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"Dark santa for giving gifts"
23 commentaires
Smaugi 1 déc. 2020 à 0h21 
"Last christmas I gave you my heart
This christmas I WILL take it back"
Omastar 30 nov. 2020 à 23h15 
Yeah... santa looks pretty ripped if you ask me.
Sparhawk 59  [créateur] 30 nov. 2020 à 21h31 
Santa never was fat buffed up with a padded suit
Omastar 30 nov. 2020 à 18h30 
xeno and I have been save scumming for like, a year. In our experience it's pretty safe.
Blackhand007 30 nov. 2020 à 18h01 
the "automated system" checking your savefile everytime you connect, its not perfect as we all know...
Blackhand007 30 nov. 2020 à 17h58 
well I do think so cos do it at wrong time and the bot flags it ooof....
Omastar 30 nov. 2020 à 17h56 
How? lol it can only ban you if you put in a save that is from a different version of the game.
Blackhand007 30 nov. 2020 à 17h43 
save scumming is more riskier also in terms of soft ban
Omastar 30 nov. 2020 à 17h41 
I also just got honest merchant, which is how I'm able to give so many embers, souls, rings, and armor away so easily, it's much more efficient than scum saving it to give away.
Blackhand007 30 nov. 2020 à 17h29 
Im up for it xD