fraudulent gifts is explicitly listed as a possible reason to suspend an account.

Do not accept gifts from strangers.
Steam Guard

                                Steam Guard

       Steam guard it is , and i don`t say it just me , the best protection for your account.

How can i do ?
The apps follow the same setup flow.
For Android users
For IOS Users
  • Once you've installed the app and signed in with your Steam account credentials, tap the menu icon at the top left to expose the app's main menu. Select "Steam Guard" from the top of the menu.
  • From here you can select "Add Authenticator" to setup your authenticator, or "Help" to learn more.
  • Next you'll enter a phone number, one that we can confirm with a text message. If you ever lose access to your Steam account, you can quickly recover it by asking Steam to send a text to this phone number.
  • Steam will send a confirmation code to your phone.
  • Enter the code we've sent to that phone number. If you didn't receive the text, you resend it using the link at the bottom of the screen. " Note: Messages can be temporarily delayed. If you don't receive the text after a few hours, please contact Steam Support for additional assistance.
  • When the code is successfully entered, we'll present you with a Recovery code. Write down the code and store it in a safe place. Do not skip this step.
  • When the mobile authenticator is successfully enabled, you'll be presented with a unique Steam Guard code that will periodically refresh. When you log in to Steam you'll be asked to enter the code.
Email Address

                               Email Address

Verifying your email address with Steam improves the security of your Steam Account.
Once you've verified your email address with Steam, both your Steam Account password and access to your email account are required in order to make any changes to your Steam Account credentials, such as your password and contact email address.
This helps further protect your Steam Account from being stolen by a potential phisher.

How can i do ?
For Windows users
  • Right-click on the Steam icon in the System Tray and select Settings or press the Settings button in Steam's File menu.
  • Click on the Verify email address button.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions.
  • You should then receive an email message from Steam Support.
  • Click the unique link provided in this email message to finish verifying your email address. The web page which then launches will confirm your success.
For Mac Users
  • Open Steam and click on Steam > Preferences
  • Click on the Verify email address button.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions.
  • You should then receive an email message from Steam Support.
  • Click the unique link provided in this email message to finish verifying your email address. The web page which then launches will confirm your success.
  If you don't have no longer access to your email address you need to contact steam support.
Family Sharing

                               Family Sharing

in my opinion it is the best protection for your steam account if you do not have steam guard on your phone.

How do the setup ?

- Open Steam on your PC / MAC -

- On settings press on Family , then Manage Family View -

- Choose "Only games I choose , and leave uncheck the others -
What happen if you didn`t uncheck it ?
  • Steam store : if you have your paypal / credit card sync with steam he/she can make you "homeless"
  • Community content : he / she can add any images with sexual content who can ban your account
  • Friends , chat , groups : he / she can add / remove / block friends from your list / post on your groups and friends profile / send messages
  • Online profile , screenshots achivements : he / she have acces to all information from your profile

- Leave it uncheck all -

- After you have done your settings all you have to do now is put an simple PIN -
Note : Do not ! use an pin like 0000 / 1111 because is simple to use and all you have done is for nothing.

How do it work ?

This is show up when you use the Family Share / View

Once you want to edit your steam settings / make a treade or anyting it will show up this :
This is show up when you don`t use the Family Share / View

After you want to turn on the Family View it will appear this and you need to put your PIN there :
bers 2 Mar, 2024 @ 8:00am 
RUS:Напишите мне что-то из этого в профиле, и я вам напишу тоже
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!

+REP 500 IQ
𝖋𝖚𝖐𝖚𝖔𝖐𝖆 13 Jun, 2023 @ 12:42am 
RUS : Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
TR :Bunlardan birini seç profilime yapıştır bende senin profiline yapıştırıcagım
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
GER: Such dir eine Sache aus der Liste aus und schreib es unter mein Profil und ich mache es auch bei dir
💜+Rep best👹
💜+Rep killer👺
💜+Rep Good player 💜
💜+Rep Top Player 🔝
💜+Rep Clutch King 👑
💜+Rep 300 iq 🧠
💜+Rep ak 47 god👻
💜+Rep relax teammate🤤
💜+Rep Killing Machine 😈
💜+Rep AWP GOD 💢
💜+Rep add me pls😇
💜+Rep very nice
grrraine 4 Jun, 2022 @ 1:29pm 
@removedm sir this is a wendys
removedm 15 May, 2022 @ 1:25pm 
𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙! - 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 ✷゚・♡ 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 • • •
• • •
C4T4⁧⁧ Bluestreak  [author] 24 Apr, 2022 @ 10:23pm 
@NobelDragon , your right , i need to add that atempt of scamming , because i found one of that scames on mine aswell ..
NobelDragon 24 Apr, 2022 @ 9:39pm 
I think you need to add discord being another way of people contacting you for scamming. Someone tried to valve hack me, cause I had my steam profile shown on my discord.

First time I have had someone try and hack me. I was very suspicious of it. cause they wanted me to talk to another person, and it was just like wha-?
Ɗᴿ҃Dee 6 May, 2021 @ 11:58am 
sh0ck3d 17 Feb, 2021 @ 11:26pm 
Yes I added it :) never really thought about this
C4T4⁧⁧ Bluestreak  [author] 17 Feb, 2021 @ 9:46pm 
I will respond with this : "is 4 numbers code ,right ? okei that mean he need to check 10000 times for discover the good one , trust me when you have family share active and he don't know the code is preaty hard if you ask me , but hey is a good security protection"
sh0ck3d 17 Feb, 2021 @ 1:56pm 
but isnt it easy hacked? its just a combination of 4 numbers. I get it though ... most lose their accounts just by social Engineering