Riddle Joker

Riddle Joker

167 ratings
Riddle Joker Walkthrough
By Chuee
A quick and easy guide to landing on the route you want in Riddle Joker.
This guide will inform you how to get on your desired route in Riddle Joker.

A few things to note:

  • There are five total routes (Ayase, Nanami, Hazuki, Mayu, and Chisaki).
  • Chisaki's route can only be accessed after completing any one route.
  • Riddle Joker has an in-game flowchart feature which can be accessed from the main menu. It will show you all scenes, choices, and divergences, and will even allow you to jump to specific scenes and pick choices. After your first playthrough, you can use this to access routes.
Mitsukasa Ayase
1. Continue the test with Shikibe-senpai
2. I want to see how Nijouin-san is doing
3. Don't bother
4. Go to the president's room and ask Mitsukasa-san
5. The one we always go to.
6. Mayu-senpai

-Ayase End-
Arihara Nanami
1. Ask Nanami if she wants to try
2. I want to see how Nanami is doing
3. Give her a sincere compliment
4. Go to the president's room and ask Mitsukasa-san
5. How about something different today?
6. Mayu-senpai

-Nanami End-
Nijouin Hazuki
1. Continue the test with Shikibe-senpai
2. I want to see how Nijouin-san is doing
3. Don't bother
4. Go to the president's room and ask Mitsukasa-san
5. The one we always go to
6. Nijouin-san

-Hazuki End-
Shikibe Mayu
1. Continue the test with Shikibe-senpai
2. I want to see how Nijouin-san is doing
3. Don't bother
4. Go to the lab and ask Mayu-senpai
5. Mayu-senpai

-Mayu End-
Mibu Chisaki
1. Continue the test with Shikibe-senpai
2. I want to see how Nanami is doing
3. Ask her
4. Don't bother
5. Go to the lab and ask Mayu-senpai
6. Mibu-san

-Chisaki End-
Normal End
1. Continue the test with Shikibe-senpai
2. I want to see how Nanami is doing
3. Ask her
4. Don't bother
5. Go to the president's room and ask Mitsukasa-san
6. How about something different today?
7. Nijouin-san

-Normal End-
Thank you for playing Yuzusoft's Riddle Joker! If you have any questions about the guide or the game in general, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

VinTJ 8 hours ago 
anyways I finally finished all routes. and yes I agree with @Laughing Predator & @dzochi on route orders. Ayase 100% should be last if you plan on playing all Routes.

I also generally agree Mayu makes for a good buildup as 2nd-last route, since some of the dialogues that happen there near the end, like from MC's dad or Ayase herself builds up good intrigue as teasers for the next one; and some of the things explained in Mayu's route actually ties in to a pivotal moment in Ayase's. re: how MC manages to still be active despite being drugged before the final fight .

The rest are, welp. up to people I suppose, but yeah I'd say Hazuki -> Chisaki -> Nanami too, just to work your way up into more and more interesting routes the further you go. live by a best-for-last, that's my motto.
VinTJ 18 Mar @ 5:17pm 
actually looking at this page alone, it's funny how the "choices" for going Ayase route basically never mention her name, except one time. Literally you are almost always presented with being nice to one of the other girls or not..

almost gives the impression of like, maybe the devs didn't want you to play that route first, or something :whispering: just brainstorming my thoughts though. idk how much lenience exists on getting into her route.

I guess arguably you could say "if it really is that serious to do her last, why not just route-lock her entirely until the player go thru 2 / 3 routes?" . And honestly, it was probably just a financial decision; since players sometimes buy games for solely 1 or 2 LIs they saw in the store page and might want to get to the goods instantly. But I still think it's was a fair thing to consider.
Valdis 2 Jul, 2023 @ 12:27pm 
as much as i like yuzusoft they explain WAY too much things and repeat it over and over again seem like they are putting more to make it longuer i found sometime myself skipping and still understand clearly what is happening i think its a really bad habit they have :(
dzochi 8 Apr, 2023 @ 11:21pm 
If you're only playing one route, play Ayase. If you want to play them all and care about the mystery play her route last as it explains everything besides minor character side-stories.
cave divers 5 Feb, 2023 @ 3:56am 
I'm not sure why but my first playthrough i was locked on ayase route even though I'm not following the dialogue order. My plan was to get to normal route first but oh well this isn't really uncommon i guess. Probably happens since I'm playing with the patch who knows. Might happen since the 3rd option of "ask her" isn't available during my first playthrough but still doesn't make sense as it automatically locked me on ayase route and not others lol
harlequen2 11 Sep, 2021 @ 4:52pm 
Thanks for the Perfect Guide :albedothumbsup:
theonetruefusion 25 Jul, 2021 @ 2:07am 
ayo anybody else having trouble getting just "get all achievements" achievement? its the last on i need
ReisMaster 10 Jul, 2021 @ 5:35pm 
Gan guia,muchas gracias,pero quisiera sabe como conseguir todas las escenas
RabbitnGrass 14 May, 2021 @ 7:40am 
Thanks to your guide, I have completed all the achivement! :)
Laughing Predator 21 Mar, 2021 @ 8:37am 
Even though I LITERALLY pointed out what it spoils?

Sure, pal.

Your argument makes no sense in the face of evidence. You can choose to ignore it, but that's on you.

Anyway, as I said, the routes can be done in any order, but some are more relevant than others, as it's an interwoven plot. Ayase's contains the biggest spoilers, which is why people recommend doing hers last.